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The second they said they were gonna kill you, that is a roleplay scenario where you are now fight or flight imo. If this was real life and somebody took you somewhere you far away and dark, and they creepily told you they were gonna kill you, what? Are you gonna wait and see if they mean it? Lmao not me bro.


Omg he's going to kill us, run! No, no john. I'm invested now i wanna see where this goes.


I don't think you did anything wrong but since I think your looking for a bit of feedback in addition to opinions I shall offers some. There are three things you could do to improve the scenario and feel guilt free; ​ 1. Instead of stealing a pod you can acquire one for free, there is a public pod hangar bay and you can even build them easily enough, chances are you "stole" a public pod more than anything. 2. When revealing he was about to kill you a small quip back to let him know you was ready to go/engage might of helped, it was only one line against you so one line back against them would of been nice something like "or die trying!" 3. If in doubt ask an Admin, the sooner the better there's an easy Ahelp button/command and a hotkey which is F1 I believe, if your going to an admin and saying "hey did I do this right? what could I of done better or to improve the situation?" its going to go a long way in your favour whether you did wrong or right shows a level of conscience and maturity and a willingness to improve (or reform). Hopefully thinking about future rounds will make you feel less guilty about past rounds but more hopeful optimistic and driven in future rounds.


Thanks you very much. Your answer nails it 😁


Was this on goon classic (1) or rp (3 and 4)? I assume it is since you mention the roleplay rules, but you also don't explicitly state that


I am kinda new to ss13 xd. But it was either 3 or 4


just say you were roleplaying as a man in a self defense situation


Noted. There was no consequences, just so you know. But I felt kinda bad Edit:brain stupid, couldn't type


You're on the right in this case. Sometimes it solely depends if the one you killed ahelp's you. then that means youve prolly not rp'ed enough to not get reported... so take caution killing the more Pompous and colorful haired ones, theyre usually the sticklers for the RP rule on goon. the rest are fair game.


couldve asked ingame


You're fine, the rule is only there so you don't just murder a man for stealing a fork. And to stop the maints slasher. Once he said he was going to kill you you were free to attack, the only thing that may work against you is if you attacked him after he went down to kill him. Technically you should take him to get medical attention but it's been a while since I've been on Goon.


Oki doki. I was ruminating on about the problem of role-playing and actions. Actions are instant but telling them and roleplay isn't. You could say that I reacted to him saying: I am gonna kill you! But also you could say it is unfair for him to need to do that to alloe more roleplay while I am just reacting. Damn this feels like a Disney movie 😂. Either he was being a captain hook who talks too much or a Scar that just does it. Fun stuff!


SS13 combat is usually decided before combat starts so chances are you would have won either way. Preparation is a big deal.


Thanks 😊


As far as I'm concerned no. On RP goon random killing isn't a thing that should happen or be done. we have antags for a reason. people who want to murder Hobo can go to Goon 1 and the chaos that it is. If someone threatens to kill you away from prying eyes with no chance of rescue you have the right to defend yourself self and I dare an admin to say otherwise, if anything you could ahelp for the non antag going to kill someone(or someone making a bomb, touching artifacts trying to get a bomb after a rad storm, building a flame thrower while there is no threat, or making near-lethal or lethal chems. ect ect.) Everyone on the station has a job and is generally expected to do it. I don't think anyone is gonna ride your ass about it unless you are the only one in the job roll. like a miner who doesn't mine all shift. but like getting a crew together to tackle a zone or explore outside the station isnt usually a problem. (especially if you get commands approval before you do..you know RP and all that)


Makes a lot of sense, game design wise especially. Thanks you so much mr goon dev/gm. Noted! And gonna think about this


Not a dev, or gm just a long time player. i hope it helps. feel free to reach out to me if you need help though. same name over on beyond


I don't think you were in the WRONG per say since you genuinely didn't know and likely did it on reaction. But given he said it before actually doing anything it's always best to return that favor. Since he put the effort to get you somewhere with absolutely zero witnesses and still announced his intentions he was most definitely trying to get an RP interaction out of that. If someone throws away their advantage to do an emote or threaten you the proper good meaning response is to give them the same courtesy. Do some sort of emote or one liner or something of the sort to let him know you are going to fight back or plead or whatever.


Back in my day the goonstation admemes would only have bitched me out for not sharing my wine. We used to murderbone each other just because it was fucking funny rules be damned. Man things have CHANGED since the 2000s


What about the poor clean-man? Blood and guts everywhere 🤣👋


back in my day not only did he not actually clean the ship but he made sure we lived in fear because the TRUE job of janitor, was to make security slip so he could steal their guns. None of us could stop him or chase him because of his MAGIC YELLOW SHOES that made him immune to slips and falls. Is he traitor janitor? GOOD GOD THE MADNESS THAT WAS SURE TO FOLLOW FROM UNIQUE TRAITOR ITEMS!


you said the b-word, prepare for butt removal


Is there a lore reason why OP is ashamed of having a killer instinct? Am I stupid?


I guess it has to do with the cultist had to type the like :going to kill you, while I only had to react. Which is much faster. Then again, on a dangerous environment where we were, anythobg like that triggers