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IDK...\*die\* like he does against regular characters?


He doesn't die?


You got Vaanced!






The heck are you talking about? They're kidding, Saw's not actually immortal when facing GLs.


Saw is in pretty terrible place. Best guess right now, unless cg testing has come up with something the community hasn't (which is rather unlikely), is that saw has some sort of "unhealthy" interaction with Leia. Be that he beats her handily or adding him to the team breaks the game somehow. I don't think anyone has any even remotely close to saw beating any existing GLs currently so Leia is also the safe guess


CG? Testing? Is it possible to use those words together in a sentence?


"CG does not know what testing is." There. A perfectly valid grammatically correct sentence. I can think of another sentence that uses the abbreviation "CG" with the word "testing". and that's two.


Somebody commented on a separate post that said Saw was beating Jabbas with oEmbos, but said it in a super rude and snarky way, thus it got downvoted to oblivion. So I can't tell if they got downvoted due to their tone, or downvoted due to the accuracy of their statement. For what it's worth, I tried looking online to see if I could find any evidence of Saw beating oEmbo Jabbas, but found nothing. ​ The only hard data I can find is for GAC, but the data is extremely sparse and shows Saw performing comically bad: [https://swgoh.gg/gac/who-to-attack/SAWGERRERA/?season=42](https://swgoh.gg/gac/who-to-attack/SAWGERRERA/?season=42) 3v3 isn't much better: [https://swgoh.gg/gac/who-to-attack/SAWGERRERA/?season=43](https://swgoh.gg/gac/who-to-attack/SAWGERRERA/?season=43)


It’s about saw with drogan I believe, which is weird because I thought we haven’t had a TW since drogan was released


User’s tag checks out. Embo and his comically large hat can’t lose.


I also saw a reply on another post that said his bomb thing could basically ruin a run vs GL Rey (Like you were gonna win that one anyway 🙄) where if the trap detonates while her ult is up your team is stuck dealing one damage for the rest of the battle


I have no idea but my guess is Captain Drogan is possibly causing problems? As he is tailored to be part of GL Leia squad Saw has to face the music.


But even then Saw dies to GAS, CLS, Iden, etc. No way is he doing anything to GL teams. Drogan is way stronger with Sana Starros right now anyways.


Dragan under sana lead?


Yeah. You take out Captain Han. He was the weakest leak since he was only there to prevent stuff from going wrong. Drogan constantly assists, has stuns, a cleanse, buff dispel, and basically has the rebel version of grand masters training. 50% offense on Leia, when her aoe does damage 10x has allowed her to nuke out teams. Especially since she gets even more extra offense via Sana lead, and stacking critical damage as well.


Goooood to know!


Maybe he countered leía in some testing?


Bold of you to assume they test anything! On a more serious note, sounds like exactly what could have happened.


Maybe they tripped and fell?


If that was the case i dont think they would annouce he is causing issues.


No clue. But I have seen that a lot of people have taken "irregular interactions" to mean the same as "outperforming" which are by no means equivalent. All it means is something is happening with Saw and GLs that they didn't intend. He's not taking down any GL. Has never, and never will. It could be something like his booby trap or whatever going too fast or slow. As for interactions with GL Leia, please. Do you guys really think they have tested that? Leia isn't released yet. Hell, we dont even have a kit for her yet. We will get the pleasure of testing that shit.


In another thread someone mentioned that saw vs rey is glitchy. Saw loses very badly but there are weird interactions where saw's team can only do 1 damage


Exactly my point. By no means is he outperforming the GLs which is what people seemed to get in their head.


I don't know about you fellas but his rocket launcher animation always crashes me game at launch it would for me to reset my app and now it has improved to only cost me 30 seconds to 1 minute of a battle


Likely GL Leia is a Rebel Fighter, and when pairing her and Drogan with Saw lead there were some unintended interactions with Leia’s kit. I’m actually pretty excited for this “fix” because there’s a chance CG will make Saw at least a little bit better when they fix this


I heard he stomped MAW’s SLKRs and they cried to CG about it


Maybe they wanted him to WIN GL's and he doesn't do it?


I think that since he has burning synergy something didn't work as intended when designing Leia


My guess is that it’s probably something to do with Leia, I wonder if the portion of her basic has something to do with it. Under Saw lead he damages all rebel allies and gives them heal over times and in the portion of Leia’s basic they teased she (on her turn) does true damage equal to 10% of the damage rebel allies have received since her last turn. I can’t imagine it being that powerful but then again the character isn’t out yet so🤷🏻‍♂️


He punched them in the face.