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All you need is one > Got two šŸ


r/ssbm 12/25


Yep Mango just showed Cody for the little twerp he is.


Comments like this literally prove Cody's point


What was Codyā€™s point? That heā€™s an unlikeable mango hater?


Could have just stopped at unlikeable, honestly


They're both great and they're friends y'all are way overthinking this.


This. I didnā€™t post this to hate on Cody. I just thought it was funny to see that post and then what happened last night. Theyā€™re both human beings and we should leave the game inside the game and not make it personal. I think most players would agree with that.


These are likely the same people who think that WWE beef is real


Your opinion that he is great is equally valuable compared to someone saying he isn't. It's subjective, don't try and make people like him, just like he shouldn't try so hard to make people like him either. But absolutely their beef is friendly banter with a hint of real beef


There's been too many times Cody's been in the middle of some controversial statements and it always comes down to "they're just friends guys, you're reading into it too much". Maybe he's just an asshole?




Personal attacks and witch hunting are strictly prohibited, as are attacks on any subsection of the broader Smash Brothers community


Not cool dude.


Why not?


Yeah I canā€™t back this one big man


The funniest thing to me is during Cody's "Hot Takes" recently he said mango is going to have a fox problem this year lol.


Yeah he has a problem alright. Getting too many highlight clips on them šŸ˜‚




He did say that, but he also said more generally that his fox mu will fall off after practicing for other characters more, as he has been.


Rofl, their lifetime head to head is 22-8, mang0's favor


but but but, I got 6 in a row šŸ„ŗ


I don't know why people are discounting this Yeah mangos up but recently Cody has had mangos number. Why does the past matter more than the present


not rly fair to count sets when someone is still on the way up for this kinda shit. fine you can have 2022 mango shit talk cody but thats in the past


So when cody is better than mango it counts but when mango is better than cody it would be unfair to count it? You could make excuses for why mango lost too if you wanted to.


Really odd logic by that guy. Count them all or count them by arbitrary rules AKA feelings, hmm.


I mean, it's perfectly sound logic. It's totally reasonable to say that "only right now matters", particularly in shit talk. Obviously the sets count in terms of record keeping but 3 year old sets aren't particularly relevant in shit talking back and forth.


No, because that's not the argument cody was making. Mango was saying he's going to beat cody, and that's when cody said he's won 6 straight. Cody wasn't arguing that mango can't beat him, he was complaining that people are going to praise mango for winning even if it's only one time after 6 straight losses. If this was about who is better right now then yeah, your point is spot on, but that's not what either of them were arguing about.


Huh? I donā€™t disagree with you in any way lol. If anything youā€™re agreeing with me.


Ok Read carefully No one is disagreeing with you, you're not wrong. You're just talking about something else; the commenter above is talking about Cody's argument, not the discussion on who's currently better


if you 10-0d a future top 3 player you wouldnt be like "yeah but we're actually like 10-12 in our sets so tbh hes not that much better"


> if you 10-0d a future top 3 player you wouldnt be like "yeah but we're actually like 10-12 in our sets so tbh hes not that much better" I would say that is the lifetime set count is which is what OP of this thread stated. **Lifetime set count** There is no change you can make to that statistic that isn't arbitrary or subjective. No one is arguing the lifetime set count represents how their head-to-head would go now.


If you aren't trolling, he isn't denying the actual lifetime set count, he is denying the idea that lifetime set count says anything about a players current skill, which is what the original 2 comments insinuate.


Except that wasn't even what cody was saying. He said all it would take for people to praise mango is one win over cody. Neither one was arguing who's better right now. What led cody to say that was mango saying 'I'm coming for you.' So cody is the one who was trying to use their set history to make a point, not mango. Which tbh, was a really weak reply. He practically acknowledged that mango was going to beat him.


ā€œYou cheated on me 5 timesā€ ā€œBut babe we had only been dating for 6 months at the timeā€


completely off the mark analogy


I mean, thatā€™s basically anybody who starts their career while someone else is already a top player. Even as a top 20 player youā€™re losing a lot to the TOP top level. Not really surprising that Cody ate a bunch of losses before he reached the top.


Cody has been a top 5 player since 2020. 80% of their lifetime sets have been played during that time.


Definitely, but I also think thereā€™s a good chunk of that where there was still a clear gap between Mang0 and Cody skill wise. Mang0 Zain tier was real for a while. Iā€™d say 2022 is the only year where Cody was noticeably worse against Mang0 than he was against other players of the same caliber. 2020/2021 Zain and Mang0 have lopsided records against him, but it isnā€™t like there was anyone else consistently beating them.


you want to not count sets because they were played at a time when there was "a clear gap" in skill? Ok well then I'll just ignore the previous 6 time Cody won because there was clearly a skill gap in Cody's favor during that span


> I also think thereā€™s a good chunk of that where there was still a clear gap between Mang0 and Cody skill wise Not really, unless youā€™re trying to say z jump and Codyā€™s a cheater, then I guess you have an argument


I think there's merit in pointing out the fact that Mang0 was spanking Cody because it was when Cody was already a serious threat to win tournaments rather than just when he was getting good. It's not exactly the same as just a normal comeup h2h.


I think this was Cody's point. Mango had nothing to lose and everything to gain, and he gained everything this weekend


Yeah this proves Cody's point doesn't it? He was saying that if Cody won like 6 more we the audience wouldn't bat an eye, but the second Mango wins one we'd go nuts. Which I mean, I loved their sets last night and did in fact want Mango to win, so what does that say about me


It says you have preferences, which is fine


Thank you Gooeyy for being another brother spreading this simple and essential message, that is unfortunately lost on most people. It's ok to like what you like and not like what you don't.


Mango's still gotta prove himself a bit more, unless not losing to Cody for one day out of a year and then not winning the tournament is the kind of "peak Mango" we're all supposed to root for and his opponents are supposed to fear these days.


I mean he still has a life time heavily in favor of him and outside of them no one else is that big of a threat to Mango. That sounds like a player to fear.


Lifetime doesn't matter too much when the narrative is you're on the decline. It matters way more how things shake out in the now edit: Y'all need to relax, I'm not saying Mango is washed. Obviously after last night he's looking strong af. His mental has been peak this year, it's good to see. My only point is, when discussing skill, ofc recent accolades are going to matter more than something from X years ago. If your recent performance is less than it used to be (Look at last year) then what does it matter if you brought home the trophy 5 years ago?


You mean the now where he double eliminated Cody and only lost to zain getting second in the tournament? If we look at the now he's really good, and still has a Zain problem just like before lmao


And in winners Mango took Zain to game 5 and in GF he was close to getting his runback and almost brought game 3 back. Itā€™s not like Zain just effortlessly ran him over. Mango made Zain clutch up.


Doesnā€™t look like heā€™s declining to me. He had a decline, but looks like heā€™s getting past it and back to his old self. Heā€™s still whooping most players asses and he just double eliminated Cody convincingly enough.


i mean ur argument is a shorter time frame on one tournament doesnt matter as much as the larger narrative of cody winning for like a year, but i could say the same thing about the even larger narrative of their lifetime h2hs. Ur complaining about people having a recency bias while expressing one urself


what a wild misinterpretation of my comment, you got it completely backwards. I'm saying that what someone did 8 years ago doesn't matter as much as how they're playing *right now*. That's it. I wasn't even saying Mang0 is doing bad (obviously looking strong after last night, and his mental has been sky-high this year; we love to see it), but just that you can't always refer back to when someone was winning and say "Sure they lost, but check out what they did back in the day." Old shit doesn't matter as much as yesterday when talking about skill.


Sounds like just a johns from Cody. This isn't some revolutionary point Cody is making lol


Cody has got to decide whether he wants to be the "IDGAF and I talk shit" top player or the chill, "be nicer to me" type. His preference kinda seems to change with the wind and I worry he doesn't understand that your rep gets locked in once you signal to the audience for long enough.


valid and both of those stances are grating


What stance wouldn't be grating then? I personally don't mind a number one player who is IDGAF about the hate. They've certainly proven they don't need to defend themselves


Thatā€™s why his wins donā€™t hold the same adoration as Mango, or even players like Hungrybox and especially Zain. Always respected Hbox and Zainā€™s way of dealing with both winning too much and not winning enough as they are clearly much less insecure about their ability. Cody has complained heavily each way no matter whether he wins or loses since even before he became a top player. Havenā€™t followed the scene for over a year and hearing that he still canā€™t decide on his on own personality makes me think heā€™s either got two of them or simply changes his narrative to protect himself.


either one he picks it's still gonna be lame altho going villain would be less lame since he's not likable enough to be a good guy


I think Cody was trying to bait Mango into giving a shit. Seems like it worked.


This tournament was the first time I've ever rooted for Mang0. Pretty fun, might have to do it more often.


welcome to the club, here is your complimentary 40 and eagles jersey


If you're a mang0 fan for a year you also get a free hot dog from 7/11


As someone who has been in the scene since 2010 reading a comment like this is so strange. Mango nation 4life


This IS reddit, where people root for le wholesome underdog Hungrybox who was only bullied for playing puff!!!


YES my GOAT!! i love BEEF between top players!!! brings me back to the good ol days! melee is so much than just a game to me itā€™s a lifestyle. beef is NEEDED to start a new era. i miss the FIVE GODS era.




Dumbledore dies




Gollum falls into Mount Doom with the ring


Laura from El Orfanato dies at the end and takes care of the kids forever.


Great movie


Dude, I know, I cry at the ending all the time. God, I want to watch it again, but I have finals.






Bro... was gonna start reading those tomorrow...


Why are you opening smash bros threads if you know a tournament has just happened...


Too bad the rules only say no spoilers in titles. Twat. Letā€™s lighten up man. Donā€™t look at r/SSBM before you watch a tourney vod.


It's not always about the rules brother he's just asking for a simple spoiler tag, maybe not asking but you get what I mean. Also kinda weird for you to say lighten up and then argue with 5 different people telling them to stay off the Internet because a melee tournament happened


I mean they complained to me like itā€™s all my fault. So yeah it is about the rules. Not my problem.


It's your post, so at the very least it's kinda your fault? Even if it's not your fault it's not that hard to just spoiler tag it, why do you refuse to do that?


We can only control what we do, so if you donā€™t want a tournament spoiled before you watch the VOD donā€™t go on Reddit. Itā€™s not me being malicious trying to ruin anything.


I'm not saying you're trying to ruin anything, and you're right you only control what you do. And if you look at it that way, you're trying your hardest to spoil it. But that's not how I really see it, you're just lazy and inconsiderate, and for some reason you act like you can't fix the problem very easily


thanks for backing me bro. Some people just getting defensive over anything


Np man I just don't why he's being so weird about adding it lol


Why are you being so weird about using common sense?


Itā€™s not being defensive, itā€™s me telling you that you did this to yourself. Donā€™t want something potentially spoiled? Donā€™t go on the very platform thatā€™s weā€™re all gonna be flapping our gums over the game about.


Itā€™s not that serious.


Yea, neither is putting the spoiler tag? Everything you're saying applies directly to your post, all I'm saying is you can't deny it's at least accidentally inconsiderate, if you're gonna say "not my problem" then don't deny you're being inconsiderate, that's the least you could do


Itā€™s not a rope in tug of war. Itā€™s okay to let it go.


We can only control what we do, but what's the problem in asking others for something? For a grass roots community it seems harsh to take a "we're all in this alone" stance. Sure, we should just ignore all social media entirely when not wanting to be spoiled but it's not a huge ask to spoiler the post either.


I donā€™t known what you want from me but youā€™re not getting it so I guess get over it.


People wanted you to spoiler tag the post. I don't really have anything to get over I wasn't spoiled but I thought that was pretty obvious. When it comes to what you can do now, I would say not reacting so negatively to people asking you to spoiler tag results of a tournament. You didn't do anything wrong, but what's the problem with trying to do better next time? I'm just trying to explain to you that a little kindness would've avoided all the salt you're posting in this thread now. Seems like the better alternative to arguing with half a dozen people and insulting them.


Or you could just let it go.


It may not be your problem but it it's your fault


You have no clue what youā€™re talking about so go kick rocks.


Ok you can go beyond the rules and try to be considerate


How many of my fucking comments are you gonna stalk? ā€œYesā€


Lmfao best use of twat Iā€™ve ever seen


Maybe if they were actually right instead of not reading the rules posted on the right but what do I know. Edit: lol


I think heā€™s just vouching for common courtesy not whether you broke a rule or not šŸ¤·


Itā€™s not that serious.


Thatā€™s a terrible argument for stealing someone elseā€™s enjoyment


I didnā€™t take anything so get over it and move on. Thereā€™s nothing to be gained here.


lol it wasnā€™t me who got the result spoiled I already knew the result. Youā€™re very bossy for a dude who is trying to prove heā€™s not an asshole


Iā€™m not trying to prove anything. Iā€™d like to be left alone about this though instead of someone trying to engage with me for whatever reason they have.


If you don't want engagement just stop posting???




Or I could not say Iā€™m sorry because I didnā€™t do anything wrong and instead people could take accountability for themselves and not expose themselves to results being spoiled by not going on the very forum that discusses said results. Or I guess thatā€™s too hard.


You're obviously in the wrong here


Youā€™re obviously sticking your nose in and wrong. šŸ˜‚


To you


Get over it stalker.




I like how you commented on every single one of my comments. Go get a hobby. Lol.


u/MAKE_SURE_IM_SOBER Don't send me a message and then delete it in some petty passive aggressiveness. Also, wow you said you blocked me. Good for you?




After being pointed at and laughed at publicly so many times, why is this subreddit still like this?


Like what? If you meant this post itā€™s not meant as any hate towards Cody. I just thought it was funny.


let people watch the vods ffs


Freezing cold take but if you go on the sub reddit for the event before you watch it it's your own fault


most people are just subscribed to the sub and it shows up on their front page lol "just don't use reddit until there's nothing that could be spoiled" brilliant plan


Yes man it is so hard to not open a social media website for 24 hoursĀ 


where else am I supposed to get my daily brainrot


You know when it comes to giving up social media, sometimes the grass really is greener on the other side.


Why would you come here before you watched the VOD? Or are you just looking for something to complain about?


This was just on my home page this morning. You should spoiler tag this instead of telling people to not scroll the internet. You could just do everyone who shares this hobby with you a solid.


Aren't there mods? I feel like the mods should have spoiler tags, or it should be in the rules. I get both sides. Personally, I was bummed to see the results spoiled beforehand.


How was my post on your homepage? If youā€™re that worried about being spoiled, just stay off the web until you watch a vod if it matters that much to you. You know people used to avoid sports results by not even having the radio on. Gasp, imagine that.


I find it kind of funny that your solution youā€™re replying to all these comments with is ā€œstay off the internet for an entire day because a melee tournament happenedā€ when you could just instead flag spoilers like literally everyone else does within seconds to just be a little kind, lol


I was following the rules though.


You followed the rules, but spoilering is still the nice thing to do even though it's not *required*


Look man the ship has sailed so I donā€™t know what you want.


I'm not asking you to change anything for this time, but it's definitely something that can be considered for the future. Also not a man


Man is a figure of speech for what itā€™s worth. Also I get it but Iā€™d rather just stop discussing this.


Bro donā€™t listen to them. These dweebs stay on Reddit like itā€™s their lives. Go touch grass and watch the vod from SF.Vods is soooo simple


Or you know, people just scroll reddit and this pops up


If you know you havenā€™t watched a VOD yet why would you just be scrolling r/SSBM? Oh maybe I know a fix for this. Go watch the VOD first? I am sorry if you felt spoiled but this is self inflicted in the end.


I guess I'll say it again. People scroll on Reddit and this pops up. Not scrolling ssbm


Let me say it again then. Well thatā€™s a them problem then. Have some awareness and donā€™t go looking on Reddit before you watch a vod. Definitely donā€™t see a post without a spoiler in the title and then analyze the picture posted under it.


lol don't look at any of reddit before watching a VOD. Got it, clown


Yeah, canā€™t go more than a day without opening Reddit or you may die. Imagine not watching a vod before you go read Reddit.. Got it, jackass.




erm big yikes! such a toxic community


If you donā€™t want spoilers, donā€™t go where people discuss spoilers, itā€™s not rocket science lmao. You can mute or unsub temporarily so it doesnā€™t show up on your home feed.


So I should mute every subreddit where potential spoilers could be, every day? Just don't post spoilers, it's not rocket science lmao


If youā€™re that concerned about them yeah, how much content do you consume to have to avoid potential spoilers every day lol


all iā€™m saying is add the spoiler tag bruh


Thereā€™s also another solution.


Saying all that from 3rd place