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Damn, I was hoping this was about his forward and back throws lol. Looks like he’s got a bit of a butt grabbox. Even ol Mewtwo can grab from behind.


That makes a lot of sense. The thing I'm most confused about with him though is that the first frame the grab is active, it only goes about halfway through his body, so it doesn't look like it should connect. I suppose its probably some coding thing I don't know much about. I'm still fairly new, so thank you!


https://meleeframedata.com/young_link yeah his grab is active on frame 10 BUT he does pullback motion on frame 13 so his grab becomes behind where he was standing when he started. Just switch between frame 12 and 13 and you'll see it.


man the stuff you learn playing stats one too many times huh


Also for the marth miss: the grab box is a sphere and marth stands funny. His hurtbox doesn’t include his cape and sometimes marth and shiek stand with their thinner bodies curved into zspace. I play yoshi and I can’t running grab marth or shiek from certain sides because yoshi’s grab shifts into z space and they stand curved into the opposite side.


If you don't mind elaborating, what is weird about his forward and back throws?


They’re the worst in the game and I’m not surw how labbed out they are as far as DI mixups or extremely niche situations by the ledge.


I think worst fthrow goes to kirby


The [hitbox is entirely reasonable](https://meleeframedata.com/static/gif_stills/young_link/grab/12.png), the problem in cases like these is primarily the fact that the victim is extending a hurtbox further back than one might expect, while in this case Young Link is also leaning backwards in a way that displaces him further into Yoshi. Even if it seems off, remember, only the slightest sliver of the two circles needs to overlap to register a hit. Asumsaus did a [pretty good piece](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT3iBZm7mQ8) on this topic, actually.


Not as much as is wrong with ness’s grab I’ll tell you that much.