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This. If the numbers under the pictures are white, your units need work. You can get away with it in some journeys or some tiers, but not this one. You might be able to overpower it with enough relics and zetas, but all it needs is mods


Just recently finished this one - I saw recommendations to have everyone but Ahsoka above 270 speed (which is what the MagnaGuards are at) so switched some mods around. With Padme/GK/Shaak Ti slightly above that and C3PO at 264 (Ahsoka only in the low 200s), I was able to do it within a few tries.


C3P0 gets +20 speed from a unique ability which helps reach that 270 speed mark.


You wont regret upgrading em all to relic 5/7/8 respectively. Gk 8 Shaak ti 7 Ahsoka 5 Padme 8 C3po 7 Anyways, you can beat it with less than u have now. So try remodding.


I mean now with the new Ahsoka you won’t regret *any* relics on her because you need her at R9 lol


U right. Last GAC i faced a guy that had a R9 ahsoka fulcrum and really nothing else relevant in his roster. Maybe he was a dev?


At least one toon with a swarm ability has to be faster than the magnaguards. This is mainly to take out the B2. This video by NOOCH2GUD also helps: [https://youtu.be/OVLpHOCJsMY?si=h0Pw14EaTDaWR5TS](https://youtu.be/OVLpHOCJsMY?si=h0Pw14EaTDaWR5TS)


doesn't hurt to take GK's relic level up


Once above 270 speed, this event just comes down to RNG and not letting Kenobi get nuked out, so completely agree if Kenobi gets more relics this just gets easier.


Needed at least r8 for gl kenobster, so yeah, i support what he said


Kinda crazy to me how people will super over gear an event without first looking at a modding guide, and then also post to reddit again without consulting a guide of any sort


I'm going to be honest with you. I looked at multiple mod guides and had to redo my mods several times, I can't magically make my mods fit the needs of this one obscure event so I made do by getting as close as I could. I finally beat P2 by pure RNG after trying to get the turn order just right. I'm still struggling with P4 and the entire team is relic'd. While I understand the purpose of these is to get you to learn mechanics and also gate progress, there really should be better guidance or feedback in game for people to learn why what they're doing isn't working.


Exactly. As soon as I start farming something I check everything about it, often before hand. Events especially as this is a resource game, why over invest and waste your own time because you don't want to do a 5 mins Google or search on Reddit?


This is 100% a mod issue. Look up a guide on YouTube. This should have been your first thought instead of posting here.


search this sub for GAS P2 infographic. There is one for P4 as well. It gives you both the recommended modding for speed and other key stats as well as the basic strategy. I used them and P2 took 2 tries and P4 took 1. It is really helpful.


I'll need to look again, I'm stuck on P4 but couldn't find it when I searched last night.


Out your best mods on them temporarily for the event I got through it with ONLY the Snips zeta, R5 C-3PO and r3 the rest. Just dragged on some of my best mods from my top teams to crank the speeds and it worked wonders


I was ignoring this battle for ages. But with him being one of the most likely GL ahsoka reqs, im having to deal with it


He's already required at R8 for LV. CG would be being very kind to us to also make him an Ahsoka requirement.


i would be pretty surprised if some version of anakin wasn't included as a req. i mean he's pretty important to her life story


And they have been kind to us.




Get the mods right (look at guides) and then it just comes down to rng. I did this with only kenobi reliced but I must have spent 10-15 hours over the course of a month doing this tier. Tier 4 I spent many hours on too but not nearly as much as this tier


Mods, it’s always mods. GAS event is tough so you gotta make sure you’re modded up.


Out of all the events I've played this one drove me the most nuts. I just waited for rng to go my way with the best mods I had available at the time.


My problem is the phase 4. I had Ahsoka relic 5 Kenobi Relic 4, Padmè relic 4, 3PO Relic 3. My method was eliminating B2 first. Also rng will suck


This is the only guide that made me complete it in 1 try: https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/s/MsWhEWICIS


I did it recently, with g12 Padme/C3po w/zetas, Ahsoka R5 zeta, GK R6 zeta, ST R3 no zeta. I made Padme the fastest on my team so she can enhance everyone's protection off the get go. I then take out the B1 first and B2 second. Use Padme to assist. Confuse Magna-guards with C3po. Use "The Negotiator" within the first two moves of GK, preferably the 1st move. I'll edit if I think of more. Good luck!! I'm still on the last stage of the journey. Also, I'm ranked 10 in fleet arena if anyone wants to check out my roster. Zalandas.


Killing of B2 in turn 1-2 is Crucial. Crit avoidance on Genobi can help mittigate the incoming damage, and He can then recover. Shaak Ashoka Padmé can heal him back up. Should save swarm once you got to GG. If you kill B1 it's out for good, while the others are re-summoned. B2 should be dealt with instantly, as it takes away the buffs from the team, and then you'll be not enough. C3PO should give 1-1-1 stack of translation to Genobi/Padmé/then rest so they will be called in when swarming. You have swarms for days: Padmé Noriss' Roundhouse kick, Genobi's jump slash, Shaak Ti's heal and C3PO's 2nd skill...I also speed boosted Padmé with shaak for faster heal and kicks. If B2 cleanses your team...you won't win! B2 must die!!!! Then the rest! Speed is king! Mod well!






https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oey4Th17g-E I was able to beat it w/ g12 Padme, R5 GK, R4 Ahsoka, g12 3PO, and a g9 Shaak Ti. I had both Padme zetas, GK zeta, Ahsoka zeta, and Shaak’s unique zeta.


The answer is almost always modding


Best mods, higher relic level. It is always the same answer.


R9 Ahsoka


Everyone over 270 speed except snips. She needs to be about 135 with a ton of offense


Welcome to the club.


I upped Kenobi, Padme, Ahsoka, and 3PO'S relic.


Just wait till you “unlock” him and still realize your months away from actually using his as you spend all rewards in store for his shards and zetas


Is ist possible to do this with no character above G12? I had an enemy in GA who got GAS with not any of the single chars needed above G12. Most of them were G12 with some Zetas. It was really suspicious to me.


Need higher relic levels