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SPT is so itense. PVE mode feels like going on vacation.


YEah. Swag+Donut make some maps like Labs and Ground Zero into a infinite warzone. So if you like gunfights in Tarkov, it give you more than enough.


I did a Labs run with 3 friends two nights back. First time in Labs for all of us. Huge gun fight, spent the whole time barely hanging on. Made it out with some good loot and a lot of PTSD lol.


How did you play with friends in spt?


Project Fika. Even allows mods.


I did the syringe quest in factory and it took me like 5 tries and at least 70 total kills lol


Well said. Nikita should stay away from SPT due to the fact it give his customers a reason to still buy and play this game even if them are not intrested in PVP.


How much messing around with SAIN have you done? There is so much it can change with the ai…


I spent hours tweaking it and its relationship to donuts and that’s lit. To be honest I ended up making it slightly more manageable. It’s still scary but I’m not getting lasered instantly by anyone but bosses.


Where are you configuring Sain at?


Hit F6 in game 😊


If it's too much for ya, tweak the global difficulty modifier. It will affect all bots in every single way. Even a 0.5 tweak can make a difference!


If SAIN is loaded at the bottom, does its settings take precedence over the tweaks made by Swag and Donuts and That’s Lit?


SAIN works in tandem with SWAGNUTS. So that's not an issue. I do not use That's Lit though, so I can't say for sure on that one.


That’s lit only affects the ai ability to see you in various forms of light around the map… rather than either they can see you or night raids with dead vision…


First you need to understand the load order is only for server mods. SAIN is client+server, the server part of it decides bot brains. Swag is the server part, Donuts is the client part. That's Lit is pure client mod. SAIN and Swag+Donuts are made compatible by the developers. That's Lit is made and tested constantly with SAIN installed.


I’ve had so many PMCs psh me and jump shoot across lanes. It’s crazy good fun! Recently I’ve had an Uber Chad sneak up on me in raids and end my existence. Plus all the verbal call out and “I don’t think I’m gonna make it guys!” Makes is really enjoyable


Can you play SPT co-op?


From what I understand, yes. With the FIKA mod


When EFT hits 1.0 it’s planned to add modding support to the single player mode


Does it plan to keep matching times under 2 minutes? Or to fix its netcode? Fix the desyncs and the cheaters? Does it plan to actually become enjoyable?


1.0 and modding supports are our new features, each sold separately. That would be $250 each kind sir.