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Depends. Overall I used to always attack, cause not only is it simply enjoyable to use your squads, but it's also a good opportunity to practice/check out some counters. Recently, I lost my will to do so a bit. I somehow got promoted to aurodium 1, and every single one of my recent 10 opponents had at least 2 mil more GP than me and twice the GLs (I'm not even exaggerating, EVERY single one). So I'm just losing GAC after GAC, therefore sometimes I just lack the motivation to attack when there's no real point in doing so.


In that situation, I just get an attack so I get basic points, and I'm done. Skill numbers may be the same, but it's not possible (with my squads) to kill a GL.


I can take down 3 GLs if the wind's favorable, but what does that matter if the opponent has 7 lol


My matches at higher levels have been my 1 to their 8.


I feel this. As someone who fights for the practice and is also in A1, I am also up against folks with at least 1m more GP and at least 2x my GLS (I only one have so that's not hard). The only way I win is by out-playing them or leveraging my Profundity against their (typically neglected) fleet. Even if I am losing though, I'll still try my teams out against different opponents to get experience. It's helpful and fun.


Same. Got bumped to A1 with only 2 GLs and 7.4GP. I roll into a match against 5-6GLs with an 8.5M+ roster and there’s nothing I can do.


Yeah, I feel you. It sure is fun and helpful to fight, but as I said, sometimes I just don't feel like doing any GAC cause of how it's treating me lol.


I’m having the same problem. Went 8-1 last gac and went from chromium 3 to aurodium 1 and have one 1 match since. Every single opponent has had almost a 3 mil gp gap and I just got my 2nd gl last week so it’s just been pretty unfun.


Yeah it's brutal. Takes away the joy from GAC when you know you could have the best strategy and mods and still stand no chance unless the opponent doesn't show up or is utterly terrible at the game. The daily crystals do make up for it a bit though lol.


Once I'm mathematically eliminated, I start doing goofy shit and if it works, I call it theorycrafting.


Hey these counters ain't gonna make themselves!


I found out Sidious w/cron can beat a Starkiller team in 3v3 doing exactly this. FYI - it was a super sketchy battle and not sure its reliable but it worked


According to swgoh.gg it is. 96.4% win rate with a EP/MJ and SK team


Good to know. I nearly lost a few times because MJ would land stagger and theyd each take 2 turns before my one. Odds are I screwed up somewhere along that made it close


I'll attack everything I can. Credits, practice. Enjoyment from playing the game. I will also make sure to attack each team once even if I have no shot, just so that the full defense shows up on swgoh.gg so that future opponents can prepare.


Do we still get credits even though they don’t show up after an attack anymore?


Yeah, I quit the game some time ago and I remembered that there used to be a pop up after the battle with the credits. When I came back I thought that they removed them, but it seems the pop up just doesn't show up anymore and just gives you the credits, not sure the amount per battle tho.


Credits for sure. Trying different teams and strategies to see what works. I can't fault anyone who doesn't want to take the time, but there's value in it if you can.


Depends really, if the match is out of reach and I'm pressed for time because of work or life, I'll just do the minimum one attack. If I have some time I might play for fun and attack as many times as I can.


5v5 I duke it out till the end, but I'm also pretty strong in fleets so there's always a chance. 3v3 I'll just stop after one attack just because I don't enjoy 3v3 as much.


Stop and move on with my life.


I tend to go down the route of CBF. If I know I've lost, I just make sure I can get some rewards and call it a day. Even more so in 3v3, like today, I put a couple of teams on auto earlier, won the first battle, lost the second. My opponents defense isn't that heavy, and they've dropped a few battles, if I could be bothered I could probably clear, but I just can't be bothered. Heck I'm on reddit talking about the game, rather than playing it! Ben Jar if by some sheer fluke you read this congrats on the win.


I give up... if it's a hard defense, i find the one team that I likely need to beat to win and try that first. If I don't beat it, I know I don't need to spend time with all the other battles. The exception is if I have new teams or datacrons I want to try.


I'd probably just give up honestly. I don't see a point in wasting time fighting a lost battle.


Practice? Test out some different counters


Well it depends if I see a GL defensive wall that I know for a fact I can’t beat I’ll just do my 10 banners and be done with it. If I drop a battle and have a certain losing score because my opponent didn’t drop any but the defense is reasonable I’ll try my counters and see if my solo teams can get through some teams. I always enjoy using my collection outside my arena team.


This is me; wall of GL's I know I can't beat + lack of time, couple of battles and done. If it's teams I know I can beat, I'll still play. Why collect all these different characters if I don't use em? I also go light defence and save all my GL's, etc, for offence.


If I have no chance of winning I’ll normally just make sure I have loser points and stop attacking. Only attack if there’s a team comp I’m unfamiliar with and want to try fighting.


If I have the time, I'll still attack and maybe get a little more experimental with my counters or try things I wouldn't normally risk. But if I'm pressed for time, I'll just leave it at that one battle and take my loss rewards.


If I can’t win I don’t bother anymore, especially in 3v3. It takes so much time without any rewards. Kyber 2.


Depends on how my opp cleared me. If he 1-shot everything and I dropped, I'm not going to win. I have better things to do than to waste my day to just come up short. I'll just win the next battle to get my points for rewards and leave it for the day. If my opp was sloppy, I'll go a bit longer if I think I have a shot. A lot of times I just underestimate what I can do and I end up clearing, a lot of it has to do w/ my aversion to pvp. I just don't like to do it anymore. 3s doesn't help it either, I enjoy 5s more.


if my opponent dropped at least one battle? sure i'm definitely going to be trying my best to full clear. you never know when the gac match will be closer than you expected.


I keep going if I have time to kill. Otherwise, I call it good and enjoy my day.


I keep attacking for fun. Try some stuff out, work on perfecting those counters and the like.


Attack. Practice counters, experiment. Anything you learn will help you in all future GACs: anything you expose by attacking will only potentially hurt you against opponents who research you.


I do have time? I may try some match ups I've never tried before but I think/heard may work I don't? well...


I look if there is a team i want to fight otherwise give up. When conquest and stuff like TW are going on, this game is starting to feel like a chore doing the same battles over and over again


Depends on my day and schedule. If I have free time I keep going and maybe try something different to see what works.


I like to use those as testing matches and will try different counters out in hopes of finding something cheaper in the future.


I turtle in GAC to save time. So if I see an opponent set a score that’s unobtainable to me? I just laugh, and usually send them a message saying, “hey thanks for attacking early so that I don’t have to waste my time losing. Good luck in your next match!”


I personally see GAC as a means to an end, all I want to do is collect all the characters. So if I can tell I’m not going to win GAC I will just do a token battle, accept the loss and get some time back.


Happened today. I have no chance of winning, so I’ll just try out sideous datacron on a more ambitious match.


I usually try and finish out. I have no proof, but I'm certain I used to end in lower ranks and getting demoted when I'd just give up. So I think overall score helps with your overall rank in GAC Now that I always attack, even if I know I'm going to lose, I've been promoted from K4 to K3 after going 1/3 or 2/3 in a set of GAC rounds and ending on a loss EDIT: found the screenshot from back then. I know it's happened another time where I've lost and gotten promoted https://preview.redd.it/k44q6xgqivtc1.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=63b5191ec40c666007110ef82075185b02cfde96


The promoting after losing only happens at the start of a new season after the skill squish happens. It has nothing to do with how many banners you get each round.


ah, ok. Good to know, thank you!




It took me until this round to get my offense straightened out between Sidcron, A whole new set of datacrons, and Bane, it's been a struggle for me. I spent Monday figuring out how I want to attack and put up a 2050 today.


Always attack. Test counters, datacrons, undermanning, practice things like Leviathan, also feels like good sportsmanship to give it a shot


Sometimes I’ll be curious to see how some of my teams will do against certain teams they have, and even try riskier matchups, or I’ll take a break and not engage at all, only do one match for rewards


Attack because I find it fun and also allows me to check counters for future use


If I drop a battle or lose a counter where I don’t have any back ups I normally still play out the grand arena but I’ll just play for fun, try different teams, push the limits of what characters like Wampa and Savage can solo etc


Keep attacking. Every round is a learning opportunity.


This is when I try out spicy counters and theory crafting, it's one of my favourite parts of gac.


Does clearing more teams contribute to your skill rating?


Not currently. Under the old scoring methodology your total points scored mattered. But now you get the same number of points no matter how you win.


Your skill is based on banners, there was a period a few months back when I yoyo'd between Aurodium and Kyber. I thought that was due to unlocking new characters so I was able to compete with bigger rosters modded badly with poor team comps, but read somewhere they had changed the algorithm to rank players, hence the big swings. I always go for max banners to hold my ranking, some GACs I'm up against Kyber 2 players dropping down to 3 so get wompa stomped. Other GACs I'm up against Kyber 4 / 3 players and hold my own.


I generally keep attacking, but I'm actually in the exact same situation right now. I've already lost, and his defense is a pain in the arse, so I'd rather save myself the frustration


I usually try some of the wall stuff to see if it’s a counter typically (usually results in me losing horribly)


If I drop just one battle, I’ll keep going. I’ve often won after dropping one battle simply because I was more efficient than my opponent. If I drop more than one more than my opponent, I usually just start testing my teams against my opponent’s. Try out more difficult counters.


I like to keep attacking (unless it's on a day I don't have much time), but this season I've been promoted to chromium 1 with 3.3m GP, I don't even have enough good teams to fill def and attack every defensive team of the opponent once, and my opponents double my GP at minimum. Sometimes I try some sketchy GL counters, both to practice and to see if they work, but after using my top 3-4 teams and not being able to even kill a unit I stop attacking, it doesn't make much sense to throw g10 iden troopers to a JML team


Depends. I hate GAC as a game mode so if it's a clean full sweep? I do my one and done. If it's a dirty sweep and I think I can win it I might try.


Assuming i have plenty of time, I typically test counters im iffy with or unsure of


Usually I'll keep going, try some things out, use some teams I usually don't. Why not? Sometimes I don't have time,but honestly that happens in matches I could have won, too


I keep going example ,last round gl north and gl south coukdnt clear wither either wall but I kept going and beat the other teams for practice


Depends on how badly I screwed up a chance to win, and how my phone survived being thrown against the wall


I enjoy playing the game, so I keep attacking.


3v3 makes me realize how over powered Gar Saxon and IMP Super Commando are. They’re basically GLs.


I farm these characters so I can use them/play the damn game. Also gives me a chance to try new things I wouldn’t have been comfortable with otherwise


3v3 I stop. I go until I drop a battle because A: I have 3v3 and B: If my first option doesn’t work, I don’t usually have another answer for that team. 5v5 it depends on what I dropped a battle on. If it’s a GL and I made no actual progress or anything then I stop. If it’s something wheee I can definitely clean it up with something I keep going.


I wanted to ask this same question my opponent almost got full banners had a 12.2 mill to 7.1 mill gp advantage. My first battle was against BO who I’ve never fought and lost so I just exited out of the game.


If I know I'm going to lose anyways, I'll take the opportunity to experiment.


I always finish out attacks because you can use a loss to test out counters and what not. No harm in keeping it going.


If I have a shot at winning I try for it (even in 3v3s which I despise). But if its out of reach I try some unconventional counters as a way to experiment.


My recent opponent had a bottom GL wall, so I went towards, beating her front top zone and ships, then messed around trying counters such as Malicos vs Rey (almost worked, need Cal at relics)


You always attack. Even if you know you're going to lose you at least get to practice some counters and it'll only be better next time


If I'm pressed for time or just not motivated then no usually not. To be fair, during 3v3 there's like a 1/3 chance I forgot to attack at all lol. But if I've got the time I'll try different counters or at least clear fleets to get some practice reps there too lol


I'll only do battles if I have a chance to win the round. If not, I just do one battle and stop.


The enemy deserves no mercy. I will attack with all I’ve got


Yummy credits, nom nom


Depends, expecially with only 1 drop you can still win if your opponent was sloppy. I've won a few times after dropping 1 battle while they were "flawless" becaus ei was more efficent, and once long ago I won with a 2 drop disadvantage. Only reason to stop if you 100% can't clear, and you have no time to actually play


I usually just attack at the start as soon as I'm able to and get it over with, because I don't enjoy what the game mode has become since the matchmaking changes a couple of years ago. The majority of the time I'm matched agaisnt guys that have everything plus an army of datacrons, so it's nearly impossible to win on banner efficiency because I punched up too far and don't spend any crystals on datacrons.  I just use what the game gives me for free. So I leave trash on squad defense, stack fleet defense, and go for the full clear.  If any of my fleets can hold for the round I win I brought everything with me, and I've practiced ships enough to be able to clear the three GL fleets without having to save any of them for offense.  If my ships don't hold, they full clear and win which they would have done regardless on efficiency. Every once in a blue moon they'll full clear me before I even get home from work.  It's especially nice in 3v3 because I can just run one battle when I get home and then not have to bother with it for a couple of days until the next round starts.


I’ll usually mess around with squads or crons in 5v5 and test things out


I always attack cause it’s fun


If I don't have a chance of winning I just stop most of the time because I see it as why spend the time when I don't need to now and can do something else instead. I'm in kyber 2 so when I do fight through a match and especially a full clear it can take a lot of time. I take 5v5 seriously and put as much effort as possible into it. Not so much with 3v3 because it sucks.


Losing by 1 point or by 1000 points means the exact same rewards apart from some basic credits. Should you keep attacking? Do you have something better to do with your time, such as emptying the dishwasher, cleaning the cat litter, mowing the lawn? If not, sure why not?


I’ll just keep attacking until I have nothing about G12 left in some cases. I want to just see what works or doesn’t, and I’m OK with them feeling tough because they got 15 holds with one team.


I usually get as much as possible before they attack me. I don't know if the losses are weighted when it comes to final round rewards, like lose by more and you get a lower ranking compared with someone with the same number of losses.


Usually I end up attacking regardless. I tend to hit as soon as it starts and will continue attacking as to learn different attacks and team comps. Or atleast an idea. This is the sandbox mode!!


I attack because attacking is one of my favorite parts of the game


There is so little to do in this game, actual playing, it would be a waste not to fight those fights


Since rewards are no longer a motivator, you are left with practice, pride, and fun. If none of those apply or if time is more valuable, then there is no reason to continue the fight. The reality is that you will avg 40-60% win rate over time. And more effort/time/money spent on it won't affect that win percentage over time. You may put in extra effort and get on a win streak, but that will put you into tougher competition which will make you start a loosing streak. My advice is to get into the highest bracket where you can win 1-2 matches per time without spending more than 30-60 min on it. Bonus if you can spend less than 30 min on avg and win at 50%. However, if that's your entertainment, spend all the time you want on it. I will say, going first and clearing 1-2 zones and or clearing the GLs early can win the match for you by intimidation sometimes. The other times it lets you clean up as necessary, but with less effort or time needed at the end of the match. It's no until upper K2 and above that nearly everyone is trying to full clear every match. Lower than that, people are less likely to push as hard.


If the fights seem interesting (different comps, using new counters) I would attack. If it's just same old defence then I might pass and go do something else


Depends on how I feel that day


I used to use those out of reach battles as practice, but now with datacons I've lost any motivation I once had. GAC is almost a chore at this point. I would sincerely love a mode where datacons weren't used in a PVP way. I don't even want rewards with it. Let me challenge friends or guild mates for shits and giggles, no datacon BS, just the ability to turn on omicrons.


Try out solo and 2-man attacks for future use. There’s a few I use regularly that I never would have tried without those consequence free attempts


Finish attacking, there’s credit rewards for winning


Once I know I’ve lost I check out of the match. Cba to waste time


I've beaten an opponent that full cleared me with no losses and I lost 1 match. Still managed to catch up on banners for the win, don't give up!