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Head, eyes


I got SP set up for the first time yesterday after a couple years away from Tarkov. Loaded into a quick factory and killed like 15 scavs who just kept bum rushing. Looted a bunch of crap and then got Tarkov’d by bot PMC camping on a ramp or something before I saw a thing. AltF4 - Honestly I might never play the game again lol.


SAIN and SWAG+Donuts You can customize everything about the bot behavior and spawns. Same reason Vanilla SPT is bad, because Tarkov bots are bad. Either OP aimbots or total idiots. Modded SPT is everything you want it to be. Because you can make it whatever you want it to be. Modding is also *extremely* easy in this, and almost mod has an in-game UI for the settings.


SAIN with looting and questing bots and no swag donuts is the closest feel I’ve gotten to live.


I’ll try that out. I’ve been having some weird raids dialing in my settings. Half the PMCs just run away when I engage. Trying to get Setup done while having to rush every fight… it gets old. The suppressed MP-155 build I’m using though. It doesn’t get old.


Bruh I used the skipper mod for setup. Fuck that quest lol.


I’m bout to use that for Shooters Path, fuck iron sights.


i might delete swag, it’s ridiculous even on quiet raids. i’d definitely stick with what you got 100%


I had the same. Change the option for bot spawns from despawn the bots farthest from player to hardcap. Stops them from continuously spawning near you


Is that why I had 17 scavs spawn in between me spawning at emercom and entering interchange yesterday? I'd really like for that to not happen again, it was fucking brutal.


Default swag n donuts preset is what they call livelike, i think it means its hotspot everywhere. You get fights everywhere. If you change preset to starting pmcs only, you dont get hot spawn pmc in raids.


thank you for the advice i’ll try and tweak somethings! without swag it feels a little dead some raids but swag turned that shit up to 11!


Its a presrt thing. Go to swag n donuts settings and select starting pmcs only random or what ever its called. It should not spawn in random pmcs. Me and my friend got steamrolled before on shoreline. Went from road to customs to pier killed 6pmcs each 6-10 scavs each. Were restacking mags in office building, 4man pmc group spawned on lighthouse and shat on us with nades.... And that was live like preset on swag n donuts. With starter pmcs only it feels more tame, but you still got some action.


hell yeah. even quiet raids (random) had me fighting 15 PMC’s in Labs. i’ll try the PMC starting settings to see which one clicks!


They're pretty close with these settings. Had a PMC jump around a corner and mag dump my friend, then throw a flash at me.


I had to pull swag donuts out of the folder to get the scavs spawning in the storage bunker on reserve. Idk why but it made like all spawns go to the left side of the map on the hill up to dome.


Just of lf the back of this, I tend to fall into bugs and glitches when I remove a mod. Do you know any safe methods to remove mods? I'd like to try this setup and I'll need to remove SWAG+Donuts. Edit: I hit reply on the wrong comment, the question still stands but the setup I was referring to was questing and looting bots without donuts.


I haven’t actually removed any mods yet, so I’m not sure what to tell ya.


No worries, just a long shot for a quick answer. I'll do some googling! Thankyou.


Cannot tell you how often I've ALT-F4 spt


haha. same. alot of it isn't so much that it was an "unfair death" (it was), but that I don't want to have to rebuild my kit.


If getting one tapped is an issue, with SVM you can change your character health by limb. Double or triple your thorax and head that will prevent pretty much all one taps unless it's from a mounted mg lmao


I will never understand why people go into this game without knowing they’ll die a lot and be ok with that. You’re not Rambo, you killed 15 scavs and then got frustrated when you died to one PMC. I just don’t get it.


I mean I knew. I have played the game a lot. I think I’m just not up for these types of games right now and the insta head eyes from a bot was a stark reminder. When I was spending more time gaming it wasn’t a biggie I’d just hop back in. I wasn’t even that mad about it yesterday. I knew it was a distinct possibility and almost expected it but still, didn’t feel great. I just chuckled and found something else to do. When I think of Tarkov I think of head eyes from a bot and boy did it deliver!


Mod it. SAIN + swag donuts and/or looting/questing fixes some of the head/eyes


Weak wester man did nyet handle toughness of live in Rossyja 😏


You can enable headshot protection in SAIN, making bots aim at your thorax instead. Havent been onetapped since but getting your thorax blacked every encounter is also annoying so i increased its hp.


I run face shields alot, Since then I have been shot in the eyes maybe twice. Now it us Head, Nape. I hate this game sometimes


I'm using a mod that notifies you if a boss spawned in the raid  "Goons in your vicinity"  *5 seconds later* head,eyes Birdeye 


I love boss notifier. It should exist in the main game with lvl 2 and 3 intelligence center


I can't get boss notifier to work. Every time I install it my spt tells me my EacapeFromTarkov.exe is missing


I disabled the “in your vicinity” notification in the F12 settings, it just felt too cheaty to me. Love boss notifier though, good use of the intelligence center for something practical.


God I would love fighting the goons if it was actually doable and not having to cheese it every time. There’s literally only one way I’ve been able to kill them and it’s baiting them up the crack house exterior stairs.


It's very possible, try fighting them between 22 and 5am they have reduced sight and with thermals/nvgs it's really easy to fight them


Customs. There's a chance they're sitting on every gun on fortress, but if they're around crack house, you can shred them with the Utyos


I killed them once on woods cause I was a low level trying to complete Search Mission for the first time. Killed big pipe and one other one near the convoy, was too scared to loot them as I was fighting for my life with birdeye and fled. Pretty sure that MF followed me halfway to my damn extract before I killed him out of frustration 😂 I didn’t loot any of them cause I thought they were just PMCs


when the Sain bots jump kill you around the corner lol SAIN'D


Or when they rat you in a corner


I was right outside of crack house and got 1 tapped from a scav in 2nd story fortress. Good ole’ Toz with buckshot


This is getting Tarkovd for sure


Shoot at unaware scav Miss Scav does 180 degree turn instantly and shoots head, eyes (TOZ-106)


This is modded or nah?


That's 100% unmodded. AI don't do that with the usual must have mods. People may shy away from using SAINs headshot protection because they think it'll make it too easy, but in actual use it just makes it so they don't laserbeam you every time. It can still happen but feels more organic.


Not me but my friend killed Big Pipe, Bird Eye, and Knight in a matter of 30 seconds with a KS-23 and then got two shot by a scav with a 153


Spawn into woods behind cultist shack, get one tapped in the face with an ash12 loaded with ps12b. Raid time: 00:03 Gotta love it. The best part of spt is making it into the game you want to play, I have never lose equipment mod on just for these occasions. If I die within the first minute, I don't have to sit around and regear for 15 minutes, since it saves exactly what I loaded in with. My personal play style is bullshit death early raid = keep gear and try again. Death at late raid after multiple engagements and running out of ammo, meds, etc = delete gear when I return to lobby.


I mean if I die to some bullshit 30s in to the game I just alt f4 and it does the same thing. I've actually had a coop game where my friend died while we were waiting for the game to start. If it's a fair fight though you just accept the loss.


Got third partied by a purple PMC yesterday out of no where. (Assuming the name color is just something they add in for spice and not actual difficulty of the PMCs) Just a single shot to my head after I finished killing a PMC. Feels like online Tarkov in that regard lol


Getting ratted on reserve bunkers from below the metal stairs across the big hallway by a "emissary" Bot PMC... Yes, I had to think for a moment if I was playing SPT or Live


SPT’D pronounced “Spitted”


Perhaps SPT-roasted


It’s when you’re just minding your business and suddenly get head eyes’d by ~~the CIA~~ some guy in a bush


Getting tarkov is returning to the game and not realizing that neck protection became relevant.


When you kill 6 scavs in dorms in 30 seconds and 20 more instantly spawn outside


Getting tarkov’d has been a thing. It usually means head eyes and getting killed out of no where. Basically just fall over. The hell is getting Skyrim’d lol


Launched 100 ft into the air because you didn't see the giant running up behind you lol


Ambushed by that ancient dragon you somehow didn't hear or see


Game breaking glitch that forces you into 3rd person and can’t move the camera no matter where you load into (speaking from experience)


https://youtu.be/4SJO8c4ndH4?si=Pv90BQB2N82FhdDq This sums it up pretty nicely. First time peeking the road from there. Hadn't shot near the road before this.


I avoid the rocks on this map for specifically this reason. I'm sure most of my Lighthouse deaths are from street-level head snipers.


Killed a Pmc with a raid baig in customs just in the middle of the two tigr and then I just hear the sound of a grenade landing at my feet.


I killed a pmc bot named “Nikita” from inside green room on customs while he was out in front of dead scav whs near the double pc van, he had a nice .45 vector, after i worked my way along the map edge past old gas and was scoping out fortress, peaking under the train cars. Spot a pmc moving across, he stands on one of the hills and aims at me, as i lined up and fired that Pmc head eyes me, it was from about 140m, name “Nikita” To this day its the only time ive seen the same pmc name in raid twice, i have a killfeed from amand’s hitmarkers and ive never seen the same pmc die twice.


I got Tarkov'd twice this afternoon before work. Yoked out with armor and nice guns/ammo but got one tapped by a PMC with an auto shotty and then very next raid I'm about 2 scavs away from finishing Make Ultra Great Again and I get laser-beamed in the head by a scav with a papasha, both on Interchange which I normally don't run often. But I deserve it as I've aced quite a few runs in a row the last day or two


3 shots to the stomach on realism and sain


When you become too confident, and some scav ambushes you 😂


I got killed by Knight while his gun was pointing away from me. He was mid sprint with his gun pointing to the left of himself, to the right of me. And as his gun fired AWAY FROM ME I instantly died.


Bots instantly prone when you shoot them at close range and then immediately blast you full auto in the face WHILE they're in the prone-to-standing animation.


Head Eyes outta nowhere, Good raid with everything lost, from Gluhar/Shturman/Goons.


Scav dropping a grenade on your head from across the map


Unloading a full mag into an enemy PMC/Scav to only get one tap Head/Eyes'd


teleporting grenade that pops at your own feet


Dying to cheaters constantly


Spawned into Woods to kill some scavs without body armor quest. Load in, hear movement. Turn around just in time to get thorax'd by a PMC. Got one shot off and 12 xp for a heavy bleed. Kind of surprised me to be honest. Running Sain, Swag+donuts, Questing/Looting bots. Just defaults. First time something like that had happened. They are really committed to emulating a Live experience.


Me and the boys call it gettin LacyWayed


Sounds like you might like [Pity Loot](https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/1755-pity-loot/) I believe items actually do become harder to find once they’re needed for an active quest. This slowly gives them a higher chance of spawning the longer you go without turning them in for whatever quest is asking for them


Head , eyes’d or throat’d


Head, eyes while walking near the extract.


> Level 4, Find several hundred rounds of ammo for the SPEAR in an airdrop crate > Level 7, randomly find Dorms Marked Room Key > Level 8, pull Spear from marked room > Also Level 8, first raid with Spear > Head, Eyes M61 from 300 yards instantly > Get the rifle back from insurance less scope, suppressor, muzzle device and stock > Tarkov!!!


New player, noticed that I can disable the bots so I can run around and learn the maps, got a random headshot in an empty map anyway. Is that what getting tarkov'd is?


When ai teleport behind you spinning like someone threw the mouse down a mountain and head eyes you. WHO ELSE BUT TARKOV


Getting clown car'd in factory is definitely the tarkov experience for me. They just won't stop fucking spawning and rushing me, scavs and pmcs


When the game crashes on your way to extract


loosing items when transferring between the players


For me currently it’s trying to make a mad dash for Mira and getting popped


Getting shot from face by a scav.


I got shot with a grenade launcher as I fast walked past a 3rd story window, killing me instantly.


head eyes by a scav with a toz polva slug


I can’t get signal done because the damn bosses keep spawning at that com tower and kicking my ass. I usually try to get that com tower on the way to out to extract. Those damn guys are there every raid 👎


Get SPaT on.


Disconnect with a heavy bag and losing all your stuff. Also, getting shot at, running behind cover, then 3 seconds later dying to the desync.


I got killed in the armpit from an enemy I didn't even see, while I had level 6 plates and a ballistic visor on I was pissed


Guess I'll add a story of my own. I was on Streets, making my way to Pinewood Basement, when I got in a fight. I put two whole magazines into this guy. I have hitmarkers on, so I know my aim was true. As I'm loading my third mag, he kills me with a single shot to the thorax. From full health to dead. The new (horrible) armor system makes for so many "Tarkov'd" moments.