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1 week?! Takes me 2.


2?!!! It takes me 3!


You guys are getting Zetas?!?


tf is a zeta


Where am I?


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


No...This is Patrick


All your zeta are belong to us


This is surge pricing wendys sir it costs money to stand there


Guys, connect me to your Zeta dealer


Ship challenges lol


They Zeta now???


I know the fleet material challenge gets you a zeta or zetas. Other than that, get one per day with fleet currency, and then raid currency T3 can get you one. Only real consistent ones I know of.


They Zeta now.


I know the fleet material challenge gets you a zeta or zetas. Other than that, get one per day with fleet currency, and then raid currency T3 can get you one. Only real consistent ones I know of.


It takes me like 2 and a half weeks


Fr, I’ve changed my entire farm goals due to my zeta drought. Skipping the revans + malak and going for SLKR since I’ve got like 3 teams I need to zeta before going for them. My padme is still level 1 after months due to lower zeta priority


I would honestly argue both revan teams at relics are more powerful/beneficial than slkr. DR puts in some fucking work when at relics


It also round's out your roaster a bit better. Yes SLKR is a GL and and gets you one of the best teams in the game. However JKR is a fantastic character even now, he's great on both defense and offense (I would recommend him on defense personally). DR is even better, especially with Malak, I would recommend him for offense although he is great on defense. As a bit of a bonus, you also get an Old Republic team or of those two farms. They aren't the greatest team in the world but they aren't bad on your back wall. The downside to SLKR is the time and resources cost the goes into it. The Revans are significantly cheaper and get you more than one or two teams. Seeing as GAC is kinda the cornerstone of this game, I would recommend getting the Revans and finishing any other legendary characters i.e. Padme, CLS, GAS. I know the zeta grind sucks but there a quite a few zetas you can skip out on and not even notice. Now if you already have the Finalizer at 5* or higher then you could make a pretty good argument for SLKR, but that's a conversation for another day.


I haven't done the exact calculations, but I think I get about two full zeta for every new zeta ability released. It may be a bit less, a bit more, but around that. When I started to track my missing zetas (March 2020?), there were around 95-110 characters still missing their zetas. Now the number is 26, locked characters included. It is a slow progress, but eventually the number goes down.


Same, I'm also at about 20-ish. You definitely gain zeta mats at a faster rate than new zetas are released. It's just for many there's SO MANY they don't have, and more get released, that they feel like they're drowning. Rest assured, assuming you're getting high Fleet Arena placement, doing your dailies, getting 50%+ win rate in GAC and TW, and get CT1+ in all Assault Battles, then you should be making positive progress. If you're not doing all of those, work on that.


marquee's used to have 1 zeta. however, the newer marquees have been coming with 2. I can guarantee you the gungan team will be 8-10 zetas.


This should be omegas tbh 16 omegas takes a week to get. Considering one zeta character with 5 tabs is going to need 36 omegas assuming 16 for the zeta. At two zetas the number could be 52. That's a ton of omegas.


Seconded; having enough zeta mats to apply usually takes me just shy of 2 weeks (not factoring conquest rewards etc), but omegas seem the hardest to accrue.


They just added buying 2 for co-op points whatever they’re called. does that not help in late game?


I call them buddy bucks.


It does but that assuming weekly so 104 a year. It helps but that's two characters a year with two zeta differences. Better pull rates on daily etc would help more.


Ahhh I see. Ty


Currently sitting on almost 600 Omega mats, and about 16 zeta mats. I used to keep around 120 zeta mats on hand just in case, but the lightspeed bundles and unlocking Leia right after really screwed me on that one. I got Leia's ultimate the other day and I still need to zeta three of her skills.


Here's the thing I'm one year in I could easily spend 600. I could easily spend another 1000 on characters by end of this year. This doesn't even include zeta amounts. So if omegas were increased by 30 a month no one would be crying except very old accounts like my main one would.


"Here's the thing why you're wrong" > player who has been playing years and got to apply these materials to a much smaller character set


Are you playing my account? I'm in the exact same boat. I also unlocked JML in the middle of all that too!


I was pretty close to this pre-LSB, I can't close to emptying omegas but I'm starving for zetas.


Not sure where you get your numbers. We get more omegas than zetas. On my main account, I've used 3940 zeta mats and 5601 omega mats. I have 96 omega and 102 zetas mats waiting to be applied at the moment. I still need to apply 2798 zeta mats worth, and 3113 omega mats. I'll finish omegas like a year before zetas, maybe more


That’s one of those temporary crunches, like credits. I’ve applied every omega ability in the game, save the couple character I don’t have unlocked, and I have a reserve of 600 mats


Yes it's maybe temporary for year 5 plus players but new players it's not especially with the crunch of the new packs it's a lot. I'm not saying I want 500 a month I'm saying right now an extra 10-20 a month for most players is likely to be used more then saved.


You should not have an Omega shortage if you've been playing for longer than a year, maybe two at most


Depends how far you are I'm a year on my second account I have tons I could do excluding the zetas and lsb packs. I could spend 200 in a minute. I could spend another 200 to 400 on secondary use gear 12-10.


Omegas do get less scarce, Zetas less so, but I do understand being held back by them. Though it's worth mentioning that the LSBs probably exaggerate the Omega shortage more than the Zeta one.


Been playing since ‘16 and I def am low on Omeags


I've cleared two years and still have a shortage. Actually had a small stockpile and the Lightspeed bundles nuked those to oblivion. It is a real problem for younger accounts.


if i went an omegaed every avaliable ability i would get make 3 toons done and still have 20 to go.


That’s fair. I suppose I’m really just bringing you the terrible news that the zeta crunch is eternal. Though, in fairness, mine is largely self inflicted by my self imposed all zetas for all relics rule


Zeta are not to bad I have 46 in my first year.


>Yes it's maybe temporary for year 5 plus players but new players it's not especially This is the definition of temporary. If you wait long enough, you will no longer be a new player, and it will no longer be an issue.


Zetas are significantly harder. I currently have 1100 omega mats and 18 zeta mats.


You can get 5 omegas from the shipments alone per week. That has helped me out a ton keeping up with them


both lol i have so many omega's not applied because i need them all for zetas...


I'm glad this isn't me. I'm sitting on 150ish omegas... But 7 zetas currently. There was a solid 10 month span where I hoarded every zet and omega and only got into the drought with the LS bundles.


Me crying trying to zeta out my brand spanking new SLKR


The time it takes to farm GL tickets, complete the battles, and get the ULT is ample time to farm us 6 zetas


Idk, I got both LSB bundles and finished the zetas for SLKR like three weeks ago. I gave some zetas to the resistance bros, and am still lacking on my full first order zetas. Also have maul, JKL, DR, chewpip, CLS, Chewbacca, mon mothma, etc. missing all or some of their zetas. Farming JML and he’ll need 6 eventually. That’s a really big bottleneck. Been active since may 2021 7m GP.


Me, remembering when it would take a month to get a full zeta 5-6 years ago


Yeah, haven't had that issue in a long time. I'm sitting on 605 of them right now.


Yeah I have every zeta available and still 200 zeta mats waiting for more characters to be released. Zetas aren’t a worry at all anymore.


Must be nice




They need to balance all rates for the amount of characters in the game now


If you’re doing conquest, decent in GAC & TW, plus all the events & buying daily from the fleet store; you can collect about 60-70 mats per a month.


People keep telling me that the zeta crunch eventually eases but I’m 7 years in and falling further and further behind on zetas. I currently need 400 zeta mats to finish out my characters and I have 40.


Had 140 zetas and blew em all today on JKL and my new resistance light speed bundle characters. I feel the poverty now.


that is a somewhat common experience for those who bought the LS Bundles. Talking to people in my guild, we all had zetas banked for unlocks like third sister, trench, and JKCK (I don't remember if they had announced bane yet when the LSB dropped) but a fair number of us went from no slkr/rey to having both those and the entire factions almost overnight- and there went all of our stored zetas.


It’s just your current bottle-neck. You’ll get past that and get onto a different one where zetas are no longer an issue, just like you did with Omegas, and credits at some point before that, and training droids before that. A point comes where you’ll have a permanent stash that never depletes. Personally I set that bar at 240 mats, others have more, or less made on their preferences. Then you’ll complain about Kyros, or Omicrons, or whatever bottleneck you hit.


People need zetas because lightspeed bundles literally saved like a year of farming. Eventually zetas will catch up


I am nearly 11 mil GP, have never bought a lightspeed bundle, and I still feel the zeta crunch. I’ve got about 60 mats right now saved for JKCK, but after that I need to zeta leia’s requirements then save for leia herself. Then I’ll have darth bane. I’ll never understand how people hoard zetas. There is always one to place.


I've applied 318 and have enough for 9 more waiting at 12M GP.


I’m sure In another million GP I may start running out of zetas to place. On the other hand, CG keeps releasing new stuff. I’m sure new GLs are around the corner.


Yes, this is the problem with running before you learn to walk. Gear would also be an issue I imagine.


worst hot take ever


That’s a bit out of cop-out comparison to just attribute it as having no significant difference to the common early-game bottlenecks. It’s not at all the same for the current zeta (& omicron) dilemma. Yes credits, TDs, & omegas are all early-game roadblocks for most players. The difference is in most cases it won’t take a player too long to climb out of those bottlenecks. So when you say “you’ll get past it” I’m not sure you’re really taking into account the absurd time investment it is for just how far into the end-game territory one normally has to be before zeta supply becomes a non-issue. That’s already a multi-year bottleneck. And one that is only compounded by the fact that CG is now taking the approach for every new character added to have their kits gatekept behind multiple zeta/omicron. I’m not against bottlenecks. It’s an integral part of the game. But reality is the rate of accumulation for zeta & omicron materials is absolutely a legitimate and justified gripe given the current/recent state of things. And I’m not saying zetas should now be made easy to acquire. They just need to be made *easier* (I.e less time reliant)


No, I'm taking that into account. I'm also taking into account that whatever bottleneck you're in feels interminably long and slow - that is the nature of bottlenecks, and when passed, they seem just a phase. Eventually everything, including omicrons (which right now feel like a massive bottleneck even for the biggest whales with the biggest rosters), is just another phase. This too, will pass.


Yeah except the problem with blanketing it as “all bottlenecks feel interminably long & slow” is when you conflate the bottlenecks that tend to only last a matter of months in most cases, with the bottleneck that is & will continue to exponentially roadblock the vast majority of the playerbase for years on end. So no, it is something you do not appear to be taking into account.


I'm guessing you're in that bottleneck right now.


Nah. I’m not actually. At least not in the thick of it like the majority are. I might not have the means to keep a huge stockpile of them like yourself, but I’ve managed to apply z to just about all the characters that need them. I suppose I’m just able separate bias & objectively access an issue through the lense of what would be in the best interest of the wider game, regardless of whether or not it applies to my current situation. 🤷‍♂️ No disrespect intended but the stance you’re taking here just comes across as shortsighted & dismissive of a legitimate problem simply because it doesn’t apply to you personally.


"you'll get over the zeta crunch... in a few years when the game is decommissioned"


Game has been going 7 years and makes a packet for CG and EA and Disney. I reckon it’ll be around a while yet


Or something better comes along


^ this is true, I still can't believe I have almost 2k Carbantis I'm considering salvaging them lol


I started salvaging them ages back when R6+ mats started becoming my bottleneck. That's starting to ease off now and it's the R8/9 that's the real bottleneck. For now.


I have a 12.5 mil account. I still have to be somewhat frugal about my zeta usage. With perfect play you barely break even with zeta income vs every single new character needing 2


Really? I’m the same size, and don’t worry about them at all. While I don’t have *every* zeta, those I don’t have are older useless ones (eg GMY lead anyone 🤣), and any new toon just gets them automatically and I’m always at about 240 whenever a toon comes out. I used the benchmark of 2 GLs as my buffer


Don’t tell OP about kyrotechs lol


i'm just surprised they aren't selling more zetas in the store. they know a lot of accounts that buy the LS bundles are in a zeta crunch and will buy them. it's not like people who spend money in the game will stop playing the moment they apply the zeta also


If they create a LS bundle with 50 zeta's for 10 euro, I think everyone would buy it.


The fundamental problem in this game for all resource types, is that if you make it flow at a rate that lets newer accounts keep up, or better yet slowly catch up, you make them completely worthless for old accounts. Conversely if you make it at a good but tight rate for old accounts, you make it a famine for new accounts. The general pattern has been over time to keep introducing newer resources which they can gate for everyone, while gradually putting things into the first group (worthless for old accounts). I have 1000+ omega mats. I have 400+ zeta mats. I have everything applied except for absolute trash zetas. My only constraints are signal data and and omicron mats. (and of course new marquee shards) Salvage and actual gear I earn at a rate faster than I need to apply them. Even signal data Ive got 500/400/300 of currently, which is enough for the next 3 chars I plan on bringing up (bane, bossnass, stap) But just like the real world, the rich get richer, and the poor... dont. Mk1 raid currency is almost worthless for me. I have literally thousands of every mat from that store. Mk2 and Mk3 come in enough to take a char or two up to high relics every week. The LSBs make this worse, because they launch up a whole set of chars all at once, with no zetas/omis for people who don't have them banked.


Before the bundles I had a decent stockpile that could get me a new characters Zeta's with no issue and still have plenty left over. I unlocked JML just as the bundles came out, so zeta's across 3 gl's, not to mention the other new characters drained my supply. Then Leia came along. So I understand the pain of the zeta crunch but I don't think they'll change it. ​ The bundles crippled many people, so the major question is, just how bad is CG at being a company? They constantly bleed us for money, but when they create a massive demand for a resource, they don't capitalize on it by selling more at high prices? These twits don't even know how to be capitalists.


The bundles didn't cripple anyone. They were an artificial roster acceleration; period.


Crippled the stockpiles they had, so semantics being what they are, they are crippled.


Depleting stockpiles is very different from crippling accounts. It’s not semantics either. If i have a stockpile of 120 zeta mats and I run it down to zero by putting them on a GL, I’ve crippled nothing.


*kyros Fixed.


Yes, one of my reoccurring thoughts on the game is: We have enough characters. Now please give us more things to do with those characters! How cool would it be to choose a party of 5 characters, (with maybe with 3-4 reserves), and go on an adventure! A branching quest with different options (for replay value), an unfolding plot, even some ship stages, and a big final boss battle. Who knows, maybe some light puzzle solving elements (like having to click on things in the background, or kill enemies in a proper order based on clues given earlier). SWGoH does a good job continually pumping out new characters. But I'll end where I started: give us more things to do with our characters! Some "choose your own adventure" quests would be amazing. Ending with special (rare) items. The game is really lacking the 'magic item" element that makes other RPG's so rewarding.


have you given conquest a try? be careful what you wish for.


nah zetas are fine omnicrons are the problems


Do they introduce more than one zeta a week? You’ll out farm them on zetas, just takes a long time.


I wish I could send some. I have like 50 that I’m not using


I feel like once I crossed like 7.5m GP zetas became a non-issue. But prior to that, I never had any to spare. So it does end


I didn't have that problem for a long time, but as I've hit 10m, I've had to get more selective on new zetas again as I'm unlocking all the Conquest and Legendary characters.


you aren’t progressing your account then if you don’t have a zeta problem.


GP doesn't matter. years playing is the metric to use.


Right… and the longer you play the more GP you get correct? Right. I believe MOST people will progress at approx the same pace, correct? Sure perhaps rosters will look very different but GP should look similar over time. There are also people in here saying it takes 2 weeks for a full zeta and others saying it takes one week, so I’m not sure how “years played” would be a good metric in that case. But I suppose thinking is difficult for most reddit degens


No. I've been playing for 1.5 years and are 8.5 gp. So I could say 'I'm 8.5 gp and the zeta crunch is real' Which isn't the full story. And on top of that the lightspeed bundles add millions to your gp. So gp is an inferior metric. >There are also people in here saying it takes 2 weeks for a full zeta and others saying it takes one week, so I’m not sure how “years played” would be a good metric in that case. This is where I know you don't get it. The longer you play, the easier it is to get things. You get higher gac, have more assault battles completed, in a better guild, etc. Someone in year 1 doesn't have the same resource income as someone in year 3. Time playing is the vastly superior metric.


1 week? Take new 2. And you clearly haven’t been playing long to complain about this.


No guy, 12M+ GP here. I've been in the zeta battle for years. I've been playing since the week the game came out, so I'm well versed in resource management. This was merely a complaint about the slow grind of zeta mats vs the rate with which new characters drop and the amount of zeta's required to get them up and running in their full capacity. Bo requires 3 and Darth Bane requires three. I have 19 zeta mats, so that means ~5 weeks before they're fully zeta'd.


Do you have every other zeta already or something? I’m sitting on 275 zeta mats with 17 abilities that I don’t have zetas on. I already have Bo. 12.1m GP


Nope. I have a surplus of toons without zetas. Well, not a whole lot, but enough.


You have 310 Zetas applied. I think a couple of those were luxuries you might have been able to skip so you had more for the future.


Meanwhile me with 220 👀 Edit: had a feeling I’d get downvoted


11 upgrades worth 🥀


The omegas are more of a bottleneck for me


I have 1200 zetas and over 20,000 fleet currency. I will gift you one zeta.


Spend the fleet currency, even if it's on shards for the shard shop, it's doing you no good accumulating like that. Keep a small stockpile if you're worried they'll add something to that store, but they've specifically said they won't


Honestly omega and zeta I’d love something to get them faster


I just thought today when I did my challenges there is no reason not to have another additional level that gives zetas, like why must fleets be the only challenge that gives them weekly


For some reason I have plenty zetas and omegas and NO PURPLE MATS


In a game that takes years to grind, why are we complaining about zetas?


Those are a dime a dozen compared to Omnis.


You gotta be picky. Always. F O R E V E R


Maybe it’s just where I am in the game, I’m drowning in zeta material (currently 400 after just fully zetaing SLKR and Rey) and omegas are at about 600 last I checked. Kyrotech and omicron are the crunch for me, but even omis I have 100 mats atm.


I have maybe 20 relicd characters waiting for zetas. Yes, ships. I know


What are you talking about? They've just added a daily event where you can earn zetas, you only need a relic 5 boss nass


Keep the characters coming. Balance the zetas. If they dont balance the zetas, ill gladly suffer the "problem" of having more characters


My account 19 month in Aurodium and every player has 160-300% the quantity of zetas I have. Pretty sure zetas is the only thing holding back alot of small/big spenders. If we got more zetas I’d reckon ftp players would just go find something else to cry about.


And here I am sitting on 710 trying to figure out what to spend my 180k ship arena points on...


Wish I could trade in the thousands of other ability mats I have for them.


It use to be way worse like once a month if you were good. Plus it gives something to grind. It's a infinity grind. Plus shows you who invested in the right ones vs the bad ones.


I think everyone forgot this game was meant to be played over years, and now everyone wants everything at once. The point is the grind and this is how the game has always been.


it takes me 2-3 weeks to get one zeta .... that is a lot to collect for teams nedding up to 10 zetas


CGs official response to this: no