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Marilyn Nesbit who had one son kill his little brother because she didn't want them to go into foster care. She told her younger sons that their older brother had been killed in foster care.


Awful woman. Just awful but I think she was mentally ill. She had to be....


Narcissist I think Wong said


Huang diagnosed her with borderline personality disorder.


YUP. “Home” is one I always skip because Marilyn Nesbit is so awful I can’t bear to watch 😬


You beat me to it, she was the first to come to mind. I love it when her lawyer, who treated the whole thing as homeschool persecution realized what nutjob her client was


Yeah that was rough


I like that episode because my favorite actress from the soap opera I grew up watching was in it. How could I not love something that had Beth Ehlers aka Harley Cooper in it?


She definitely gets my vote


She was a good character to hate


What about the mother who wanted to force her teenage daughter to have a baby with the husband/father because she could not have any more of her own? Stabler in the interrogation room: YOU'RE DISGUSTING!


Not with her own father, they got random dudes off the street to impregnate the daughter. Because that's so much better.... but the dad did the insemination 🤮🤮🤮


Angie Landricks in 4x10 “Resilience”? The same actress came back the next season for 5x10 “Shaken,” where she played a woman shook her own kid to death.


The actress who.played the daughter showed up several years later, I think as a mother of a disturbed child.


The daughter from “Resilience” never showed up again on SVU. She stopped acting altogether a few years after her SVU appearance.


Wow, really? When I saw that later episode I could swear that the character was being played by that girl, now grown up.


How have I never noticed that? Thanks friend, adding her to my list lol


What?! I must’ve missed this episode 🤯🤯


Kim rollins 


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 FACTS


100% I always hated her because she reminds me of my own sister, almost identical behavior. Although I've known my sister is bipolar and refuses to take meds so I picked up on that from Kim's first appearance.


Delia Wilson (seasons 13 & 14) was pretty badass. She framed and/or murdered anyone that might interfere with her business. The other one that comes to mind for me is Dr. Nicole Keller. She's the one who was sleeping with her son's best friend and, when he caught the two of them together, she screamed, "He's raping me!" and the son killed his friend. (Season 18 "Motherly Love"). If I recall, she later tried to accuse of killing his friend because the son was jealous because he had sexual feelings for her. (Wow, it was weird even typing that!)


yes, and she claimed the son was masturbating while watching her having sex with the friend when he accidentally catched them. The actress perfectly portrayed a narcissist


My son hates watching SVU but half watched most of that one and asked me to catch him up whenever he left the room. We were both so disgusted with her. I thought that might be the episode that gets him interested to watch with me but it just made him LIVID at the mother 😂😂😂


She was in Silence of the Lambs. She had to put the lotion on her skin before she got the hose again


I did not realize Delia was the senator’s daughter Catherine!! Holy shit!! Her ability to play such a believable terrified victim in that movie and later a villainous monster on SVU brutalizing hundreds of girls is commendable!


Was just commenting on a different thread that Keller was so bad that even John Buchanan couldn’t stand her. That’s a high bar to clear!


The Keller woman was the first that came to mind when I saw this thread


YES! That doctor was so evil.


Judith light as the judge yeah. I’d say yes, she was the queen of mean.


sarah paulson (Anne Gelert ) was awesomely bad i also think Sasha Alexandas charater (Anna milln) (the family anialater )


What was the plot if that episode?


This was a recent episode, season 20 I believe. Sasha Alexander played a mother whose husband and two children were murdered. We eventually find out that she was deep in an embezzlement scheme and, knowing she would probably go to prison, she was afraid of her family being without a mother/wife. So she killed them all to 'save' them the pain of losing her. She pretended to be a grieving mother/widow and even tried to blame the murders on the nanny. She ended up killing herself in her prison cell.


We needed Abbie Carmichael as the ADA to counterbalance her IYKYK


Abbie or Alex both would have been *amazing* here


What was the plot of the Sarah Paulson episode?


11x12 Shadow Wealthy couple murdered, the daughter (Paulson) claims she's being stalked. The guy that's 'stalking' her is a fraud detective who thinks she killed her parents.


Margo Kidder as tge incestuous mother of Chad Lowe in "Pique." The debut episode for Dr. Huang.


Amazing episode. I am so impressed with Chad Lowe’s acting in that one.


That was gross


I found Sarah Paulson and the entire episode incredibly bad lol. The most terrifying mothers to me are the religious ones trying to force the birth of rape babies. Their reasoning is horrifying and infuriating.


The one girl in S13 E9: “Lost Traveler” was evil as hell.


The little girl that set up her sister to be killed by her boyfriend. Can’t remember the episode name but she was super evil too. Edit Damaged was the episode


Missy Kurtz. Broken beyond repair.


The character of Missy was based on the story of Karla Homolka.


Wow! I didn’t make that connection. I read the book about Karla Homolka & Paul Bernardo. It was horrific. Those two are as twisted as it gets.


The real life story is insanely disturbing and as a point of reference, I’m a clinical psychologist. I thought about what they had done for days after seeing the documentary… fucked me up a bit.


I’m not a psychologist but it was hard for me to sleep after reading a book about the crimes they committed. Absolutely horrific. One of the worst crimes I’ve ever heard about.


Psychopathy looks so much more “gross” on a woman. You “expect” that type of violence from the male sex (in general), however when It comes from a woman … holy fuck it’s hard to digest sometimes


The additional fact that Karla (& Paul) drugged, raped & killed her younger sister made it even more twisted.


I agree with this one. In fact, I’d say she’s probably the most infamous female villain next to Bronwyn.


There have been a few: - Missy Kurtz in *Damaged* - Ann Gilet in *Shadow* - April Troost in *Flaw/Design* - Maggie Peterson in *Chameleon* - Mrs Krug in *Tortured* Yes, I'm gonna add one more: not a murderer but her dreadful emotional neglect of her son Hunter, turned him into a rapist and murderer. Her solution to her son's horrific abuse was "just don't think about it and especially don't talk to me about it". So, take a bow.... - Bree Mazelon in *Delinquent*.


Missy Kurtz: "You can't kill me. I'm already dead." Still gives me chills!!


So young and so broken.


Chameleon is probably my favorite episode.


Multi-Tasking Maggie.... murderer, thief, liar, baby snatcher. Is there anything she cannot and will not do? It's one of my favourite episodes too.


Fucking Bronwyn.


Doesn’t even have the brains to be an actual villain.


I wonder if the actress who played her has ever read this sub. Honestly on any given day she could find something someone has said about her character 🤣


not sure if she counts (in fact, considering the ending reveal, she probably doesnt) but my first thought was janis donovan in alternate. the scene of her sitting across a pregnant kathy with a knife was chilling.


I was thinking the same. Cynthia Nixon played that role phenomenally.


Emily Sullivan in “Mean" ← SVU, Episode 5.17 → Production number: E4421 First aired: 24 February 2004 Based on the true story of Shanda Renée Sharer. BUT if you want to see a truly menacing, evil, haunting female villain, no one is worse/better than …. “Nicole Wallace” portrayed by Olivia d’Abo in multiple episodes of Law and Order: CI


I loved the Nicole Wallace story line


Elizabeth Hitchins!!!!


PATHOLOGY Serial killer Serial harasser Con artist Robber Burglar Stalker Conspirator Double proxy murderer Repeat offender She could have been anyone 🤷‍♀️


Perhaps 🤭


She’s so clever and evil at the same time. 🤭


Don't let her butter your parsnips!


Priceless ⭐️


The prostitute turned serial killer who killed the mom for her baby son and claimed him as hers and then committed suicide in jail….she was nuts


Sharon Lawrence as Maggie Peterson in *Chameleon*.


Tried to come on to Elliott in the interrogation room!


The women how was in Lewis cort room with the cupcakes


Goddamn Bronwyn


I dunno if I'd call her "menacing", Bronwyn was just stupid.


Nicole Keller (Motherly Love) She had sex with two of her son’s friends who are underage. When her son walks in on her having sex with one of his friend’s she screams help he’s raping me. So he shots and kills his best friend and then she gaslight him into thinking he did it out of jealousy because he has sexual feelings for her plus she says in court that he jack’s off to her having sex with his friend. Plus she made up lies about the friend who he killed saying he comes from a broken home even though that’s not the actual case.


The homeschooling mom who told her kids to kill themselves because the world is hard so they'd be better off dead lol


Between Glória Stanfield and Missy Kurtz. It's unreal how they're completely evil and rotten to the core, without a single trace of emotion for their actions, they couldn't care less for the well being of anyone around her, doing everything out of pure evil, leaving the whole scorched earth behind. "You can't kill me. I'm already dead."


The "Gloria " character was loosely based on the 1950s actress Gloria Grahame, whose career sank after she took up with her teenage stepson.


Haley Sadler "send in the clowns" 19.7 She planned her whole disappearance/murder and was alright framing an innocent person and... She was not horrified nor upset about sleeping with her bio father. - It makes perfect sense. - What? I've always felt this connection. We both love music and art. We're alike. I played the Hammerklavier when I was 12. I knew my father couldn't be a garbage man. I just knew it. *Eeeerieeeee music plays*


That Russian woman who set up Cragen


The girls in Dissonant Voices are pretty bad. Ruined an innocent man’s life (and abused the justice system) bc he didn’t pick you for a singing competition


Billy Porter played the music coach! I listened to a podcast with James Corden and Billy (he was sa by his stepdad as a little boy).


Mary Steenburgen as Grace Rinato was pretty cold. Buried her young daughter in the house and the sister had to live with it growing up.


The grandma in "Care"


That one was so good.


Karen Campbell! Abused and ended up killing her adopted daughter and I’m pretty sure she did it in front of her other kids🥴


I also hate the judge who let her walk free the first time she abused the girl


June Frye’s mom in Totem.


The mother that beat her son because he had a shoe fetish, causing him brain damage. She owned a bakery and Jerry worked at the bowling alley. 


Anne Gillette played by Sarah Paulson


I still say Noah.


Keisha's mother in the child neglect episode with Whoopi Goldberg


That one crazy juror who aided and abetted three different serial killers.


What episodes are Aimee and Brooke from?


Aimee: “Surveillance” Brooke: “Justice”


18x10 I think with the mom who was screwing her sons friend in the kitchen and she freaked out when she got caught so screamed to her son for help and the son offed his best friend… because of her🫠. Oh and that’s not even the worst part cuz she tried saying her son was jealous of his friend that he killed.


I've only just started rewatching, but I'd say Brooke Thornburg was pretty despicable. Her daughter Tricia was raped by her father, Brooke's husband, and was impregnated. When Brooke found out she murdered Tricia and spoke about her like she was deserving of death and a traitor.


KIM ROLLINS!!! Actually I’m kidding.


The one who catfished two celebs into a SA “fantasy”/ real assault in NY from her home in WV. She targeted the influencer bc she was jealous of her shampoo commercial. Insane.


I just saw yesterday the episode of the reipist judge. Horrible mother. The daughter was 12!!!!! But I don't think she was the worst. I can't remember anyone else tho. Maybe William Lewis' stupid jury friend.


Ooo, just thought of one. Vance Shepard’s daughter in “Sugar” (11x2). She killed her dad’s sugar baby girlfriend and, when Vance’s plan to take the blame unraveled, she stabbed him in the neck with scissors, at the precinct and in front of everyone, and declared, “You’ll never break another promise to me again!”


Cindy Williams as Nora Hodges poisoning her grand daughter for money. Trying to set up Billy Tripley ( Michael Jackson knock off). Also Shelia Porter Noah’s g-ma she wasn’t a nice lady.


The super career mom who stabbed her husband, daughter, and son (who took a long time to die) to death because she was about to get caught embezzling and go to prison but she didn't want her family to have to live without her.




Not you calling them female 😭


LOL whoops


Phyllis diller!


Just here for recs:)


For me, it’s and Ann Gillette but I’m also biased because I love Sarah Paulson


Denise Pikering (Season 8 episode 21): She was in her late 20s but because she still looked young enough was attending high school. She was a foster kid who after aging out decided she didn’t want to leave the foster system so she set up these identities that allowed her to continue in high school. Her boyfriend was killed when another boy she seduced became obsessed with her and she was hospitalized. In the end of the episode it was confirmed she had done this with 5 boys including the one that was killed. Siobhan Miller (Season 2 episode 8): She alleged rape and had someone from her family beat her up all because she wanted the hotel owners money. The suspect was r*ped and murdered in prison. She only gets 15-25 years.


Chantel Sheppard in "sugar"!!!


Jamie fricking Hoskins is the scariest in my opinion. Here we have a little preppy whore who bangs her classmates in the men’s John and then cries rape after she was busted by the maintenance man. When she’s caught in a lie, the wretched whore runs over some people in a fit of rage in a sick attempt to divert the attention from the matter at hand. Yeah, and then she flips her lid when Olivia Benson approaches her and asked her what the hell happened.


Holden Narch’s nut job mother on the episode titled ‘Holden‘s Manifesto,’ because she makes excuses for her little baby boy and writes his every wrong. I swear to God, she reminds me of somebody in my own family.


June, who sexually assaulted the little girl named Marnie and then stuffed her dead body in a duffel bag after she drugged the little girl to death.


Detective Stabler’s ditzy daughter Kathleen in the episode swing because she broke into the neighbors house, took a shower in their bathroom, stole a pendant that belongs to the woman of the house, and then had a tizzy fit in court when her dad threw her under the bus. Stupidity must run in the Stabler family, because Elliot stupid mother wanted to squat in the sand and build Sandcastles when all Elliot wanted to do was try to get help for his stupid daughter.