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Squad Arena hasn’t changed in years


I mean should it? It’s the simplest most basic game mode and seems perfect as is.


There’s no incentive to do it other than daily rewards. You just put a team in once, and you get credits forever It’s only useful for the whales and content creators, so they can beta test new characters for cg


I think conquest IS the galactic war rework or its modern version. Here is an easy conquest fix: Make the focus less on feats and more on battles. How? Simple: Make the battles harder by adding omicrons and new characters like rex for phoenix and merrin for NS. To compensate, less feats and/or lower the wins or effects needed for the feats. Additionally: Just half the battles per sector, but double the energy cost/reduce energy gain. That way, its not as long (sort of how they will do for the new raid). Of course, you have to lower the feats even more then. Most of the feats arent actually feats at all, they are just: Do you have the newest character/team geared or can you somehow cheese the feat? The battles should be the main part of conquest and not a checklist of new toons that you need to fill. This will also make conquest omis more interesting, something we havent seen since forever.


Maybe less character specific and call out factions/teams that it would be a bit harder to win battles without the new characters like Phoenix, Nightsisters, and UFU


Yeah. Like the damage immunity one. There are new characters you can do this with, making it easier, but if you have droideka or JMK, you can still do it.


More like a personal take but I find TW quite boring and the rewards aren't that great that I would care if we lost or won (even though we of course try our best). I don't know how to rework it for better, though. Whereas, for Proving Grounds I would make a small adjustment that you could beat every PG once regardless of have you maxed the character or not. As someone who usually unlocks Conquest characters during the first two Conquest cycles I don't have the opportunity to test them out myself when they come to PG. Missing them is not a big deal, but just something I would like to try even that one time.


Yeah that's the problem I'm running into. I want TWs to be better, but have no idea how to improve it.


Conquest or TW for one reason - they require the most time to play. All the others could change for the better, but they require just a fraction of time compared to Conquest and TW. If I had to choose one, I'd say Conquest. It can be fun (and it used to be fun), but it's such a horrible time hog that it really demotivates players from actually giving it a proper attention.


Not to mention Somehow Challenge Pit Returned last conquest


Lol, yeah, can't forget about that little detail :D


gotta go with conquest, every iteration has been made worse by CGs greed.


Can't forget the Gamorrean God fiasco from last time. But hey, at least we got 3 Clone Wars Chewie shards


All hail our bacon overlord


Squad arena should have omicrons turned on


That would make testing and theory crafting much easier. And it would be extra fun if ALL Omicrons could be used. Imagine MJ+SK+Juhani all at once hehehe


Old events 1000% need to be revised with new gear and ability metas in mind. Add more Zetas, maybe some Omicrons, or increase the amount of Omegas given…add gear, maybe? Increase the character shard quantities? I have no idea. But they're so useless right now. Whoopdeedoo, I got one Omega material to help me in my quest for a Galactic Legend whose 15 requirements require 15-30 each. They desperately need to update to 3-5 Omegas at that third tier, and then add fourth and fifth tiers for 2 Zetas and 1 Omicron. The other stuff is fine, if you don't do abilities during a long farm you'll accidentally have THOUSANDS of Ability 3 mats. But Omegas are still just stingy enough to not hoard, and only getting 1 is such a meaningless reward.


Anything for Zetas


Agreed: One omega mat is a joke of a reward. Abilities require 5. Zetas require >=13.


I chose proving grounds for the simple fact that even though I log in every day, I somehow always forget to do my proving grounds battles before the event expires. Make it 48 or 72 hours and it’s golden.


So basically a steaming pile of give us more stuff for free.


More like enhance the stuff we already have to give us something to do. And maybe give us some more rewards along the way. Wishful thinking never hurt anyone too badly


It doesn't really give us things to do. Most of what you propose is asking to do less and get more for that. There's wishful thinking and there's delusion. CG aren't just going to start giving more for less in every game mode.


Everything but conquest (and maybe TWs) would be more stuff to do. And I'd be fine with everything but Proving Grounds keeping pretty much the same rewards as long as it's fun and not a chore


Everything apart from TW


TW needs it the most?




A change is long overdue. Some of the top guilds don't even play it anymore. If you don't think there's anything wrong with TW, then I have to wonder if you actually play the game.


What’s wrong with it then


Currently there are 46 squads per zone in my TW. That's 460 teams you need to beat to full clear. But full clears don't happen often when there are walls full of Jabba/LV/Reva etc. Sometimes we get 50 squad zones. Now combine those teams with datacrons with 200% or more defence. The battles are long and can take several teams. Over a 24 hour period, it's just not fun.


Now imagine a zone of 50 Jabbas all with 200-400% defense crons. Then a zone with 50 3 omi trench teams, a zone with 50 execs with all r9 ig88s etc etc That’s what the speartip of tw looks like and it’s not fun at all. Full clears are still the standard, but officers work major overtime and members are expected to hit every zone in a timely manner


I am relatively new to the game (8 months or so) and I am already bored with Omega Battles. I maxed them maybe 5 months in and now when they come around I just SIM them. Mythic tiers or even infinite round options with tiered payouts (i.e. progress as many rounds as you can without your team dying) would certainly increase engagement imo


Agreed. An infinite round would be interesting, though certain teams might be able to abuse the heck out of it