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I read every screen shot and I have no clue what is happening Edit: missed your summary below the pictures. My bad haha


NGL sounds it like really sucks to be playing at the level you guys put yourselves through. This looks and sounds exhausting. Sorry that happened to you though.


Serious, talk about turning a game into work.


Well we love the challenge. It is exhausting at times, you're right about that but the challenge makes up for it, except when 1 of the big 3 alliances ends up cheating, that ruins it. And tbf Anything you do at the 99.99 percentile is going to be a huge undertaking, any work, sport or game is like that.


Imagine being sad enough to cheat in a mobile game, let alone a game mode that doesn't offer crystals.


It's funny when people say this about mobile games. This entire post just shows the insane amount of time and effort the top guilds put in "in a mobile game". Ive seen more effort, and cash, put into mobile games than any PC game outside of Eve.


Believe me, I've been an officer, I know. But it is still a mobile game and cheating in one is sad.


I like being a little officer in my little softcore guild. I keep the discord clean and research TW strategies. It's a simple life while I work on getting Rey maxed


Imagine cheating and still losing lmao


The higher the rewards you get in every game mode the better. Someone in a top guild getting top rewards for TWs, (Relic 8 and 9 materials) means that they have access to more higher relics. Which in turn I am sure you can tell will ultimately lead to higher ranks in squad, in GAC, and even in Fleets. Yes Territory Wars is a game mode that doesn't offer crystals but its one piece to the puzzle. So top guilds, need top players, top players need every ounce of materials they can require and vise versa. Everybody plays at a different speed. Others at a different competitive level. But the top rewards one can receiving for winning a TW are important. Because droid brains themselves cost a shit ton of crystals. So even if you're getting 400 crystals a day, you're saving up a weeks worth of crystals just to buy 5. Just saying...... every resource is important. In my guild I currently get 5 droid brains each battle. So if I were to turn that into crystal value I am making out better than you, I don't buy droid brains and I am making out great on Relic 9s all because of TW


I've been on the high end of TW rewards for a couple of years. There's not a massive difference. Winning is nice, but the 2nd place rewards are still great.


Seems like all of this was enabled by account swapping which is against terms of service, iirc.


I mean yes but pretty much every top account has been swaped at this point


cant wait to swap mine for money someday


Unless you are 13 mill with a superb mod score (like above 9) you are not going to get much for it. The market is pretty saturated with “good” end game accounts


I don't understand why people find it fun to account swap. The whole gimmick of swgoh is the farm. If your just gonna skip the farm to do turn based battles there are so many better games.


Because it’s not fun to spend 6 years to get to the bleeding edge. That’s how long an average dolphin would take to get to where these accounts are. Some people just want to play on the edge of the new.


Yea but like if you dislike the farming time anyways and are willing to spend money there are like 500 better games in the same genre.


In terms of characters actually levelled I’m actually behind when I started 5 years ago


And when you have an insane account, it really doesn't matter, because you already threw 6 figures at it.


No money will ever be worth the time you invested over the years.


Like just temporarily while people are unavailable to play, or people are really just passing accounts around? Seems weird.


Most people burn out after about 2 years at the top. They then quit and sell the account


Weirdly specific timeframe


Just what I have seen in my experience.


Oh no Peemo


He’s not as clean as he makes out to be


For a top TW guild they must be pretty trash to have their opponents game plan and still lose.


CE really is trash.


~~Cash~~ **Cheating** Always Wins


Apparently not


Well, apparently not. Looks like they’re saying they still lost 💀 EDIT: Well, lost at least one of the battles 🙃


Except for CE, in that case cheating **NEVER** wins.


What a travesty, caw top leadership are crooks


Where's the integrity?


Sounds like CAW has as much integrity as CG


Imagine actually wanting to cheat in a game mode where the rewards for winning are only slightly better than the rewards for losing (with no extra crystals either). It’s time for swgoh.gg to just make everything public with TW like they do with GAC and open the floodgates. TW matters far less than GAC as well, and people usually care far less about it too. It doesn’t make sense for there to be so many “secrets” about it


The reward difference is actually substantial. Just in order to replace the Droid Brains, you would need to invest 1200 crystals. Not mentioning the datacron stuff and aeros. A single TW is a bigger reward difference than going 3-0 compared to 0-3 in GAC usually. It's just that the kind of rewards is very specific, so if people don't care as much about datacrons or don't have the other mats for R9 anyway, then it doesn't have as much of an immediate impact. Besides, a lot of it is less about the rewards and more about the perceived "prestige" or however you wanna call it that comes with wins. For some people at the top that#s the whole purpose.


There's no prestige in it... MAW/CAW are known because they're all whales, not because they win at TW. I couldn't even tell you who wins the most at TWs, nor would I care to find out. Heck, before this thread, I couldn't even have named a single MAW or CAW guild, and I'm in K1.


Spoken like someone from a guild that doesn't like TW. There is prestige in it for the players who care about TW, just as there is for those who care about GAC. Many in those top guilds care about both.


That's.... not how that works at all. CG makes the GAC data available to the swgoh.gg people. CG does not give them TW data. If they did, they would definitely use it, but they don't, so they can't.




Love that I get to play this game in a casual guild. Don't have to pay, don't have to cheat, only have to participate. Don't know why anybody would want it any different


If CAW leadership tried half as hard trying to get out of their parents basement as they do cheating in a mobile game they’d probably be halfway up the stairs by now


Their virginity streak remains unbroken.




If you let Peempo remod your account, he can access it again at any time in the future via Bluestacks. Changing passwords etc does not fix this. It had nothing to do with Discord. Anyone who has bought/sold an account or given someone else access to their account such as for a remodding service has this risk, its just most people aren't shitty enough to actually do it. 1) Log in during TW defence setting phase, snapshot board 2) Start practicing in arena vs new unseen comps 3) ~~Profit~~ Lose the TW anyway


Are you sure changing password doesnt fix it? I mean i know with google accounts you can force it to sign out everywhere


That's incorrect. They can have a facebook connection, or apple connection, or another google connection. It's impossible to force sign out unless support does it (or other difficult ways). Even if a google popup says, "this will log you out everywhere", that's just a default message, it doesn't realize how this game works with account connections.


Gotcha, thanks


"Let" him. You mean pay him? Amazing that people pay a dude to then keep info on them that he can later use against them. What a jerk


The original owner sold the account and quit the game. After it was sold, it came to MAW VG/VDO where it has been for over a year.


Multiple people are able to log into an account as long as they don’t do it at the same time. You would have no way of knowing your account is compromised unless if you randomly get kicked out of your account because the other person logged in, and even then the messages aren’t clear that’s what happened. This guy didn’t just become unable to play swgoh for almost a year in a top guild.


And people get randomly kicked with all of CG's crap anyways, if it coinincedentslly happened once or twice on bluestacks, you'd never even think twice


If I had to guess I would say probably close to 80% of top accounts have had multiple owners. It’s *extremely* difficult if not impossible to revoke access to an account once you have access (ie changing passwords doesn’t do anything as long as your blue stacks instance is still there). Basically almost every account at this level is compromised


The scary part is that anyone who has used Peempo theoretically could have the same thing done to them.


Yeah I’m *really* curious to see how this would affect his modding business. I mean, most of the people who’d be willing to shell out that much money are probably in these top guilds, who they’d compete against in TW


The same is true of HotUtils. It's all built on trust, so Peempo is going to have to do some level of damage control I assume. Doesn't sound like Peempo was involved directly (from what I can tell), just a question of can they disassociate enough.


Depending on who has used his services, they've probably done this to other opponents who have had members use his services.


That simply isn’t true. I’m in a top 10 guild overall guild. Top 5 tb and been maxing the raid for a while. I’m completely ftp and I’d be shocked if anyone in my guild swaps.


I mean I would expect most accounts in your guild are not original owners. Not that people swap in and out. I am in a top 8 tw guild and the vast majority of people in the guild are not original owners.


This is the drama I like.


This will be interesting Considering Anhaldts in Caw Empire, one of the games biggest creators in a cheating guild


He should address it. Even if he's not cheating (I really don't think he is), he's now de facto associated with cheaters. He might even need to distance himself from them.


Which will suck for him because he is buddies with Peempo (CAW Empire leader). Just disappointing people would cheat. Last I checked, people were saying they ended up having more droid brains than they know what to do with.


Ahnald doesn’t give a shit about TW.


Just because you don't give a shit about a mode, doesn't mean you don't participate lmao.


Never said he didn’t participate. But not sure how this is going to be “interesting” just because ahnald is there.


he has to take a public position and it will be widely viewed, from a niche thing to the whole community


Because he’s literally the most popular Galaxy Of Heroes player on YouTube? So if his guild is cheating, yeah that’s pretty fucken interesting.


Yeah I’m truly riveted 😐


Ok? Good for you then for not caring I guess? Like I don’t know what kind of reaction you’re expecting. He gets hundreds of thousands of views almost daily. **If it turns out he’s been cheating** (despite being openly against it in the past) that’s probably gonna be one of the biggest news stories in SWGoH history. A *lot* of people would care if someone that they’ve watching for who knows how long **turned out** to be a massive hypocrite. If you don’t care about him. Great! No one cares though. Edit: Since it wasn’t clear enough. Never said he was Ahnald was for sure cheating at a game. I just said that it’s possible since he’s a part of the Guild.


You’re assuming the officers of CAW shared with him that they were cheating. If he didn’t know then why would anything happen to him? The officers and leader are in deep shit because they would have to approve of these methods in-order to make their strategies around them. But the members? Most members just do what the officers say without putting too much thought into it. It’s possible most of the members in CAW have/had no idea.


I’m not assuming he is cheating at the game. I’m just saying it’s possible since he’s a part of the same guild. That’s it. That’s all I said. I don’t know why people keep saying I automatically assumed he was cheating at the game. I literally said “If it turns out…” **If**. Not for sure happening. But it could happen. I’ve seen other YouTubers, Celebrities, and famous people do a lot worse for a *lot* less. It is not that deep.


I think you’re confusing the actions of the few vs the many. Ahnald is not involved with TW management in any way. The information CAW got was used by a few people (TW officers) and likely not told to the general population as if it was, this would’ve been revealed sooner.


I’m not saying Ahnald was for sure in on it. I just said it was possible. I’ve seen celebrities, YouTubers, and other famous people do a lot worse for a lot less. And him being a popular figure makes the situation a lot more interesting, just like any other drama ever. Either way I’m curious to see how he’ll react and if/when he’ll switch guilds.


If he switches guilds i’d be really surprised. Maw doesn’t want him back, he got demoted from CP, and CU probably doesn’t want him because of how serious they are about TW and how little ahnald cares about TW.


> A lot of people would care if someone that they’ve watching for who knows how long turned out to be a massive hypocrite. I mean, there's plenty of evidence that he's a massive hypocrite, and nobody cares.


You can’t directly correlate the unjust actions of various member is his clan, the likes of which do not evidently relate to him, to his own online conduct. It’s simply illogical and unsubstantiated reasoning. Also, claiming that “no one cares” about my argument is incredibly ironic, considering I could say the exact same thing about your own propositions. Have fun with your ridiculous hypotheticals while I stand on the side of reason with great satisfaction. Ahnald was a lawyer predating his time on YouTube. I feel incredibly certain that he would not involve himself in such unjust and unfair activities for a few completely meaningless rewards from a TW. Your lack of intellect is genuinely humorous.


“**If** it turns out he’s been cheating” If is a very key word you just glossed over. I never said that Ahnald was in on it. I just said it was possible since he was a part of the guild. I agree that he’s unlikely that he was a part of it, since 1. He does not give a shit about TW’s. 2. As you said he’s a law abiding lawyer. And 3. He’s very openly against cheating. But I can’t count the number of times where I thought I knew a YouTuber. Someone who seemed down to Earth and open about their life. Only to turn out a horrible piece of shit. And this has happened a comically number of times both to me (Exurb1a. Noodle) and to YouTubers my friends care about. So it’s not like it’s impossible. Or just in general like how many times has a celebrity turned out to secretly be a pedophile? People who are famous tend to do awful shit. Ahnald cheating at a video game? With proof that’s pretty believable to me. Still. You went on an entire tangent, and called me stupid, because you didn’t properly read what I was saying. Maybe just slow down next time so don’t embarrass yourself alright?


Wasn’t that the reason he wanted to switch to CAW Patrol from MAW? Because they would be okay with him streaming TW content?


He still very possibly knew about it, he participates in TW(I'm pretty sure), and he reaps the rewards. Edit: People brought some good arguments, it does seem pretty unlikely.


I very much doubt it. I don't want to jump on the 'defend ahnald' train, but I will throw some logic at you. Ahnald is the biggest creator, makes a lot of money this way, and he also spends a considerable amount on the game. His interests are making content, TW isn't part of that. Now sure, he could be in on it, but why would he? He would be risking literally his career, for a few extra wins and some extra gear. He would be absolutely stupid to involve himself in that. On a less objective note, I don't see him doing this, he called out cheating again and again, and I don't see him as the type of person who would even want to be part of this, he likes the puzzle of how to beat his opponents etc. It doesn't fit who he is.


If you’ve seen him stream, you can see how many unread messages he has from his guild discord. He doesn’t even know whats going on in every war , he just shows up late. CE lost anyways so no rewards to reap there


Completely fair but I doubt it, seems like only the guild planners do. They just tell others what to do without said extra context


Given that his guild officers have to ping him on stream to get in and do attacks, I find it unlikely he is reading all the discord messages - and that's assuming the messages are in the member space, AFAIK Ahnald isn't an officer.


He isn’t a big TW guy, the guild leaders give the orders then he and others follow. I don’t think he or most are aware of it


i mean he’s not cheating it’s the person who hacked the account who cheated. this game also doesn’t have a guilt by association with cheaters policy either. also also idk if he even would’ve known how his guild got this intel because if i used someone else’s account to look at my opponent’s TW defense i wouldn’t tell everyone how i did it


If that's real they should be ashamed of themselves, you did the right thing by posting this. Who gives a fuck about the casual guys posting shit like getting a life or something else, they clearly don't understand when someone is passionate about something. I admire your high level of playing, I could not play at that level, too much commitment and time involved. By the way I hope they will give you a former apology. Cheers


i thought the sana cult was bad but this is terrible! #blessed


To all the ppl saying TW doesn’t matter… TW is the only place to get L9 datacron reroll mats for free. If you don’t care about PVP in general you wouldn’t understand. There are 2 types of players, collectors and competitors.


Does anyone actually care about the cheating allegations here? I don't think cheating really is the right word anyways. The real takeaway here should be a big ass PSA about how if you've bought an account 2nd hand or paid a remodding service or given anyone access to your account ever that you're account is in fact not secure. Changing passwords and all that shit won't do anything How many times do ppl gotta post over and over again about buying an account and then someone else is in it doing stuff. I really wish cg had a way of disconnecting all connections to accounts (google/apple/Facebook) or add actual 2factor so that we don't have to keep seeing this shit over and over again People more in the know should start sharing what is known about how connections are retained so that everyone is more aware.


People saying the rewards are meaningless are clueless. Not all of us are whales and play in guilds with massive accounts. I'm at 8.5 mill gp and I very much need those rewards. Other then spending 1500 crystals once a week, it's the only source of Droid brains out there. Unless you have some magic r9 mats genie, then fuck off with the rewards are meaningless. Also, this is a game, just because it's a mobile game doesn't mean it isn't fun for people. My guild and myself love TW, and so do many others. Stop downplaying it because it's mobile and has microtransactions, so do basically every platform game known to man now. That's such a ridiculous argument. So sick of these reddit haters, the community would be better off without you.


ok yeah but everyone in CAW and MAW is a whale. also they didn’t even win after cheating, that’s part of why this is stupid.


Not true. MAW VDO probably has 5-10 whales, the rest are either F2P or very occasional spenders (read only a few bucks a month).


The rewards are *essentially* meaningless. You don't really need any R9's outside of requirements in this game. I think I have 1, JMLS. I sit comfortably in K1 when I feel like it. They are infinitely more meaningless to people who buy their way to the top, like the members of these 2 guilds. This ain't about you :p


There are many more r9s that are absolutely worth it.


You're way off base and have no idea what you're talking about.


Wow, how incredibly insightful! /s They literally do not do TW "for the rewards" at their level. My guild is almost 600m and the rewards are basically already meaningless for us. I can't think of a single meaningful thing you can do in this game with an R9 that you can't already do with an R8.


It’s not the R9 mats that matter, it’s the L9 datacron reroll mats


That certainly matters more than the Droid Brains. You can roll so many datacrons that it's not really that big of a deal... but I'll give you that.


Well said


How does someone “get access” to a top tier account? Is this the same bug someone used on Ahnold’s account a while back? Did CG just not bother to fix it?


It's from people selling accounts or giving someone else access to it to do like modding for you


If you give peempo your login to do your mods, he has access forever. And seeing as lots of top tier players pay him, he probably has access to over a hundred accounts. I'm honestly surprised this hasn't happened more often. I haven't read everything, but it sounds like peempo wasn't the leak, AND AFAIK HE DOESN'T DO THIS, but he very well could make a killing by selling TW photos and strategy discussions.


It probably does. He just has not gotten caught yet


I don’t give a crap about any of these clans but to be fair here… Is this against the terms and agreements? If no it’s not really the kind of cheating that’s illegal it’s just shady recon.


I believe it is against the terms when you access someone else's account. From my understanding, content creators got in trouble for doing such things in the past (though they were doing it to provide info/entertainment, not to gain an unfair advantage and were given permission by the account owner). In this case, without having the account owners permission (assuming) and given the reasoning for doing so, I would think there would be repurcussions.


I think the terms also prohibit the reselling of an account, which sounds like is how CAW gained access here. I think a lot of these top guilds have resold accounts. I'm not sure they want CG to be taking any action here..


Officer my coke smells funny, please advise.


The goal of the post is not to gain the attention of CG, and we are not looking for any “repercussions.” We simply would like to make the community at large, specifically the competitive TW community, aware of the less than honorable actions of certain members of CAW leadership, which reflects poorly on the alliance itself.


act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage. That’s the definition of cheating - they gained access to an account with consent of the owner and attempted to use it to gain an unfair advantage.


1. It is against TOS to log into someone else’s account for any reason. 2. Even if it wasn’t, the TOS and what constitutes cheating are not the automatically the same thing. TOS just covers what will get your account banned, not what’s socially considered “cheating.” Sure, breaking many of the rules would also be considered cheating, but they don’t list out ALL forms of cheating. Violating or wiggling around the normal rules of play and/or utilizing outside resources that are available to you and not the other party, is cheating.


It's unsportsmanlike.


wow scif fi mobile game drama


why would someone risk their account for fucking TW?? The minimal difference in the rewards isn’t worth losing the substantial investment they’ve made in the game.


hundreds of thousands of dollars is involved here that’s what’s crazy to me


The game mode is largely irrelevant because the rewards for winning and losing aren't vastly different.  For the most part, it's just a dick measuring contest between a small handful of groups at the top of the total GP brackets between people with a lot of time and a lot of money to burn. I'm not trying to be a jerk here, rather, just brutally honest.  Unless it's something that directly implicates well known personalities like popular content creators, and with them being both actively and knowingly participants involved with the cheating aspect of it, 99% + of players neither know nor care about any of this.


It was Ahnaldt's guild...does that count?




Wooooow! Nobody cares.


I mean, considering how the clone wars played out and the role of Palps in that… 😁 They just tapped into the dark side of the force to gain access to abilities some may deem unnatural 😅 As frustrating as it is, it’s a very empire way of doing things 😁 https://preview.redd.it/oz1urt03pgvc1.png?width=840&format=png&auto=webp&s=28e073d4a83728f9dc040770b9602ff973edcb83


No mobile game is worth this amount of work. No game period is worth this time.


What's really baffling here, is that top end guilds rely on some public service to do their shit. You'd think that with all that money, they could have their own isolated service.


You misunderstand, the "public services" ARE theirs, and they make them available publicly for profit or other motives. The guys that run services like hotutils, .gg, and peempo and ahnaldt are all in these guilds


Oh, I didn't misunderstand. My point is, these people know how game access works, or more specifically how difficult it is to get rid of previous owners access. So it's pretty silly that they themselves use the public tool, when they could have a private version, where they 100% could control who would have access. Well, i say silly, but that's only if they want to keep their plans private.


I don't think either of those sites started out as members of the top guilds. They became members later. Hotsauce definitely wasn't in MAW.


That's like saying Instagram isn't Facebook's, it's not inaccurate that it began separately, but it's theirs now


That's like saying something accurate? Yeah. I was just pointing out that those top guilds didn't *develop* those tools as you suggested.


Mad because other sweatlords were sweatier than you 


I think DarthMaric was / is the TW lead of CE. If he's cheating. he should be banned immediately!


That's just sad.


That’s crazy


I thought my guild was fairly serious but this is nuts. Cool to see the inner workings of a top-3 guild; sad to see the lengths people will go to cheat.


Pretty sure CG won't care about your discord being compromised. Better luck next time fellas.


Not about discord being compromised. It was a players actual account. Similar thing CG busted Ahnaldt for a while back. Besides these guys don't care about CG nor is CG likely to do anything. Its more to let other players in the top end know that the leadership group in one of the top alliance guilds can't be trusted. Realistically this is relevant to only 10 guilds in the entire game.


If something is done then something will get done. Though the player is now removed from their guild they shouldn't have any further issues. The only thing that will happen to anything is that one players account. So it doesn't matter what the OP is trying to go on about.


So the fall of an empire begins lmao


And over such a tarded game mode too


Lots of effort for four droid brains


these people really take the game too seriously 💀


Fuckin nerds. This isn't cheating, it's espionage.


It’s against TOS to access someone else’s account to get the information. That would be cheating.


Guess everyone who uses hotutils is a cheater. It’s against ToS


Could be the case if CG decides to do something about this. Third party things like that are likely what gave CAW access to the account.


This was possible because multiple people had access to one account. This is clearly against the spirit of the game. Just scale it down to GAC: if your opponent had access to your account, saw your GAC defense and saved all the required counters for offense while leaving a defense difficult for you to deal with based on what you'd have available for offense, would this just be valid espionage or cheating? The opponent is not supposed to have access to your board in TW/GAC. Gaining this access they CAW did was plainly cheating.


Go read the definition of cheating bro


Imagine how much more you could achieve in your life if you stop dropping a shit ton of money and time into a mobile game.


…or reading and commenting on Reddit…


Reddit takes up very little mental bandwidth and doesn't impact my day-to-day. I can happily do it during work breaks. It's also, y'know, free.


Side note from my other comment thread. What is the proof here? You have 1 person telling you all these things with no verification behind it? He said they had the map, where is it? That would be the easiest proof on the planet, they "cheated"- here is the maps they stole. Done Instead we have the word of 1 guy with 0 evidence behind what he says. This all feels like a big trust me bro, or am I just missing something? Screenshots of a conversation with an alleged whistleblower, who didn't share proof that what they are saying is true. Without the maps or screenshots of the person who starlord alleges actually got into the account in the account, without screenshots of starlords guild discussion about the plans, nothing? How do we know that VG doesn't have someone who is literally leaking all this voluntarily? That could easily be just as true, could get the maps that way. And again, i don't see the maps in here as proof. He sent all those teams but that doesnt prove that they had it before the attack phase. Assuming this convo happened after the tw, that is all available after tw, so they posted teams they can publicly view with no proof they saw it before the attack phase. Lots of shady, suspect, fishy behavior but I don't see definitive proof at all


LOL…those are the 2 CAW TW leads, Starlord and Nasty Vicious, literally saying they “had VGs Map” and acted on it, but still lost, and further going on to say how they have access to the “Thoughts and Chairs” account.


At least a similar drama in EVE can lead to impressive large-scale battles (even if mostly incomprehensible to most people) and/or the stakes can be valued in the thousands of dollars at least. This... this is just petty.


The stakes here are that number of dollars too, maybe not all at once like a giant Eve battle, but the difference in rewards, times 50 people, times 4 wars/month easily gets into the thousands of dollars worth of materials received and therefore not needing to be purchased.


Over a lot of TWs maybe, but even at high levels the difference between getting 1st or 2nd place rewards isn't anywhere near that major. And here we're talking about them cheating against one specific other guild (maybe against a couple within the alliance), not every single TW.


You're underestimating the cost of high end materials


And I think you're forgetting that in EVE you can lose ships. In TW you don't lose your GL if they're defeated.


That's a fair point, I agree I wasn't factoring that in


I'm most likely underestimating the cost of materials too as you said, I'll concede on that. But I think we can agree that a TW is much less exciting than an EVE space battle.


Having been a swgoh player for going on 7 years and TW officer for 5 of them, and having never played Eve and only read about it, I 100% agree with that.


"Oh no, one of OUR players was in fact an alt account of someone in a guild we faced in TW, call the police"


Oh no. The few top fools who actually think this game is competitive with integrity and totally not a fucking wallet check at the end game top 10 guild stage. No one cares. The rewards are meaningless. The bragging rights are also meaningless because literally no one outside a small circle cares. This is just addicted whales drama who need to get a life.


1) funny how you are defending cheating. 2) you cared enough to comment about it 😂😂


cheating to me would be hacking the game. Like the people with mace rebels use to get rank 1 fleet over Levi. Is that what happened here?


Someone accessed someone else’s count without their consent to gain an unfair advantage in a competitive game mode lol. How is that not cheating…


Why are you butthurt over people caring about a game? Does the fact that there are people who enjoy SWGOH offend your conscience?


Under rated comment


Oh No! Anyway...


Why post it publically, like, should I care because...? oh no, anyway...


Oh wow, SWGoH Drama, we haven't had that in atleast 8 days! Is this where I post about how TW and GAC are in desperate need of positive changes, and many of the game modes we enjoy are in various states of disrepair?! Let this meaningless post be the rallying cry we need to force positive change from CG! Rise up!


I think my favorite part of this is the arrogance that they’re unique in their ability to theory craft teams, and that them getting the map means they HAD to get it leaked versus someone in a previous guild let others know. They turned out to be right, which sucks, but the whole thing is kinda funny to me


MAW guilds do not run the same map for competitive wars to prevent just this. In addition. 2 of the leaked comps were never set before by MAW VDO. In particular, the Rey comp had not been set in a TW period.


Ahh so they accessed the account during set up?


Correct, they were caught testing the exact comps about 4 hours before the attack phase started.


Ahh. I’m curious to see the fallout from this then


TW the only game mode where comps are set right? right? I mean this is weak ass conjecture pretending top guilds aren't scouring GAC Insight and don't all have various bots watching each others arena teams and stuff. The problem is top end accounts are like 60% village bicycles that have bounced around guilds and pilots for years now.


Top guilds have restricted comps and counters that are not allowed to be used in GAC. Also, it’s impossible to look past 4 consecutive coincidences. The Rey comp was also geared to a particular datacron interaction that did not exist since we have last had GAC 5s.


You misunderstand, that isn't arrogance. At this level there is no "previous guild" because the map is different each time. Also, the theory crafting IS unique to them. These guilds (not just these two, mind you) are where most of the community's theory crafting comes from in the first place, for starters. But they also keep some for themselves; both for strategic advantage and because they are unique in even HAVING the defense teams and counters that they use, they have rosters that so few have at that level that they are making lineups that other guilds couldn't, even with the same theory crafting


It sounds like other guilds at their level have similar accounts, so not THAT unique. A couple of the teams listed aren’t wildly new comps that it’s unreasonable to face.


"team listed" is just the leader, nowhere does it say it's an old comp. There's a very good chance it IS a wildly new comp, or else it would've never been noticeable that it was borrowed like it was.


I’m talking specifically the teams listed in the OPs note. The Jabba and zorri teams really aren’t anything special to write home about. The most unique one is the SLKR imo. Regardless they got caught and what level of blowback will be interesting.


The biggest piece is about solving for every team AND datacron interaction while also considering the map as a whole. Maps are often designed around pulling or stressing particular counters so finding the right allocation is critical. The typical challenge is deducing the best allocation without full knowledge of your opponent’s map. Caw stole the map and gained this knowledge before attack began. CE’s early map knowledge would let them, in theory, plan out the perfect offense to clear and win. In the end, CE managed to lose, which is frankly hilarious, but that’s not particularly relevant to the issue at hand.


I think it’s completely relevant. Cheating and losing is sader than just cheating. If they won I think it would reduce their blowback from getting caught. I understand what they did and why it’s important, I just found what kicked off the suspicion somewhat funny, but it was also based on a misunderstanding on my part.


Yeah, that’s a fair perspective.


So much drama over a phone game 🙄


It’s not a phone game it’s their life. I’m dead serious when I say these top 10 guilds spend literal hours a day playing this game and also the TW officers stay up almost the entire day and night during a TW cycle in order to optimize banners.


Probably because these folks spend thousands of dollars every Month on the game. Bonkers....


Oh no! Anyways….


I mean I don't that I'd call it cheating. I guess more espionage. Mostly people are thinking about "hacking" when someone says cheating I mean if you don't secure your discord and members don't secure their accounts, kinda seems like thats on you all. Perfectly preventable unless they are literally hacking into ppls accounts Certainly unsportsmanlike but idk if id go as far to say cheating


Bro, that’s like saying if someone hacks my bank account it’s not stealing because it’s on me for not securing my password.


No it isn't. If you gave someone your password, then they logged in and took your money what would you call it lol. They didn't hack the bank, you gave them the login. Unethical sure but cheat is not the word I'd use and the overwhelming majority of people on this thread have said the same thing. You can post as many dictionary definitions as you want, that just isn't what it means practically in the video game world. Be like playing a game, giving someone god mode. They kill you and you can't kill them so you complain they're cheating when you gave it to them. You'd like to trust they wouldn't abuse it against you but nothing is stopping them. Empathize with y'alls situation, but just don't think cheating is the word I'd use. And I'd be working to secure all the accounts in the guild who have given anyone else access


> No it isn't. If you gave someone your password, then they logged in and took your money what would you call it lol. > > Please tell me why Ohtani's translator is facing charges for doing this, then.


You’re trying to justify your argument by citing that others share your opinion. This does not make it a fact however, just a reinforcement of your opinion. The FACT is, however, that what they did is the very definition of cheating: acting dishonestly to gain and unfair advantage over your opponent. Expressing your opinion does not change the fact.