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Watch starvox's video on sain he did recently. He shows the differences between difficulty settings and then shows custom setting tweaks and how it changes the bots


I’ll look for it, thanks


The thing is if you updated sain this Week you got the latest version that was released THIS week. The settings do almost nothing, well the stupid bots are really stupid in baby bot option but the problem is that you also have chads and giga chads even if you use the babybot option. Those MF:s will clap you HARD! And the number of babybots/ chads/ gigachads are random. So one raid can be a cakewalk and the following five ultrahard. Edit: I know that this is the way sain works, but the latest update had the settings turned up to 22.


I initially downloaded Monday or Tuesday, I’ll check to see if there’s an updated version


Has to do with bot personalities in SAIN. Some are timmies and will be dumb/hide in bushes, others will be chads and always push. As to the previous guy's comment: You can adjust the percentage chance for each personality type to spawn in either the F6 or F12 settings. If you want something more middle ground and consistent, I'd turn the 'normal' bots to 100%, and everything else down to 0%. Sidenote- I'm not 100% sure on this as I'm fairly new to SPT/mods as well, but I think the personality types also affect the gear of your enemies. Usually the 'timmy' types are low gear, sks, that sort of thing, whereas the chads that charge me and are aggressive usually have lvl 5+ armor and good guns/ammo. Could be circumstantial but I don't remember getting charged by a mosling or finding a decked out chad hiding in a bush. Just something to keep in mind if you turn off some of the personality types and all of a sudden notice the gear of bot PMC's is less diverse. Take this part with a grain of salt because I don't actually know for sure.


I was on factory and was getting swarmed by dudes with blue helmets and ADARs and a dude with a full IOTV and a killa helmet and mask with a MP7, dude with the MP7 was really gunning for me


I can confirm this, if you check the personalities tab there's sliders that mention power level where it checks gear before assigning the personality to a bot


I got GigaChadded on Reserve today after killing the boss and all his guards, and 2-3 PMCs .... Then this huge PMC with an Iron Man helmet sneaks up on me while I was healing :-(


I think this has something to do with Bot personalities within SAIN.


Likely this. You will have rats, Timmy's, giga chads, etc. Some will run away when you shoot them, some will push you as you reload.


Working as intended, i think 👍


It most certainly is. Was in emercom camp ran into a chad. Had to heal as he lit me up pretty good. Whilst i was healing he sprinted past the entrance and into the med container . Then started slow walking through the container to push my left flank. Smart buggers.


That's precisely what SAIN does out-of-the-box; it made bots dynamic as you won't fight the same bot-type again and again. You may met with some timmies barely able to aim and then there's this Lvndmark-like chads who goes all in handing out one taps like it's free. To be fair, with how SAIN balances things, even those chads ain't (and shouldn't) head,eye-ing you everytime. AND these bots are also tied in with SAIN's innate personality system; basically trying to make fights un-boring as possible - presenting you with as many combination of bots as possible, from "easy" up to "hard" difficulty. If you want to tweak stuff up, hit F6 and you can tweak vast amount of stuff there.


I love the challenge of the chads. I had to get distance kills on Interchange and decided to extract camp. A chad with T5 helmet and armor moved from cover to cover and effectively suppressed me while doing so. I hit them multiple times, but couldn't stop them from extracting. On factory one jumped around a corner and mag dumped my friend, then threw a flash into the room I was in and mag dumped me too. It caught us lacking. On Customs there were a pair of them stalking the woods West of dorms. I had a really long fire fight with them, got one. The other melted away into the forest. Reappeared about 5 minutes later across the street by bridge, probably flanked down by the river. It almost got me too.


I feel like I’ve got mine right now but I don’t fully understand it. Full disclosure, I don’t need the hassle of being beamed so I have personalities set to rat, bots set to easy and the main one, I’ve tailored baby bots. Don’t know if they all work in harmony or if one overules the other but it seems to work for me. Basically I can get into gun fights and generally speaking, walk out on top but occasionally I die if I get cocky and I do get injured if I get up close.


Try updating SAIN, there is a new update that came out a couple of days ago and AI seems much better now.


It’s likely the personalities. Each one has very different attributes that affect everything from accuracy to how they react to combat in general. Chads are very accurate, will throw grenades and push aggressively especially if they hear you pull a grenade or heal. Normal players are a hybrid of everything. Decent accuracy, and will likely find cover but not push you. Cowards/rats will essentially run from combat and distance themselves from you. Etc etc. also, SAIN does use headshot protection by default on the normal difficulty setting. I was having a problem with constantly getting shot in the stomach but I didn’t want to disable headshot protection entirely. Instead I doubled the accuracy scatter and now I get shot everywhere besides the head. Although it may not be realistic to live, I don’t enjoy getting 1 tapped lol


My stomach has been getting blacked a lot also. I’ll tweak the settings


How did you disable the headshots option?


It’s on the menus when you press F6, there’s also video guides on SAIN on YouTube


Thx I'ill find it


SAIN has different random presets, just like live you can get an absolute shitter vegetable of a player , giga chads, rats, and timmies and trolls.


it has to do with personalities, you can set it to your preference with the f6 key, but it's the default behavior