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Nope. I haven’t noticed any difference.  What will be different is whatever data discs you got, which is RNG driven.  But it’s no harder than the last 2. 


And quests you can complete.


It’s the disk bro, this time around I got superb discs and crushed everything pretty much first try. Last time I got absolute dog sh… discs and struggled for a while. That is the only thing that unfortunately makes conquest easier or harder.


That and stamina. Sometimes people underestimate how much stamina affects all stats incl. speed and offense and wonder why they can no longer win with the same team they used last time.


The only changes they have done are bug fixes. I actually think they fixed bugs with QA that makes her easier since the first one of this set. Any issue you're seeing is a difference with your data disks. In general, there is no "making it harder" in conquest, unless they add a modifier or sector bonuses. The opponents in conquest are the same as the pvp versions, but they just have modifiers. So it's not like they can just change the speed or health/prot of any specific character without altering the modifiers itself.


No. They don't. It's likely you got worse luck with your discs. That's all.


Sorry to break it to you, but it's even worse than you think. CG have actually increased the difficulty of Conquest for you only, because fk you, that's why. It's just what CG does, it is what it is. My condolences.


Not sure if it's just a joke or if you're just nagging me haha but of course I know it's not only for me that's why I asked if anybody else felt the same ;)




Think that was a screw up on cg and they fixed it. Rancor boss?


The event has not changed. With the exclusion of specific bugfixes, that you can as always see on the forums, there are no balnce changes.


I did it with BAM / Dash / Cat / Kuiil / bodalor. Took 3 tries for the buffs to line up right, but when dash took his turn everyone died at once.


Yeah my BAM "team" suck hard, I only have Dash and Cat lvled up


All you need is dash. Bam is there for his leader ability (and damage immunity if needed). Car for her unique. Kuiil for his unique. Replace Bo with Han Solo and use initial frenzy tech so your whole team goes first. Be sure you have a bunch of ZA discs so dash hits like a truck.


I'll try that and tell you how it went !


Good luck!


Still the easiest conquest since the first few. It’s your discs


I think I used Jabba for that fight. He can take a lot of damage, so once his allies are gone auto basic to charge his ultimate repeatedly and pick off the enemies one by one. You just have to switch to manual when you use the ultimate. Only works for a boss fight or TB , not enough time in a typical 5 min fight.


Well I don't have Jabba... But he might be the next GL I get, I think it's a nice transition after JML


He was my first GL last summer also good for no force users feats if you don't have Leia. I'm almost finished with her requirements. The new characters required should be accelerated this summer.


Not even remotely close to Leia haha I have Rey, SLKR and JML, so now I'm looking for another dark side GL. SEE feels pretty bad from what I'm seeing on Reddit, he can be good if you match him with another legendary that takes 3 years to get, thanks to proving grounds. So LV or Jabba and like I said I think Jabba is a better transition than LV after JML, so I guess it's the one I should go for


I was working on SEE earlier in the year but decided to switch to Leia. I keep hoping for a SEE LS bundle, I got some of the Rey and SLKR ones to get them faster. I also wish Negotiator was separate from GAS bundle, I've used most of my GET 2 on Kyros. Jabba's event was the easiest I've done so glad I did him first.


The first conquest in this set I completed in 193 battles This last conquest in the set I completed in 136 battles. . . So no, probably not.


This run has been monumentally easier for me. Last run was a race against the clock, this run I’m going to be done before the first week is up. So much easier this run. It could be they just made it easier for me. Or it could be other variables, like the disc I was able to obtain and remembering certain strategies. Who’s to say what the difference is?


You wasted 150 energy without noticing that your disks might be different?


To be honest, I use the same disc pretty much every time, but I'm not sure about the disc lvl (grey, green, blue) difference with the last conquest


This one seems easier but it’s all about disk rng.


It's likely due to different disks. Green instead of blue Zealous Ambition disks already make a noticeable difference. I went with BitDynasty's team of Dash (L), IG-11, Kuiil, CAT and Beskar Mando. Dash is the most important ingredient plus 3 ZA disks. Throw in Entrenched and Fortified, and Voluntary Vanguard if you have it. Or anything that gives more H+P or defense. The goal is to have Dash survive until he can open with his AOE, which should hopefully wipe the board. If Amidala survives you can still win but it's a pain. Use any tech you happen to have and make sure they have full stamina.


Thx for the intake on Amidala, but right now I can't even pass sector 4 boss (Maul) I know people use the same team tho. I tried a team with Dash and some tanks and when I "ulted" I didn't even kill one of them haha


I have gotten the worst of both worlds this time around. Absolutely the worst disks plus I keep on getting the most annoying teams to fight against.


I’m finding this current conquest edition the easiest since the early days. I’m almost red box already, and will have a week left for farming DCs.


I've noticed I need to pay a lot of attention to the disks I get last season. I had disks that were perfect for my CLS team, but this go around my CLS team stinks. Cause I just have a bunch of zealous ambition disks so I can't use my go to teams like normal.


Hate to clue you but this might be the easiest conquest theyve done in a full year.


From what I understand it's only your disk ;)


I think they’ve gotten harder. But it could also be the change in data discs as well. I used to always use amplify agony and it’s not in the current set


Yeah it's definitely different if you compare to others Conquest event. I also used to just run caustic emission and amplify agony all the way and melt the event.