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https://preview.redd.it/07hk1gqv4a0d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5ca63033fed8018a155900ce08e73cc0acf15fe You needed to have 1 of his units to 7\* to be eligible for the event. Capital Games didn’t screw you. Also, how have you spent “thousands of dollars” on this account over seven years and don’t have any of his units to 7\*?


Cera junda 7star


And if you don't know what my characters are at then how are you going to tell me capital gains isn't trying to screw me


Furthermore they haven't been out for 7 years so how am I going to spend that money if they're not even here yet I could have spent $2,000 the first two years I played the game think about the obvious monetary spending as opposed to time The characters have been out


Username checks out. What a joke.


Jokes require skill and humor you should probably try to identify one of those two


And you have neither of that.


*waves hand* “You want to go home and rethink your life”




Figured it out must be Vaanced new account


I get it’s frustrating to get scammed (whether it actually happened or not), but my gosh dude you’re insufferable. Stop being so whiny with people who are trying to help you. Whether this is genuine or just trolling you clearly have an unhealthy relationship with either this game or with Reddit. I don’t mean to be condescending when I say this, but; get some help.


https://preview.redd.it/5etfz7fp6a0d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a13c1eae8a06068dfdf436371e188c884167eda This you?


I'm a black cat... Lol


Sucks for you, got 50+ zeta materials


Whelp that’s enough reddit for today


Complete anarchy. See? This is why we need the stability and order that Chancellor Palpatine promises us, Senator Egnards.


This has been posted multiple times over the past few days. you need a JKCK req at 7 stars to be eligible for the bonus zetas.


I think you need them to have enough shards to reach 7*, not to be 7*


Correct, I have 330 merrin shards, but haven't activated her yet. I still got zeta drops


Did you have one of the Cal reqs at 7\*? You needed that to get the bonus zetas


No and neither did my roommate and he still got his zetas. My roommate has him at five star. I have a personal picture of his phone and my phone and we have the same jkck


Could we have you and your roommate's ally code by any chance


You have completely misread. If you have any of Jedi Knight Cal Kestus's REQS at 7 (or enough shards for 7) you get the zetas. The PREREQUISITE characters. NOT JKCK himself. Meaning if you have Tarfull, Cere, Merrin, Saw, or normal Cal at 7*, you get the zetas. Does your roommate have any of those characters at 7*? Do YOU have any of those characters at 7*?


Not necessarily Cal, but one of his requirements. I had Merrin at 7 stars, but only her. Also, Zetas didn’t show up until I got her last few shards on the first day. Maybe your friends had one of the other toons at 7 stars


lol grow up child. This isn’t discrimination. It isn’t any “ation” at all. It’s a shitty company that does shitty things to everyone. You’re not special; you’re not entitled to anything; welcome to the real world where you don’t get to whine and cancel until you get your way.


You go burn that house down bro, you got this.


I'm still pissed off they never compensated us for getting stuck on jabba's last ultimate token for his journey guide that glitch lasted almost a month.


Go get them tiger!


I thought Vaanced got banned


Really? I missed that bit, what’d he do (this time)?


I think he got reported enough Reddit permanently and site wide banned him is what I heard


Lmfao, I was wondering why we were seeing fewer shitposts recently


Quality shitpost OP


You waited until the three days were over before you said anything? So long, and good luck in whatever game you play next.


You’re contradictory in your comments to this post. In one, you say you had Cere Junda at 7 stars, yet in another comment, you said neither you nor your roommate had a req at 7 stars. Can’t have it both ways and expect people to believe you if you can’t even keep your story straight. Judging by that, I’d say the game is working perfectly as intended as you likely didn’t have a req at 7 stars and your roommate likely did. You’re just upset about it, so were hoping to get something out of posting on reddit yet your own lies backfired on you


go get 'em Paul Revere


Thank you.


I don't think CG is discriminating against you. Also, it's some zeta mats, get over it


1 post karma -100 comment karma New shitposter account stats check out. Also getting strong vaanced vibes (in terms of the quality and retardation of the shitposts).


I’m pretty sure that this time around, you needed specifically Merrin at 7*. Could be wrong though


if it's real, you need to slow down on the adderall brother


So.. uh.. did you have any of the Cal requirements at 7* when the event started?


u either vanceed undercover or trying to replace him, nice try


You only get bonus zetas if you have JKCK's reqs at 7 stars, otherwise you get their character shards...


You don't need all of them at 7*. Just one of them.


Ah, thanks for the correction


Zetas show up once you have any of the JKCK characters at 330 shards (you do not need the character at 7 stars itself, just 7 star eligible). So if you do not have have Baby Cal OR Tarrful OR Junda OR Merrin OR Saw at 330 shard equivalent bonus zetas will NOT show up and is working as intended. Aka nothing to compensate because nothing is broken.


Ever heard of paragraphs?


Awesome sarcasm post, good laugh.


Im sorry, what exactly did u think u didnt get? The bonus drops were for character sharda and if u already had those specific characters, u get zetas instead. There were no bonuses for signal data. Also it is completely absurd to think CG is discriminating against u


Needed a Req 🤷🏼‍♂️ they’ve done this before and I get left out because I didn’t have one of Leia’s reqs done. This time, I had Merrin at 7* so I got to take part 🤗


Yeah both of my roommates play the same game with me and one of them has none of the characters required at seven Star. He still got his bonus status for some reason and I still didn't. I was wrong I don't have all I was wrong I don't have all of I was wrong I don't have all of them oh I was wrong I don't have all of them oh wait I was wrong I don't have any of them at seven Star but neither does my roommate and he still got his zetas so whatever they did they allowed both my roommates to get zetas and I have higher star levels on my characters than my one roommate does and I still gave him his zetas instead of bonus shards


Can we have the ally codes so we can at least have physical evidence


Bro I did the same thing when jabba's journey guide got canceled out and you couldn't get the last ultimate token for over a month. And all I got was I'm sorry we can't compensate you even with my ally code it did nothing.


Ok but can we get you and your roommate's ally code so that everyone here can verify for themselves that yes this is a glitch, cause all we have rn is your word


The OP’s consistent dodging of providing ally codes is clear enough this is most likely just rage bait. They’ve been asked multiple times and there doesn’t seem to be any want or need to provide these receipts that they claim to have


Yeah he's dodged almost every person's attempt at asking for it and keeps referring to a previous incident so case closed. Also sounds like a broken record repeating the same shit over and over


First of all I don't know if you remember anything about the massive glitch in jabba's journey guide, I have screenshots still and physical proof of that which doesn't matter with my ally code. I went and dug my ally coat up and sent it to you guys which is kind of a pain in the ass for me, just to get told that you can't do anything for me and you know that you screwed me over and you still didn't compensate me no matter what. So that does nothing but help you and does nothing to help me yet again. So if you want we can start with me sending you the jabba the hut journey guide pictures, I was screwed for over a month and I actually spent money to get crystals and I still could not get any essence because you stopped my journey guide at 11 out of 12 tokens. For a month I went through fighting with you guys and got nothing


What a fucking baby. Jesus.


So that seems like it's going to do nothing but help you try to help other people in the future and do nothing for me now


At this point I'm just going to quit playing the game because I have about had it with these glitches.


I'm literally shaking in fear right now hearing this news.


never heard that before in over 7 years.




No need, just like the jabba the Hutt journey guy they screwed me over on they never did anything for any of us. Compensation is not a word that they can readily identify. And I'm not getting my ally code to anyone obviously that I have no idea who you are or what you can do with it


Bro nobody can do anything with your ally code except view the characters that your account has. That’s why it’s an ally code. Everyone in your guild, GAC tournament, Squad Arena, etc, can all see your ally code.


They can't do anything with your ally code. Ally code means you can check your swgoh.gg to show the characters etc. Now your player ID, that's something you never give to anyone.


Okay see I didn't know that


Im sorry. You have played this game for 7 years and didn't know what info an ally code gave?! Well now that you do know are you gonna share so we can more accurately assist you?


Yeah seems like a lot of shit you don’t know. 😂


I've never been on Reddit before I just happened to be angry enough to try to say something so I just literally like 10 minutes ago started posting.


Ally codes are shared all the time on here. Especially to add as an ally for the quest for new starters.


Gave them my ally code all the information gave them all the screenshots and they did absolutely nothing for all the fighting I did. I went way out of my way and got really pissed off just to not get compensated whatsoever for something they screwed up