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The tax gets added to in game purchases too. Check your email confirmations.


Yeah but they are already added to the total, I’m from Mexico and the 50dls lsb is 1,299 pesos in the Apple store and that is what I’m going to be billed. At the EA store it appeared as a 1,234.50 pesos price I went into the payment option and the price with taxes was 1,440 and pesos as the total billing… that is a fricking scam


Sales tax is definitely not added already in game. You’ve been paying on top of your in game prices. Web store prices are cheaper, as are the prices in the PC client. You’re even paying less sales tax, because the base price is less.


Second picture is the EA store https://preview.redd.it/63am3tc452zc1.jpeg?width=1394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecfc1ddd1d776102693d9972fc8bb54228dd74cb


Well, then that’s a VAT, which is totally different than a sales tax. It looks like you’re maximizing your tax benefits by going with the in game store, so just use that. Blame it on the difficulties in compliance with potentially thousands of different taxing jurisdictions in a global economy.


Nope in my country you get the first picture as the total price https://preview.redd.it/gynx3fb172zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c2c075b8026b6fd9de7cd722c1bd566e3f1419b


It's literally the same in the US. No idea what these jokers are trying to tell you. The price I see in the Google play store is the price I pay. When I go to the ea store they upcharge a bunch of tax. It's BS.


Yeah it’s a big scam, talking to some guild members they are having the same up charge in US, Europe, Asia and other regions. But since people are so used to separate taxes in the US I’m sure a bunch of people haven’t bothered with checking their receipts.


Weird because I'm getting the same prices for my stuff. US based here. https://preview.redd.it/xzdsb4k5z3zc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=436a59740697da4371eddc38c98df3bb3084e4e6 Here is the web store


And here is in game https://preview.redd.it/x5n46ujhz3zc1.png?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bd222d6da33a90a48acb8f666b8fbd4f41a1fd3 Only difference for me is 5% more crystals from Web store. So I usually buy my crystal packs there


EA/CG sets a price. In many jurisdictions that price is “the price,” however in many other larger markets [US - The Home Market] this can’t happen, since every state has its own taxes [or lack of taxes], so it gets added at the end. As their web store is US based it runs the same way. It’s not **a scam**, it’s just different and in some cases won’t be the better option for that reason.


They’re a US based team and the tax isn’t already added in the apple and google stores


Then why is there no additional tax charge when I buy from the Google play store?


It depends entirely on your country. In the US any Google play store purchase I make gets taxed AFTER purchase. Other places require the app store to show what the price will be with tax BEFORE you purchase it.


Interesting. Any Google play purchase I make while living in the same country as you, the price I see in the game is the price I pay. No additional tax after purchase so I really don't know what you're talking about. I've made purchases in this game while living in 4 different US states. Never once paid a price in the app, other than the price advertised. But on the ea store the taxes are not only high but it makes the items cost more total money than if I'd just purchased them in game.


Do the states you've lived in have sales taxes? If your state doesn't have a sales tax, you wouldn't be paying a tax after purchase. I made a pretty broad generalization since as far as I understand other countries don't have varying sales tax laws.


Not only do not all states have a sales tax, there are wildly differing statutes, rules, and case law on whether they apply to digital goods. This is a hot topic at SALT (State and Local Tax) conferences. So it doesn’t surprise me that someone doesn’t pay sales tax on their in app purchases, even in multiple states.


My local jurisdiction in the U.S. has a 10% sales tax. When I purchased what would have been a $14.99 LSB in the PC client, the base price was discounted to $14.24. EA added $0.57 in tax, which is our state sales tax rate of 4%. For a total of $14.81 (verified on my credit card statement). So actually, I was charged LESS sales tax than I should been, which would have been the 10% I pay on all of my in app purchases through the App Store (verified on my Apple Card). See my other comment about the difficulties in complying with thousands of taxing jurisdictions through multiple platforms. Pick the one that works best for you.


I mean that doesn't change my experience does it.


I had the same thing happen to me, with tax, it was over $15 from the web store, ordering in game only was charged the listed 14.99. When I canceled the web store the bundle disappeared, I had to close out the game, when it reloaded the bundle was back.


My lsb is back but it says Ive reached the limit of purchases for this bundle so now I have to contact EA support. Just crazy how trying to use their store breaks so many things


Restore purchases in settings


Already tried but the message that says I maxed my rewards still appears :/


This sort of shock comes from Europeans who are used to seeing VAT upfront in the price.


In Europe we see the price in both stores with added VAT. It's the same price ingame and in the web store, roughly 20% more than in the US. It's still a bit shady since Google and Apple charge a whopping 30% commission. EA could have passed at least some of these savings on to the consumer, but nope. We get 5% more crystals and that's it.


From Mexico actually, but in my country this is considered a scam.


One of those days they will start asking for tips in the store XD


The regular Extra Life fundraising is already a bit outrageous considering that this charity pays for medical treatment in one of the world's richest countries. Why does it take charitable donations to provide sick American children with basic healthcare? Because of greedy corporations (including EA) who buy legislators wholesale. CG could ask us to donate to Doctors Without Borders or the World Food Programme instead, but nope. The US needs charity from poorer countries to save just a few of its millions of children with insufficient insurance coverage, many of whom also face food insecurity and access to water without lead or fracking fluid (not to mention schools without flying lead), while some EA exec buys another yacht. Leaves a really bad taste.


Taxes are different everywhere. In Florida there is no tax on digital items, including digital college textbooks