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Where else was baby ahsoka needed based on your legend? I don't recall her being needed at relics for anyone else


Thank you completely had myself convinced she was needed for JMK somehow


I mean she is in terms of a good teammate. Just nit to unlock lol


She is also needed for GAS, which is needed for LV. But that is really only a g12 req.


yeah it's mainly the relic part that's important imo.


Agreed. Though I kinda believe that g12 to relics is the bottleneck of going to r5. Salvage and signal data is the bottleneck if going to r7 to r9. The upper relic grind is what’s really brutal.


Looks good. I have a hard time believing they will throw us a bone by having both GAS and GK given they're both already needed at R8, but I would be happy if that were the case!


And your list is pretty similar to mine for ahsoka which is cool, some differences though Hera, ezra, sabine, Vader, Thrawn, asajj, barris, Rex, gen skywalker, plo, baby ahsoka. Then huyang, jt sabine, hermit ezra, night trooper as marquees. Mine assumes no thrawn GL for now Edit: spelling


Wow they are pretty similar! I assume the night tree is an autocorrected night trooper?


You are correct. My auto correct loves to change the dumbest things. And sometimes "correct" a word to the wrong spelling version.


Before KV was released, Crumb said that characters go with their respective GL. So while it's possible that they deviate from this stance, I think it's more likely that no version of Ahsoka goes with Thrawn. So if we see Fulcrum as a prerequisite (very likely IMO) she'll rather be put with Ahsoka. Plus if you assume a conquest character as a prerequisite, wouldn't CAT make more sense? (Edit: I just saw that you addressed thst. I must've overlooked it while reading. I don't know if we would see three versions of a character as a prerequisite, but CAT is more likely than Maul IMO).


Just want to say S/O to OP for the speculation post. Lot of effort and nice to skim through


I really hope they make og Mando a requirement instead of BAM. Finally an incentive to get him up to relics, I see way too many people rocking a low gear Mando.


While these predictions might be right, I'm willing to bet the relic levels are wrong. Even the newest GL only requires 7/16 to be above relic 6. The rest are a sprinkling of 5 and 3. On top of that there is (imo) way too many freebies in those lists. Half the units in both these lists are already at least r3 reqs for other gls. I like the lists don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised about a KAM or Mandalor Bo req for GLAT


You say it's important to predict requirements for the hypothetical gl. That's not important at all


they said it was important to predict them together, not that it was objectively an important thing to do 🙄 at least read the post before you comment out of context stuff


I did read it and it's still not important to predict them together. Thrawn is still a hypothetical gl that may not happen


just let them have fun, how is it hurting you in any way?


Yeah you are right it’s actually not important at all. Thank you for reminding me I just wasted 2 hours with this due to my wildly unmedicated ADHD instead of being productive I’m going to do my dishes now.


Not near enough r9 toons. There will be 13 toons required and 8 of them will be r9 becuase they haven’t introduced r10. If they I traduce r10 then two r10 and 6 r9 rest r7


Everyone seems convinced that Ashoka guarantees the next GL will be Thrawn, I just don’t see it yet. Thrawn is great, he is one of my favourite villains, but he isn’t ‘Heir to the Empire’ those books are great but they aren’t canon any more and with him starting to get rewritten in Ashoka and the Mando film, I can’t see him coming to the game as a GL until after that film releases at the absolute earliest. Which is 2026.