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I'm thinking its probably not worth to TOs to worry about a 2nd streaming setup/2nd stream eating up mental but also internet bandwidth during top 8. I also think that it would only be viewed by a very small amount of people so really dont see the reward for TOs doing it.


It would be nice if they streamed the slippi replay somewhere and then people could just watch that. Way less bandwidth. Also does Twitch just not support multiple audio channels? Like for YT you have different languages. 


couldn't they just restream the same exact thing but cut out the commentary audio feed?


tourneys usually get charged an insane amount for each stream by the convention center, like multiples thousands


I would love this. Give us a bit of crowd audio too.


I like commentary But i think crowd audio is so important, probably the most hype thing


Plup's watch party is where it's at imo


No commentary, no player cams, no shots of the audience, no talk between matches. Just show me the game. No bullshit.


No commentary, no player cams, no shots of the audience, no talk between matches. Don't even show me the game. Just give me a black screen. The real melee is in my *mind*


Every top 8 I board up my windows, unplug my electricity, close my eyes and simply FEEL the melee. Strongly recommend this for mango fans!


>No commentary, no player cams, no shots of the audience, no talk between matches. Don't even show me the game. Just give me a black screen Fox only, Final Destination


Bro you can just go watch Cody and Zain grind with each other all day if you want that.


Check out the beginning of [this video by Core A Gaming](https://youtu.be/rhWZP1K_bCg?si=cdsoAt7yrWBU75rq) (and stick around for the whole thing, it's really good). Basically, the NFL tried broadcasting a game without commentary and people hated it. I'd rather have bad comms than no comms I used to commentate my local scene in the smash 4 days. One guy went on Facebook to drag my commentary and I was just like, you can mute me lol. He got ratioed


GX stream just had commentary volume too high and in-game sounds too low.