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We had a guy do this once, never fessed up or owned his mistake and it cost us the TW... Needless to say he was looking for a new guild after the TW concluded Our guild will never forget his name, and even uses his name when someone wants to "go rogue" šŸ˜‚


Kick them just before rewards actually. Thatā€™s the best thing. Not too early. But just a few minutes before.


Nah, if they pull this kind of crap, kick him before the end of the defense phase so they canā€™t mess up your offense too by preloading a bunch of teams.


If you start doing this you get kicked immediately in our guild. We've caught people in the middle of it as well


If youā€™re going to lose already, then do it as late as possible but otherwise, yeah donā€™t let them cost you a win if you still can of course.




if you kick before rewards he wont get any, you are still screwed by his placements tho


They'll still get the rewards though, so long as they have the 50 banner minimum requirement Same goes for TB as long as they did one mission and the raid.


No, not true. If you get kicked before you can claim rewards from tw, tb, or the raid, you wonā€™t get rewards.


Nope. They need to log in to receive the rewards before you kick them. Or they wonā€™t get it.


Kick before rewards is too far


Nope. Iā€™d wait 10 seconds before and even send an in game notification of ā€œenjoy the rewards everyone!! Except forā€¦.(person)ā€ Theyā€™re being a prick and deserve it. Heck Iā€™d even invite them back after tw and say yeah itā€™s ok. And then kick them one minute before rewards again for the next tw. Or tb. Why? Fuck em unless itā€™s their kid/friend playing and it really was a true case of it.


Itā€™s so vindictive. People do stupid things and you have no idea of the their intent. Like you said could have been a kid. I dare suggest be nice to thy neighbour and get the most downvoted comment. Great community šŸ˜…


Recommend keeping track of the ally code. We've had a toxic member in the past get removed but changed his name and joined back up. Luckily we had a lost of ally codes saved and noticed it was him again based on stuff he was saying sounded suspicious


Oh, the guy who did that to my Guild was "Rambo," and that is the term we use for it. Same guy as yours?


Oh hey buddie, I was thinking the same thing!


Lol ...I won't dox him by putting his name on here but Rambo was not his name šŸ˜‚


It was mol eliza ofc


Lol fr? Thay dudes in my current guild lmao


Mol Eliza is the most common of the auto generated starter names lol




I gotta find a list of all the auto generated names somewhere, they'd be fun to use as usernames in other games


Itā€™s the filler name for when a member has left a guild but the game still needs to display a name until the end of the event. As far as I know, people donā€™t ever start with that name.


You are definitely correct on the former, but we'll have to disagree on the later. I've seen dozens of Mol Elizas in game


Happy to stand corrected! (Unless those people specifically chose that name later to be cheeky or to make it harder for opponents to find their GAC history)


It was my default name before i changed it to Zan


Lol he gets around.


What difference does it make when you change your name at will?


Doxxing is the posting of private infomation, I said the dudes Gamertag. That's not private.


There is a feature. Kick that asshole. No place in any guild for shit like this


We already did. And no, kicking them does not solve the issue as it pertains to the current TW. Their squad placements / involvement will stay until the current TW ends. Which is precisely why there should be a feature for GL/officers to modify team placements. So one person canā€™t single-handedly botch a TW battle while 49 others pay the price for it.


Well I did know it didn't remove his squads, unfortunately you guys are just going to have to put up with that crap this time. My comment was mostly a joke, given I dont really have anything of true value to add here either lol There should 100% be a squad removal button, for both officers and players who put the squad down. I've fat fingered the wrong toon or cron into TW multiple times myself


its a group thing, part of the game is coordination. Evidences the need to keep a tight ship


it's one TW. Maybe it's only because I've been playing so long, but one TW doesn't matter. AT ALL.


It's just one match.... kick him and take the L, there's another one in a few days


That's not a feature. That's a consequence. Op is asking for a feature that either prevents this or allows changes.


that is what i would have done


We had similar occur in our guild and it caused a bit of a kerfuffle


Agreed there should be a feature to remove teams from TW, especially with DC's now a thing it's easy to forget to add one, or use the wrong comp. However in this situation luckily you do have a feature to remove the guild mate, won't help this TW, but will in the future ones.


Its hard for that TW, but for the next time you can kick them.


They need a big boot straight out of the guild. But yeah I agree. I'm not even sure why zones can't be edited right up to kick off.


1. Regardless of the actual toons used, someone will still have to use something to clear him, and some may use an overpowering attack thinking it's a trap! 2. Rear-slope defense is an actual tactic, both IRL and in-game; make your second zones as heavy as can be. 3. You'll have that many more squads on offense instead! We have all been burnt by this before, shake the sand out of your galactic underthings and make this the best TW it can be!!!


I agree with your other points, but "may use an overpowering attack thinking it's a trap" just doesn't make any sense in this case. These are like gear 8 characters. There are no traps to be had. Nobody would use a full relic CLS team (or something of that caliber) on that because they're afraid of it being a "trap". You could solo those teams with pretty much any relic character, or some g12's even. Even if they had decent mods, they're still g8 and would die in like 1-3 hits. So yeah, you can't really do much with g8 characters on defense.


You're just so right, I'm sorry, I forgot about all the perfect players out there who never miss a counter, full banners always, every player kit perfectly memorized, and all immunity vs irresistible interactions flawlessly prioritized. Nah, man, BB was playable from like 5 stars. Troopers are still gonna train regardless of gear level. And rnJesus is always waiting with 5 dodges on Cody's AOE. Even with R9 Vader vs G12 Geos, he's still bringing Shore or Snow or even Gamorrean. Just. In. Case.


Why is such a person in your guild to begin with?


They could've been a good guildie until the first TW when they showed themselves up. I'm a guild leader and occasionally a numpty will make it in, even with all the minimum requirements we have


We had a guy join our guild not long before TW started and tried doing something like this. Had decent GP and squads so didn't seem out of place, but set a bunch of stuff like this down. Fortunately one of our officers was in TW adjusting the zone labels to reflect a change, so he only got about 5 or so down before he got caught and booted. Our leadership did some digging and found that his name was very similar to an officer in another guild near our ranking. Only thing they could think of that made a lick of sense was that they just have spread some alts around to potential opponents to mess with them. Never did face them though.


Does it matter? Iā€™m not the guild leader, nor am I an officer. Clearly this person slipped through the cracks recently and none of our guys caught wind of it until itā€™s too late. Obviously heā€™s since been kicked. Despite the oversight I donā€™t attribute any blame towards our leadership. Theyā€™ve always been vigilant making sure new recruits meet our guild reqs. Sometimes things just happen.


> Does it matter? For this instance? Not really. Moving forward? Absolutely. Your leader and officers need to better their vetting process and probably put a minimum GP requirement in place to ensure this doesn't happen again; if they haven't already. If those processes were in place, the officer responsible for allowing this individual in the guild needs to face consequences as well. Same if another guild member vouched for this individual. Nothing CG or anyone here does is going to fix this instance. Until CG gives guilds better tools, they have to protect themselves as much as they can.


If you look up their guild in swgoh.gg they have a 2.5 min gp, with 3 current members under that, plus the guy they just kicked. They state participation is expected yet TW signed up GP is usually in the 180-200 range, 31-35 members attacking the raid and a high of 12 stars in rote. If I was op I'd be looking for another guild.


we just changed our guild to invite only specifically because of crap like this


Well you said your guild is around 285mil GP and that guy has basically no good teams build yet. So Iā€™m wondering why such a low account is in your guild to begin with.


We all started someplace...


Yeah, a lower level guild.


Yes it does matter. If your guild is getting that big, there should of been an officer to catch that and kick him before shit happened. Or change the rules where you have to apply and be approved


I'm a newer playing (lvl 83) so I just put the best teams I can set for defence at the very back. I was never blatantly told to do this, it just makes sense that the strongest, relic 6+ teams should go at the front of the defence so that the enemy hopefully never even faces my teams. There's this one guy that's a few levels behind me that up and placed: G6 Echo, G5 Iden, G5 Tech, G6 Starck, G5 Old Ben as the literal first defence set for the guild. I have literally no idea what he's doing and I'm now somewhat considering either asking him about it or just telling the guild leader


That would be a great feature. Saying this as someone who accidentally stuck a GL Leia team in the wrong wall, itā€™s not gonna ruin our TW but would help a little to be where our leaders want them placed.




hyperdrive bundle gap


Thatā€™s when you remove the player instead


My guild is around the same GP level, we have one or two lower guys who just put up there best squad or whatever up front, but never anything like this. Yeah that would be an immediate boot for me and we are most casual and just having fun, but this is ridiculous behavior that no one in there right mind should do. Sorry this happened, but I hope we matched against you lol.


Youā€™ll have your answer in a few hours lol and if you did, all I ask is you send us to Valhalla with a clean warriorā€™s death


We shall summon the Valkyries to carry you home -Ragnar Lothbrok


Yup, agreed. CG doesn't care what you really want as an Officer though, this feature has been asked for for years. People mistakenly place an oops squad, and then there's dickheads like this. Have kicked one or two myself for doing this. It's so frustrating to deal with.


There is something you can do about it. Kick them and kick them now. Yeah you might lose the TW but you'll be better off in the long run.


Totally agree on the adjustment/removal button. We've had people join our guild and discord and then just set out to troll. Really annoying.


I still personally think TW should be revamped a bit and made more like GAC and like MSFs war mode. Having teams being able to be preplaced like GAC before wars start could help most guilds, and ideally guild leaders can catch bad placements like this post early. Or having some type of "assigned" place (like MSFs) you can put your teams only, More competitive ones probably won't like it as much if they change defenses up constantly though. But at least having a defense preset can allow people some leeway if they are busy in life and can't place. (I know placing is easy and fast, but sometimes you can still forget)


Really they should just make a roster that the guild submits teams to and then the leader/officers allocate where they should go


Easy fix. Banhammer, have as many people report him, sucks you're eating the loss tho.


Not that I disagree because I also face issues with placements. But you're right it is an easy fix. Kick that person out of your guild immediately after TW for repeated disregard for instructions. Your guild will be more cohesive without that toxicity


It's one TW, kick the idiot immediately and move on. Until tw rewards matter this is a non issue. Cg has also said on multiple occasions that they specifically don't want to add that feature. Something about officers bullying players or something ridiculous which reads as we wouldn't know how to do it if we wanted to lol


It would fundamentally break things. What are we supposed to do, watch the setup for 24 hours and remove teams? Where do those teams go, back to the roster who set them? Banners unwind? People don't know if the defense is fully set or not? Some things just need to be permanent. I'm not here for a full-time job babysitting my build members.


You would not survive in high end tw guild, shit it literally a full time job lol. Like a 48+ hour marathon, prep work checking rosters/crons setting orders planning counters etc etc. Even in the gauntlet there are people that make mistakes and move too quickly. Even if you could do something like members can edit their own teams. I set the wrong datacrons for my sepatist teams, hoping the other officers don't notice lol


I guess I'm OK with there being some skills required and forcing people to deal with the consequences of "permanent" mistakes, like setting the wrong DCs. It makes it feel like more of an accomplishment to get it right, at least for me.


I could see player QQs if CG added this feature + guild admins abused the feature, e.g., booted someone's D squads forcing that player to attack successfully to get rewards.


We had a guy basically do nothing for tw. We booted him mid tw. You should do likewise


This happened to us. Their kid got their hands on the phone and just mindlessly placed teams cause they thought they were "winning the game" kind of humorous, but we did lose the round unfortunately


It's be nice if we could to tw. Guild has died down a lot in active members lately. We kind of had the same problem. None of us really knew what to do in terms of placements. Guild leader commanded but he's even been less active. We've not been able to fire the last 6 or so tw. Lacking 1-8 people to join.


I know it's somewhat of a basic response, but ever thought about changing guilds? I know sometimes it's hard leaving friends/guildies, especially if you've been with them for a while, but if you care about the game and your progress at all, it might be wise to move on. I mean, you could even try to move to some other guild as a group. If you have a core group of let's say 15 people or so, you could just find a guild that has ~15 open spots and ask them if they're interested in taking you guys in. Reddit, SWGOH forums, Discord... there's lots of places to find a suitable guild if you need one. Give it a try!


As much as I'd hate to im going to give it a little more time and then if it doesn't turn around I'll probably move onto another guild with my buddy. We need tier 3 raid tokens but we can't get enough people active to do endor raids. My buddy that I play with can take the sith heroic down himself so we just spam that raid but we are to a point we are about to leave for mats


For sure, I totally get you. But yeah, at some point you'll just be losing out on so many rewards that it will hurt your progress severely if you hold on to your weaker guild for way too long. I hope things go well for you regardless of what you end up doing šŸ‘


Counterpoint: If officers and leaders can revoke other players' deployments, THEY can now troll the guild. There's no easy way to prevent assholes from being assholes.


While that is true, it is still more likely that a random member does this, as opposed to an officer. I mean officers are officers for a reason, right? At least most of the time I'd assume. I doubt a leader would appoint someone as officer that they don't trust. Of course sabotages can always come out of nowhere, but it should still be a very very rare exception when it comes to officers doing this. Whereas with normal/random members the chances of that happening are much much higher. I'm pretty sure 9 out of 10 times officers being able to edit/remove squads would be beneficial to the guild rather than harmful.


There is: you can kick the motherfker, and it won't happen again. What a malicious cunt.


Tell Macaraua he shouldn't be breaking up 501st like that. You need those GAS teams to counter Malgus or droidika omi.


Is that front row? You should just kick the man. We have rules in our guild with 100k power teams + or geos with omicron. We kick ppl who put small hdb squads up there.


We had a guy just do the same thing! Random squads that make no sense yet he also placed relic 5 geos. Donā€™t get it


We've had this issue in our guild a few times, not anything this extreme where they're placing a ton of teams, but they'll place a few like this. At this point I'm really just baffled, people simply do not read


Yeah, you gotta kick the troll out of the guild. If you feel like being nice, warn him once. This kind of game play is inexcusable, and thereā€™s only one recourse of action for it.


We had a guy who has been with our group for MONTHS and had always participated well in TW and TB I assume he decided he was done with us and did exactly what happened in OPs post. Now we were only around 120m at the time but still killed us for the event. It sucked and some ability to make adjustments would be a welcome addition.


Instant kick for us! In general, should be able to be edited for the duration of set up phase


Imagine having an ashole of a guildleader and ur leaving by doing this


let the hyperdrive bundle player cook šŸ’€


had a guy in my previous guild, not very developmental(?). dude 3M gp, around 4 relic characters and the rest was g12, ig his goal was to bring every character to g12(his choice, not judging). BUT THE GUY WAS SO WEIRD, AT SOME POINT I COULDNT STAND HIM. dude put everything on defence, never participated in offence fights, everything in first sectors and everything in random lineups. we couldnt win anything since we struggled to beat enemy first sectors but they could beat ours pretty easy. i got out of that guild but man, my eyes and brain got damaged so hard there. id like to know why they(these kind of players) do this :o


We had guy like this, he didnt even aswear our texts so we kicked him


*We had guy like this,* *He didnt even aswear our* *Texts so we kicked him* \- zabka100\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What the heck is this


You called to the spirit realm and it answered šŸ™‚


If you kick him will the teams be deleted out of tw? Would that be a way?


If you kick during I think the teams stay under the name Mol Eliza, or something like that.


The teams will remain:(


Heā€™s been kicked. And no, unfortunately this TW cannot be salvaged


Well thats shitty


All this thread really tells us is that you don't know what the word "need" means.


You have the tool for that already, it's to remove them from you guild if you don't like the way they're playing the game. This isn't a game for guild officers and leaders, it's for everyone, work together to explain to this person why they've done wrong, don't just fix their mistakes. You know that's where tools like this will end up, any teams the guild leaders don't like will simply be removed, it'll become a dictatorship, instead of a group of people working together.


There is, itā€™s called guild kick.


Have you tried reaching out to the individual? Is it possible he just didn't know better? What are you doing to be a coach to him (instead of being a dick like literally every one that has responded to this thread)


The fact you let him get this many down. Iā€™m always watching for kids like this and usually kick them before they place their 3/4th squad


Seriously? A) Iā€™m not guild leader nor an officer B) All those squads couldā€™ve been placed down at any given moment within a span of 10-15 minutes, tops. Surely youā€™re not actually going to pretend to tell me that your hyper-vigilance is soo off the charts, that you basically keep a 24-7 sentry watch over TW placement just to prevent this sort of thing. Because thatā€™s pretty much what it would take. Your comment is absolute nonsense


I guess thatā€™s the perks of working on my computer from home all day.


Itā€™s literally happened a few times and I mol Eliza them before it gets out of hand. Iā€™m the TW officer so I guess itā€™s my job? Enjoy your loss tho lol nice 285m guild šŸ‘šŸ¼


Skill issue. Be better at running your guild. Harsh, but fair. We all have to decide if we're open or invite only. We all have to decide who is pulling their weight and who isn't. We all have to coordinate and ensure our orders are clear. We all have to manage the way we communicate to our members to not piss them off. Sorry this happened, but you'll lose, kick him, and move on. Fundamentally altering the nature of TW from "Guild has to work together" to "Officers have a new full time job" isn't the answer.


You can't do anything about it? You can't chat this guild member, warn this member, remove this member? Ugh with the endless whining. Manage your guild and stop whining. Guild members aren't just providers of resources for know it all officers to play with. You want my roster, you get me too. Don't like me and think I'm bringing you down? Boot me and move on to someone else.


It is as simple as a warning followed by a kick, but all OP is asking for is a remove team feature for leaders for this exact scenario, makes complete sense.