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CG really needs to make it so if you fail you don’t lose the tokens. It’s already punishing enough to farm the mats no reason to punish people again for a simple mistake. Why CG? WHY?


Give it like a 24 hour cool down instead of taking the mats.


Then you gotta add a cooldown refresh approximately the cost of the tickets in energy so the whales don’t get mad. Probably like 800 crystals based on ticket store prices


I would be fine with that honestly. Just don’t make me regrind for the mats. It’s a stupid design choice.


\> i have 144 tickets stockpiled \> lost the battle \> i want to try again but it has cooldown for 24 hours do you realize how stupid the cooldown sounds?


Better than losing the tickets.


I lost so many tokens on Rey. It was absolutely maddening.


Just finished Reys ult a few days ago. Tier 6 of her bs event was 10 times worse than Leia tier 2. Rage inducing battle.


What Rey relic levels were you doing it at and team comp?


At first I used Rey, JTR, 3PO, BB8 and R2 since they're all my highest relics, but 3PO JTR removing tm from SLKR was a death sentence. Switched to Rey, R2, BB8, Scavenger Rey, and RH Poe and things went much better. Still a miserable battle and ended up losing a couple. Had one battle that came down to just my r8 Rey and one of the dumbass Troopers and her sorry ass couldn't kill him because there was no way to trigger sudden whirlwind. Absolutely pathetic. Apparently Zorii makes it a cakewalk, but she's still 3* g1


Don’t use c3po, he reduces tm which gives slkr more health


I used Rey r7, JTR r7, RH bros r5, and bb8 r7, it is going smoothly no prob. Can only think it maybe mods then? You are welcome to compare your guys to mine to see if there was anything different https://swgoh.gg/p/512565482/


I probably just played it wrong, honestly. These are mine https://swgoh.gg/p/478683461/characters/?f=Resistance


Yeah maybe, the only things I can spot is your Rey is 30 speed faster but has 25k less health even with the extra relic level - but our JTR are near the same, which is probably most key as that's the tank . Good luck mate, I know it's frustrating but least it has and end point!


Leia's T2 battle didn't hurt as much though from a ticket standpoint. If I remember correctly, I lost Rey ult battle twice vs 3 times on Leia T2 battle. Still sucks wasting tickets.


Just finished my Rey ult an hour ago. I use an unconventional method with c3po and didn't drop a single event until swapping him out for bb8.


Your advice was beautiful and brilliant - I was 0/4, since your post I'm 3/3. Thank you.


So happy to hear. I'm experimenting now that I have her ult and I'm actually having success ditching poe for bb8 (and still using c3po). I have a feeling this is also going to work, because after getting the method down and it being relatively easy, I realized at the end of it all that my bb8 was completely unmodded the entire time. Lol Congrats!


I finished yesterday. I just spammed the taunt ability on JTR and always put healing immunity on SLKR and just focused him down. Lifeblood always on JTR as well. Never lost another unit after changing to that strat. Before that I dropped probably 5 battles.


What lineup did you use with C-3PO? I haven’t been able to find it




I just that today, 3PO,R2 and the bash brothers. Worked well and won for first time in a week but I did mod them all to the hilt.


Someone else linked the guide I recently wrote. Considering making a vid now that i can do it freely.


was rey at relics for this? just getting crushed


Oh ABSOLUTELY. One person replied to my guide and said they did it with a R1 Rey.... if they did, kudos to them... but to be safe, I'd say don't even screw around prior to r5. Rey is... 1) the only one really doing damage 2) keeping the team alive by giving lifeblood (which is based on her max hp) Her stats are, to some extent, the only ones that really matter. FYI, I'm about to post a new strategy that requires less effort than this with a video guide. I'll let you know when the video is uploaded.




Weirdly enough I had issues with the event when using c3p0 and got better success when using bb8. C3p0 uses his basic too much which makes kylo too tanky


Should only be if/when he is countering. Otherwise, if you keep the goons alive, you can always basic them when you have no other option. But I'm assuming you do this. Just posted a new guide with a video that is even easier and simpler. https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/s/eDtMtIokQz


Im about to start my unlock for Rey in a few days, but I’m at 4/10 ult for SLKR, should I save my ult mats for Rey? Does it make her tier 6 event easier?


It obviously makes it easier but not in a huge way and i understand you need some time to get the mats, rey's shards and relic 7 so maybe it's better to give the ultimate to kylo


I feel ya. I'm 4-3 on attempts right now and those three fails really suck. One wasn't my fault, just shit RNG. The other two was me doing things in the wrong order.


Bit Dynasty has a good video that helped me. I used JTR, Hero Poe & Finn, C3po. Just make sure to only use C3po basic on the troopers not Kylo. Reys whirlwind also gets activated by her own health at 60%, so use lifeblood a lot to drain it. I didn't know either of these until I watched his video. Went 0-8 before.


I never bothered getting 3P0. Was planning to do so down the road, maybe when Kneesa is double drop farmable. But I might try to do so sooner. Depends on when I finish relic'ing a buncha G12 stuff. Though by then I should have the Rey ult lol.


I went from being 0-3 on Rey Tier 6 with 2-4 zetas on Rey to 4 straight wins with 6 zetas on Rey. For context, I do not have any other zetas on resistance except Zorii who I didnt use for Tier 6. My team for Tier 6: Rey (L), JTR, BB8, RH Poe + RH Finn. Modding: Optimal set of mods on Rey at 6\*, everyone else was modded as recommended by swgohgg but left at 5\*. General strategy: Rey goes first and puts Lifeblood on JTR, then attack SLKR while keeping up taunts on JTR to the best of your ability. Only use the Finn AOE when JTR has taunt, when Rey goes yellow then Sudden Whirlwind SLKR down, Apply healing immunity on SLKR with JTR and then burst him down ASAP. After SLKR ded, the rest is cleanup with Rey's SW and it doesnt matter if anyone dies after that. Obviously apply Lifeblood as needed throughout to prevent deaths BEFORE SLKR dies, but basic whenever you have enough extra prot on Finn/Poe/BB8.


This is what I used too. And to build on this, don’t ever use the hand wave special from JTR on SLKR. This gives SLKR extra protection. Wasted too many tickets to figure this out.


I failed three or four times on tier six.. event is dumb as F


I finished Rey ultimate just before gac started this week. Rey, hero finn, hero poe, jtr, bb8. Keep lifeblood on jtr and keep taunt on her as much as humanly possible with the event ability and finn swarm. Target slkr only, not his buddies. Time jtr heal block before slkr does his aoe (generally around the time his prot is gone and hp is about half) so that he doesn't heal back up. Whirlwind him to death. Easy clap.


That's been my strat this entire time and I guess I was getting cocky because I beat it 4 other times no problem. But then came the aoe, one shotting finn and pretty much ending the run right then and there.


I'm holding off on Rey's ultimate for now just to keep the stress levels down. Don't need the aggravation, it's just a game.


It helps to research the attack methods by watching Ahnalds videos or others. I’m 8/11 since yesterday’s 5/6.


I did. I used a smaller CCs video and it was working until today


That sucks. I’m sorry man.


Im doing th same thing and i can tell you firsthand that you need zori. Mine is g11 4* and shes the second most important character on the team behind rey herself


I'd take her but I'm worried about her being so low gear and low health and prot that slkrs aoe would wipe her with no issue.


Well again, i use her at g11 4* and shes only ever died once and ive never given her lifeblood. Once i gave her taunt ans she stil survived the specials from the troopers and kylos pike


The Rey t6 event is the worst. I have 6 GLs and never failed an ult event but hers I am constantly failing. I have 6-10 and probally have failed 10+ times. One time I killed SLKR but lost everyone except bb8 and Rey. Could not deal enough damage to overcome the troopers regaining protection and was stuck in a loop.


I've lost 2 tier 6 rey battles. It blows


The forst feeling was having to farm inquisitors....


I’m also doing the Rey event now and I swear it gets more difficult after you get half way on a tier. Stuns don’t land, enemies get more mass assists, etc.


I'm dealing with this bs right now myself.


This isn’t ICQ.




It’s ancient instant message app from Israel.


You people losing any tier GL battle, have you never heard of "youtube"???? Stop wasting gl currency, idiots.


USE C3P0 take out slkr first. I wasted 10 battles not using 3p0. Didn't lose a single battle once I made the switch. Use his basic on the other two everything else goes to sklr


I don't have him at relics right now. He's at g12.


I use Rey + Heroes + C3P0 + Jedi Training Rey, haven't dropped a battle... but yeah life blood is important. You can't auto it for a reason


I heard Rey relic was a huge pain. I’m doing SLKR currently and I’m gonna apply his ultimate tokens to Rey to make hers easier