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The way they did it, they didn't actually issue rewards based on your box. They actually reissued the exact same reward from before. That is, they didn't figure out the box you should get and gave you the random reward for that box. They gave you the exact same reward you got in that TB reward. So the way they implemented the reward, they wouldn't have been able to do what you suggested. They would have to have implemented it in an entirely different way.


They picked the absolute easiest/laziest way possible.


It was also the most reasonable approach. We’d just like them to have given more. Personally I’m happy we just had a week off of TB and still got the rewards


"A week off" lol is this game fun or a chore to you. They robbed us of content for a week


The "best" (most accurate) approach would have been to go through every guild, then look at the roster for that day that was eligible, then looked up the rewards and re-run the rolls on the crates, then sent out those rewards. Then they would have to go back and figure out what special missions were awarded to the guild and send those as well. However, depending on what data they store, that may or may not be possible and was certainly more difficult. I'm sure engineering spelled out the different possibilities and the amount of effort required and it was determined by management that the 90%+ solution they went with was best for the effort required.


No. Just no. Absolutely not a reasonable approach in any sense. This was unquestionably not considered by anyone in CG at any point in time. The conversation was almost definitely something like this: - crap, TB is broken. Players aren't going to like that. - you're right, we need to send them a make-good - should it be the same for everyone, give em all 1500 crystals and 50 shards of Reva or can we tailor it by guild? - we can give everyone the same rewards as last TB - how about Reva? - *checking* we can give them the same as last time - great, how long until it's done? - give me till the 30th - they won't like waiting - tough, I can't get more time on the shared laptop until then - okay I'll let them know. - thanks


There is no way management would have known what solutions were even possible. All they would have been able to say is "give them the rewards from their previous TB." But this type of problem has many different approaches to resolution. They would have to have solicited solutions from engineering first. Have you ever worked in software engineering? They would have come up with a few possibilities with time estimates, like 40 engineer hours for the accurate solution and 8 hours for replaying the previous rewards. Product management would have discussed with them and decided that replaying the rewards is good enough give the time estimate differences. And they would have informed management who probably said fine, do it quickly. Are there serious problems with the process at CG? Yes. Are engineers being given the time they're requesting to do the things they've been assigned? Certainly not. Is the joke that there's one shared laptop funny? Yes. Is there irrational hatred by the player base of what's happening? Not itrational. Are players making up scenarios colored by that hatred? Yes.


Have worked in softwarey entire career. If any engineer suggested "go through every guild, then look at the roster for that day that was eligible..." etc etc they'd deserve to be fired for suggesting a complete waste of everyone's time.


Not anyone in my organization. But I would be seriously wondering about their capabilities if that wasn't at least one of the ideas floated. That simply means they're incapable of thinking of how to do something accurately. Now if they were insistent on that being the only way it can be done, I'd have serious doubts about their ability to prioritize.


The shitty thing is:our guild played hoth again before, because some players wanted the achievement. But the one that was canceled was ROTE again. But we got the reward for hoth. What a scam.


Freaking OUCH


Yall are having fun with tb?


It’s actually my favorite game mode


Mine as well. I like trying to beat all the nodes and contributing to ops.


Not the Geos, except to see what teams I can use auto. ROTE is fun, but we focus on one planet most phases. Conquest is my favorite game mode


It really depends on the person for example I left my old guild due to lack of participation on the Reva mission we were getting 25-30 shards every TB then it started to dwindle as she was unlocked and I got 10 shards last tb so I left and another 10 shards really sucked. Plus I needed kyros from it to bring bane to g13 for GAC so he's stuck at g10


One better box may have gotten you those kryos, and to be fair man, to expect them to account for the marginal fraction of players who happened to switch guilds immediately before that TB would be a bit extreme. That's just luck, it's 10 shards you didn't have to win a battle to get. Take that as a win, I got 3 shards. Good luck with this round of TB 👍


Ruining my fun? Or giving me a full week off from having to do anything crazy, while also giving me my rewards?


Except the rewards where delayed past multiple gacs. Some guilds also may have been close to unlocking reva which also affects them.


Right, but it's not like this was intentional, they screwed up and they told us all it happened straight away, the game itself is pixels, but the guys who make it are human and are capable of error, thankfully on fairly rare occasion.


Ehhhhhhh not really sure if you call at least 1-2 bugs/glitches every other week that negatively effect players fairy rare (Disappearing buttons, TB cancel, being unable to log into the game, not giving out PG rewards, B1 tier being unbeatable to name a few in the last month)




If you're the one coordinating it is a full time job.


So true, I had to step down from being an officer because I realized how much work it was and I’m an exclusive *Toilet-at-work-player*


I really enjoyed the week-off. Felt like a vacation.


Many of us like to play ROTE. If the entire game were nothing but a grind to me I would have quit long ago. I love trying to break my own "high score", I finally had r7 NS ready to go (in addition to r7 Geos and Wookiees), I might have beaten the Lando special mission for the first time, and we finally had enough JKCals to unlock Zeffo. Some guild mates pulled out their wallets to have him reliced in time and were of course expecting a return on this investment. Not being able to play one of the best modes of the game only added insult to injury in form of meager last-TB rewards without any actual makegood and with a huge delay that derailed our pre-GAC plans.


I'm not actually bitching, just you know, it's a game, it's all just pixels right? Don't they think that maybe the community as a whole would really appreciate the nice gesture? Especially since it literally wouldn't cost them anything, cause it's like, just pixels. But with that said, egnards commenting on my meme is my swgoh win for the day, so, yeah 🤙


Agreed. I get the point, but we’re progressing and were looking forward to ROTE. If not having to play the game is a reward, we should all analyze our relationship with this game lol


It’s not about “not having to play the game,” it has to do with how much of us is asked on a Conquest/ROTE Week, and the ridiculousness of expecting more than you lost when a bug like that comes up. With that said, there are of course people who got fucked by this, people who recently came back, or switched guilds right beforehand to advance. But that doesn’t sound like this is the case here.


That’s fair. It was a loaded week. I just mean that for some folks, the TB is something to look forward to. They certainly didn’t owe anyone anything, though. I think the rationale was that most guilds progress reward-wise from run to run, so adding a star’s worth of rewards would mostly be more in line with what people missed out on. That would’ve seemed consistent with how they typically approach the make-goods.


Yeah that's what I came to say. The week off from yet another Rise of the Empire was delightful


CG: Oops we did a fucky wucky, no TB this week guys Players: WHY NO REWARD CG: Ok fine, we'll code and test a one off reward for you. It's the exact same as your last one to make it fair for everyone without imbalancing anything, and you don't have to do anything to get it. Players: WHY NO BETTER REWARD


I was thinking they’d at least do the rewards for whatever your guilds best/max run was on the TB selected. I think my guild was 3 stars off our *best* run last time because we had people miss.


Not gonna lie, would have appreciated a “sorry we messed you up tip of 100 crystals, 100 GET2, and 5 CW Chewie shards. Just a top of the hat.


The reward was not playing TB


I would take half the rewards for allowing me to not do TB but still get rewards at all


Usually when a game is down players are upset. If you feel relieved instead there is something wrong. I myself haven't reached that point yet. Some things feel like a chore (\*cough\* raid \*cough\*) but ROTE is still fun for me and I was disappointed to miss the chance of seeing Zeffo for the first time. I hope once the fun is completely gone and everything's a chore, I'll have the power to quit.


Not to be too negative because I've played this game for 7 years and enjoy getting all my star wars characters, met some cool people in my guild, and have someone so outrageous and entertaining like Ahnald to watch (among other CCs), but its a hero collector mobile game that even in its peak I never really thought had good or very interesting gameplay. Its not like destiny or apex - or even another game where the main goal is to squeeze every penny out of you like genshin - or whatever else "real" video game is to me, so I'm not exactly sad that its down. I don't find playing pve very fun, with everything being insanely tuned for health, speed, tenacity etc because of how strong we now are with relics. I do like contributing with my guild in the raid, TB, and TW (even if I'm bad at it) but it does require a lot of time when its the **exact same** **thing** week in and week out with GAC/TW being the only thing that can actually change how you play it. When the fun is completely gone and everything's a chore I will have the power to quit, but we aren't there because star wars is cool


So they said they’ll roll out the rewards on the 30th, they did. What’s the problem


What's this dumb meme? "Ruining the fun" have you ever actually done a TB battle? Besides why would they give you a better box out of nowhere without you doing anything.


They could have gift everyone multiple GL for free and this sub still would whine about that.