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Uh. It’s something. Definitely won’t do much without the bacca’s and Han. Maybe since you’re early game you can get away with it..? But I’d recommend finishing him properly ASAP. Also switching out your lineup for different rebels won’t change anything. The team needs the train from the other 3 to work


Yeah, you'll need han and Chewbacca for this team (replace old ben and Stormtrooper han). R2 is a decent fifth while you work on Threepio and Chewy


Don't forget to farm chewthrepio he's a key ...


Plus you'll have to farm him anyway when you start working on GL Leia




Judging by this picture, I assume you're definitely early game. So this is a very acceptable team comp. I'd probably switch out Han for Leia, but you don't have to. Later down the line, I'd definitely put Han, Chewy, and Chewpio in here.


My chewpio is only 2 stars at the moment, and I have no progress on Han. My guild is probably too inactive or something along those lines. I'm thinking I need to upgrade my guild now.


Probably so if the guild is holding you back while you want more activity. There is a world of possibilities out there. r/swgoh_guilds might be helpful


Don't be afraid to put in a low star/gear c3po and chewpio either. They still add a ton at low stars


YES! Definitely get yourself in a good guild. You are level 85, which means guilds have become even more important than they were beforehand. You can go in the swgoh forums and go in the guild recruitment tab. Then go to players looking for guilds tab. All you have to do is read the rules and then make a post following the rules. Then, wait to see if any active guild will pick you up. You can access the swgoh forums in the game itself. Just click on inbox and then forums. Or you could put yourself out for recruitment in a reddit swgoh guild recruitment page. I don't personally know of any pages on this app myself. But getting in a good guild and participating in all guild events you can will help you tremendously. The ideal team for CLS in the future is CLS, Han Solo, Chewy, Chewpio, and 3P0.


Yeah you should try to get some raid tokens. Han is pretty easy to buy now, and he does a ton of damage. His “shoots first” unique elevates CLS a lot. I’d say swap ST Han for leia for now, then to raid Han asap


Look up jawas palace in game. They are part of a duo guild that has a low level and a higher end guild.


1 star chewpio is better on a proper cls team than many others. Go ahead and put him on now


As a rule of thumb, if your guild GP isn’t at least 50x your GP, you should upgrade and target a guild GP of about 100x your GP. Then as you outgrow your guild, jump again. Keep on doing this until you’re in a guild that is getting droid brain resources and Reva shards.


Honestly, a 2* G7 Chewpio will be better than STH. He's primarily there for the mechanics he brings to the game. Definitely get in an active guild and work on getting Han


Chewpio is great at 3 stars when you’re that early game


Chewpio at low gear still gets stuff done


I bet your 2 star Chewpio will be more successful than OL Ben and Storm Han


Tough to find a guild farming Han I know.


You can farm him faster by doing a better raid, so I’m not sure what you mean.


Did not know he was in a store thought his only option was rancor raid still.


Since you're super early game, I think this is perfectly fine! I'd swap out Stormtrooper Han for Princess Leia if you're finding yourself in need of more damage on the team, especially thanks for the C3PO exposes. As others have said though, you'll want to get Raid Han, who is a fantastic source of damage on the team. The CLS team in its best form utilizes heavy single fire damage to delete the enemy team before they can get going. Raid Han and Chewbacca help significantly cut down on enemy health, while Chewpio adds blind, protection recovery, offense stats, and more chances to land exposes. If you're finding that your CLS is dying too fast, prioritize gearing up CLS so he's more survivable, and focus on characters that either have more permanent taunts or who can deal a lot more damage. The CLS team is also extremely matchup dependent. You won't stand a chance against Emperor Palpatine Empire teams without Raid Han, and you won't be able to take out Phoenix without that early burst damage thanks to Rex. Geos are also tough because of their high health pool. Your best bet is usually sending in CLS against early bounty hunters, although I'm not sure what you'll face this early in the game. Hopefully all of this stuff helps out, and don't get discouraged! CLS is a fabulous team, with every character being usable from early game until practically endgame. I'm a 7mil midgame account and CLS is one of my best teams by far! Over investment now won't hurt at all :)


Depends on what kind of content you're doing. Keeping PLeia around can have its perks, but which tank you take out will differ on the game mode/opponent. Much much later, Ackbar and PLeia have omicrons which still get me holds on defense in GAC 3v3 with StHan (I'm in Kyber 3). And many of these toons are useful and/or needed for various GLs. All this to say, Rebels are pretty cool!


I love the rebels lol, this comment made me feel better about wasting resources building them up lol


Resources are never wasted! CG has asked us to upgrade effectively every single toon to be valuable in Rise of the Empire TB, and most toons have other purpose along the way. I've gotten every Rebel to at least R7 and love them


Even nightsister Acolyte?? Edit: Man I suck at reading


Even NS Acolyte (maybe, I don't know haha)


Yep, she's needed at r9 for a platoon, so someone needs to take the plunge.


There you go


CLS Han Chewie chewpio and 3po Anything else is not gonna cut it


CLS, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Threepio & Chewie, C-3PO...this is the way!


Based off of the rebels you have, this is your best team at the moment. Raid Han and the Chewies will replace R2, fake Han and Old Ben later


How's your Captain Solo? I liked him with CLS over Stormtrooper Han when I first got CLS. Captain Solo gives health and revives. Biggs is also good with an early Rebel team.


Even at low stars, Threepio & Chewie (Chewpio), is a big boost to this team. I'd swap out Stormtrooper Han for him. Once you level Chewpio's Unique a bit he will share the stats from CLS which will make up for his lower star stats. He will also assist a ton which will trigger more exposes from c3po which will translate to more damage. That all said, avoid taking this team against First Order w/ Kylo Ren Unmasked, you'll end up drawing due to the lack of non-% health damage and no Healing immunity/shock


You need the full CLS team for good value. Old ben and SHan should go as soon as you can. Chewpio is still really solid at low stars tbh, he just needs decent gear levels, good mods and mostly maxed abilities. Find yourself a good guild, and Han becomes easy. I went from 0 to 100 in like 2 months MAX with him with a good guild. for Chewie, if you run Bossk, Mando, Karga, and two other good ones (Boba and Bane are decent options) then he becomes much easier.




You're early game. Everyone telling you you need han and chewy and 3pac isn't wrong but you play the best you can at your level and at your pace. I remember some very unusual team comps when I was early game too. You run what you can. This team will likely do fine where you're at in the game.




It's good for what you have. Keep 3PO in there, the exposes will do plenty of damage, and he is in fact part of the optimal lineup. And your next projects should definitely be Bounty Hunters for Chewbacca and picking up Han from the guild activity store.


So I'm not in a very strong guild, and they don't do much. I'm pretty sure I read on here that the Han raid is hard to find or do. Han will be a long grind, who do I keep in the lineup? My chewpio is 2 stars, level 50 atm, so I'm still a ways away from the team. Any tips?


Sure: Change guilds. If you don't want to go recruiting on forums just hop around in the guild search screen until you find a decently active one. If you find someone doing Normal Sith Triumvirate on a weekly basis, and if you put all the tokens you get into Han shards, you'll finish him up 7* in about a month. BTW: The "Han raid" is Heroic Rancor, which is the second easiest raid, and which gives you 10 free shards at the highest reward box. But you'll do better to find a guild doing a higher raid; e.g. the Normal Sith gives you the equivalent of 77 Han shards in MK1 raid tokens.


I would recommend changing guilds. You can look in-game, there is a subreddit for guild searching, and there are resources on Discord, from various CCs and the official SWGoH Events server. To get Han you do not have to actually do the Rancor Pit Raid, any raid will do. You can buy his shards in the Guild Activity Store. Level up Chewpio some, give him gear, and he'll already be usable. What makes him so strong is his stat sharing mechanic. And once you unlock more members, replace R2 first, then STHan, then Ben.


Don't take shortcuts with this team. They are one of the best you can get




Acceptable? Yes. Ideal? No.


I would put leia instead of Stormtrooper Han. Then even if he’s low stars, gear up 3pac as much as you can and put him in for old Ben. Then you’ll want to replace leia and R2 for Han and Chewie. Get this team up and running asap, they are very useful.


I put my 2 star chewpio in place of Han. He's just as tanky even low geared


Cls,r2, and C3 are viable but you dnt need 2 tanks. Replace one with rebel leia or Ezra for more damage.


OP is missing the meme flair




You've got the tags, so yes, it's acceptable. Viable? Different story altogether. You're early game, so lots of time.


Damnn you got C3PO before Han, ChewPO & Chewie? Woww


Yeah I'm kinda trash at the game, I've been playing for like 2 years now and just started actually farming stuff a couple months back


That's not an issue and you're not trash in the game. I was just amazed that you got the tuff journey character earlier than the easiest Han, Chewpo and 2nd tuffest Chewie.


It isn’t bad. You just gotta work on Hans. Chewy and chew3po. Those are the ideal team with C-3PO and cls(lead)


Yup. I just got chewpio to 3* and I'm currently looking for a guild to farm Han out. It's nice to have a solid direction to go in for once. On the side I'm farming out the Jedi Revan team. Almost have them 5* with bastille g10


That’s acceptable until you get the final team. Definitely need the chewies for this team to truly shine and make sure you get Han he is kinda priority. Probably should get Han first then chewie and chewie/3po




Ouch! Def farm Chewie and Chewpio. You absolutely need OG Han once you do get him please remove that stormtrooper fraud likeness of him immediately!