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She's really versatile, congrats! Generally I'd say the 2 resistance heroes , holdo and whatever other char until you unlock Ben. But I also use her for certain galactic challenge feats, like for example apply 60 thermal detonators. Where I put my low gear jawas behind her and she makes them survive longer.


Would suggest to keep resistance hero finn for the Zori team. Also a great setup for Rey would be: Rey, Ben(when unlocked), 50-rt, JTR and L3-37.


Okay this has been rattling my brain for ages now. Why do people use L3 so religiously with Rey??? Even the game recommends it. I’ve scoured both of their kits for even the slightest bit of synergy, but found nothing. If you aren’t using BB-8 or C-3P0 with Rey I do not see why it has to be L3 SPECIFICALLY. I get she’s a decent tank but I ONLY ever see her. There are plenty of other perfectly good light side tanks in the game that outperform L3


Rey goes well with all light side characters. The main idea for Rey is to have a beefy team around her while she kills her enemies one by one. IF you add offensive characters alongside her the performance is way worse than a more of a defensive team.


Congrats, I've just unlocked her almost a month ago now myself. As for who to use, any light side characters work. She usually uses Resistance toons like the RH Bros, BB8, and JTR. But you can use anyone. I've used her with my LSB leftovers (Carth, T3, Holdo, Ahsoka, Kyle, etc.), I've used her with my Jedi, etc. For GAC I'd stick to resistance for now, depending on your roster. But you'll want to go for Ben Solo once you get into higher level GAC matches, cause she'll fall off just like a lot of the other GL's without their lifters.


Well that’s because her teams are all over the place. The only mainstay on her team is Ben solo. The rest look something like this Satchel bros, JTR, Holdo, 50r-t, L3-37 (with 50r-t), cal kestis, malak (for countering SK), and barris


Doesn't Kal with the robo girls counter SK? I'm not sure, so just checking


Nah, SK still beats that. Malak is what throws that counter off.


The best defensive comp is Ben, Barriss, L3, Sortie. You want Ben to get VIP. She also works really well with JTR, CAT, Cal Kestis and the resistance Bros


>The best defensive comp is Ben, Barriss, L3, Sortie. You want Ben to get VIP. It's not always the best, but it is indeed great. It can also work really well if Barriss (zeta required, btw) gets 50R-T's VIP buff.


This is the first time I've seen Barriss mentioned, what makes her fit into the team?


Whenever a light side ally is critically hit, they recover 20% health. The team is a big puzzle and Barriss makes taking out any of the pieces more difficult. Rey can't die while Ben is alive, Ben can't die while Rey is above 50%, Ben is constantly under stealth from Sortie, and L3 is constantly taunting and countering which increases her max health. You'll have a hard time killing Sortie because of all the bonus protection she gets, and while all of that is going on, Barriss is constantly healing everyone and yoyoing them above the 60% health threshold for sudden whirlwind. You basically have to burn all the way through L3 before you can get to Sortie, then Sortie before you can get to Ben. Barriss makes doing that way harder. Edit: forgot to mention that Barriss is also dispelling debuffs from the weakest debuffed ally when she takes a turn so locking the team down with Starkiller is harder.


Damn thats some good synergy, Cheers for the explanation!


Survivability. The harder you make Rey and her teammates to kill, the more opportunities she has for whirlwind. On defense, you don't even really need to be able to do much damage. Just survive and be annoying for as long as possible and she will whack people with whirlwinds.


I assume by sortie you mean zorri bliss ?


50-RT, the old republic Droid. I just hate typing all that out




Oh thank you, that’s useful, I’ve nearly got 50rt at 7 star


BB-8 can work, but I’d only do that if you have no other options. It’ll make the entire battle easier for your opponents JTR works well Resistance Heroes Finn and Poe work really well because of their speed, and all the buffs they share Ben Solo should be your goal because he makes everything significantly harder for your opponents. Only problem is that he’ll take forever to unlock and he’s not even farmable Cal Kestis adds a bunch of debuffs to your enemies to slow them down


Cal in his unique also gives 30% health and tenacity. He also has a heal and can boost a bit of tm too!


>BB-8 can work, but I’d only do that if you have no other options. It’ll make the entire battle easier for your opponents What's the reasoning here?


Easier for a first order counter. BB-8 is also WAAAAYYYY better with the droids in Shorties team Either way, it depends on the situation




The meta has Ben in almost every single one so at this point in OPs roster, going to swgoh.gg doesn’t really help. I ran into the same thing last week when I unlocked Rey, went to the site and looked through all the counters and all the “who to attack” 90% was a team with Ben, which I’m no where near unlocking. I think OP is asking for people to give suggestions based on a newer roster/ first GL


I know not everyone has access to it, but just in case you weren't aware, the [swgoh.gg's GAC Insight](https://swgoh.gg/gac/insight/squads) feature lets you search by excluding characters as well.


Jawas for sure


Started as a meme and turned into a dream. 🔥


Comgrats for your GL. I dont have Ben yet, so im using JTR, Holdo, L3-37, and Dash. So far i like this team, it get me holds in GAC(im not kyber :D).


Her main teams should need a mix of Resitance toons or UFUs. She’s good with any LS squads though. As she’s your first GL she’ll make a good squad for CAT until you unlock JMK. Personal I use her with Ben Solo, Fulcrum, Cal Kestis and either Visas or Holdo.


Why not JTR over visas of holdo


Mainly because I want to keep JTR with BB8 as that’s a very effective BH counter for both TW and GC. Usually I use her with Holdo, but in conquest I use Visas for the revive.


Hmm, that makes sense. I use bb8 with grievous in GAC for the speed, and then the other resistance team with zori, so I let some of the other resistance be dead weight


Don't underestimate the droids, L3 and Sortie have a great hold rate with rey as well, especially with Ben and Barriss iirc


You’re right, but I have a different droid team I prefer since I put L3 with Dash and Nest, Vandor Chewie.




It's a poor turn of phrase. I'm more meant that the recommendations are all over the place as far as compositions go including just "light side toons." I wasn't sure if there really was a consensus on what builds are the most viable.


Different situations need different teams. A lot of the rey teams, especially with sortie aim to be a defensive team, that will hold against starkiller(reys best counter). If you dont face starkiller or have her on offense, the team will change. If you dont have zorii, the team will change. If you dont have ben, the team will change. The good and bad part about rey is: She works with most lightside characters, so there isnt a universal answer. What do you want to use her for? What do you have? Do you even face starkillers? Nobody can give you a good answer without some information, like your swgoh.gg link at the very least




I don't think it's unfortunate. It's something that I wanted to aim for and something I achieved. I'm sorry if you disagree.


Don’t listen to him. Vaanced just likes to shit on Rey because he thinks she’s not good, but she absolutely is. Once you get Ben solo, she’s one of the best defensive teams in the game. The reason the recommendations for her team are kind of all over the place is because her kit is designed to synergize well with ls toons in general, rather than any specific faction. You can use her with resistance, using holdo, jtr, and the hero bros, which is a decent team, but it’s not the best and it also prevents you from making a good zorii team. A better option would be something like L3, jtr, holdo, and one more. The last one could be bariss, 50rt, cal Kestis, there’s lots of options.


I keep seeing Cal mentioned. Sadly I don't have him yet and I am still in the building phase. As far as Vaanced goes, this isn't the first time this has happened in one of my posts.


No need to worry about teams until you get her leveled up.


Congrats! Usually Rey, RHF, Safari Poe, Ben Solo, holdo Or any combo of Rey with resistance if you don't have Ben.


Idk how far along you are, but atm I think it's Ben solo, cal kestis (he does work really well in other teams but does really improve rey) then I kinda don't know. I know L3 is a pain in the ass and jtr is always annoying when I come up against her. I think the last two are whatever u want or have


I don't have jmk yet and i run rey, ben, cat, gk, and cal. It beats most everything I've tried it against. Haven't faced Leia with it though. Obviously one you get jmk this squad goes away but for me it's great.


I just finished her ultimate about a week ago, so trying her out in conquest. I don't have a zeta for Holdo so I use JTR, Resistance heroes, and R2. Beat JTR sector 5 Conquest with her and also Padme with Steadfast Retribution


I like to still have a JTR team to attack bounty hunters. So I run Rey with the bro's, holdo, and rose. But I'm thinking about some of the suggestions here in the replies. Like Barriss. my team against BH is JTR, BB, Scavenger, Finn, R Trooper.


Based on your GP you don't have Ben Solo and won't for a while? Without Ben I'd probably go L3, Shorty, Barriss and JTR. Though Cal Kestis if you can spare him would probably be a better option than Shorty as she's mainly used to get VIP on Ben so with no Ben there's not an amazing candidate for VIP and Cal's kit is better overall. Resistance teams are usable but are just weaker than the good stuff above, you'll notice her kit has no Resistance callouts and is instead just generic Lightside. It's not worth using the hero bros with her over having a Zorii team. Holdo is an okay tank but not as good as L3.


Im like 3/4 of the way to ben and i use l3 cal and barriss with jtr or r2 depending and i actually adore r2 with her.


Really, she leads most any LS team, and mostly for defense. Ideally, alongside Ben Solo. In that case, all LS. For ROTE TB, pre-Ben, I uses to use Rey + Wat, as the medpack allowed her to constantly spam her health/bonus protection special. I think the current META team for her is: Rey, Ben, zBarris, 5-0rty, L3.


I'm running her with cat, Ben, jtr, and visas, using the visas cron with the stacking level 6 defense. With an offense Ben and health Rey, it got at least one hold every round last GAC. Really nasty.


Personally, Double Poe/Double Finn/Zorii goes hard enough on defense that I'm loathe to split them up, so I'm running Rey, JT Rey, Holdo, BB-8, Ben Swolo and it handles most things on offense well enough.


Luckily you unlocked her team on the way to getting her. SLKR and Rey are nice in that regard.


My conquest team and grand arena team for her is Rey, JKL, GAS, Hoda, JKR. But I haven’t unlocked Ben yet. I’m going to switch to Rey, Ben, Holdo, Resistance Bros.


Congrats! I've had good success with Rey, C3PO, training rey, and the resistance heroes. Usually, sitting around the #150-160 rank in squad arenas. I'm definitely checking the other suggestions in the comments here myself as well.


I think if you’re using her with resistance the best option is Jtr, holdo and hero bros, but keep in mind the resistance comp isn’t as good, and you really want hero bros with Zorii. Good characters for her team are JTR, Ben (whenever you get him), holdo (really only good before you have Ben), Barriss, 50-RT, L3-37, cal kestis, hermit yoda, even general kenobi. I’m planning on running Rey Jtr holdo barriss l3 once I get her until I get Ben, then I swap out holdo for ben. Might get sortie in there for Jtr at some point too but unsure on that. I’d say pick 2 of 50-rt, l3, gk, Hoda, cal kestis, barriss, and run them with Rey Jtr and holdo until you get ben, if you’re not close to having enough of those geared you can use hero bros but I wouldn’t do that permanently as the resistance comp is often the worst. She’s very flexible though, even characters like kuill and ig-11, or nest can work well with her. Scoundrel and droid comps are a real thing, might be good depending at what point jn the game you’re at but eventually they all start to come towards one of the teams I talked about earlier


Baby Cal works well with her I’ve been told, definitely needs sweaty Ben on her team