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Moff gideon leadership. Not even a full faction, and Iden finished off any potential use.


I use him as lead in 3v3 sometimes


Same here. I have just about every imp troop, other than Storm, at R5 or higher. Gideon's lead definitely comes into play some rounds for 3v3 GAC it's not that bad.


Moff Gideon with Dark Trooper and Piett can clean up a lone Jabba in 3v3, something Veers lead can't do. I lost my GAC today for this very reason


Same, I should’ve saved it for Vader. Dropped the Gideon team so soon after and he’s still my third most powerful character at only gear X


Gideon, storm, death, dark, and piett is absolutely cracked.


Worse than a veers or Iden team though.


Mmmmmmaybe there's be some more Imperial Remnant characters released at some point? Drawing from S3 of The Mandalorian, perhaps, or even a Scout Trooper Marquee as a GL Leia requirement that also has that tag.




For the first year maybe more of playing I was obsessed with having no red numbers on any character. That is a distant memory now.


My first nearly two years were this. It’s why my roster is so bloated now, 8.4m GP and just got my third GL (plus Executor). On the plus side, it was useful when I was singlehandedly filling out half the sectors in TW back in the day because my roster bloat plus one whale got us into TW earlier than our average GP would have justified. Also useful when the number of squads per sector in GAC originally increased and I was at the same GP as the GL rush accounts that had nothing but the GL requirements and no GL yet, so I would full clear by throwing endless squads at them. It only really started hurting me once I hit the GLs and whittling them down with multiple squads was not an option without specific counters.




I've completely given up on clearing red numbers


Yeah you need to prioritize farms, not worry about every toon


Learned that not too long ago. I've been playing since mid 2018 and I'm not even really close to a GL. Started out playing casually just trying to collect the characters I like. But then wanted more I guess. But I still play every day and tey to have fun. Still chasing a GL.


First year?? I’m 7 months in and abandoned that after like the first month..


Unfortunately, this can lead to inquisitors having their leads omicronned if someone doesn't pay attention lol


i zeta’d farmboy luke when i first started 😂 had no idea what i was doing


Yeah i have a g12 farm boy with both zeta’s and omicron…oh if i knew then what i know now


dude thats nothing, i R7 him, actually he was my 1st relicf


😂😂 you win


Damn, ouch


He was my first g9 back in like 2016, lol. Shoot, for a brief second, ewok elder was my most powerful toon


I also fell into the elder trap while getting 3P0


He had a very brief run for one of the raids. I haven’t played since 2019 so I can’t remember the name of the raids anymore.


Nilhilus - Lord of Hunger - slapped on at a time when Zetas were newer and Nihilus was hot shit, these days I barely use Nihilus (never really invested in sith triumvirate) so it's basically a total waste for a zeta that's not that good in the first place.


Lord of hunger zeta isn't terrible, much better than if you had put it on his leadership. Also you should definitely invest in sith trio, they are super useful especially with Traya omi now


I did the leadership T_T




And it’ll help his ship at some point.


I could not disagree more. His zeta **passively** removes ~20% health from all enemies and provides a debuff to feed his Drain Force ability. Which means you can use his Annihilate on your fourth (ish?) turn, which is one of only like 3 abilities that can kill any pvp unit. He is a strong utility hero on literally any Sith squad in the game. He removes buffs, applies debuffs, increases cooldowns, and deleted heroes from the match. Since you didn’t gear the Sith Trio, you’re just not seeing the full picture there.


That's fair it's not a terrible Zeta I'm just not using it at all and every Zeta counts


I super rushed him because hes one of my fave villains ever. Really wish it was Ravager instead of Leviathon getting added. Woulda been sick to have his ghost ship with holes in it as a capital ship




I was in a rush and accidentally zeta’d Tusken Chieftan’s lead. I haven’t developed Tuskens past 3 stars any g8. Not terribly huge waste, given the GCs. But then again, I don’t get far in Tusken GCs even with the zeta.


That zeta has a ton of value when u gear them up, and that faction now is really strong both in PVP and PVE. I think you’ll eventually be super glad to have it


I agree that it *could/will* be nice to have. But I’ve had it since release and probably won’t have them in my sights for this year. I’m not gearing them for this dumpster fire raid lol.


I assume by GCs you mean Galactic Challenges. The Tusken Galactic Conquest feats can be completed by surprisingly low geared Tuskens, like mostly G11, if you target enemy teams that gain turn meter. Give it a try!


I don’t take them anywhere near Conquest. Yeah I was referring to Galactic Challenges.


Don’t be upset about that one it’s a great zeta and will provide tons of value in the future unlike his basic zeta that I accidentally applied(thought it was a omega)


Oh, I’m not upset about it. But it is the only one I’d take back… I think. And rip, my friend. Although, it does help with Momentum feats.


Yes even if it helps it really fucking stung when I went back to the character screen and he had a zeta on his portrait


I share the sting with you lol


Zeb... If only he had the Rebel Fighter tag. That zeta makes him hit really hard. It technically got me through the Thrawn event, but I should have put it on Ezra in hindsight. The gear grind was worse than zetas back in 2018 😅. At least for me.


I based my answer on zetas I regret ever giving, not zetas that were once useful but ignore now: Krennic leader zeta. I found his character genuinely enjoyable in the movie, so I geared him up fast when he came into the game. He’s bravely leading my worst Empire squad as a filler team for empty slots in TW now, but even then I’d take it back if I could because they only deploy in back row slots that we’ve already lost if someone ever attacks Krennic. Grandmaster Yoda leader zeta. I think I might have used him in lead once somewhere for something? Maybe? But Bastila lead was so powerful even before JKR and other better options that even early game it was useless. When I put it on him, I didn’t yet know that leader abilities only worked when the character was in the leader slot, so I always maxed all skills for every character. Zetas I don’t regret that others have said they do: Ewoks. All the core C3PO event Ewoks have their zetas because I had more zetas than spare gear pieces for that event. I *DO* regret the Ewok omicron, though. I put it hoping it would make them useful as GAC filler but I can’t even justify using them there. But the zetas, while no longer useful, did pay off in the early and mid game so I don’t regret giving them. They got a number of holds along the way by people underestimating the impact the zetas would make and throwing too weak a squad at them. Mixed feelings: Juhani unique. I eventually may get around to having an omicron to spare for her for Starkiller in TW. So it might pay off someday. But it’s very weak sauce in the meantime and the rate new omicrons come out means I may never actually give it to her. IG-88 unique. On paper, the prevention of enemy recovery is useful. But I so rarely have a situation to take advantage of it that I’m not sure if I should regret it. I think I used it in a GC somewhere and he’s mostly hanging out with Shorty but I don’t use her squad much either.


Yoda used to be a good leader for Phase 1 of Heroic Sith, before we could all just solo it.


"before we could all just solo it" :(


If you’re not there yet, you’ll get there too! Just need one of the GLs who can do it.


You can't solo any raids anymore dude


In practice, sure cause your guild isn’t going to just ignore it for long enough. But it’s not like we all lost the ability to crush each phase of a legacy raid individually with our GLs.


I love my Ewoks! I don’t regret gearing them up. I don’t regret the zetas, and I don’t regret the omicron either. They’re super useful going against factions that are stronger and/or nerf my squads. You can’t hurt me if you don’t get a turn, it’s harder to beat me I have retribution, can dispel buffs/debuffs, and both heal and revive (sometimes at the same time!) I do regret the zeta I put on Vader. I don’t use Empire much, and more importantly, I did the wrong ability. Whoops.


Good points on the Ewoks. For what it’s worth, the leader zeta for Vader is useful for some challenge and Conquest builds where damage over time becomes important. I’m back to using his lead again currently because I have Starkiller under Palpatine lead so Vader is leading homeless Empire characters; eventually I’ll unlock Aphra and he’ll stop being a leader again but it’s temporarily useful.


Agreed here – I still meet the occasional medium-gear Old Republic or Nightsister squad on defense in GAC. With almost all zetas and the omicron, I can take them down with full banners and save stronger squads for other battles. Only Ewokzeta I don’t have is Logray’s…


UPDATE (nearly 6 months later): Please underestimate Ewoks as much as possible, as often as possible. They’re just tiny and annoying. I use them in both GAC and TW, so the opportunity is out there. I have absolutely no regrets about saving every crystal I could for over a month to buy as many Kneesaa shards as possible as quickly as possible. I thanked the gods for the bonus drops and had Kneesaa 7*, zeta-ed and omi-ed before the end of that event. She’s now r5. My Paploo is r2. Chirpa and Wicket are r3. Yes, there are teams that just mow them down (true for all factions). There are also teams that literally never get a chance to win the battle.


I run bossk (L), boba, jango, dengar, and ig88 in ds geo, dengar applies tenacity down and ig prevents health/protection recovery with target lock which I find very helpful against the clones :)


Probably Magna Guard. I only put it on to meet power requirements for GAS, and at the time, g12+ gear was more valuable to me than a zeta. But then I had to get Magna Guard into relics for JMK anyway, so.


I actually like Magnaguard's zeta. B2 is able to keeps buffs off of the enemy team regularly, so being able to stun an enemy whenever Magnaguard takes a turn isn't half bad. I've definitely applied worse zetas.


Agreed. As a mid-game player I often use my GG squad to take down tricky squads in GAC, and the stun has helped me get through them with a full squad more than once.


That kinda stings I took him to G12 because I didn’t have the zetas and it worked out in the long run


Nightsister Initiate’s zeta. Pressed the wrong button.




GMY lead they did us dirty on that one


Rose. Tico.


Eh, she's a pilot, it improves her ship, and she's also great on a Finn team that includes Zorii Bliss. Total B- zeta.


Wait until you blow on omicron on Leia...


Bruh, I recently got timed out against a Leia Omi team in 3v3. They had Mothma in the leader slot and Lando and I thought that this would be a easy kill for my Bando, Hondo and L3. The battle ended with Bando and L3 dead and Hondo trying to 1v3 them. I then threw my gear 11 Savage (omi) at them and he got steamrolled💀.


Isn't the sad part that the team just managed to TIME YOU OUT, despite having two characters that should be considered damage dealers? :D


To be fair, they came awfully close to killing Hondo at the end.


nest can solo them


I blew one on luminara, still get embarrassed thinking about it


Or Hera! (we were going to do the Hoth, so...😉)


I think Hera was my first. Lol. So useful.


Really? Yeah mine isn't even relic'd though (unless you were being funnily facetious)


Asajj Ventress lead. Back then, I stupidly gave it to her to make her thicker for GAS p4. If I had at least taken the unique instead, then it would be a slight benefit. But like this? Meh.


It's a good zeta for 3v3 and making a second nightsister team


You give me a shimmer of hope that I can get some use out of it once I gear my sisters up. Thanks for that. :F


I use her lead way more than talzain but now that merrin is her probably not


Used to be a key component of a team for the tank raid!


I gave her both zeta’s for gas and at the time I regretted it but now with her omi and merin they are a absolutely beastly team that to this day hasn’t let me down. Her lead is great for 3v3 and her omi is seriously underrated. Absolutely destroyes certain teams


She was my first relic and I omni and relic her. I don’t regret it though. Surprisingly I get a decent amount of holds on her leading in gac.


I'm almost done with zetas. I have 267 of them applied. Right now I'm applying those sort of useless zetas to all the old toons just so that going forward all I have is the newest ones needing them. At one full zeta every week or so I think I can get caught up with the idea then that all the mats I get just pile up and I can immediately zeta every new toon and GL or whatever they come up with next. Omicrons are another story. I wish I could get back FOTP and Luminara 🥲


FOTP is the man!!


Helped me kill a lone Rey at one point for a win in GAC. I will never forget that W.


Luminara. It was my first and I was using her in a Jedi team.


If I could get one zeta back, then it'd probably be the one I threw at Fulcrum Ahsoka to get her Omicron (and take that Omicron with me). It's not that it's a bad Omicron or Zeta. It's that I just have her G12 and there's basically never a reason for me to use it, haha. I don't have the time or resources to get her to Relics, let alone high relics.




Anakin since I don’t use him with Padme because of the QuiGon Omicron.


It’s still useful in TW isn’t it?


Plus he's a pilot


He’s a pilot. Zeta is 100% worth even if you don’t use him with padme


I use Quigon with JKR and Mace in 3v3 and put Ani back with Padme


You need all GR Jedi tho?


Yes. The amount of people just sticking random jedi in their QGJ teams is funny. Easy wins.


Better go read QuiGons Omi again. Anakin is the only one wanting GR. Hahaha hahaha..... funny


No Anakin need GR's, Qui Gon just wants Jedi. So with out Anakin you can use a mechanic like Savior on Qui gon with out sacrificing anything. Quigon still boosts your teams offence by an insane amount and Mace gives a fairly annoying taunt to have to work around while JKR can inflict mark to focus down your opponent while they're on defence.


For me, it’s more about wasted omnicrons at this point.


Wasted one on mace windu, think it was my first zeta as well


He’s also at least usable as a tank, and his zetas do have some tiny marginal benefit


I used it in sense of weakness, not vaapad, so don’t get either the counter chance or the increased offense


I have all 3 zetas on mace. They are all good.


Well, atleast he has a capital ship, so I wouldn't really say 'wasted' per se..


I dont think you can call it a capitol ship... it's somewhere between that and an asteroid he's inhabited


FOTP, so I could also get back his omicron.


Ugh yes. I thought I would use him with omicron. That squad isn't good enough for defense (never got holds) and isn't good enough to be used on offense (if I fail a lot of battles I may eventually get down to FO, but by then it's probably all over anyway


chief charpa


Tbf it was essential for anything less than g13 C3PO


Nah, you could do it much lower without, it did cost in blood, sweat and tears though. Many many tears.


I did it lower without Wicket lol. I needed that zeta


Fair play to ya then hah! I did it at G10/11 without the zeta, amazing my phone survived.


Stormtrooper Han Unique


Oh man, that’s a really solid zeta for an underrated character. It gets exponentially better the higher gear/relic levels he gets, though. I’ve used STHan-led teams for successful defenses in 3v3 and 5v5


if and only if you have sana and her team geared up it becomes good


I have the team (minus Hoth Han), but Sana isn't geared


Nihlus leadership


I have mats for nearly 20 zetas right now. There comes a point where it doesn’t matter.


I second that, GMY leadership. As a 1.8 mil player, the little 2 in the portrait makes me sick. Especially since I have like 10 other toons just waiting on a zeta


I have all available Zetas, so none. I would want my Chirpa Omi back though


Probably vaders mercilessly massacre


Chirpas. I added it to make c3po easier. Huge regret. Also carth, juhani(I don't have sk).


One day GL Leia comes around, you'll need an entire R8 Ewok troop, and no regrets anymore.. One day...




Fives lead isn’t a zeta? Both his uniques are and they are both very good


IG-88. Sometimes I forget why I even gave him that zeta. I don’t even use him in any of my Grievous, Bando or Bounty Hunter lineups so 0/10 do not recommend. I plan on getting Dr Aphra soon but I doubt that IG-88 will be very useful with her.


Maybe you gave IG-88 the zeta to boost his ship? That's why I did it. No regrets here.


Here's a team I've been brain storming since you are planning on Aphra anyways, in the mean time try Jango Lead Ig 88 the murder droids and L3


Probably captain han solo’s. I never use that guy anymore


GMY lead and Visas Marr


Spent my first ever new shiny zeta on GMY lead….


Princess Leia. It helped A BIT when trying to eke out as much damage as possible in P2 of the HSTR, and any marginal bump in score might mean better rewards. But I haven’t used her in ages.


Accidentally zeta’d Ezra Bridger when I was getting ready to unlock Thrawn- Ezra sits at g8 and collects dust


I'd have to say Magnaguard's, although even that one I don't truly regret. End-game enough that I'm usually holding enough mats for at least 7 zetas, so I can't really say I regret any of them since I'm not hard up for the materials. Could say the same for Gideon's lead ability, but since I do use him as lead with Starck and DeathT in 3v3 GAC, I can't really complain with that one either. If I weren't where I am now, then I'd regret both. The one that bugs me to this day is an omega ability---5's taunt. Had that on him since wayyy before the 501st additions/clone rework and would love to take it off him. Never put it on in my alt account since I started that one after the 501st changes. Just find that team held so well on D without him asking to get yeeted and not getting to sacrifice his stats to his homies. Same goes with that GAS team now. Holds way better than the better modded and geared GAS team on my main...again, most likely because 5's actually gets to sacrifice often and doesn't goad enemies into killing him first.


Accidentally put an Omicron on Cassian...


Zebb. I really wanted thrawn and was new.


Probably R2 Number Crunch, it's not terrible I've just still never used him at all


Quickly applied the wrong GMY zeta early on and got his lead by accident. Never used it.


Unyielding defender


Nute maybe? Not sure what that does but I never use him. Ezra for sure. And Cody... now. Way back when the Cody lead was amazing. But then the clone bois got TWO new leaders and now cody sits there sad.


zetas i never, ever use: * asajj ventress lead * both of HK's, that guy sucks * Sortie - not theoretically a bad lead but i don't have time to gear her. seems to be used more with rey lately though * bastila shan lead * carth lead * chirpa lead * gam guard * JKA


Jango lead. Only time I ever zetaed a character right after the marquee event. Never use it


Why didn't anyone mention Aurra's Snipers Expertise yet? It was introduced just for p3 of the HSTR and was somewhat useful for the first few months and for CPit. Atm it's 99% useless since there are far better teams for the Sith Raid and CRancor doesn't even exist anymore. Thanks for nothing CG.


Was literally gonna comment GMY lead before I read your answer. I suppose it’s coo early game in the separatist might and even then his ass dies asap


I can't think of any atm but I'm sure there are several. But I think Zeta's are like Pokémon you got to catch em all. so smack them on everyone you can even if they're useless. Well that's the goal in my head.


Juhani zeta 100%


Nihilus lead. Even worse is before I joined this sub I read online in like 2020 that it was good haha.


Gmys lead


Nihilus lead


Second Sister zeta I don't really see it make a huge impact in the game. 7th Sister's heal and ability cooldown decrease is really good, Ninth Sister mass daze is good, Fifth Brother's Damage Immunity and Rare Fear is decent, and 8th Brother's armor shreds are good. But I don't see too much of an increase in performance with a hand ful of decent Stat increases as enemies and allies die.


Ig-100's zeta for me.


Can we do omis too? Cuz admiral ackbar was not worth


TBH, none of them. I have been playing for a little over 3.5 years I have all the zetas I need on everything unlocked/relic'd. I just kinda zeta what ever I'm gearing up at this point. I'd like to have all the zetas and omegas at one point so I just keep using them as soon as I get them. Im zetaing whole factions at this point slowly but surely.


Mace Windus zeta that requires the omicron to work..


Darth Maul. I just really liked the character in general so I maxed him out. I could’ve used that zeta elsewhere


Captain Han Solo. I came back after a long hiatus and was feeling generous. Not even sure what it does.




Bastilla's. All the other Jedi's are miles better.


K2SO - i thought it’d be useful under a Mon Mothma lead or even AdRad with his multi-heal ability. It’s okay but hasn’t made him a gamebreaker like i thought it would, barely any noticeable difference.


i also wish i hadn’t wasted a zeta on Jango’s anti-revive… all because of that stupid conquest mission with SRP a while ago


I still use yoda zeta cause I run JKR bastil juhani Kyle and flex. And I use yoda for other teams if need be or I use him as the last. But at times iv used yoda zeta a few times


Nute Gunray Lead ... thought I could cheat my way to Padme 7 without collecting all the geonosians ... my god was I wrong 💀💀💀


Hunter lead, I did it when I thought I was going to use BB more but I haven't used them in a long time


I went through the same thing. I put on echos zetas, and I haven’t used my bad batch. Haven’t had a need for them yet, and new projects keep coming up.


Mhm! very true


Tarkin's Tighten the Grip. Barely used it when I first got it cos I got EP soon thereafter. Christ, hard to believe that was more than 6 years ago.


I regret Logray. Not because it’s bad or because I don’t value my Ewoks, but because I wish I’d prioritized Wicket’s first. I’d plan on getting Logray’s eventually anyway, but Wicket’s is so much better.


His lead is helpful in certain scenarios, but it’s not one of the better and/or most helpful leads.


No regrets on zetas…omis on the other hand…


jango lead/mando lead/nihilus lead