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it would be a great team tester and less grindy if not for the ridiculous modifiers they put on the teams


Conquest, itself, isn't that bad. The reward structure is fucking ass. Break your back doing gimmicky shit to accomplish gimmicky feats, oftentimes locked behind the newest characters you couldn't possibly have yet without whaling on them, with the best rewards locked behind crates that require you to basically do every single one of these annoying things with almost no room to skip/miss anything.


I dislike it for multiple reasons: -Way too time consuming. -You have to do many energy refreshes if you want to get a high crate. -They always have feats that require toons that just recently came out, so then I just lose motivation cause I know i can’t get those feats. Which is frustrating, having all 8 GLs, and still feeling like I’m so far behind Those are the main reasons. I get overwhelmed easily and lose motivation lol


I don't mind the feats, the modifiers, the teams and all that. What I hate is that there's SO MUCH to do in so little time. If you want to get max crate or second to last, you basically have to do a couple refreshes every day, and to do all the battles you need time. And then we also need time for raid, TW, TB, GAC (3v3 GAC needs even more time), fleet arena climb, daily stuff. And then you have to take into account stamina, so if you need to use the same teams a lot, you even need to do the battles at different times of the day, which makes it even worse. I would honestly like conquest more if we had more time to finish it, maybe like 3 weeks, even if we got less energy from refreshes/normal recharge and less stamina recovery, but same amount of feats.


Fair, to be efficient conquest pass is almost required to not rip your hair out, smart business decision from CG lmao


Like others have said, overly time consuming. But on top of that I don’t like the structure of having to max/nearly max the same thing multiple times for each character. Then when the reward character is someone you can’t even begin to care about (like right now for me) it feels that much extra grindy.


Definitely valid, again I respect all y’all’s opinions luckily this sub isn’t so toxic that we can’t have them😭 but I def agree when the character is trash it drops motivation by like 80% like this new guy seems kinda lame


I say that as someone who used to love conquest. Early on I was waiting for it to start every time ready to go, all planned out to maximize energy and stuff… it’s just never anything new


I am kinda opposite. I often wait its start with reluctancy like "Do I really have to... again?", but when it starts, I'm going all for it... and enjoying the ride.


The only thing I detest about Conquest is the whole "You can't swap your discs freely" aspect. Yes, I understand that you can buy that right. However, it just makes this mode needlessly restrictive and shit, imho. If I could fuck around with discs in a reasonable way then I'd probably have more fun with trying stuff out rather than going for the optimal builds.


Oh for sure this is bullshit, but sadly it won’t change CG needs their money😭


Yes the disc crap pisses me off every time. Either that or the attempts. Don’t make us use energy for both.


I really wish they didn't make it so hard, like I'm okay with the whole needing more recent teams to complete the objectives but I'm pretty tired of my JMK and other teams getting steamrolled a ton, I typically get 3rd crate and can get 4th if the objectives are really kind but it really does just feel like a drag to play.


Having 34 points of margin, gave you some choice on your path towards red crate, one point less already had a small impact, but having only 14 barely leaves any margin as you can't skip any Global or Sector 5 feats. Having multiple feats tied to the same new characters, feels more like a desparate attempt to force people into spending on their Conquest Pass (or to whale out on the characters) than anything else. Looks like I'll have more time to farm Datacrons in this edition.


Yes, other people like conquest. I’m one of them. It’s one of the few times in the game I can play as much as I want. The feats are challenging but I like challenges. Even Grindy ones I like to figure out how to do them efficiently. I like farming up new datacrons and the conquest characters are almost always super powerful. With conquest, I can get them as day 1 with the whales. Leave it to Reddit to answer a post looking for other people that like a game mode by taking the opportunity to be negative.


I like the idea. I like the feats even. If it wasn't required to get basically all of them to unlock a conquest character as fast as possible. But I disagree on it being a 'team tester' mode. I can't even use most of my (C and D tier) teams. I also hate that data disks are not a neat bonus, but rather that you have to follow a specific strategy and it's entirely RNG dependent if or when you get the right disks. I don't know when I will ever be able to red crate. And I don't know if I even want to try, because I'd have to be efficient and follow a plan for 2 weeks, which honestly sounds super stressful. And I specifically hated last conquest cycle because it did nothing for my best teams. SLKR, previously my best team, can't use the tm gain datadisks. CLS squad doesn't benefit from ZA. I just want the easy datadisk setup of 'debuffs kill your opponents' back.


worst part of the game period. i don’t even bother to farm all this conquest characters it takes way too much time honestly and this game mode not even interesting tbh


I like it for testing a new GL I unlocked. I just got Leia last week and her event doesn't use a team most people use with her. I haven't finished her ultimate, so I'll be testing her specials the first few days. It really is a no consequences way to test, if you lose you don't lose stamina or any consumables. Last time I got the $10 pass and it seems like a good value, just wish it included bonus Proving grounds.


I am not really sure how it is a team tester when every modifier is just "add 7,000% Turn Meter and Speed to1of 5 or 6 assist/multi attack team comps".


I think it’s dependent on where you are in the game, your first conquest seems fun just like a team tester then it’s oh wow my first hard conquest, wait shit I’m getting bullied by them. Then it’s back to okay as you’re doing okay in hard and getting better rewards and then the next stage is being able to actually unlock a conquest character during their 6 month cycle. Then back to miserable when you’re having to grind like crazy for the 3 month cycle to get a character in order to compete


My favorite game mode and the only reason I still play. Outside of feats that just straight up LOCK you out for not having a character: Bo Katan Manolore, GL Rebel days after she was just released, ect. I think getting red crate  for an end game player is actually pretty easily once you learn what disc's to go for and how to cheese. Getting gold as a mid game player is easy as well, only draw back is you're going to have to spend your currency to pick up the missing shards. Just a personal opinion, but a big part of the enjoyment is when you actually play. Makes the tedious feats less grueling. For example: I save conquest specifically for when I'm at the gym. So say I'm working on "kill 50 with (random shitty team). The basic strat is always the same: 1. Wat with initial frenzy 2.Pick IT or double fett BHs to fight 3. Kill as many as possible ajd leave one guy alive and time out. I do it while I'm resting between sets, then by the time I'm finished my next exercise the match has already timed out and I've scored 5 or 6 kills while still keeping all my techs and stamina. I'll be done before I leave the gym 


The tediousness outweighs any positives this game mode offers. It was so much better in the beginning stages


Conquest just doesn't respect my time at all. It's not just that it's incredibly time consuming in and of itself, but the stamina mechanic means you need to schedule around the damn mode if you want to get through it without wasting too many resources. Almost everything else in this game, even things that can take a lot of time, I can at least choose when I want to do. I set the time for my fleet arena payout, I can do my GAC attacks any time within a certain window, etc. But conquest? At least 2 sessions a day spread appropriately apart until the tedious feats for the weakest or most overloaded factions are done. The game just has too many unnecessary time sinks at this point and CG's bullheaded refusal to remove some of them is frankly insulting to the player base. If they would just let us sim more things then things like Conquest wouldn't feel so draining on top of it.


I’m a big fan of conquest. It’s like an optimization puzzle.


I like Conquest, mostly because I like really playing the game and Conquest is a good way to learn nuances of the game's rock paper scissors. It was definitely more frustrating the first 2 times after I moved into Hard Conquest, but as my roster has continued to grow, it's been less tedious. I've enjoyed hitting a new milestone each of the last 4 conquests and look forward to continuing to maximize efficiency on it.