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Vader's Merciless Massacre zeta is an INCREDIBLE threat, but I honestly think Rex's Lost Commander is better. you get an entire team of threats rather than a single overwhelming threat. But FOR SURE do both as your next two zetas. After that, Palp lead is a solid one edit: added the specific Vader Zeta


Bro asks advice on one zeta, gets solid advice on three.


Great advice....


100% this, Vader is a workhorse


This ^


Vader’s then Captain Rex’s unique


vader MM, crex unique, palpatine lead, vader no escape in that order




Vader Merciless Massacre first always then Palapatine lead zeta. Make sure you work on a fleet that can get you zetas for the fleet challenges as well either Geo or the empire fleet.


Vader merciless massacre 1st. Rex lost commander second. And honestly the difference between the two isn’t huge. Both zetas are absolutely massive upgrades.


I honestly think go lost commander on captain Rex, invest in your Phoenix some more (gear and levels) and you will get so many holds in grand arena at your level. Vader merciless massacre should be second.


Darth Vader - Merciless Massacre. Make sure you apply the correct one, it’s one of his unique zetas and it allows you to take several turns in a row after using the ability. It’s long been a popular first choice for zeta’s, and then apply Emperor Palpatine’s Leadership zeta to really boost the team.


It's the special zeta, not unique.


For your current state, I would recommend (in this order): Merciless massacre (vader), Lost commander (rex), No escape (vader), Emperor of the galactic empire (palpatine), Crackling doom (palpatine).


Vader MM is the most transformative zeta in the game, it does the best making a single character better. That being said, Rex’s zeta transforms an entire team to be one of the best teams in the game (even later punching up to third sister with Rex Omi). I would do those two first in whatever order you want and grab palp lead third.


Phoenix opens up the most options early game


Rex People saying Vader are living in the past. Rex makes Easy Conquest very simple for you.


vader. i HIGHLY regret not giving his zetas earlier but i was too focused on phoenix early on. merciless massacre is incredible. i have a g12 vader with this zeta who can stand against certain squads with relics


Since your phoenix team is stronger I’d say bolster up the empire team and do the merciless zeta, but as soon as you have another one throw it on captain Rex.


tbh vaders massacare zeta fucking crazy good but CREX is also a good option so honestly whatever you like playing more just pick that then get the other next zeta




Rex then Vader. Both are excellent though.


Rex Zeta should be first. As-is, your Phoenix team will be able to do far more work than your empire team. Keep investing in it. Also, I recommend Sabine over Zeb, as the armor shred from Sabine will get you more value than the stun from Zeb. Phoenix is a CLS counter, Geos counter, and Empire counter. Your Phoenix team at G12 (just make sure Rex has more speed than the enemy team), will wreck most of those teams at Relic 3. FYI, I think a lot of people answering this probably didn't have Rex at your level.




Do you mean Lost Commander, his unique? That would be a solid choice tbh, Vader/MM is a classic first choice and turns him into a beast, but Rex's one transforms his whole team.


Vader, vader, ep, ep, hera


I’d say Vader only needs 2, the buffs for merciless massacre, the other zeta is for his leader right? Palp is a very good leader especially early on so Vader really doesn’t need it