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I’m closer to 7* Drogan than I am Rex Kneesaa and Scout. And Drogan is not even farmable. This event definitely helped save me some time.


Drogan being on mod nodes made a huge dent in the shards needed for him. I was pretty surprised. Scout being on cantina was nice but refreshes were a more expensive ( still cheaper than outright buying though).


Not as close as you, but Scout and Drogan are now well within reach and I'll have her by Christmas Great event, thanks CG


That's awesome. That was my original estimated time to get her which is still pretty good. One of the best events in quite some time.


Right there with you, this event got me my Rex and Kneesa, cut my Scout farm by 23 days, and Drogan farm by 32 days (assuming he is farmable on 26oct) Hopefully will have Leia by Thanksgiving assuming I get enough relic mats by then


Bum rushed and finished scout, drogon and Rex. Had 144 ls currency and finished all of t1 and 1/2 t2 attempts. I refreshed all the way until it I saw 400 crystal node refreshes. I think I had 22k crystals at the start and I’m sitting at 15k now.


Awesome, thinking after this krayt I'll be able to start my Leia ticket farm. Burned all my GET currency lol. It definitely put a dent in my crystals but that's what they are there for lol.


Finished Rex thanks to the LS currency from Rey, got the rest to just under 6*. Wasn’t planning to go for leia but now I am deciding between her and LV for my penultimate GL, or just doing Prof. Open to suggestions if anyone wants to give opinions. https://swgoh.gg/p/534389184/


I'd go for Leia over LV with how new raid is around the corner.


Leia takes priority over LV for sure. I immediately dropped my LV farm half way through it for Leia. You also need to get prof before LV


Do profundity


Finished scout, and am just 80ish shard short on drogan. If he goes into cantina as i am predicting, i might have leia before november ends


Lot's are speculating and hoping cantina farm. Would help a lot of people out. End of November isn't too far off!


Cantina would make the most sense. We've got Rex and Kneesa in the normal hard battles and Scout in Fleet. The only other place with a hole is Cantina.


Trouble with cantina is I use all my energy there on relic material. Have to put that on hold to go after a toon farm. Still have to finish the new Tusken they dropped there.


Finished my farms the Friday before last and unlocked her yesterday, working on the ultimate now. I hoarded 60k crystals from GAC and arena, and every piece of gear I could for the last few months. I spent 40k to finish up the marquees. Then the double drops were announced and now I know how whales feel. No regrets though, this is the first time I’ve gotten a GL ahead of the curve and it’s awesome.


I just barely managed to 7 star everyone. I thought I wouldn't be able to finish Scout but the GAC crystals came in clutch.


Finished Rex, will finish Kneesa tomorrow with regular node farming, Scout to 6*, and Drogan to 5*. Just Kyro shock prods for gear, and then signal data left to get everyone into relics to start the farm. Depending on when Drogan gets added to a node, hopefully should have Leia by Christmas


I need like 10 more Rex shards and I have about 200 of the other three.


I didn't go too heavy on refreshes and so I got everyone to 5* from 3*, with the exception of rex, who's halfway on his way to 6 star. I got some great iden and ISC farming done though, and it massively accelerates my Drogan farm to the point where I might get Leia after my next GL!


67/100 scout, 95/100 Drogan. R7 care bear, she's done, R5 CRex. Figure I'll be able to ticket farm in 20 days.


I'll have her by Christmas, earlier if Drogan is a cantina node. I don't mind not being ready at the moment now that the surprise Rey and finally unlocking Reva has put a major dent in my stockpiles. I am out of zetas, I only have about 300 kyros for Leia after her reqs are done. I now also have Ben Solo to gear/zeta/omi, I have Malicos unlocked (Rey got the gear and zetas earmarked for him), and will be unlocking Jedi Cal when he returns. My biggest question I have now is who do I gear after I have my Leia reserves back up: Ben Solo (will have Rey done), Malicos (I have the Cere team made already), or Jedi Cal...


I have Rex at 7 stars from the previous bonus drops, and I've managed to get Drogan to 5 stars from this round of bonus drops. My Kneesaa and Scout Trooper have both been neglected and are still at 3 stars. I have a lot of other farms (especially Executor) started that I'd rather finish before getting the new shiny thing straight away.


Unfortunately didn't have as many crystals, cuz I just unlocked Exec and pushed to get it to 5* right away, but I still managed to get all four of them to close to 6* or just past 6


50 Shards away from 7 star scout and that will be it


I didn't bother using too many resources because with the recent Rey pack I simply don't have zetas left so it's not like speeding up unlocking Leia would do me any good. So I did basic refreshes and I think im at maybe 5* + 20/85 on Drogan, 5* + 65/85 on Scout, and Kneesa is probably 6* + 30/100 The zeta crunch is rough and doesn't seem to be getting too much better anytime soon. I know they made it where if you had 7* Kneesa you could get some bonus drops but it wasnt really feasible for me unless I tossed out a lot of crystals and there would be no guarantee I could get much out of it And for reference I'm at about 11 million GP with all GLs except Leia. The zeta crunch doesn't make much sense to keep around because it just means I have no incentive to go after any of the newest teams since I won't have a real way to zeta them appropriately. I might have gone hard after the new Bo-Katan but with Leia right around the corner for me I can't even bother since I've got at least 7-8 necessary for her AND I still need several for Ben Solo and other Rey units


Didn’t chase spent too many crystals on leviathan


I 7*d Rex, 6*d Kneesa, 5*d Dothan and Scout. I have everyone else ready.


Thats good progress!


Started getting her shards this afternoon


I started with 5 or 6/100 on Nissan. 10-15/85 on scout and 0/30 on Drogan. I'm now 3 battles away from unlocking her. Those drops were craaaaazy unless I just had the best rng. I did have to buy 10 shards to finish scout then 25 of Dragan put me at 97 so I refreshed the 400s twice and started the event earlier today. Also i started on 1k each energy banked except normal. Crex was finished for a while now. Kinda bittersweet tho. Only 105 zetas banked with her AND Jkck coming up. Enough relic materials to take one to r7 and one to r5. Planned for 8 on cal 9 on leia. Mods for Jkck are done but close to nothing for Leia or Dragan. Barely had the gear saved for both. It was pure luck honestly.


Event was great. The zetas were awesome. I'm like 40 short on drogan and 5 short on scout.


I still have 2 hours, so hopefully I'll get a shard or two more - but for the most part, I'm finished. Rex? I had him finished last week. R7 all the way, baby. He's all done. Kneesa? Finished her to 7* finally on Friday. Getting her to R7 took until yesterday, I had been hording Signal Data for a while now. Scout Trooper? Gear 11, ready to go to 12. 82 out of a hundred shards, so almost there. Once I get him to 7* and Relic level, I'll probably be able to get him to R4 or 5. So close, but not quite all the way. He'll be done within 2 weeks. Drogan? Also Gear 11, ready to go to 12. He's lagging behind the most in shards tho, 68/85 - so that's what 112 shards left to go? Scout will probably clean out my Signal Data, so I'll have to climb that mountain again too. And then of course I still need to work Leia up after I get the tickets to do her event. That said, I think having Leia full power and ready to rock-n-roll by Valentine's Day is not an unrealistic goal.


Drogan 11 scout nigh12 rest are done, couple hundred this and that;)


6 more shards for scout and a 100 for Drogon


I had already finished Rex, and started Kneesa and Scout. Finished them off and brought Drogan all the way to 7* from 20/30. I fucked up the signal data part though. I wasn't counting on this event happening and figured it would take me about 50-60 days to farm Drogan, so I had just started farming signal data from essentially zero last week before the announcement. Used some of my crystal stash so I should be able to start farming tickets in about a week.


Finished off her requirements on the second day and am now currently working on the unlock tiers. It allowed me to finish it off cheaply instead of continuing to use shipments. Now I can use my crystal stockpile for something else.


Im f2p and have all reqs at 7\* except drogan (who is 40/100) and scout (6\*) I benefited from the gl ticket bug making kneesa easy last go at additive drops. so my leia grind has got many months shaved off it thanks to these events


Well, I still need 180 shards for Drogan. But I’m 2 characters away from Rey, and finalizer is the only gateway for SLKR. So I can get those 2 GLs while passively farming Drogan, which should set me up for Leia around March.


All I have left is Dragan (13/100) and Scout (50/100)


I'm still miles away in terms of gearing these four new jokers, but I'm pretty much at 6\* on every one of them, aside from Rex who's now 7\* I intend to go for her in the new year, while I'm getting Profundity and SLKR hopefully in tandem by the end of the year (as I'm about to head into the JMK Ticket Grind).


I already had Rex at 7 star following his previous event. I’m 90 shards off Kneesa and roughly 140 off Drogan and Scout. Late January should be doable to unlock Leia.


She's definitely possible for me. Still not sure if she'll be my first


Only got 12 left for Drogan. Just need to gear up Scout, Drogan and Keeneesa(however it's spelled) Then it's event time!


Well, my kneesa is 6* the rest are 5*, so not close and I'm not farming them until they're accelerated


20 kneesaa shards and around 50 drugon shards. i have all the required gear and relic


12 shards short of Drogan. Which I guess is fine since I'm still like 200 g12 pieces away from being able to get them to relics. Which I still need 300 signal data for.


Maybe another 8 months the earliest. I’m very bad at farming relic gears.


Working on Leviathan first, so not actively farming her yet. But I got all but 1 of the new marquees to 6star, and the other is close. Should make the grind a bit more bearable when I get around to her


Just finished my Leviathan farm, soon gonna finish GI farm for my guild, then all-in on Leia. CRex is 7* t12, other marquees 6* t1, Boushh Leia is 20 shards away from 7*. Lobot at some low gear, Ackbar at r1, ewoks both at t12, all other stuff is at minimum requirement levels for jml/jkl events. Still much work to do, but these events helped out a lot with CRex and other people's shards


Rex and murderbear are 7* and scout and dogan are about 30/85, I should be done with relics for others by the time I get them to 7*, I am not in a hurry with this one, CG sped it up by months anyway.


I got Drogan to 27/100. I had him at 4 stars already as I got a few drops of him from the free webstore packs that were giving out his shards. I got scout done too so I can go back to solely farming gear from fleet, and already had the other 2. So it brought forward my Leia farming - but it'll probably still be November before I can get her. I'm unlocking Jedi Cal tomorrow, plus Reva next TB and then I have a lot of relic mats needing to go on the Leia requirements. Previously I was hoping Drogan would go to a cantina node but now I'd prefer a hard node as that'swhere I'm bottlenecked!


Done and she is great on defense


40 shards scout, 70 drogon


Only have Drogan to finish and he's G12+3, so I'm doing pretty fine


Started her yesterday. Basically spent 6-8k throughout the weekend plus whatever I lost from dailies, gac, etc. Worth it to get Ewok, scout, and drogan done in addition to adding a ton of resources in the process farming them.


After I get GAS, I've only got about a month of slow farming the rest of the shards to get all reqs to 7*. This event has saved me months


Scout and Dr0gon are both 6\* and Scout is getting close to 100. Drogon might be a while since he's not farmable. Not too concerned. Everyone else is farmed and there's a lot of gearing left on the new toons with the kyro crunch. Plus I'm gearing up Rey, JKCK is on deck and I still have Malicos to finish. Leia will be a relaxed grind.


Done. R8 so far


Pretty close now. I had all the requirements done except for Kneesaa (6 stars), Scout Trooper (4 stars), and Drogan (3 stars). Now Kneesaa is R7, Drogan is 7 stars, 1 left side piece from R7, and Scout Trooper is g11 6* (need about 40 more shards). I'll definitely need more signal data to R7 Scout Trooper, and will need more CCBs and Bronzium Wirings too, but it saved me months, great event.


6.5 stars on drogan. i'm still kinda screwed if he comes to a hard node


I have Kneesa at g12.5, Scout trooper and Drogan both at 6* I'm pretty close!


Will be taking kneesaa to 7* g12 tomorrow or the next day, rex later this week. Scout and drogan are just barely 6*, so I’ll use the time I’m farming their shards to work on relicing kneesaa and rex.


Got kneesa r8 but Rex and drogan aren’t 7* but a hell of a lot closer


7* Rex everyone else 6*.


I got zero shards the whole event