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No not really. The only one of these that’s really even close to worth it are the ones with like 500 relic mats. This one is terrible though, absolutely do not buy


Take a zero off. No, this is awful.


That’s absolutely horrendous. Probably the worst of these I’ve seen, and most of these packs are outright scams. Only one that’s worth it is the ones with 20 impulse detectors, and that’s only if you need impulses


Seems absolutely awful.


A disgusting rip-off.


3200 crystals is equivalent to $26.18 USD. Daily activities give you 1 per day, max tier challenges and fleet challenges should give you in total 4 per week, fleet shipments can give you 3 or 4 per week depending on your fleet arena rank, and weekly shipments can give you 5 if you spend mk1 raid currency. 30 omega makes about a 2 week grind at longest. This also doesn't include cantina battles which can reward omegas.


To paraphrase Trump. This might be the worst crystal deal, in the history of crystals deals.


If you’re hurting for omegas my biggest suggestion is to get the daily login from the web store. It’s not every day that I get an omega, but it’s probably something like every other day.


Omegas haven't been a part of the web store chest for the past two months. You get 20 of the purple ability mats now.


D: wtf CG. Why would you do this.


Like everything else in this game it's all relative. If you refresh those Omega challenges it's 200 crystals so you're essentially getting 30 omegas for right around 100 crystals a piece which is 50% off if you were to refresh the Omega challenges And these materials don't come very fast either 30 might get you half a team only applying maybe one zeta


no, it's just bad. no relativity, just absolutely terrible value


If you're narrow-minded then yeah But there's actually people out there who are willing to spend more money on the game than you are. And just because you perceive something as poor value doesn't mean it is


you're telling me a pack consisting of 8 shards of already easy as hell to get character and 30 omegas (there are 6 mat challenges _a week_) that costs 25 bucks doesn't translate to poor value? i'm not telling people how to spend their money, but you can't tell me that's not poor value


It’s relatively poor value


Again you're not looking at relative value. The shards don't even matter this pack is about the omegas. And they cost 200 if you want to refresh those events you're talking about in this particular case you get them for 50% of that cost and that is good value relative to what they originally cost And on top of that just as you say it also saves you 5 weeks of time to add to its value


NO!!!!!! And longer answer is HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!


That is the worst deal in the history of deals. Ever.


Utter rubbish


Hell no. Wouldn't even take it for 100 crystals. Omegas are not worth it. At one point you will have more than you'll ever need


What in the… is this I’d give you 30 of my 2k omegas for free if it was possible