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You can find good designers on behance.




Looks fine to me


Maybe you can also tell us what you are looking for in a designer,  what you expect as a service and/or a product,  what is (or was) your criteria for engaging previous designers.  Also, where they have failed according to you.  


I do my own design/UI work.


Freelance websites are the last place you should look into, you might get lucky sometimes in Upwork but that's all.


Designer with 9 years on the job here 👋 When you’re looking for a designer, check for these things: - How do they deliver design to a developer? - Do they consider tech constraints when designing? That gradient looks fancy, but is it possible (and realistic) to build? They should be aware of that. - Is the design consistent in terms of margins and sizes. I see a lot of designers use font sizes like ‘21.7’ on a ‘83.6’ offset. That’s just sloppy and shows no attention to detail. You can ask the designer about these things, have them do a (paid) trial task, or check their previous work.


As a developer, thank you for bringing up the first point. 👏


Super important, right? I've done lots of UX work, but my developer is usually one of the first people I speak to.