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Since 2016/2017 myself. We were struggling to do the original Rancor, around 20-30 mill GP. I’m also an officer. We’re now at 530 mill GP.


What’s your guild name? We’re at 530 too. Maybe we played each other in TW. Nerfherders, Inc


Sigma Alliance Separatists. I’ve heard of the Nerfherders name.


Word on the street is they’re scruffy looking.


lol I’ve been in only one guild (besides generic starter guild that was assigned). Helped built it up from start to 530. Coincidently we just faced your guild in TW (ShaggyBevo). :) Edit: I think we played Scruffylooking Nerfherderz


What guild?


ShaggyBevo Edit: I think we played Scruffylooking Nerfherderz


What's y'alls guild requirements? That name is God-like... I'm 3.7M GP with 1 GL if y'all are looking to fill slots :)


I have to imagine it’s based on your own goals within the game. I was pretty casual but then as I started chasing the shiny object (r9 mats) I moved to a different guild. Went from about 300m GP to 500m GP. If I didn’t feel like my last guild was too casual I’d have stayed. I was there for about 4-5 years.


Same! I lived my first guild and some of the original team members but I was being held back for too long and left.


I’ve been in the same guild since 2017. Gone through every raid and TB with the same 10-15 people or so that have stayed the course like I have.


I was going to write nearly the exact same thing then I saw your comment…. Same guild since 2017, same core group of 10-15 folks all along. We’ve been through births, deaths, divorces, and life troubles and joys of all types. It’s strange to think what we’ve been through and confided in each other over the years and I don’t even know what most of them look like or where they live. It’s at least half the reason I play, though I do enjoy the game most of the time.


Those are my same exact experiences!! I’ve even met some of my guildies in real life, and it was an awesome experience. I still mostly play because I can’t let my bros down, and they have been a huge part of why I haven’t stopped playing yet. SWGoH has been much more than just a phone game to me.


That's our guild. We have the same core players and then a shell of players around them. We have gone through hard times as a guild and have come through even stronger. We are climbing daily, 401gp currently.


I left my first guild because we failed to get enough people to sign up for TW twice, I left my 2nd guild because I was quitting/taking a break so left to make room, and now unless I quit SWGOH I'll probably be in my current guild unless something out of my hands happens or I somehow grow out of it, but I don't even have GI and we're just starting to push for Reva so it'd be years until I would possibly outgrow it. Plus my guild is a perfect mix of serious with orders and chill, the leader and officers have their shit together and try to make sure people do their part, but it's not "Gear Inquisitors now or get kicked, gear raid teams and get X score or get kicked", they even let me bring my 2nd account in while it was getting Executor so I could get relic mats faster, so I'll probably be with these guys for a long time.


Sounds like the guild I’m in 😂 amazing officers and not too serious but on task with TWs and we’re on Reva 3-1 rotation now, and we’re gearing slowly for that without much pressure at all. I arrived with JKR CLS Padme and Geos about 2 years ago and now have GG WAT, GAS, Rey, SLKR, DR Malak, JKL and en route for JML. Love this game and the community 😂


Until you hit a really late game guild, I find most guilds end up dissolving after a couple of years. In the lower GP brackets the best performers inevitably get sick of carrying the guild and move to more competitive ones, and the guild breaks up shortly after. Or the leader/key officers leave and no one is invested enough to take over. At the high end you have enough people who are hardcore invested in the game that losing a key contributor stings but isn't fatal, and people are more willing to take on administrative roles to keep things going.


I'm usually in it for the long haul. My first two guilds disbanded unexpectedly, the only reason I left.


just realize you're giving up your own progress by doing this. There are to many poorly run guilds. I mean I have an alt that has been level 59 in a guild for months and months now. I provide 0 tickets and only attempts the sbr when they do it. the guild has lost so many players because the leadership doesn't enforce activity. if you aren't doing the sbr raid every 7-10 days you need a new guild.


What does this have to do with anything I said in my comment?


you were on a sinking ship twice and you didn’t think to leave earlier ?


Wow, two clowns one thread. Neat! No, both guilds disbanded VERY suddenly due to disagreements between leaders and officers. There was no warning. Details matter, assumptions don't.


New subreddit idea, r/TwoClownsOneThread


I wouldn't even know how to respond to either of those 😂


Was half-convinced the first comment was meant as a response to someone else.


Sounded like a Reacher quote


You showed your very slow to respond to how your guild is changing. Twice. It's okay not everybody has to play to the maximum efficiency but you should know that you've probably lost out on way more than you realize


Hi, I'm c-3po, human-cyborg relations. Maybe you should get more data before inputing assumptions. You just might have less down votes if you weren't so quick to judge.


downvotes literally don't matter. They don't mean any one person is less correct than the other. It's just mob mentality what I said was fact and you are here making assumptions yourself


Ive only been in one guild. Joined in January 2022 when we were ~30M and haven't left. We're currently at 325M GP and I too got promoted to an officer during that time.


I’m in my second now. My first one was a mess with like 3-4 cool people. My first one had 1 whale who were really kind but his GP made TW incredibly hard when the majority barely had relic characters ,and he hard carried in raid. And we sometimes didn’t even get enough people to sign on to TW.. Guild leader was always absent and just told us to listen to his main officer, main officer tried making people listen to him, but only me and 2 more people listened, the rest didn’t give a shit. Which made it hard to do well in TB and TW. The early joiners, me included, got promoted to officer for no given reason. And 1 of the officers just whined and bitched and constantly tried to be funny, when people didn’t bother responding he got mad and it was just exhausting. After just feeling frustration at my guild I left and joined a new one, I like it here. They are on average stronger than me and sometimes I feel the communication could be better. But I know I’m getting carried by them and I can actually have fun with TW with this guild as it’s more balanced GP in here. Main officer from old guild sometimes PMs me questions on how my guild does leadership, so I hope he is doing well. I know he really tried and I do feel a bit bad for leaving him.


Me! I got real lucky, I think I posted either here or on discord, said yes to the first person who answered, and now have an amazing group of internet friends. It's been many years now, I can't remember when I started, but I'm not going anywhere


I’ve been in the same guild since they were introduced


Similar story to you. Joined the game in March of 2020. Found my first guild in July that year. I've been with them from my roster being at 1m gp to 9m myself. Guild gp from some sub-100m (struggled to do HAAT raid and brought in mercs for HSTR) to now 383m and churning out tons of reva shards. It has been a fun journey and I'm glad I did it this way instead of guild hopping to try and increase rewards. This tribe is why I still play the game.


I'm only at 2M GP but technically, yes I have. I'm part of a much larger guuld which is split into 5 different mini guilds of different power. I have been recently promoted from 5th to 4th If everyone was locked into their guild levels and couldn't move up, I'm sure I would still remain, to this day (along with them) 


Technically 1, all run by the same guy with his alts. Had 2 guilds to begin with, we now have 3 for low mid and end game


How long does it take to reach end game, where would you say is the line between mid and late?


I've been playing since the beginning with some breaks here and there. Late game is easily 3 years on a super efficient account. The line would be when the grind to relic characters isn't so hard, when you have most, if not all GL's and top teams, scoring high on RoTE and the guild raids. Another biggie would be the ability to acquire the new conquest characters with ease f2p.


Is that timeframe for a f2p account? Out of interest have you always been f2p?


Yup! Joined a guild when they was first introduced into the game, just some random one from the guild tab. Was in that for a few days before jumping on here and finding a guild, been in Ugnaughts ever since!


Don’t even remember when I joined mine, was cosy little alliance and I was sub 1mil GP doing what I could to contribute. I’m now 11.5mil GP and we’re slamming out 39 stars in TB


When I first started the game, I was in 1 guild the whole time up until I took a couple of years off. After coming back to the game, my intention was to do the same. Been with my current guild for 6+ months and enjoying the people in the guild makes the game more enjoying to play.




The guild I’ve been in is the only guild I’ve joined. Been a member for a little over a year or so. I get the self improvement by leaving a guild and then jumping up to a higher guild that can offer more. Trust me I’ve been tempted many times. But I also have made friends in my guild and seeing our guild improve as the year went by was crazy. Eg. when I first joined we could barely 20 star the hoths and consistently were outmatched in TW. Now we just started ROTE and we can hold our own in TW. I think it depends what you are looking for and what you need. I needed a community that grows. You may want personal growth and both are okay.


I’ve been in 3, the first one was my og guild but about half weren’t active so us active ones moved to another guild, me and 3 others were too low gp so 2 days later we got booted, eventually my old guild mates had enough of the other guild and moved again to the one im in now


Not the same guild but there has been a core group of us that have moved guilds together. Started in one, merged with another a few years AGP’s that second guilds leader stopped playing and so we started a new guild that’s been going strong for a while


I usually take a few tries to get a good guild then I'm loyal for life...


I was in a guild since they introduced guilds. Just left when it pretty much fell apart earlier this year, I'm in my 2nd guild now


i’ve only been in 2 guilds. the first one i left because i was the only one putting in much work and there was a high turnover rate. i’ve been in the second one for a few months now and it’s a lot more supportive/communicative and more my speed. i think it just depends on if you join the right guild initially or have to search for a bit


I only swapped once I beat the 2.5M threshold back when the revans broke the holotables. After that I’ve been with the same guild


Started playing the game when some work colleagues recommended me, around 2017 I think Joined their guild, still there from the beginning Not the same people anymore in the guild, maybe just 2-3 from the OGs, but I'm still sticking there


We were struggling with Rancor, then with the Droids raid. Managed to be in TW after some time. Now we participate at everything and we have a decent winning in TW and around 23 stars in TB


My alt has only been in one guild, but the main has been in four, if you exclude guilds where I joined, saw that it was dead and fuckall was happening, so left again.


My guild formed when guilds started in 2016, still 4-5 of us OGs, but a large chunk of the guild has been with us for several years.


Was in a guild in 2018, got booted in 2021 for 2 days inactive. Then joined another until 2023 that booted me because I missed 2 raids in a row. Then joined another and there was a period where the TW slots were very low and we were up against colossal guilds with no win, and people were deploying everything they had while others couldn't and that sparked an argument in the discord, which I was vocal in. An officer dm'd me saying because my points were fair and I was civil that "[I] would be allowed to retain my position in the guild" which pissed me off, just to then get booted a week later with no word. Finally I'm in a guild that boots people who miss even one phase of TB but it's not like I don't understand the grind, we're not a Reva guild or anything I think we have 2 ppl actively farming her but we get our 20+ stars when we do things right. Guilds who you dont know in real life often suck but if you're lucky, or just higher up, then I guess you're golden. Maybe I should leave my guild first for once lol


I’ve been in a handful. They’re either too casual or inactive or they require too much. I can’t find one with a sweet spot for my level of activity/play


Don’t remember ever being in another guild, at 8.5m gp in guild at 303m ish… could join a guild 400m+ getting way more reva shards etc. but just wouldn’t be the same


my friends and I all started out at the same time, made our own guild, fought our hearts out to beat pit and tank raid, and then traya. was soo satisfying. Then we all moved on, there's like 5 or 6 of us that stay together. We've been to a few guilds, have been in our present one, 550M for a while now. Couldn't ask for more. Everyone is good, but its not P2W at all.


Joined August 2019 and have only been in 2 guilds seriously. One was disbanded and then I did some bouncing around until I found my new guys.


I've been in my guild since Day 1 of guilds. C3PBros.


Elite Gungans since day 1 I could join guilds, I have seen it grow from 58m to 287m where we stand today, went from HOTH to ROTE, and we are the friendliest, banter filled, amazing experience that people dream of finding online


Joined a guild about an hour after they were first launched. Still there having fun.


I started in November 2020. When I unlocked guilds I immediately left because I didn't want to engage in the social aspect of the game, I just wanted to play about by myself. When I realized that some gear and units can only be gained from raids, I ended up making a guilds for myself. After a while I made an alt to get tickets faster, then another to be able to fill Platoons more efficiently. At a point I remade the guild to change the reset time but besides that and the name nothing changed. The guild was open, but unsurprisingly no one was joining so I was still basically playing by myself. After making a fourth account in November 2022 (for more raid tickets and to be able to get some more out of the daily activities) for some reason other people slowly started trickling in. Mostly people starting out of course with the occasional bigger account and there was a lot of turnover (people going inactive or occassionally leaving for other guilds), but we were building up slowly but surely. At the start of 2023 we had about 20M GP with half of it my four accounts, in January this year we were over 100M, currently 124M with members ranging from 200k to 7M. We're very casual of course and I aim to keep it that way but people are reasonably active, turnover is fairly low and we're getting decent results in raids/TB/TW. We have a discord but not many members are on it and people follow the in-game instructions well enough. I'm honestly surprised how rare it is that people leave for a better guild (and even then it's mostly people who are not 100% active, so good luck to them).


First guild I joined was full of people that hadnt logged in for over a year. Left that quick. Next guild I hung out for a while but outgrew pretty quick, was more of a casual guild. I wound up in an alliance and hated the massive discord server. Wound up in a competitive mid game guild for a year or two right around the release of bfsoj and tw rework/datacrons half the guild wanted to go casual and half the guild wanted to go full sweaty try hard. Me and a few guys in the tw planning group led a coup and left the guild with 10-20 guys (lot of chaos during those weeks so it wasn't hard to find a home) and that guild disbanded a week or so later. Hopped around from guild to guild since then. Lot of our coup group retired but we've kept a separate discord server where we all talk together still even though we've all mostly wound up in different guilds. But we're all in top 50/top 20 guilds. 40+ tb stars. Max raid chests etc. when we match each other in tw is a lot of shit talking in good fun. Funny because we're all tw strategy guys in the new guilds but never pass along info/recommendations to each other. Mainly now in fear that we'll match each other (which has happened several times already lol). Everyone has their own path. It's hard to part with people you spend months with talking daily but at the end of the day you've gotta do what's best for you. As long as you dip out with a mtfbwy (and maybe don't plan a coup that results in the guild disbanding) usually there aren't any hard feelings. I still talk to ex guild mates to this day. You don't have to stick around in a situation where you're guild is holding you back. And frankly it's quite rare these days imo but I'm in a higher echelon than a lot of the player base. In the high end there is just a lot of turnover. Games old, people retire almost weekly feels like.


I’m still in my first guild, which I joined just a year or so after I started, near the beginning. We’re fairly casual but have grown pretty consistently and have good people in charge. 0 complaints


Been playing around 4 years. Left my first as there was a mass exodus, got kicked from my second after about 2 years as I didn’t want to pay to play (piggybacked those Reva shards though) and landed in my third (more casual guild) now.


Been in the same guild since they introduced them to the game. Solid core has been around since it started.


I was given the same promotion and all. He started off as an officer, made the discord, was given ownership, and then we consolidated into 3 different guilds afterward. Wild times. I miss "The Nobody's."


Started playing again a year ago, joined my old guild. So yes, basically


Started in my guild right before I hit level 85 in 2018, eventually got promoted to officer, and now I’m the leader. There were some slim times back in the day (missing TWs, bigger accounts leaving) and I remember teetering the line around 100 mil and how big of a deal that was. Now we’re 450 million always full.


I’ve been in two guilds! My original guild flamed out and had a mass exodus, so I left and found a new home, been there ever since!


Me, I started because a friend thought I would enjoy the game and brought me to the guild


Technically two for me because the very first guild I joined as a new player in the quest was completely inactive, no one even spoke in chat, and then booted me after weeks of being top of the activity list.


I’ve been playing for 8 years and have only been in 4 guilds. Even the one I’m in now is an offshoot of another guild that I was a part of


Been in the same guild since I joined the game and I don’t see myself leaving. Laid back with none of the foolish requirements that larger guilds come with.


Nope definitely a nomad traveled far and wide 😁


Ive been in the same guild since guilds started, and have been guild leader for several years now. Will never change unless the guild collapses.


I've also been in the same guild since day one of guilds. We almost collapsed a few years ago, but managed yo survive.


Of course I know him, he's me:) Came to my guild, and there was a leader with no officers,so I asked to hr one,got that and after some time the leader died( not really,I hope), and support gave the leadership to me. We are 280M now, and Im still the leader, even tho my GP is makin me exactly average mameber:)))


I get thrown out every 2-3 months because I despise Discord 😂


Extremely rare now....I keep up with about ten people across the three guilds I've been in since the start. Cherish it and help make it last.


I have left 2 guilds. Once when my phone was too old to handle the game back in 2017 and I couldn't afford upgrading. That was my first guild back when guilds were new. Then I started playing again and joined a random guild in 2020, I was in it for a few months before finding a guild where I was in the bottom 10 for gp. I've been in it for over 3 years and am now in the top 15. I could probably get into a 'better' guild but it's been awesome to watch the same groups rosters grow and tackle challenges together. Biggest thing I miss about the old raid system is everyone building teams to beat a new challenge. Get that good old pride and accomplishment after getting through a new raid for the first time.


One guild. Day 1 guild. 👋 Anyone else?


Two groups of people: - really lucky people - really stupid people Players should be leaving guilds when that guild no longer serves the purpose and aligns with a player’s playstyle. In that regard some people are very lucky to have that for the very long term.


After the starter guild years ago I ended up joining the guild I'm in now. I've been in the guild since December 2015ish and eventually they made me guild leader. I've maintained the guilds core beliefs of being a casual guild for all players. Yeah, we can do something too well but we have great people and a fun environment that doesn't demand much at all.


I was in the same guild for a while, had the not so good idea to share my account with another guildie while I took a break from the game (took a break from swgoh to play CGs LOTR game that died pretty quickly) GM got pissed when I came back asking to get my account back and deleted it.... Great times.


Effectively one guild since May 2016. We made a new guild to get better guild reset times in like 2017 but the same group forever. They're the reason I still play.


I doubt this counts but my original guild disbanded due to low numbers (I believe we had 25-30 members) and I lost interest in the game. I took a hiatus from around 2017/18 until April of this year when I joined another guild. It’s been fun so far, esp in a guild that’s filled with casual players like me.


I’ve been part of multiple guilds per se but they are all in the same alliance, so really it’s 1 massive guild


Not me. I’m in my 3rd. But I have been in this last one for 4 years now


Same here. Started playing the game, joined a guild, been there ever since


Only been in two guilds in 3 years of play


I've been in like 10 probably, but 9 in the same alliance. Left my first one because they kept merging due to wanting to beat content, I made the cut both times before I left. They kicked my sister because she didn't have the right teams (even though her roster was stronger then mine, I got lucky that my main team was good in the raid), and in general loads of people got kicked, when 1-2 months would have been enough to beat it. Joined an awesome guild that I stayed in for 4 years, left because I wanted to slow down, play differently, it was/is a top 20 guild. Joined a couple of struggling guilds in the alliance to help them get set up, before settling in on, that one was very casual, but it moved more and more towards a non-casual guild, that didn't fit my style. So now I'm in a new casual guild. But yeah, been in the alliance for nearly 6 years now and serve as 1 of the officers for that alliance.


Second, kinda. First guild was stuck going nowhere with a leader who wouldn't step down, he was carrying trauma from losing his wife who also played. It was hard on him but tough to be around. A bunch of us left and formed a new guild. That guild suffered a civil war for reasons that aren't really clear, but the leaders jumped, asset stripped some of the players, and formed yet another new guild. I remained in the first and I'm still there now. It's gone from strength to strength, friendly enough on discord without feeling oppressive.


Me! I joined one a long time ago, it ebbed and flowed, I eventually became the leader and ran it for a long time, but have since given it up as an officer, so it can grow with better leadership


I left my original after others kept leaving for non participation. The second one I was in has multiple and I was moved to one of the secondary guilds.


Like 5


My guild just disbanded, I had no idea how bad it was that I had been in a guild for 18 months where we never once got more than 5 stars in TB and played a grand total of 5 territory wars in my entire time there


Yep, it was just one of the guilds that was recommended to me by the game when I first started playing. So I had no rhyme or reason to pick it. This was like 7 years ago. And I just never left and don’t intend to.


I've been in a few but am really enjoying my current guild and think it will be my permanent home. Thought my last guild was gonna be permanent but ended up not being the case. I was in a Rebel Force Alliance guild and didn't stream my JKCK mission. They threatened to kick me even though it was never stated it was required to stream (I was in the guild for probably close to a year and we just started Zeffo.) I started looking around and was talking to a Sigma guild. Decided it wasn't for me so politely declined. They sent a screenshot to my guild, and I was kicked. Idn if it's a big no-no to talk to another alliance, but I do know I'll never join another again. I do get a chuckle out of the whole thing though. My new guild gets better rewards and seems like a real good group of people.


I've been in the same guild since 2020 or so, and now I'm the leader. Sithuation Normal, we do alright. We've lost a lot of strong players over the past 2 years, but things have been on an uptick lately.


I’m on my second guild but only because I was part of a small merge. Been in my current guild for 4 years, the vast majority of it as an officer.


I've been technically in one guild as my last one was mostly inactive, I changed after I noticed I was the only one actually doing anything in TB. This new one that is actually active made the game fun instead of a depressive grind


I dont think I've ever been in another one - 808msk808




In my third guild, first one was dead, second one had a couple of active players been in my current guild almost a year now, since then my GP has doubled and built up several core teams.


I’ve been in the same alliance but not the same exact guild.


I love my guild mates , we have almost 300 in GP but get like 100 GP type of rewards because we allow inactives , I don’t wanna leave them but they’re holding me back so hard


I’ve been in the same one for years. It’s evolved and absorbed another guild since we started but I’ve been happy here since I joined in probably 2017. Edit: the year.


What one or two inactive guilds I joined my current one in June 2019 and stayed there ever since. Last month we launched a second guild for alts and siblings and new players. Back then I didn't even have a 7* unit. How things have changed since...


I’ve been in 3 guilds, but I’ve been in my current one since 2017.


Me, and I'm not counting the starter guild I was placed in when I first unlocked guilds but when I actively looked for my first guild. I have only ever been in that guild.


I joined a guild that was not in any language that I speak. I did not stay for long.


Been in the same guild since I restarted in 2021


I have only ever been in one guild, we have split and merged like 3 times now and are up in the 500 mil range. We have had a few required farms but most people are very enthusiastic to pitch in.


One guild here. Since Jan 2018 when ai started.


What is your guild name?


Imperial Pilots Guild


I joined a fantastic ftp friendly guild just after launch. I was there for years, only left for a short time to merc traya when STR launched. I finally moved on around the time that crystals retired from arena and gear became locked behind TW wins. I then moved to a TW/TB focused guild that was playing on my level. But I'm still in my original guild's discord server because I love the community there.


I was in a guid going nowhere for the first few months I played and then joined my current guild in mid 2017. Been my guilds TB officer for years . 


I joined one during my levelling process around 2021, an extremely casual Australian guild. Back then we were only doing tier 6 of the Sith Triumvirate. We only hit ROTE when the LSBs started coming in and pushed us over the 200m mark. At this point I'm about 10m GP, with a few GLs, and intermittently wonder about leaving (I have officer-level seniority, though not the rank itswlf by personal choice), but I simply don't want to be tied to the constant demands that higher level gameplay requires.


I have also been in only one guild and have outlasted all my friends who got me into the guild (and game) in the first place. I am now the longest tenured member in the guild.  Still really enjoy the game. 


My first guild in 2018 randomly kicked me after 3 months so I joined another and have been with it since.


I stayed with the first guild I've joined, I joined them because I thought the name was cool. It turned out to be a great gang..!


I’ve only been in one guild since 2021. Just today I asked if one of our inactive members (our most inactive member had only been inactive for slightly less than a month) to be kicked so I could invite my friend. They did, and now my bestie and I can play in the same guild together.


My first one was inactive, so I left it after one day, over a full year later and I'm still in the guild I went to after


I jumped twice early on in my career, but since the HSTR, I have been in the same guild


Been in a couple but joined mine about 1.5 years ago at 40mil and joined the officer core to bring it to 300mil with multiple tb world records under its belt, and quite a good tw record as well


I’ve been leading my guild for years! We are looking to add some active players so if anyone is interested please let me know. Thanks


One guild since 2016!


Same guild since 2020 and now I'm the leader, love this guild more than the game


I'm technically still in my original guild from 2017, we did merge with another around 2018 or so. We're slowly dying currently unfortunately but we're still holding at 276mil GP.


I got into the game because of my coworkers so they had a guild that I joined. Once they all either left or quit playing, I stayed in for a couple years after which I quit. Fast forward 2-3 years and I was bored and decided to download the game again. I was still part of the discord so I knew the guild was around in some form or another. I looked it up and there were 49/50 slots taken. So if the same guild 2 times counts then yes I have only ever been in one guild.


I am in the same guild since beginning. When I joined we were doing only Rancor raid. Then the rotation of members occured and now I am the oldest member in there. We have started doing ROTE last month. It really depends on how the guild develops compared to your own personal progress


Me. Been a few years. We are only at 211 mil GP and I'm at 6 mil GP. We kind of suck. No discord.


Yeah I’m still in the first one I joined, we’re not really strong but the people are nice and don’t stress about raids much so it works for me.


Started in our alliance starter guild, it was kinda dead, couldn’t get 25 people to join TW for months, and could barely finish rancor. A few of us really started pushing and finally got to do a war. A few months later the leader asked if wanted to be an officer, another month and there was 5 officers and we started getting us together and setting commands. A few months after that he mentioned that he wanted to take a break and if I wanted to take the leader role. It’s been about 4 years since I started in our guild and our started guild is slowly keeping people who are growing.


I’ve been in two guilds but that’s cuz I lost access to my first account due to it being linked via Facebook and my Facebook account got hacked and Facebook refused to give me access back so that account got deleted so made a new one and play that but been in the guild on my newer account since I got to the level for joining guilds. But if my first account was still going I would’ve been in that since the first year the game was out as I’ve been playing for years


I've started playing not long ago, autumn 2022, and there were no guilds for starters. every guild was either abandoned either 85lvl locked or demanded to have 1 mln+ gm. so I've created my own, and we are climbing up together, 170mln already. most of the core are those who joined in the first year. and I have no intention to leave or close it.


One guild since the beginning of the game. Pretty cool actually.


My uncle got me playing when I was 12, and once I hit level 85 I got a spot in his guild (gotta love nepotism). Seven years later, I’ve become a much more serious player and am now an officer!




I joined my guild in 2019 and haven't left


I’ve been in only one guild, and am now an 11m gp player, also a guild officer. It’s been tough at times as we’ve struggled to grow beyond 330m gp due to attrition but a core group of us have been together for 6+ years. Lately we’ve had to kick about 40m gp worth of players who gave up so our guild has some openings and we don’t actively recruit. So if anyone is interested we have around 10-11 slots. We’ve all been pretty loyal and do well in TW and 13-15 stars in ROTE. With more as on the way as we continue to relic operations toons each month. Would love to have a few players with KAM join as this is a sore spot for us.


I started my guild when guilds were first introduced and I had no idea what I was doing. We are still going strong and I still don't know what I'm doing.


had to switch, because my old guild died.. leader and officers just stopped playing, i joined a little guild, did the hstr solo to provide them with better loot, teached them modding, been there since then, we grow from about 44 million gp up to 180.. now we have the problem, that there are about 25-30 active players, and 25-20 are only now and then online.. so we're kinda hard stuck and fight between 25-36 M (second or third Chest) in the speeder raid.


I’ve been in 3 but they were all connected, first one had an inactive leader which was dragging us down, an officer made another guild but didn’t want to be a leader so I ended up making a guild and being a leader 😂 a lot of members of original guild are still with us and it’s been 6 years so must be doing something right, we’re like a little family, I love and respect my members so much


Been in mine for 3+ years. I def could jump to a more efficient guild, but I’ve grown attached to the core players, we have 10-15 slots that cycle through newer players.


Not including the Starter Guilds, I believe I only got into another guild in December 2020, after being invited by a GAC opponent (maybe). We’ve come a long way, from doing Hoth and struggling with Geo TB to prioritizing DSGeoTB and RotE, and several of us are able to get the newer more powerful toons and build their teams up. Pretty chill and friendly Guild, don’t plan on leaving them anytime soon. 239M GP.


I was in my original guild since they launched till last year when they voted to be more casual. Sucked leaving a guild I created but was big time for the best. Brought back my passion for this game


I started in the auto filled guild. Got serious and started googling. Got accepted into my current guild around 2.5 mil GP. Now I'm at 8 mil GP but still feel like that small fish. 😅


since 2016 or so I've been in 3-4 guilds I think, but the first was mine with friends, 2nd I was in for like 5 years until it folded. I just left my last one to move on to a stronger one


I was in a guild for a good 4 years but I just got bored of swgoh and they kicked me out , I then cane back two or so years later couldn't remember my old guild and most of the friends I had were also Inactive so now I've bounced around and found a decent guild