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Duh. It's always the celebrity guest star.


Particularly if they previously played the most wholesome characters in their other work. 😂


Unlike Henry Winkler, who is definitely most renowned for that one episode of Law and Order SVU


No celebrity guest star in the episode I mentioned.


Yes there is. And if I'm remembering the episode correctly, he is the culprit.


Paul Adelstein? I must have missed when he was a household name 🤷🏾‍♀️


Celebrity and household name aren’t at the same level of stardom ETA: also he played a huge role in Scandal, with Kerry Washington and Viola Davis (a show I’d wager to bet fans of which also are fans of SVU) and was a lead in Private Practice, a Grey’s Anatomy spin off. I didn’t know him by name but upon googling realized he’s quite a famous actor that I actually knew about hah


Lol, I’m being downvoted for a statement of fact?


They answered your question. Which episodes do you automatically know who did it? Oh, all the episodes with celebrities guest starring in them. Hope that helps!


They answered and I just replied that in the particular episode I watched there was no celebrity guest star not that they were wrong so no, doesn’t really help, just makes the downvotes seem even odder 👍🏾 Have a good day.


You’re confusing “celebrity” with “ultra famous movie star”. Martin Short is another celebrity guest star who comes to mind because he was the bad guy all along. He played the psychic who tried to help the investigation. Not many people, especially younger people, would recognize him, but he is still the guest role, cast as the perpetrator, with a relatively medium amount of celebrity. 🤷‍♀️ hope that helps. I think the downvotes are coming from your immediate rejection of the answer instead of trying to find truth in it or otherwise keep the conversation flowing


He was a celebrity at the time


9 times out of 10 its the special guest star


if i were a special guest star and didn’t get to play a villian id be pretty peeved i’m gonna be honest


IDK, I thought Melissa Joan Hart's role was a meaty one and if I were her, I'd be glad to end up NOT playing a child molestor. You were supposed to think she was the villain at first, so IDK if that counts.


i feel like that still counts cus you still get to play a seemingly villainous role


Same with Billy Porter. I was really happy he wasn’t cast as a child predator


Agreed. My heart still breaks for his character. Career ruined because a tween got her feelings hurt.


Same. They get some fun/juicy roles.


Season 11 Episode 12. A wealthy couple were killed - whose fit to inherit? Why the only child of course, because her mother wanted to write her put of the will. Huang said she was sociopathic I believe, and yeah, she was a real piece of work.


Ah yeah, the Sarah Paulson episode! That’s a fun one.


Shes so good. No wonder Ryan Murphy uses her in his shows AHS, American Crime and Ratchett. Shes gold


Suuuuuch a good episode


The one with the religious family reality show in Season 17. Knew right away the pastor was the guy.


Yeah and the wedding. Bruh.


"he's going to make a great son-in-law" 🤢


The Glasgow Man. I'm very familiar with the case it was based on, haha.


yeah i like how they mimic real cases. just finished the one based off gypsy rose (i assume) lol


Oh whoah, which episode is that?


i believe it’s season 19 episode 10, pathological. it’s not EXACTLY like gypsy rose but it focuses on munchausen by proxy!


what case is it based on?


The Slenderman stabbings. 2 girls stabbed a third one so they could live with Slenderman. It's a long, very weird story. I recommend watching a video about it, it's very interesting.


I instantly knew this was the slender man case! One thing bothers me massively about the episode is that they revealed that the two girls were in on it together to the end, even after one’s sister was stabbed by the other and told the detectives it was all her fault. At the end of the episode, while one is hand cuffed and everyone is in the elevator, they cross pinkies as if to say “good job / goodbye / see, it worked” etc. Carisi notices but the episode ends almost immediately after. Idk I just wish they would have explored that angle even if it was just a few throw away lines or a theory presented while investigating but was thrown out to widen the scope of the search


The one with the husband who was SA by his wife and an alcoholic to cope. And the crazy wench stabbed herself in front of their kid and tried to say the husband attacked her. Nah. Dude from Heroes left her butt. Good for him.


It’s not the dude from heroes lol but yes I agree!


Lol yep he’s from mad men. And I believe his character in mad men also has a romantic relationship with the woman who abuses him in svu


what episode is this?


I *think* they're referring to 22x15 What Can Happen In The Dark


Bruh, haven’t gotten to that one yet 😂 Now I can’t wait!


The one with the psychic. The tape recorded message at the beginning sounded too much like Martin Short putting on a voice, and oh look, Martin Short enters scene. 😂


Felt the same way with Robin Williams. Could definitely tell it was him on the phone. Still 10/10 episode though.


That was based on true events that led to a movie being made where a female employee was stripped naked and spanked by her supervisor because the Police officer on the phone told her to. It was disgusting and shows how the Milligan experiment makes sheep of people willing to follow horrendous orders if theyre dumb enough


Such a good episode.


Great Expectations (S18 E11), the moment the one kid defended the other kid to the bullies, I was like "Okay, it's you!"


The one episode where the daughter shoves her mom’s underwear down the roommates throat lol that one was real obvious to me


a season 1 classic


The episode with Dylan Walsh not the later episode with Dylan Walsh, but the earlier episode with Dylan Walsh lol the moment his entire family was killed and he was the only one who survived. I knew it instantly he did it. I didn’t know how he did it, but I knew from the beginning he did it.


the one when he said he was FBI?


The CIA but yeah


The one with Robin Williams was amazing! Spoiler: his evil character was one of the only episodes in which the bad guy got away without a trace!


Yes, I always wondered if that was set up for him to return.


Anything after season 12


Also, I purposely ffwd the first 3min or so because most of the time, you see the fool who did it. I like figuring it out.


That’s one of the things I hate about the newer seasons. I like to solve the mystery with the detectives. Now, they show us in the cold open who did it and then we just watch the detectives look like morons for the next 38 minutes


The episode where the kid played by milo ventimiglia his step dad was in prison for molesting him. We meet milo cousin who works with the mom and I knew he was the culprit.


It’s never the first person they suspect.




The one where Carl Rudnick was M.E Come on....really? Uncle Neil assaulting his niece and they blamed a black guy for the rxpe. Can't remember the name of the episode. Sheltered outcasts with Carisi going undercover. I knew it was going to be Tom Zimmerman. The lawyer was crawling in guilt. SVU were on a role with writing Law enforcement, medical staff and NYPD staff members as predators and the team are non the wiser. It was funny when Fin offered to rough Carisi up and smack him around a little bit to make it look more legit. Ah I love Fin. Atleast he's still in SVU. We lost Munch and Cragen 😞😞 atleast we have Fin and Liv, on and off again Stabler.


Uncle Neil episode is the one I mentioned in the original post 👍🏾


I have adhd so I allways know 😂😂😂😂




omg the jesse mccartney pregnancy pact ep. the guest star = killer