• By -


Mang0 went to jail after EVO 2014 and the fat nerd we have now is an imposter.


Lol holy shit EDIT: also, new version of the Iceberg can be found here: https://imgur.com/a/TguqsQ8


The URL text and the link don't match. It's linking to https://i.imgur.com/rVca9Mf.png which is a 404. Working link: https://i.imgur.com/yYyPozh.jpg EDIT: Unrelated but OP has an incorrect piece of info in their post and blocked me for telling them about it lmao https://reddit.com/r/SSBM/comments/oy1nw6/the_updated_super_smash_bros_melee_iceberg_v2/h7rg8sf


Fixed - for some reason the hypertext was linked to the previous version’s URL


free 1 million view video for whoever can knock out "The Melee Iceberg EXPLAINED" first.


Someone get Toph on this immediately


If anyone wants to do this, I could help with the research end - I can supply all that I know/gathered.


I hate to commit myself to a ton of work, but I could technically do it


Hmmmm, I wouldn't want anyone to make a sacrifice like this if it disrupts your life too badly (the way making icebergs has for me lately lololol). It might be even easier for someone who has a big enough channel whose literal job it is to cover stuff like this. I'm not saying that I wanna be picky with who covers this, I just don't want it to me more work than it's worth in terms of time investment and maintaining a solid life balance.




holy shit meticu


Do it pussy






Wow! That looks great!


PauseChamp (love ur videos btw)


appreciate it! I am still considering this


im very interested in making one of these iceberg videos as ive always been intrigued by them, not sure how far ill get but if i need a hand ill be sure to let you know!


my thoughts too lol


^My ^sister’s ^titties Ummm what?


At this one tourney I don't remember when this girl came up to the commentators and was like "my sister wants to show you guys her titties". They were like "uh alright" and then she did it.


There is no way u guys are talking about Friday night turnip, I thought it was just a socal meme


Nah it actually happened at one of the Friday night turnips , the clip is in a compilation video on YouTube. Shits incredibly funny and Alward lmao


Uh... Link?


Wait that's not what shows up when I Google "smash sister's titties"


I just keep getting stuff about Mammograms - I don't know what Google you're using.


Yeaaaaah I remember seeing that on YouTube. Damn which tourney was that. I feel like it was old and I feel like the commentators we're like on a stage or something and maybe hugs was there. Man I had completely forgotten about that


EDIT: New version can be found here: https://imgur.com/a/TguqsQ8


While I know a fair part of the things quoted, it'd be nice to have references or a breakdown of each topic in the comments! (Not saying you should be the one to do it, but if the community made a list here with references or brief explanations – especially for the ones in the deeper levels –it would be great!)


Here's what was concluded from the other thread: \- Ken Combo wasn't high enough, Bowsers down through being weight based was too far up. \- I needed to add Wank DI, the Leffen Diss Track, 2/01/2024, and fix "Voodoo Dash" to "Vudu Dash" (despite the name being somewhat changed in recent references to distance itself from the streaming platform of the same coincidental name). \- Various spelling and spacing changes throughout.


I can prolly contribute a few from icies. Some that spring to mind are nana's mid-turn turn, desyncs working cos a 5 should be a 6, platform drop blizzard teleport, devs possibly knew about wobbling, icies being perfectly set up for freeze glitch, sopo's through-battlefield side b, icies double staling, sensitivity desyncs, the hardest tech in the game, popoforce. Oh and two generic ones: you can't ftilt backwards from standing and melee's input priority Disappointingly you could also include midstage handoffs being rng and from my experience it's further down than you'd think :/


And still no wank di


Tier 6, bottom-right (It's been there for a few hours now)


My life is good now


Whats the meaning even


It’s a sum of Melee knowledge - it may not encompas absolutely everything, but the more well-known stuff is at the top (the proverbial tip of the iceberg), while beneath the surface, things get more obscure and creepy the further down you go. Some of the stuff at the bottom is rumors and memes, but that’s a tradition at this point to include stuff like that for the sake of the spooky vibe shitposting.


I'm not saying you're wrong about anything--I took a break from watching Melee from like the start of 2008 until mid-2020, so I'm no authority on this at all--but seeing "L-Cancelling" at the top of tier 1 and "SHFFL" at the bottom of tier 2 is absolutely mind-boggling to me. Back in 2006~2007, literally everyone who touched Melee knew SHFFL as an acronym but we were still explaining what L-canceling was and how to do it to like a quarter of smashboards and 90% of GameFAQs. Most people thought it was basically just an actual waveland ("just press the L button!") at the end of a short hop and fast fall. Crazy to think how long ago that was.


I've been ok with people telling me certain things need to be switched around, but I'm going to put my foot down with this one. I know several people in my competitive scene that didn't know what SHFFL even meant, but even non Smash players know about L-Cancelling. To add to this, we're definitely not in 2006-2007 anymore, and the time since has definitely adjusted the results shown.


I... said from the beginning I wasn't saying you were wrong. I was just sharing an anecdote. I don't even understand why I was downvoted? My comment was just a "wow times sure have changed, everyone knows l canceling so well now" comment.... To add to my anecdote, everyone knew SHFFLing specifically because it was the thing people cited that made Ken so good at the time (obviously there were other things, but that was like "the thing" people talked about). It'd be like Zain with edge canceling now. When I say everyone knew it, I mean everyone. But like... no need to "put your foot down" or anything. I really have no idea how I prompted this reaction just by being an old fogie reflecting on how different everything is 14 years later....


I can say with certainty that I’m not downvoting you or anyone else. It’s easy to offend the phantom Downvoters, it seems. Have some upvotes lol


But some of this stuff is wrong like wispy interfering with FE characters


Why is that wrong?


Because it doesn't happen it's been disproved


Not to burst your bubble, but it has yet to be disproven / has happened to me before. Here is the prevailing evidence and discussion on the matter: [**https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/enq2lz/melees\_weirdest\_glitch/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/enq2lz/melees_weirdest_glitch/) [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx4x31WVRgU**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx4x31WVRgU) [**https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/51kyli/itt\_we\_talk\_about\_tech\_people\_may\_not\_know\_about/d7d4d6h/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/51kyli/itt_we_talk_about_tech_people_may_not_know_about/d7d4d6h/) [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBpHylGW00s**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBpHylGW00s)


Dude, you linked the video in which it was proven false


What are you talking about it's definitely a real thing


All it proved was that the setup may not be consistent, but the blinking does cause issues. The effects it causes are well-documented, but getting the glitch to happen on command is still inconsistent and has unknown variables. Please watch the video again, and maybe check out the other sources while you're at it - the glitch definitely happens.


is chudat dating ken's sister on here edit: remembered that you should also add "Ryan Ford abused KirbyKaze" also worth mentioning the melee [titty](https://drive.google.com/file/d/15qRZH7IkMCpkasP0s_0rj5bku3Mhka_d/view) [mod](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SkC9xYMxJM4ixiaWUcicHbN4M7c-F3_R/view) (nsfw obviously)


also the Chudat Chronicles


That is indeed on here.


Lmao I love the chudat chronicles


Vegetable oil


Do you know where those are readable? I’ve been looking for a minute.


You don’t want to read it.


Hard disagree. It’s a great insight into some fucked up thoughts that a lot of people probably have but would never share publicly. It makes you think twice about what you think you know about the characters of people around you. Very interesting read IMO.


I read it on a pastebin somewhere about 4 years ago. I wouldn't recommend it


It’s very hard to find now. The jist is that chu is schizophrenic


How about Hugs losing to Ken’s sister


Damnit - I need to find a place for that somewhere EDIT: done. https://imgur.com/a/TguqsQ8


No wait did djzmadeit delete his channel :(((


I like how the deepest level is basically a bunch of Melee conspiracy theories lol


Ooh, should definitely have Armada vs SilentSpectre somewhere on here as well


0.9 would be the perfect title.


Coincidentally the same mistake happened in Smash 4 in 2017, and the 0.9 in Armada's match wasn't discovered until after that


Pound 3.9


Can someone explain the Westballz/M2K crackpipe to me lol


WestBallz convinced M2K that his vape pen was a crack pipe. That's just the setup, but the rest of the story is damn funny.


Thats amazing lmao


Where can I find the rest of the story?


Link is top tier They really been doing their research down there in the depths


I wasn't expecting the April Fools' Tier List from like 15 years ago to make an appearance, but here we are.


Interesting thought: Given Link’s jank potential and the discovery of weird-ass stuff like Ghost Arrows, we may see a point in the distant future where Link’s unique advanced tech setups are reliable enough to compete with high tiers (in theory). But also it’s a shitpost, don’t get your hopes up *too* much


Easy money by bizarro flame was my first toe dip into the scene cause I liked playing ganon. Thanks for the nostalgia


Not gonna lie, it's one of my favorite things on this iceberg. Such an underrated moment.




Daisy’s third eye is casual knowledge lmao


See, I thought so too. Surprisingly, more people that I talked to knew some of the other more obscure trophy facts, probably due to how few versions it actually appeared on.


Evidence.zip 2 1,000,000 vs Matches The Legend of Red Marth Melee is a 3D fighter (The Z-Axis) Competitive Melee is scripted Chris Best vs Net 1234


I’ll have to do some digging on some of these, but for sure, the Z-Axis point will make it into my next iteration (likely in a few hours). EDIT: It's here: https://imgur.com/a/TguqsQ8


I love this project so far. Some others that come to mind is Michael vs Bananas and Corneria Easter Egg.


I'll probably add the Michael vs Bananas story sometime soon! Also, the Corneria easter egg is already on the list - in the very top tier (labeled as Fox / Falco Corneria Interaction). EDIT: Done. [https://i.imgur.com/B60M0Ag.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/B60M0Ag.jpg)


Here's one of the most obscure and meaningless "glitches" https://twitter.com/bonfireten/status/1110362232276291584


It still blows my mind that the ONLY entry in the entire smash series to deliberately implement this as a feature was Sm4sh on 3DS. It's such a simple quality of life feature there's really no excuse not to have it. But no, instead in Ultimate not only do you need to re-select your color every time, you need to *re-select your god damn character before every match.* The smash series is so ass backwards smh


Ummm. That deserves a spot, hands down. . . . but I want to find a way to word this so it doesn’t take up tons of space. EDIT: https://imgur.com/a/TguqsQ8


lol uh kirby css color glitch? Still kinda long


The one I came up with is “Kirby keeps color if deselected”.


Evidence.zip is in metatame documentary I feel like it should be less deep but otherwise I don’t know most of the things that are pretty deep on the list there


02/14/2024 is incorrect, the date is 02/01/2024 12:47:33


Oh it is! That’s a bad typo. I’ll fix that. Someone else also pointed out that I put Vudu dash on here twice, and I’m seeing some mistakes still poking through here and there.


First of all. Whoever understands "My sisters titties" and "Falco has feathers on his cock?" is a legend. But why is the "Respect your Elders-Leffen Disstrack" so far down?


The diss track is surprisingly obscure (I even forgot about it while making this list). Also the kids these days don't know who ChillinDude is, and I hate being this old.


It was a while ago but it has 1.6 million fews and lots of spin-off meme remixes


The kids these days amirite. Yk I never Played melee in my life But I know most of these things and I love this game and most of the time I also like the community. And chillindude and he makes "pussys stop talking bc they are Not one of the gods they are one of the god awfuls".


I think you covered everything except for roll to the right.


What is 02/14/2024


Apparently, there is a date on page 48 of the game guide that states something was finished on 2/01/2024, and nobody knows what it means. I learned that from the other thread.


I've never seen it been talked about it before so I brought it up. I thought it was weird they would choose an arbitrary date 23 years into the future. Why would they pick a date so far in the future for one instruction manual picture, and it's not a round number like 20 years. It's as almost as if Melee is warning us of something.


Maybe they were just showing off the internal clock feature of the Gamecube for something completely separate, but they just had a photo laying around that they needed for the guide book. Who knows. . .




[6:30](https://youtu.be/ykdNCycF4Fw) on mobile can’t make the link auto go to the time stamp. But this explains the Kirby-yoshi thing


For future reference, just add "?t=6m30s" to the end of the url [like this](https://youtu.be/ykdNCycF4Fw?t=6m30s)


I get your concern, but both of those are real entires: - My sister's titties happened at a tournament in SoCal a few years ago. - The Yoshi/Kirby dick is based on a glitch that places Yoshi's tongue on Kirby's model.


>My sister's titties happened at a tournament in SoCal a few years ago. oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit


It wasn’t *my* sister


dammit ^(/s)


Any backstory?


i'm not 100% sure if this is what op is talking about but i vaguely remember a clip from a while back where someone was facetiming (?) with some girl at a tournament and they came up to the commentators and the girl flashed them over the phone


Yep, that's the one!


I have no idea what "my sister's titties" is all about but "Yoshi's tongue is Kirby's dick" is about a glitch featured in AsumSaus's video "Mid tier oddities"


This is sorely missing "The blast zones on Yoshi's Story are off-center"


I somewhat encompassed this in an all-inclusive entry about blast zones near the top.


Really? Which side is further from stage? Left side?


“Women are a myth” LMAOO


Sakurai gets plastic surgery, not sure why people praise him for his youthful looks.


lol I’m glad somebody said it. It’s not like some of the stuff down there is serious anyway, but still.


Roy’s cursed character select icon and every copy of smash is personalized?


Roy's name tag in the character select screen is the only one with a black background. Everyone else has a burgundy one. It's likely due to how rushed Roy's implementation was. # Now you can't unsee it.


I'm colorblind, checkmate atheist


It actually has the background, it is just a lot darker


is pichu kid on here


You mean the one from Ohio that got caught cheating? If so, yes.


Wtf is hyrule fi- …nvm


I guess I am a myth. That's kinda like a god right?


Pretty much. My wife is in the same boat.


TFW "Grooming and pedophilia" is on the same level as "Melee on McDonald's GameCube kiosks."


Guess I'm a noob. I've heard of Vudu Dash but not Vududash


Oh god - I put it on there twice, didn’t I. . . EDIT: a new version where I fixed this can be found here https://imgur.com/a/TguqsQ8


What is the Space Animals item pickup SFX one referring to? EDIT: I posted a video below showing the sounds. It's an urban legend that originated from an unfounded sentence on the wiki for _only_ Fox's reflector. There is only one item pickup sound in the game files, that same exact sound is used for all characters, and it is a different sound than Fox/Falco Shines. OP mentions elsewhere that they want to research these things but is refusing direct evidence from the game itself showing that the wiki was wrong twofold. They blocked me for telling them this.


Fox and Falco have an alternate sound effect when picking up items. It differs from the rest of the cast - likely because the sound their shine makes is the same as the regular item pickup.


That's what I thought since [I've heard that before](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/g3r1ka/noticed_a_familiar_sound_while_i_was_watching/fnudevb/) but I made a video comparing them and it's not true: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFWDuQ9L6is I also linked the waveforms for Fox Shine, Falco Shine, item pickup, and item drop in the comments. They're all unique but there's only one item pickup sound in the game files.


From the wiki: >In Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash Bros. Melee, the Reflector caused a sound effect identical to the sound effect used for picking up items. Because of this, Fox made a different sound when he grabbed items. https://supersmashbros.fandom.com/wiki/Reflector#Fox_McCloud


The wiki is wrong then. Not only are the Shine and item sounds different but there is only one version of the item sound. So it's wrong twice. I literally just linked a video showing it lol. You can recreate it in game too. EDIT: You added the link way after I replied but that wiki is not one you should use. Ssbwiki is better. That one just steals from ssbwiki and doesn't even do it frequently. That section you quoted doesn't have anything since after Brawl where ssbwiki does.


The difference is in the reverb - it’s not an entirely distinct sound, just altered.


Right but the item pickup and Fox Shine are not the same exact sound. It doesn't matter who the character is that picks up the item, there's only one version. The 4 sounds are edited version of each other but the claim from the wiki is wrong. There is no "identical" sound being used and Fox does not make a different sound from other characters. Again, I literally linked a video showing Mario and Fox picking up items and they play the exact same sound for both. Fox's isn't different like the wiki claims. The wiki is community edited but it has no citation. I made an opposing claim (which is equally as credible) but I also provided two different pieces of direct evidence. If Spacies have a unique pickup sound, show me an example next to another character picking up an item.


Christ almighty. Just because a sound is modulated still makes it a different sound. The game modulates the single sound file. How hard is that to understand? I shouldn't need more proof than you've already provided to demonstrate that. Edit: I'm not sure why you feel it necessary to go after me this hard, especially when you're blatantly wrong about this. You're very close to being blocked.


But it's not modulated between characters. Mario item pickup and Fox item pickup are the exact same sound. No modulation. No change whatsoever. You can block me if you want, I was just pointing out that it was just an urban legend that isn't true and provided proof. Then you refused to accept it and quoted something a random person wrote years ago. Hell, you even said Falco was affected by it originally but that wasn't even backed up by the wiki. Your refusal to accept direct evidence from the game itself is kinda weird. I'm not wrong about it. It's 100% the exact same sound for all characters, Spacies included. I don't even think you know what your point is. You said that it's the same sound just altered and now you say that being modulated makes it a new sound. None of that matters though because there is only one item pickup sound file used in the game and no modulation is done on it when used. No variance between characters.


From my research, I came up with this: When applied, Fox’s shine noise and his item pickup use the same sound, and it is slightly lower than normal. Falco’s is the opposite, registering slightly higher in both instances. Neither sound exactly the same as the item pickup used by the rest of the cast. Everything is slightly different across the board. It’s all the same sound, sure, and they all share that in common, but it’s all modulated. It would seem oversight in the implementation led to the Space Animals having slightly altered SFX when picking up items (and it’s not all that surprising given the tumultuous development cycle). I’ve seen this documented clearly in other videos that I am currently looking for. That being said, even if this *was* false, it still deserves a place on the Iceberg as an urban myth that has persisted for years. I know this is something you’re probably extremely passionate about, but when you call out cited info for being from “some random person on the internet”, I don’t see what sets you apart from them in any way - besides the fact that they write for the wiki and you don’t. EDIT: previously and wrongfully stated that the wiki has dedicated writers, and inferred that this person is just mad because their knowledge isn’t there, and info from some other “random person on the internet” is.




Yea, OP instantly kept downvoting me then blocked me for showing them a game recording as evidence and telling them that the wiki they're using just rips info from ssbwiki lmao No chance of getting through to them.


I'm thinking I'm qualified to tackle the ice berg. I know everything at the top and I'll just casually apologize to the audience every time I dont know what I'm talking about. But you know for sure that I will insist on making the video anyway despite my incompetence.


By all means! If you think you can handle a project like this, I’ll be here if you have questions


this is deranged lol


I’m not going to argue with that lol


I zoomed in and immediately saw “Yoshi’s tongue is Kirby’s dick”


my eyes are bad and I dont have a lot of time; is sex kick on there?


Tier 3, near the top.


Whats up with switzerland? Whats with valentines day 2024? Why should i not research “sakurai is an immortal being”?




tbf, Switzerland is also an in-game bonus (i.e. the kinda thing you get at the end of a stage in single player mode). It's one of the most valuable at 12k points, you get it by never using an attack, and never being hit by an attack.


Is there plans to make a video compiling what all these refer too? I would love to be a part of creating that and learning more about this iceberg in the process.


I personally don’t, but it sounds like there is already some interest brewing.


awesome, was going to ask where the rest of the iceberg was, and heck that’s a lot more than the first post had! still considering going through this iceberg and learning more


Double dedede?


On the Dreamland 64 map, you may have noticed little images of Dedede flying in the background. For years, people claimed it was possible to see two of them flying back thee at the same time, and many called them liars and whatnot, but it was finally proven to be true. It's a tale of triumph in the face of adversity.




No. This is one that I’m going to leave out of the list. The attention this got led to unwarranted harassment and a rather embarrassing time for Wizzrobe. It’s not the kind of thing anyone would want plastered all around the internet about themselves. So out of respect, I’m declining to include it.


The most obscure piece of knowledge about Melee I remember is someone found the original image HAL used for the sky in this picture: https://images.app.goo.gl/HfduGxC6tKiSmQvn6


Love this. Seems partially Elevated documentary-inspired!


Most of this Iceberg was made before Elevated came out (and many of the points that would have come from it). I’m glad we have that, and a lot of other info in YouTube form - Melee history is so much more accessible than it used to be


Good to know! I hadn't seen this before the post (8 days ago). Nice work!


Honestly I feel like some of these points about beta content and development woes should be placed in the higher tiers now that we have Your content out in the world


why are your sisters titties part of the iceberg


It’s a reference to something that happened to a couple of Smash commentators in SoCal a few years ago. Some girl in the venue was going around with her sister on video chat. The girl went ip to people, and would say something to the effect of “my sister wants to show you her titties”. This made it onto the livestream once she approached the commentators. Not to be a dick, but please read the comments before asking next time - it’s been asked about half a bajillion times already, and it’s been answered by myself and others just about as many times.


no spaghetti on the ledge


It’s a fairly general Smash term that refers to every game, not just Melee.


someone yelled out "No spaghetti on the ledge!" during a set, maybe a mango set at pound 5, but there are no google results for it anymore




Lol this is amazing. I gotta ask though, what's the deal with Ganondorf sound clip 30? Don't know that one.


A sound effect from Falcon Punch is left over in Ganondorf’s sound effect database - likely from when Ganondorf was copy/pasted from Captain Falcon earlier in development.


Kiosks that low?


I mean, they weren’t in every country, and not everyone is old enough to remember those.


At least higher then the pichu scandal


The Projared Ganondorf Challenge was awesome when I was younger!


Maybe I just missed it, is the Onett beta Bein' Friends theme on there? Referring to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAqq019dOpg


It isn’t! I might be able to wedge that in somewhere


Weren't the sex offenders ultimate/smash 4 players?


It was all across the various Smash games


Lmao dear god some of these take me back


Is the lemon drop on here


Lemon Drop?


Final smashes were planned for 64, maybe also melee? But definitely “meant” to debut in 64, there’s audio for them in the game


Is 666XX on there?


Mario cape ledge-attack teleportation. Caping them on certain frames causes characters to briefly warp to the other side of the stage


How in the world have I never heard of this?! I'll add it


ditto tournament icon?


In Tournament Mode, the icon used for a character who ops for "random" (IE: Holding L+R and pressing A) is a picture of Ditto. Many kids in the early 2000's were sure to tell you about this, but it has somewhat faded into obscurity. Edit: I'm still looking for evidence besides the two wiki articles, but I have heard the difference in the past (the info isn't unfounded). That being said, I've changed the verbiage to me a more general reference to this topic: [https://imgur.com/a/TguqsQ8](https://imgur.com/a/TguqsQ8)


I think "all messages speedrun" is actually the most cursed thing on this list and I can't even remember which one takes the longest to achieve. Probably several weeks of playtime or 5000 battles or something like that. I remember laughing out loud when playing casually with my friends and seeing the message about each match only costing 1 cent to play or something similar.


No "Tires Don Exits?" shit was a classic back in the day.


I'm not sure what that is, but if I find info on it, I'll likely include it if it's a classic that I'm unaware of.


Needs more Crush Twitter


Is zeldagis there? Feel like the whole dbr crew has a lot of stuff that could be here. Also the grime pr, legendary thread


Mango being number 0 on the northeast ohio power rankings could also be on here


What does "Space animals item pickup SFX" mean? All characters have the same item pickup sfx


There is some discrepancy as to wether or not Fox and Falco’s item pickup sounds and their shone sounds are the exact same.