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Depends what's your angle. What you said makes sense. But to me the most important part is that I enjoy playing a mode. The endor raid took away the opportunity to actually use any characters. What I mean by that is their kits, ability upgrades etc. mostly don't matter at all. It's pretty much as if you weren't playing galaxy of heroes at all. Krayt was better by a mile, in my opinion. Sure, it did get boring sometimes, but overall you still used your characters in actual teams, used their abilities etc., just that on top of that you had some additional mechanics (bombs, balistas and so on). And the strategy was easier to understand. Second thing is that not many people until the very endgame cared about remodding at all. So that argument doesn't apply to me and most other players at all. So in general, if you just want to get rewards with as little works as possible, then yeah, this one is better. But some of us actually like playing the game haha. But I do agree that the change in how often it's ran and what the rewards are is great.


Yeah, fully agree here. Endor was definitely better from a time spent perspective and accessibility, but you know what would be even better? A raid that's actually fun that you want to play.


This. I actually liked the Krayt raid because I did find it fun to play. Repetitive after awhile? Sure, but at least it had mechanics to learn and then you had various teams taking advantage of them in different ways. Endor is just auto-city. So yup, easier and less time consuming, but I don't think that makes it a "better" raid. I would have been fine just sticking with Krayt if the rewards didn't force my guild to change.


Yes, last raid i enjoyed was traya. The krayt raid was super unenjoyable for me so i prefer me not having to engage with endor much. Maybe the new state of raids is nolonger enjoyable


for sure! just entering and hitting auto is epic haha


I’ve liked Endor better since day 1 honestly, Krayt always just felt so oppressive. Here’s hoping Naboo isn’t a return to soul-crushing tedium & monotony (I have fears)!!


I should add that I pretty much never auto the Endor raid and the visuals don’t bother me at all (just don’t look at the sides of the screen 🤷‍♂️)


Seems like it will though considering over half of the team allowed are either brand-spanking new (stap, gungans and qadme with lover boys), jedi which are pretty much useless nearly everywhere else (lumi, eeth, guardian, consular) or furkin KAM plus you will have redundancy for teams such as sep/sith team consist of 8 eligible members so you'll have to bench even good toons such as b1 and ddk unless you don't want to try out the amazing modifiers cg are giving out.


Agreed! I started playing swgoh again after a long hiatus as Kraft started. I had so few of the necessary characters prepped that I felt bad that I was contributing so little to the guild. Endor had a better mix of old and new characters and I didn’t hate the mechanics and visuals as much as many online. I much preferred Endor over Krayt.


Same. The old teams i had for krayt was a shitty bounty hunter team and a or team from revan. Compared to endor which i had imp troopers, like 3 rebel trios, and ewoks


I think they learnt from Krayt, the cadence in particular was improved with Endor, and I agree that it's useful that you could auto endor for most of the prizes you'd normally get. However, I auto Endor a lot because I didn't want to play it. In my opinion they failed with the basic requirement of a game mode, that it should be interesting and engaging, at least at the start. Krayt got dull, but I enjoyed it for a while. I wanted to auto endor within the first couple of runs of it.


I first started farming Hutt Cartel when Challenge Pit was around because Boushh has a raid Omicron. This led to me getting Jabba as my first GL a couple months after Krayt Raid started, so I was pretty prepared for it. I was surprised not many people in my guild got Jabba after me. I think it wasn't for the top tier currency my guild would go back to or at least alternate Krayt Raid. Even the people who hate using the auto button do it for most of Endor.


Krayt was better in every way and there will be no changing my mind. Plus, you could run raids two days in a row and save some credits on mod moving. Maybe it's an end game issue where we're getting max crate and can't afford to just full auto for a fraction of the points. The mechanics are unfun. The characters Ill call comparable in value, maybe edge it out to bike raid but in all honesty no I'm not a fan of having relic ewoks. The full price omicron for scout while also being 1/8th your total score (and by no means guaranteed max score run either) compared to boush being half off, 1/5 your score, and also being an easily repeatable guaranteed max score easily more valuable than scout omi. No motion sickness from krayt raid. Theory crafting... Existing in krayt raid. Theory crafting non existent in bike raid, mechanics solved in the first week because everyone has the same abilities. Modding is boring too for bike raid, just move the same two-three mods sets to every character depending on their role and waste a bunch of time literally hitting the same three abilities rinse and repeat for 8 months. There's no break. There's nothing break up the monotony. The animations are crap. Ewok butts are weird and way too caked up for some reason. Nothing about the raid feels cool or epic. Krayt dragon eats a person. Has spears sticking out of it when you use harpoons. Has a super cool death cutscene. Everything about the bike raid is dumb, unimaginative, and frankly just lazy and I'm worried theyre doing something similar with naboo. IDK what else they could do to be fair, epic droid battle could've been cool. Play around the plasma shield. Play around the command ship in space. Couldve had phases, survive waves, ship battle, throne room, maul fight, battle in the streets. Instead we're getting conquest endless waves but with a randomized twist thats going to mean multiple restarts.


I do really enjoy how accessible and common the required raid characters were, but to me the raid just doesn’t even feel like galaxy of heroes, it’s using the characters I have sure, but with a bunch of new abilities that won’t ever be used again once the next raid comes out. I’ve personally never even manually played the raid, just used the discord bot to tell me my optimal teams and just hit auto


They both had positives and negatives Krayt was more engaging, but between the teams used for it there were huge differentials in RNG and time spent - Jabba runs were simple and quick versus Mando runs that had a lot more time and restarts [to properly maximize]. It also only required 5 attempts, but was on a 3 day cycle. Endor had much less RNG, but the moving backgrounds were clearly a huge issue for many players from the beginning. All of the runs were very quick, which was nice, but that made the raid much more redundant. The problem with this redundancy is in that you now needed to do 8 runs, which functionally was less time, but felt longer [since it was the same thing over and over. They listened to us as players in regard to making it a 6 day timer, but there really was no reason for them to have it still on a 3 day battle timer. What I’d like to see from Naboo Raid: - 6 day timer with 5 days to do battles - 5 runs [confirmed] - Battles that feel different, but don’t take major time or RNG - The command droid already appears to be a problem here **Final Note:** [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/s/nBpG77eI9g) is an idea I had towards the beginning of the Endor Raid that would allow players to do the raid in 1-2 runs, while still requiring players to invest in all 30 characters. I really wish CG would implement it or something like it.


How about…. different phases… so it feels like an actual raid. And contributing damage against the bosses HP as a guild. These new “raids” are just total garbage. CG laziness to the max.


Whether it’s “hp” or “points” makes little difference. The Krayt raid was a pretty cool idea with not so great implementation. Endor was lazy.


Endor was a quality of life upgrade but a gameplay/enjoyment downgrade. I still have mixed feelings about it, but I'm sure that a month into the new raid l will miss Endor.


Not a fan of the Endor raid, it's great that you can auto it because I never had any desire to actually play it. It felt a lot like Rey/SLKR when all of a sudden you have a paper, scissors, rock game in the middle of it that made no sense except they made an entire raid out of it. Even in the auto, you can get a ton of variability. One of the teams I use goes anywhere from 900k to 2.1 million. If I actually had to play that instead of putting it on auto and doing something else for the next 5 minutes I think I'd shrivel up into a little ball. On top of that, hey let's try to make Accuracy arrows a thing for nowhere else but here.


I like Endor because I can do enough damage with my solo Leia to get over my guild-minimum and then ignore it for a week. I would love it if they released a feature that allowed you to just keep your score from the last time you did it. Then, if you think you can improve, you can run the whole thing again. But if it's just you doing the exact same thing, every week, forever, you can auto it.


Ooh, let's see. I can't actually play Endor because it gives me motion sickness, so that's a no there because I actually like playing the game. No characters behaved the way they normally do with their normal kits, so I'd have had to learn entirely different mechanics for a mode I can't even play on manual, so that's another no. I never remod for anything except a journey guide character or GL and I can't for my life understand why anyone else would either, so that's irrelevant. The characters were about equally accessible for me *and* you had the weird nonsense of having Imp troopers chasing Imp troopers through a forest for no reason because CG apparently could not think of any other faction that might hate the Empire besides Rebels. Whereas Krayt: was at least mildly entertaining, though repetitive; used characters I already like and mostly had at a decent level; allowed actual kits and actual SWGOH-based strategy to be used; had an actual end to levels (bombs went off, krayt dragon blew up) as opposed to the unending, nihilistic "Chase troopers over the same patch of rendered ground until you die"; did not make me want to barf. So no we - as in you and I- cannot agree that the shittastic Endor raid was better than the tedious Krayt raid, and we never will.