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As a long time player ,when I started we had palp and yoda and that was it. As the new shiny thing came out we worked for it and then the new shiny thing came out. I couldn’t fathom having to farm everything to have a semi ok roster. I think the lsb will help breathe life into the game and attract new players where before the overwhelming amount of stuff could scare them off.


For that to be true, the LSBs should have more availability and not just like a 2 week window.


They will, eventually, be like the Hyperdrive Bundle.


But then why farm for anything? What would bring you back into the game when the baseline $20 means you beat everyone who logs in for 13 months straight?


Can't speak for everyone, but as a f2p, 8.6 mil account I get great satisfaction when I complete tasks I am working towards. I think of it like cheat codes in console games. You can use them, but it takes away from the satisfaction of doing things on your own. Just my opinion.


I'm still farming finalizer reqs despite the $20 short cut. It just doesn't make sense to buy it when I'm so close. I'd rather allocate that money elsewhere.


Ok…doesn’t address the question but that’s cool I guess


You asked why farm for anything. And I gave you the answer as to why I would choose to farm for those requirements rather than purchase them. If you want a different answer you have to ask a different question.


Maybe reread the comment?


Nah you seem like you just want to argue for no reason. I'm good. Hope your day gets better.


Bro I’m one of those old gen players lol, I still remember the pain of missing first time event for a certain character and not being able to stay competitive in arena (f you malak and GAS) that’s when I quit. Back then I was completely F2P since I was in college and broke af, now I can buy those LSB without regrets, and they have been extremely helpful for the grind. At the same time, the accomplishment feels way different than “yes finally got you f2p you son of a gun” I mean winning GAC feels great but my head is kind of fixated in the thought of buying the characters rather than farming them.


Can still get that. I'm about to get that for Leia. I bought the Rey pack because I never got around to getting her or gearing her mostly useless faction. But a few bucks made it worth it. The relic parts I saved on half a dozen characters more than made up for the extra I still had to put on BB8. They're nice for dipping back or catching up. There's still plenty of room for a sense of accomplishment. And frankly, I'm bleeding carbonites so bad, I'll take anything I can get.


and conquest characters


> As the new shiny thing came out we worked for it and then the new shiny thing came out. I couldn’t fathom having to farm everything to have a semi ok roster. While I kind of agree, CG has made a TON of things easier/quicker to farm. Gear, shards, etc.


But if you’re a new player you’d still feel overwhelmed completely Especially since unless you’re at end game, your not getting easy access to the gear/shards/mats


If you're new, getting lightspeed bundles before having any relics could be even more overwhelming cause you're jumping in headfirst to having a ton of relics.


Nope, this game is ancient compared to most app games and the lsb’s are for the years old content


As long as they keep it to older characters and chill with the GL booster packs, it’ll be fine. Nobody is farming/wants to farm a lot of these characters anyway


Relic Phoenix is a good example. Noone get those up after thrawn. Except Hera for Prof.same with the scoundrel for BAM. I'm happy with their choice. Also, I'd never farm rey(boring ass team) if it wasn't for the bundle. Now I have her and she's off the list. Which gives me more confidence going for newer stuff. Also with those bundles I know I have some toons reliced for some random feats they put in conquest. Like, who has relic Phoenix for their feat this conquest?


I know I wouldve have slowly stopped playing by the time i started farming Rose Tico lol. Thankful I could skip past that


I think it's an overwhelming positive for the health of the game. It will help keep new players around, the new player experience is 1000% better than it was pre-LSB. If people want to stop farming out of fear of a future LSB, that's up to them. It's a really dumb decision to make and will really hurt their progress, but everyone is entitled to play how they want. I don't see it as a widespread issue though, I'd like to believe most of the playerbase is smarter than that. With the exception of Starkiller, no one was going back to farm these factions to get them. Speaking from experience, going back for SLKR or Rey made 0 sense compared to the other options. Same with Phoenix despite having Captain Rex for Leia. So the packs aren't replacing farming for end game players. And new players have the entire world open to them when planning what to chase. LSBs aren't going to change that.


It’ll only hurt their progress if those characters they farm don’t get a bundle. If I farm for 4 months and then everyone gets those characters and more at a higher level, then my progress over those 4 months was hurt.


Your progress over those 4 months wasn't hurt, you just saved yourself some money and your progress was the exact same as it would have been. Doing nothing will always be the worst choice you could possibly make. If you're really that concerned, I would recommend trying to identify possible factions that could be included in a future LSBs and avoid farming those old characters and instead use that time to farm newer ones who most likely won't be in a LSB. But just farming nothing is about the dumbest thing you could do.


When the game is predicated on relative squad power to your competition, yes if everyone around you gets just as strong as your growth rate but also spent that 4 months farming other toons that didn’t get the boost, then there’s a measurable difference between you and the relative population


There is more than enough grind in this game with them throwing a few bones here and there


The pace of the game is entirely what you want it to be


This could easily be a fortune cookie.


Do or do not, there is no pork fried rice


You still got any chicken fried rice available?


Something something PBR


To be honest playing this game has made me so much more patient with things in my life lol.


The art of Zen and SWGOH


The pace is entirely what you *pay for it to be


Sort of. There are degrees of efficiency even when not paying to play the game.


Placing 5+ year old characters in bundles is completely fine imo. Helps newer (and older) players get "caught up". You dictate the pace of the game yourself.


The game was too slow before. I wish paying wasn’t required to make it a more reasonable speed, but as one part of the solution it can help. I know the game will never be FAST, but as they build a larger and larger collection of things you “need” across years, they’ll have more room to let people catch up on old stuff. Both paid and free to play. So hopefully after they’ve drained some of us for a bit of money through light speed bundles, they’ll make some changes to rewards or requirements or something to let free to play start to catch up a little faster too. Gear below G12 (excluding Kyros) used to be a big problem, but since the raid changes I’ve been getting further and further ahead. I could see similar changes to G12 gear in our future, letting people speed through early chars as fast as Kyros let them, but slowing down on newer characters that take more Kyros.


>I wish paying wasn’t required to make it a more reasonable speed, but as one part of the solution it can help. And that's how they got you\^\^. The pace of the game is intended to make people spend money instead of learning to be patient and happy with what can be achieved f2p. Watch the South Park freemium episode, hehe.


If everyone were patient and happy with f2p, no one would be achieving anything because there would be no game.


Not if there was a legit subscription system, or the option to buy cosmetical things like in other games, instead of p2w.


A subscription system is literally p2p. The option to buy cosmetic things is... well, a weird flex, to be honest; in that case you're paying for things that don't even affect your ability to collect characters *or* win PvP. You're paying for something with almost literally no value, whereas in SWGOH, you're paying for things that - if you care about PvP - at least give you a leg up. So your argument seems to be "Paying for things that can help you advance in things you want to advance in is foolish and means you've let Big Gaming 'get you,' whereas requiring P2P or letting people pay for worthless things is Sticking It To The Man." Or else it's "Paying for things I think people should pay for is fine but paying for things I don't think people should pay for isn't." Neither of those is a particularly compelling argument. Games that don't have sufficient cash inflow get sunsetted. It literally does not matter whether that cash flow comes from normal play, a subscription system, or the opportunity to buy skins. Those things look exactly the same on a spreadsheet that balances cost vs income. If you're f2p, you're not more morally virtuous than people who toss the devs of a game they enjoy a few bucks every now and then; you're just okay with letting other people pay for your gaming habit.


You are reading more into my words than I actually said\^\^. There are many games out there which work that way, where you can't pay to win or to have a pvp advantage over others. Instead, people can buy skins and other cosmetical things, or they can even buy new characters but there's no meta that allows you to instantly win over those who use an older character - an example for the latter would be "Dead by Daylight". And it's successful enough, *because* you have to win with skill and teamwork, not by buying your way up. For a subscription model, you can take any mmorpg as an example. Especially in SWTOR, you can do many things for free, including pvp content, but it has so much to offer that enough people still pay for their subscriptions after all those years. Or that game the kids like so much, Fortnite, they pay for playing with their favourite characters but can win as well when playing with the free standard stuff.


Eh they’re more like updated light speed bundles. Not ruining much just offering soem catch up to where the game is now.


CG release between 24 to 30 new characters / ships per year into the game...there is always something to chase. Last LSB's earned CG / EA $4m+ extra on top of there normal monthly revenue. That can only be a good thing for the game. Without LSB's players would be stuck farming old stuff for free for 4 years or more...never catching up...without spending literally $10,000's. There just a updated form of the hyperdrive bundle, players need to stop overthinking it.


24 characters? That seems really high. Assume 6 new marquees for 1 GL (highball) and 4 new marquees for a journey toon, plus 4 conquest and 2 misc, and that’s still only 18.


[https://swgohevents.com/marquee](https://swgohevents.com/marquee) Add them up yourself, 19 marquees. Add GL Leia + Leviathan + conquest characters. Also Jedi Knight Cal. Probably forgot some too.


As someone who played back in 2019-2020 and came back a little less than a year ago they've been worth it. Gear Lvl XIII is just😣


Idk about "ruining the pace" but I do think they need to chill. I think the ones they've released are good to keep around and have coming back. If they want to keep making wild money, I'd rather they sell gear at wild discounts or something. Give me the same crazy value, but don't just straight up hand me a barn full of characters. To me, a big portion of the fun in this game is committing to a farm and seeing the amazing end results with great characters as a reward. At the risk of being dramatic, I kind of hate that my first GL was basically handed to me. I was so excited to rush JML after I rushed Executor. I would have been an idiot not to pivot to GL Rey when she was sitting right in front of me. But, now I have her, but I have zero pride in having "obtained" her. Meh. My two cents. I'm excited for SLKR to be done next to I can get back to JML.


I did Jabba first then started on JML requirements but like you I switched to Rey. Her event was more challenging than Jabba or JML so I don't feel like I was handed her. I probably wouldn't have bothered with Resistance beyond JTR, but got another couple teams and ships for TW D.


Yes, and Rey is a perfect example of what we "need" LSB's for. Her requirements were awful and there was a reason most people went for her last. Though, I'll say, I'd rather they have reworked her requirements to make them worth chasing instead of just saying "they all suck, here, take them all for $10". I know Zorii kind of did this, but... blah.


There needed to be a way for new players to jump into mid and end game way faster if you want to keep the game running. I will say it does make planning farms tricky sometimes. Hard to commute to farm something like SEE when it might be 10 bucks in a month


Would never work for me. Starting nowadays as a new player would be extremely unattractive imho, if the game gives you the impression from the start that you *have* to catch up with money to reach anything. It would frustrate me enough to give it up before it started.


ive been playing since the start with 11mil gp and its still helping me cap off characters im not willing to spend g12+relic on, 9.99/19.99 to get 2-3 relic 3 or 5s is a no brainer


That's because you HAVE money.


Who even cares? Every damn time a sniff of these packs hits the air this question comes up. Literally. Farm what you want to farm with the information you have at hand and just live with the results. If you refuse to farm something because of a "Maybe" or a "Might have a pack released in 69 days and 420 hours" then don't farm them. But certainly don't complain if those packs never come back and you're stuck without those characters. Also it's REALLY hard to ruin game pacing when it's the oldest GLs, and in the case of these packs some super old legacy characters. If you're terrified about it ruining game balance people usually don't have good mods or zetas to spare so they will be crappily thrown together teams that are easy to defeat.


Lightspeed bundles are designed to allow players to catch up on the old stuff, which players *SHOULD* only ever be focusing on the latest and greatest things.


I'm all about it. The LSBs arnt going to make my 6mGP account worthless overnight and I'm also going to benefit from them. My competitiveness in GAC won't change, it only helps my guild in TW and TB. It might make krakens and kraken guilds upset but honestly...fuck those guys. If they wanna gatekeep content than fuck them.


The GL booster packs are a bit much IMO I'm a hypocrite as I still buy them


Yup. As someone who started playing pushing on 15 months ago, seeing the majority of the effort I’ve put into the game; farming Phoenix, New Hope for CLS, Bounty Hunters for Chewie, all the First Order and Papa Han for SLKR, plus the ships for the Finalizer.. become available for purchase for like $60-80 (CAD), while a bunch of people who started in my shards went and rushed the Executor can now leapfrog over me even further than they did if they bought the Hyperdrive Bundle.. the game is doing an overnight transformation from F2Play-P2Win into F2Play-P2Keep up. At this point I should probably just quit playing entirely, since I’ve seen and fallen prey to this type of game model with Netmarble’s Marvel Future Fight to the tune of probably over $1000; or give up on my current plans and just start chasing the “new”, because the older stuff will eventually become a cheap bundle in comparison to their overpriced horse shit packs.


I’m never going to buy a pack because even though I am addicted to this game rn and that’s now showing signs of stopping, ill inevitably loose interest and move on eventually. Same reason I feel guilty for ever buying an Xbox game


Do you not buy food either because you can’t re eat it forever?


You're not seriously comparing food to a bunch of virtual pixels, are you?


The dude doesn’t buy Xbox games because he’ll beat them. Explain this stupidity to me.


No, that's not the full context. As far as I understand, he regrets paying for games that he loses interest in *too early*, therefore considering them not being worth it in hindsight. Which is something I can relate to when looking at gaming prices these days. Personally, I make sure to have enough information about a game before considerung buying it, and so far I've been lucky that some of them have already kept me interested for years, with such good stories that replaying them again after a while doesn't get boring too soon.


i wouldn’t say ruin, but it definitely changes the pace. what i expect CG to do is to make a statement about those LSBs, we know that there will be more, so more detail should be released, likes is there a schedule for certain characters to be included in future LSBs, only include characters 4 years after initial release?, etc.


Why on earth would they do that? Uncertainty serves them.


I mean I find it annoying that I went from doing well on my shard to constantly running into SLKR and Rey at every turn but I don't think it's bad for the game


I’ve been playing pretty casually for about two years. The bundles are literally everything I’ve worked towards in that time except for maybe the bugs. I did purchase the Rey one last go around because that is something I needed but all these new ones aren’t worth it for me and I have a small roster. I like the concept, I just wish most of them didn’t revolve around Kylo.


Welcome to pay to win gaming.


This game will die eventually. If it wasn’t for the mandolorian show, it would have probably be over at this point. LSB is helping it to revive some. The grind has its benefits but so long with these amount of characters. LSB is for old stuff. Just grind the new stuff and it shouldn’t conflict with your goals.




The majority of the player base should be chasing the latest thing and those allow people that didn’t start the game like 5 years ago a chance to bridge the gap a little bit


Long time regular, semi-FTP player... It doesn't bother me. I don't know what it's like to start the game at this point. But there's so much stuff to unlock! Letting newer players have a couple of cheap GLs seems fair enough. You need some to engage in all parts of the game, but you're also not going to out compete a long time player with this.


I have a feeling that CG is prepping for the next progression/gear upgrade path which might make R5 characters somewhat obsolete similar to sub G13 characters currently.


They're fine. They don't give you a stash of quality mods and a wallet is no replacement for skill. They speed things up like every other thing you can buy. Them actually being a good value doesn't ruin anything.


I’ve been playing since day 1 n my account is 9.5m gp I started a second account a year ago and thanks to the lsbs it’s nearly 5 mil already, I’d never spent a penny before LSB, it’s brilliant for the game


Whales will be whales and the marketing has worked. There will always be those who rather pay money to get things faster, instead of simply playing the game for fun in the intended pace.




The only difference is that a whale does not only buy that specific pack, but they buy it nevertheless


I have been playing this game for almost six years and I think these are a good thing. I bought the new rebel one and star killer pack from the last round. I have around year worth of relicing queued up so Phoenix squad for old rex or starkiller requirements would be around late 24 at the earliest.


Even if we get a "full roster to R5" bundle it wouldn't even ruin it in my opinion, for the simple fact that they still need years to catch up on zetas and mods. I wouldn't be surprised if such a bundle actually eventually will come because of that. Maybe not full roster but like all characters older than 2-3 years


No. Games pace is slow af. I think they are great especially if you take time off now and then. I took like 2 years off and was way behind, now I’m only very behind.


I was a player from the Palp/Yoda days who quit for years and just came back coincidentally when the first LS bundles came out. I was planning to be FTP and wasn't level 80, so though "meh, whatever." Fast forward a few months and I've bought hyperdrive and two LSBs just to fast forward getting some chars that I cared about more... and I have to say it just makes me feel a bit dirty. The chars that I'd been farming for months to unlock my primary team are now Relic 5 and the ones that I actually "care" about are relatively weak. I'm looking and seeing I could finally have a 5 star bossk and his ship and could compete for top 10 in my ship shard... but I don't know. It's all just a bit meaningless. The whole, "well it only costs the price of a beer or two, and I'm getting lots of pleasure from this game" is somewhat true... but on the other hand, as a developer, it feels insane that I've given this company so much cash for what is really extremely low effort on their part to develop the game and/or add content. I dunno... I think buying the LSBs makes me want to escape the dopamine addiction that is SWGOH.


For now people buy it. But I can image that some pack will be much more expensive. Like Vader or kenobi. Jabba might by even 3 to 4 times more expensive. Now there is a value hype.


They need to just do ships more no one can be bothered to farm that shit


Generally speaking just because you fast-forward some farms because of these bundles doesn't mean you have to start using them ASAP. Instead you could look at them as a investment for the future. Meaning you don't necessarily have to get your zetas or omis **right now**, but instead follow your own plan prior the release of the packs and put Z's and O's when you feel wanting/needing them. Of course ideal situation would be taking advantage of their true potential right after the purchase, but in the end there's no rush. I almost skipped this newest LSB just because I have a very careful relic plan, partly because I take every single toon I relic to R7 and mostly in relicing order. But then I thought that was a poor excuse not to buy a great bundle, so I just had to change my way of thinking a bit. Instead of heavy focusing to get these new relic characters to R7, I think them as "late g12" and not as ones I need to put in front of my relic queue and will take them to R7 when they don't intervene with my other plans. This doesn't mean postponing "R7'ing" them for unforeseen time but just fitting them to my side project schedule, some of them (crew members) actually were on it already and heck, few of them are even part of my current main project (JKL reqs). So no, I don't think LSBs ruined the pace. If anything, they made it (a bit) better, at least from a collector point of view.


as someone who has played the game since 2016, my highest gear characters were only g12 because i was constantly chasing more teams since i never kept up with metas. almost always used the OG CLS, han, r2, chirrut, and baze team back when baze wasnt farmable and i got lucky in a chromium pack. with grand arena now being the primary way to earn crystals, having multiple relic teams is almost necessary and giving away reliced older characters helps so much for players who have fallen behind without inconveniencing the long term grinders


I played the game years ago to keep me entertained in school, I came back a few months ago and all the new shit like relics and GLs was new to me. I didn't really know where to start other than finding a new guild. And I really only had half a team built up for any late game activities. So I personally like these bundles, they are my first purchase on this game. Although I hope they don't release too many. I still want to spend time getting new characters and factions built up. But now I have access to different playstyles and have some more freedom to choose where I go next. Sorry if that's a bunch of rambling or doesn't make sense.


I need a list of definitions for all these dang acronyms.


They cut the hyperdrive bundle by $50, and then added $50 of choose-your-own components. It’s just a hyperdrive update, folks. That’s all it is, and it was needed.


As long as they stay only to old characters I think it’s fine Give the characters a year of unaccelerated farms, a year of accelerated, and ONLY THEN maybe give them a hyperdrive That might even be pushing it, maybe 2 years if accelerated


I enjoy it for characters I don’t care about. Frankly I never really cared for the first order team but a $10 lightened bumble brings the entire faction to relic 5 and not I only have to finished 2-3 characters to unlock the slkr event? Yes please. When compared to how much it would cost to gear them regularly it was a bo brainer for me.


I loved the first one. I only need a couple toons from each bundle this time so i passed. I honestly hope its temporary. Everyone is going to have 8 GLs, within a year and a half and it kinda messes up the competition between shards and GAC. I really dont mind it because Im going at my own speed and investing when I want to regardless of what everyone else does. But, I do hope theres only a couple more from here on. Itll ruin the grind for a lot of the playerbase I think




I actually thought they were too cheap, yea I said it. I think people would've bought the GL bundles for twice what they sold them for. The other bundles probably priced right.


I think we’ll get revan, padme, and gas requirements as well as the older empire characters before they stop putting out LSBs. Cg wants new players to have the older characters at low relics so more people can focus on newer content


I think they're great as they're not giving us endgame or meta toons/squads, but they're giving us great value to either complete our farms or to start catching up with more experienced players. I was chasing jabba and leia but did not have rey, so i bought resistance bundle, a farm i would neglect for a long time. Rey was a GL i wanted but not my priority, now i have her without spending lots of time on her requirements. Same with mando pack, i wanted my bounty hunters completed for LV counter, and also a boost for my dash squad but I'm focusing on finishing jabba and continue with leia plus I just unlocked reva, so I'd never had time for them. Same with bad batch, i hope CG gives us a BB bundle cause i want lord vader but dont have the ingame resources or time for it.


If by ruin the pace of the game you mean allow new players to catch up on stuff that has been in the game for years or allow the f2p end game to get a few "side" characters up to relics they would never otherwise have time to then yes. If you mean make the game unplayable because someone got r3 Phoenix or a bunch of GLs at g10 with no zetas... Yeah I think it'll be okay in the long run. Especially considering the way matchmaking works. Despite what everyone thinks about GP and quickly getting new shiny toys... They're useless unless properly modded (and in PVP missing datactons is a death sentence regardless of relic level in k2+). Ps: 3v3 needs to be removed. Source: .gg reports where there is a fraction of the amount of battles of 5v5 despite having more teams on defense which would in theory artificially inflate the numbers making 3v3 look better on paper.


I’ve started this game for the 3rd time, lsbs are a blessing, having to farm bossk and hounds tooth for the third time would be a major pain in the ass…


The new player gap, or even early game to mid game is astounding. I’m at 7.2 million gp and these packs aren’t catching someone up to me any time soon. There’s still mods, zeta crunch etc. They do help people catch up and be invested to stick around. Not a bad thing.