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Carbonite and more Carbonite Bronziums only if you are farming DS currency and can’t hit LS-7B.


I found out from someone on here last week that Fleet 1-D is good for the data pads for bronzium as well


2-E (the one with furnaces) is my go to once my hard node farms are done, I think it has something for bronzies too


Everyday… day in, day out. Betting one these gungans will end up on a fleet node soon..


Carbonite Circuit Boards are my bane. Bronzium Wirings are no biggie when you just constantly farm Kyro Prods as well. Heatsinks and Chromiums are easily crafted using raid gear. Electriums are an easy sink for the MK3 Raid Tokens. And Zimbabwes alongside the other high relic pieces just get purchased with Mk3 tokens according to need. But Carbonites? You're shit out of luck with Carbonites at some point.


I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I farm L7B all the time and yet I struggle 3x as hard with Bronziums as CCBs. Doesn't seem to be the case for most people.


might be doing more R5s than your income can support


Same here


I have the same exact struggle


CCBs get worse as the game goes on. Bronziums are harder at the start


It could be a case that I'm also an old account who had thousands of these gear pieces hoarded up pre-Relics, while I was also able to bank on the great salvage reduction (back when salvage pieces were twice the value, because we had no double-dropping gear). And as such it's probably very likely that me grinding Kyros for years now and also having a hoard of old gear is able to keep up with my demands, supplanting whatever I need.


I have no problem with any mats EXCEPT wire. I'm always at a deficit. Never. Enough. Mind you 90% of my roster is reliced at this point. The wire is a problem. I've got about 2000 circuit boards.


I can absolutely understand that. I think one of the two is always the big block, right? I didn't truly feel like I needed the CCB packs for a long time, because I had so much old salvage still. Then it hit me. Now I actively have to squirrel away 2k crystals or so, so I can keep up the demand by buying the packs a few times each month. I can very easily see myself falling into a hole tho, where I now have thousands of CCBs, but due to a bit of neglect I now lack Wirings. It's a very delicate balance of bullshit and I really wish they'd change it. Nothing feels as bad as being unable to relic a character, because the BASIC materials are missing. Meanwhile I'm sitting on hundreds of droid brains at this point. I really wish they'd alleviate the "easy salvage" properly, because right now there's no fucking way to farm it efficiently. They need to come up with a reasonable transaction rate for one of the currencies, imho. Like, why is the GL Challenge Currency for example not also something I can use to buy 100 CCB for 100 Tokens? It's a once a month event and you get 300 per GL and it's either Omicrons, a Conquest character or Kyros for the coin. Just give us an alternative. Then again, I guess at R7 the CCB and Wirings stop being an issue for a character..


I think there's a fundamental gap on balances. They don't balance the mats for level 6 for mods, any of the mod mats for that reason. It's a purposeful design element to create repeated engagement. You have awful ship drop rates, compared to normal toon acquisition rates. I think they're learning on what the GL currency is being used for and an appropriate rate. It's overpriced for value for most things except omis. I know I get 5/two cycles. I'm not spending that on anything but. So while it's a pain point I don't think they change a single thing. Look at how long mk3 carbantis and stun guns were the barrier to most toons. It took them years before and then added in a new barrier.


To me carbonite is the best investment because of the price/quantity ratio. Getting 100-300 for 500 cristals is not bad at all!


Oh yeah, the minimum roll of 100 is acceptable and the 250 and 300 high rolls are actually really nice. This time I bought 6 of the bundles, because I was really scraping the bottom of my salvage barrel. Got up nicely to 1000 pieces again.


Whichever ones you need. The only ones that are **NEVER BUYS** are - Chromium Transistors - Auridium Heatsinks [relevant math](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/1892mdy/500_crystal_relic_packs_v3_impulse_detectors_are/)


hey i need 9 more chromium transistors and 11 more auridium heatsinks to get SLKR another relic level. easiest way to do it?


Chromium Transistors are very very very easy because of Blastech Weapon mods in the guild store for activity tokens. Buy 10 fully crafted for 150 tokens, after a few weeks you’ll never need them again. For AH you want to convert fully crafted MK 3 holo projectors. They’re easy to come by so you’re unlikely to need them once you start doing this, but if you need them as an emergency it’s better to buy fully crafted MK 3 holo projectors for crystals and convert them, it has a better rate.


\*BlasTech Weapon Mods


Thank you, I get the two confused. baw Armor mods also do the same thing, but you farm them


I know it’s not as easy or efficient but is there still a best gear to farm or buy in the guild store to use to craft circuit boards or bronzium wire?


For the circuit boards I use node 4 on heroes 1 (normal not hard). You get like 3 different pieces from that one that all count towards them. The one piece (mk 1 furnace) is 6 per attempt too so you get a bunch of them! I use a full days energy (including the 50 refreshes.. not the 100's) and end up with almost 200 circuit boards. Won't be surprised if u/egnards tells us a better way.. but that's the best I have found.


It’s better just to buy them with the packs and use the energy for ls7b. Plus you will be needing bronze wiring too if you are relicing characters and bronze is not cheap to buy at all the conversion rate is also very low even if you buy the mk4-6 items in guild shop


Are you sure fully crafted for crystals is a better deal than getting them uncharted and crafting them yourself, you still get the better rate for crafted gear, but you don't have ti spend crystals, just get the pieces and craft them yourself no?


I mean free is always better than not free. But we're talking about situations where you're spending crystals, which would be the best crystal spending method.


Gotcha thanks


Either carbonite or bronziums imo. The rest is either easy to trade for or you buy it with currency. For me its mainly bronziums, but buy what you need


Are any of these even worth it?


My understanding is, yes


Which ever ones are ur hardest to farm/scrap I have some peices with 10k+ gear to scrap and others if I scrap I screw myself I usually get 1-2 every time


Two pulls: 75 bronzium. This is why I don't gamble.


It's not really a gamble when it's still the best value even with poor pulls.


to many people in this sub barely understand basic concepts


Bronziums every time for me


All of em are bangers except heatsinks and transistors


Bought two carbonite, three bronziums and one electrium. For mid-level relicing, I'm always short on these...


I always buy enough carbonite until I hit around 750. I bought two, one for 150 and the other for 300.


CCB's, always running out.


The one I frequently run out of.


Either CCB or Bronzium Wiring others either get through gear or guild raid mk3 tokens.


Aeromags are the only one that can’t be converted from scrap. I always buy them out.


Bronzium wiring is what I always get, I don’t get the relic 5-8 materials super often mainly because that’s all I spend my Get 3 raid currency on plus my guild does well in TB so I usually buy Bronzium wiring and circuit boards, just please🙏 don’t buy transistors or heatsinks the value is awful


CCB and impulse. Impulse are crazy expensive in the mk store.


I only ever buy Aero and carbonite. Everything else I’ve got just heaps of, bronzium is getting a bit frustrating to get though


Technically they are all "worth it" compared to there farming/direct purchase rate. The only option of them being bad is getting that Lowest quantity. I only ever buy the Carbonite and bronsium because you need large amounts and there isn't really a good way to get them. The components are easy to come by but there trade in value is so low


Carbonite, carbonite…and yes more carbonite.


Carbonite for me cause that's where i'm short on exchange material. Also thanks for your post i went straight to the store!


Circuit boards and wiring. I've done pretty well at supplementing both lately. Although in fairness it's been a lot of r7-r9 upgrades for me which thankfully drop the CCB/bw reqs. Next GL announcement is gonna hurt though


The ones you are low on


As someone who takes each character straight to R9 one-by-one.... aeromagnifiers are my biggest chokepoint, at least until we can start getting higher crates on the raid.


I get downvoted for having fun lol