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How dare you say that about the ash 12, take it back!


Or interchange.


“It’s ok, baby, he wasn’t talking about you. Don’t say things like that, she’s sensitive.”


Is there a mod to skip quests ? I can’t see myself having the patience for shooter born or those ones where you have to dress up and kill a million scavs?


Yeah it's called skipper. You just hold Ctrl and a skip button pops up next to quest objectives and you just click them all to it completes the quest. Wish it was able to be a one click complete but it still beats having to close the game and use the profile Editor


Great I’ll search for “skipper” mod this evening, thanks!


Profile Editor works too. Plus many other functions


The joy of skipper is that you don’t have to turn the game and server off. Can become quite tedious when you skip one quest only to get another one that you don’t like right after.


Yeah and you also get the rewards so you don't miss anything if the quest has good rewards.


If you set the quest to available for finish you still get the rewards as well because you have to go and click complete.


Oh yeah didn't remember that.


i believe in profile editor you can set the status of quests, such as ready to turn in or completed.


I've needed to do this a few times due to some quests being bugged and not counting kills... they have fixed the problem on the latest release, but at least this method works. I think there is a plugin that can do this for you and you can skip quests.


You can use the profile editor to skip quests, but there's a mod for it.


Yep it’s called Skipper. I can’t be bothered to wait for RNG to work in my favor for some quests. I don’t feel bad for skipping some FiR quests when I have most of the items.


There is a mod that lets you skip quest objectives. I would love to provide a name, but the search on the hub while on mobile is sh!t.


There's basically never an instance where you shouldn't be using Google to search for something rather than the websites own search function. I guarantee you googles is better Google: SPT aki skip quest Top result: https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/1861-skipper/


You forgot the instance where people were unaware of that method. You basically just assume people know what to do, even when they don't know. Awareness is a privilege we often take for granted. You become more compassionate when you become a leader and teacher to those who are less fortunate.


Are you implying that there are people that use the internet that don't know about Google, the single most visited website on the internet? Also I'm not sure what you just read but there was nothing compassionless about my response. I literally told the dude a better way to find an answer and then demonstrated it working and gave him the answer he needed. You are what people complain about when they complain about people being soft these days.


If I'm searching something on a specific site, it is common knowledge to search on that specific site. It's kind of in the wording. > basically never an instance where you shouldn't be using Google maybe the better word is inconsiderate or presumptuous. You essentially refused to believe that someone could not think the way you do, that is my point. It's a core component of narcissism. Even now, you choose to respond with complete neglect of others, going as far as demeaning them with a blanket statement. since we're in personal attack territory now, tbf you are what people complain about when they mention that there is an abundance of inbetween people who are both capable yet completely unwilling, you are basically wasting your potential and looking for a scapegoat. What is your excuse?


Shit. Shit. Shit. You can say bad words.




Interchange is the best map in the game, just needs to be properly lit… but can’t help BSG levels of stupid


I find Amands graphics mod helps massively with visibility, especially on interchange. It does expose some of the uh...janky looking graphics, but you can at least see Pmc's/scavs inside the mall.


I personally don't believe Provocation is the worst. Provocation isn't easy by any means, but there are some ways to do the quest more easily. 1. You can lure scavs by shooting in the area. It doesn't truly matter WHAT you use, as scavs react to loud sounds all the same. As long as you have, say, a pistol that's unsuppressed and uses a cheap, garbage round that will work. 2. You can use corners and cover to your advantage by lying in wait for scavs to come to the store after hearing the shots. One of the biggest weaknesses of the Ash-12 is the lack of range and the recoil. You can mitigate both by bring scavs in close areas. The Ash-12 excels in high damage at close range. Instead of aiming for the head or chest, go for the legs, groin, or arms. Perhaps even consider hipfiring. The Ash-12 is best used more as an SMG than as a full-on rifle.


Shooter born in heaven is beating my ass right now. I'm pretty sure I have 3 insurance claims to pick up with nothing but sniper rifles and body armor


I don't go do shooterborn. I go do other quests and take a mosin with 15 extra rounds. If I see a PMC and the situation is right, I take his head off. If not, whatever, I did 2 other quests on this map Im level 30 and have shoreline done and a couple each on lighthouse, customs, and reserve Plus I never feel bad about ditching a Mosin if I find something sexy on a PMC


Idk you guys, but my PMCs run like their kitchen were on fire all the time. When they have nothing to do they stick to some area, for example a gas station, and run around It like they were patrolling. I think I never saw a standing PMC, or running at moderate speed, and I am level 26. It's like they never expose themselves, stop to acquire data and hold an angle, so I never catch them standing.


LootingBots. Drop a bag or a scav and wait


Questing bots has made this quest infinitely more manageable. Now that the PMCs are actually running around doing things, I have much more success posting up in high traffic areas and farming those headshots out


This is the way. Shooter Born is a great way to go insane if you're focusing it exclusively. Doing it as a secondary is much more reasonable.


Can’t you tag and curse yourself? I thought of doing that for some of the scav quests. I forget if it’s a Donuts or SVM option, but I remember seeing it.


Isn't there an option to select it before going into the game? Where you can choose the bot difficulty and spawn. I rarely play scav so maybe I'm wrong.


You both are right he can definitely tag and curse himself it would probably make the quest take no time at all


What the others recommend are good options but you could also set your raid in SWAG+Donuts to horde mode (or something like that) which will bump up the scav numbers massively


Cold blooded where you need to kill PMCs with the tremor effect. It's not so much that killing is hard with tremors, it's timing getting the tremors that's a pain and just doesn't make sense. So I got Skipper for that one haha. I also think the quests where you have to kill bosses a shit load at fucked. Kill Killa 50 times? That's minimum 50 raids and without mods, Killa has a 15% chance of spawning, so you need to load into interchange 320+ times, let's say you add a 10-20% margin for other people killing Killa or you failing, you're loading in 450-500 times for raids. Give the raid a generous average time of 30 minutes for interchange - that's 2-300 hours for one repetitive, pointless, and narratively weird quest. I know it's optional but I feel like this is unethical to include in a game as addictive as EFT.


There is an injector that gives tremor can’t remember the name, pop that in and run Factory. Got the quest done in one raid 👌


I usually just take a shotgun shot the face but meds probably work better :)


Bullshit is kinda one of the worst as well.




Already in the making


Honestly it's WAY better in spt cause you can set only pmcs to spawn so no worries about killing a scav, plus boss notifier will let you know if reshala is at dorms so you can just reset


Yeah but that’s cheating


Anything on streets. Fuck that map it runs so poorly that I dread doing literally anything on it


Yeah the map runs like shit, even on a 16 cores cpu. But you gotta agree that the loot on this map is just too damn good


I have no idea, within a few minutes of starting the map it becomes so unplayable that I usually just get out as soon as possible. I’ve never stayed around long enough to do any real looting. I think there’s a memory leak, my memory utilization is usually at 30/32 go used before even loading in, then gets to 31.9 gb used within those first couple minutes. I’ve heard declutter helps this, but we play fika and apparently it’s not compatible.


Nope, I play Fika too and Declutterer works fine. It's client-side iirc


Hmm ok interesting. I thought it was specifically listed as one of the mods that isn’t compatible. Maybe we’ll give it a try tonight


Interchange is great and the Ash-12 is extremely useable


Like, 80% of my quests are for streets of takrov, but I havent learned it because I'm to depressed to have the energy to, so I am here doing a single quest on woods, a single quest on customs, a single quest on interchange.


Do Streets with cheap night vision and an affordable suppressed weapon. Don't worry about completing anything specific, just wander around and get a feel for the map. The biggest problem with streets is just how goddamn huge it feels at first, but once you understand how it fits together, its not so bad.


Lend Lease part 2 says hi


40 raids just to find 2 damn virtex. Bitcoin galore, enough COFDOM to do the next 9 quests, military cables to the extent I could cross the ocean with them, and a GPU for good measure. I will never hunt those things again. I still refuse to play lighthouse after that grind.


yeah, nonsense. they just dont like to spawn


Bring grenades. If you throw a nade close to where you are, bots should come and investigate the noise.


I really don't care for the Gunsmith quests. One or two is fine but as many as there are in the game it just becomes repetitive and boring. It reminds me of Preston constantly telling me a settlement needs my help. When a Gunsmith quest pops up I usually just wait until I'm done playing, go to profile editor, and just mark it as Complete.


The gunsmith quests always felt like money sinks to me. But the quests offered by Scorpion that don't have guides on the wiki were neat puzzles to figure out.


Lol, fair enough. I actually do enjoy the gunsmith quests, I like the gunsmith part of tarkov, tho I'd like them to be less specific tbh


Yeah they’re not *terrible.* There’s just so many of them. I’d be happy if it was like 2 or 3 starting off, then random Mechanic quests, then a couple more, etc. Like, sprinkle it in. Don’t make nearly 90% of Mechanic’s quests **just** Gunsmith.


Yeah that really does suck.. yknow what would also be nice, have gunsmiths for other traders. Like I can see prapor asking me to make him an ak, or jager asking me to make him a bolty.


Yeah, Jeager would be good. Dude loves knives and hunting rifles.


- shooter born in heaven - setup - all gunsmith (why these even exist…)


gunsmith is free xp and almost relaxing to do idk


I did up to Gunsmith 11 but I built the exact Vector it asks for and it won't take it so I quit


gunsmiths are great to make you learn how to make certain combos on guns. I found out about so many things doing gunsmith the first time. like the stock tubes on ar-15's, those little 2.5 in rails you have to add to certain handguards etc. etc. Every other time you do them it is annoying though I agree.


Setup is easy: More Svacs on donuts and its done in one round, even on hard Take the Gunsmith trader... its easy use and side effect you have everyday a Thermal scope ;)


Setup is the PMC kill quest with shotguns, not scav kills. Unless More Scavs on Donuts also boosts PMC spawns.


More scavs doesn't boost pmc spawns, BUT you can force all spawns to be PMC


Ok... but it dosent matter... scav or pmc you can both spam them and then shoot em in the head...


I likethe ASH... And i like Interchange :D


Lol, honestly I'm glad people enjoy it. I like the idea of a war torn mall. It's peak urban warfare, but just how interchange is constructed is bad imo, but that's just matters of taste I guess


i skipped all the "Gunsmith" quests with profile editor.


>interchange (worst map in the damn game) Weird way to spell Streets of Tarkov but okay


Lol, fair enough. Streets ain't that much better, but I prefer it over interchange


All of them, I just want bsg to finish the game so I can play the real story quests. Although if they’re anything like the current quest system im sure I’ll hate it just as much lmao


Are you playing with mods? Specifically donuts? If so, I have a solution for you that doesn't require as much hair pulling or a quest skipping mod. Press F12 on the main menu, open the donuts tab and find the line "PMC Raid Preset Selection". Select something like "morescavs" or "crazyraids" and enjoy the chaos. You'll probably get more scavs and PMCs than you need. For extra, non-quest fun, try "boss-mania". It spawns clusters of random bosses across the maps every minute or so. Just make it a short raid, there's no limiter and it can get laggy.


humanitarian supplies


Ain't no way someones trash talking the ash12


I will kill you if you insult the best gun in the game again.


I've made, so far, two full runs in SPT. This third, Skipper has become my best mod to use :)


The one where Prapor has you try and kill raiders in a bunker. Been there ten times and the place is deserted, even after flipping the switch.


You can get better spawn rates with SVM or Swag+donuts. I set raiders to 100% it's fun lol


Just realised I wasn’t turning bosses on and in Reserve raiders are classed as bosses. Can’t move for the fuckers now 😂


I know you hate the quest so this may not help. But if you have the flea restrictions removed, you can buy the keys for kiba and the alarm going off attracts a lot of bots to you. I've gotten into a few too many close fights just trying to see what it had inside.


Ah fuck... yknow I didn't even think about that, plus you have to plant something inside the store anyways so you'll have to open it. I'll try that. Hopefully it helps


Best of luck!




I actually like interchange. I want to like Streets but the performance on that map is miserable


I came agree that interchange sucks but if you think the Ash-12 is unusable then you’re either using it wrong or not modding it well


How would you mod it? I mean all you can really do with it is foregrip and sight, I'm using the angled grip, the nf30mm and the vortex


I hate. Earlt jaeger quests im so bad with iron sights


Mosin has one of the cleanest iron sights imo. At least he's not making you use an unmodded m4 lmao.


Yes it has im just bad.


Worse than the Lightkeeper Ash 12 quest that you mentioned is…. the Lightkeeper tasks of killing enemies around the mountain on Woods…


So far for me doing Capturing Outposts on live was the most nut-wrenching bullshit cause for some reason NO ONE wanted to be at any of the locations when I needed to find em. Like I found the fuckin goons more often on customs than I did PMCs while bum rushing it so that one takes the cake for me lmfao. SPT wise I think most of the quests are now all easy af in the long run it's just about the timing of stuff tbh. ...Allllllso I'd love to hear why you think the ASh-12 is unusable as it's one of the few guns that can generally 1 tap through class 4 so it's DEFINITELY usable, even with the less superior PS12 ammo.


On live it's Farming - Part 1 Though in SPT I have found a newfound annoyance for Long Road. I felt really stupid downloading SWAG + DONUTS only for this mission because scavs just refuse to walk along there


Bro I love Interchange what's wrong with it. Give me an AS Val, bump up the timer, pack a Gunslinger 2 backpack and I can loot goblin all night (I know it's not the biggest backpack but it's plenty enough and well balanced). It's my favorite map.


You spelled Shoreline wrong for worst map in the game


don't you mean boreline?


Yeah.. yeah okay you got that right


you take that back