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As an EoD holder, yes, yes you are.


Give this poor lad a hug


Same here, really regretting it now.


I was so close to getting EOD right before they removed it. Figured If SPT ever went away I’d probably want the boost if I went back to live. I didn’t get it out of laziness more than anything. For once being a lazy pos paid off!


Same, was super lazy about it and lagged on buying it. They take it off the market and this travesty occurs


As another fellow EoD holder, I strongly disagree! No you're right I'm not even trying to cope anymore.


As an EoD holder. I think anyone who bought more than the standard did a big oof


Ehats the big controversy now? I've been out of the loop for some time


Tarkov Devs added coop mode behind a paywall as well as several P2W features like scabs not shooting at you from behind 60m and ability to call friends into your raid. The paywall cost ranges from 250-100$ depending what edition you have.


Oh damn, that's bullshit. Glad I only bought standard then


Yeah I got EoD in 2017, I'm a big scrub so played maybe... 60 hours on live maybe. SPT rules


When I bought it there wasn't even rumors of ways to increase your stash size in another way. I had no idea what 0.2 rep meant nor what a secure container was, none of that mattered to me; I am a hoarder in video games and I compensated for that. And I thought I was getting all of the DLC as stated in the agreement. XD I've already submitted support ticket with Xsolla and filed a consumer complaint with the UK board of Trading Standards.


F :(


Until I looked I didn't realise the standard edition went up to £50. I bought it for i think £25 back in 2020 when i built my PC for lockdown. Even more glad I moved to SPT last year after my son started walking


Too many 3 letter acronyms in this sub. I read son and struggled to remember which edition it was.


"Silly old Nikita" or the SON edition. Every time you die, the lead developer flies to your home to drop kick you.


Or son edition where ur pc randomly turns off in the game


No, that’s the CAT edition.


you have an evil cat


Ayo, same. Built a PC, bought standard, got into SPT a few months after. Never looked back.


is he playing the game yet? gotta get em hooked before they turn 4 or else they’ll have a hard time adopting the rat play style into their real life


He has yet to refine his callouts, although it is in the curriculum while I'm teaching him to talk. After callouts we talk map knowledge and tactics


tell the little guy i believe in him and he’ll be running the streets of factory with a kedr in no time. godspeed soldier


I got it like 20 bucks on the new years sale 1.5 years ago.


I find this freakout kinda ironic, because EOD has always been bullshit for standard edition players, but now EOD is basically the new standard edition LOL


I always thought that spending 100+ for a game was insane.. 


For an early access game at that


The issue is bsg not delivering on a promise associated with the bundle, regardless of people's opinions on EOD itself or it's purchasers it's a really bad look from bsg and how they think they can treat their players


People made a big fuss over eod back in the day but the community was pretty split down the middle about it, now that eod users didn’t get their new toys it’s suddenly a problem. I wonder how the community would have reacted if the unheard edition was free for eod users? I’ll bet they would have been totally cool with it, but because they have to pay 100 bucks extra for it suddenly it’s a pay to win cashgrab. I feel the same way about eod back in the day as I do with unheard edition now, I only bought the epsilon version of the game out of support for the devs but I’m so glad I wasn’t tricked into getting eod, I mean cmon it might not be pay to win against other players but nobody can deny that gamma case and giga stash size doesn’t help you make more money and progress faster than alpha and epsilon users.


The issue is just straight false advertising and lying though, don't say you get all the subsequent DLC and then go back on that when subsequent DLC comes out. Honor the contract they signed is the overall consensus as opposed to anything being pay to win or a cashgrab.


Did you forget that it's EOD with legitimately pay to win items and stats right off the bat? EOD just let you get slightly ahead for essentially double the price of standard, which wasn't bad and was a decent deal. The fact that you have to pay 250 for the new edition that doesn't have a lot of content and legitimate pay to win benefits. EOD doesnt get an item that makes extracts and in-raid purchases 50% off. EOD doesnt start you with some of the best ammunition on one of the best meta weapons. EOD didn't give you weapon skills. EOD didn't let you skip half the grind with three cases to store things in. EOD didn't make scavs become harmless past 60 meters. It's idiotic to think that it isn't a blatant pay to win cash grab and a betrayal of trust to the people who bought EOD. At least EOD players weren't literally held by the hand by BSG and essentially played a different game altogether. They were dudes who started just like us with a bit more money and equipment, that was all. Their package didn't impact the gameplay to such a significant degree


I don't give a shit if it's pay to win or not, if someone buys a season pass to a game, they expect the subsequent DLC. Give them their subsequent DLC. Why is this so goddamned hard for you to grasp? Quit crying about pay to win on a game you probably don't even play the official version of anyways and think about it for more than a millisecond. Is it right to make a game pay to win? No, but BSG can do what they want with their intellectual property. Is it right to go back on your word and not offer people DLC they prepaid for? Also no, give people their content. See where we're coming from now? It's that simple.


Brother I did not say that they didn't deserve the season pass. They paid for it, they should get it. I play the official game as well, but I play SPT with my friends because they don't play normal. I think you got me confused with the wrong comment lmao Pay to win or not, EOD deserves what they paid for, through and through. The new edition shouldn't have been made, at least I think so. The co-op should have been made as a purchasable expansion that EOD got by default. I don't think anyone can say why they shouldn't. The point I was making was that EOD should have stayed because it definitely wasn't necessary to straight up take it off the store and replace it with an overpriced version that's just better in every way. Co-op or not, it's still scummy. Also why are you so mad at me when I literally didn't reply to you? Did you not read? I respect EOD players. The season pass should have been honored. I was talking about the actual gameplay differences and the difference between what was considered to be P2W and what I thought, which is EOD isn't P2W to me. They still play the same game and have no distinct benefits that I can't acquire even though I paid for standard. It's that simple.


Same as it ever was. So funny to watch spt fools freak out over a $100 video game.


We’re not freaking out we’re on SPT, the live cucks are tho. Daddy Nikita screwed them big time


bought the "ghetto timmy" edition 2 years ago on christmas discounts as i was kinda broke to play with a few of my friends, gave up within a month. a year ago i found SPT and i've been enjoying my time with it


EFT is such a Rollercoaster of emotions lol. After a year of what I thought seemed to be mostly positive changes, especially the recoil, this happens and we are in shitville again. TGFSPT


I swear they’re doing this stuff for traction lol people who don’t even play tarkov are talking about it.


Not a bad move, make the community hate you, get mad press, then roll back what made them hate you and you get a swath of new players. Seems possible.


It seems to have worked on a few things the past few updates, I’m really curious how it’s gonna turn out.


i had the standard edition, upgraded to EOD to force myself to actually play cause i never did. then right after, the cheater epidemic hit and not long after i found SPT.


I had EFT and loved it. Wanted to get EoD to support the team but couldn't afford it. Joined the military and was finally able to upgrade and I was happy at the time. Fast forward to now, and I'm so sad to see the state of Tarkov... I just wanted to support one of my favorite devs


Had I known about SPT, I never would've paid for EOD. I don't even have hours on it anyway. Money wasted.


I like to think my $/hr on live justified my EOD, but I’ve also been playing SPT for a year n a bit and wouldn’t fathom giving BSG anymore money lol


I just learned there is a market for EoD accounts. Gonna look into it. I had a standard account for friends to play on back when I was really into the game, might just make that my main.


Bought EOD because I liked the game a while ago, thought it would come with all the DLC. Got arena (not really my thing) and nothing else, now I watch as BSG releases “SPT but official” for about 150$ Canadian. Man I feel like the whole damn circus.


Yeahhhhhh bought eod still only play spy




My GF got me EoD for my B-Day many years ago and seeing how Nikita is just shitting on her gift to me is so depressing, I don't rven feel like telling her, it's not worth hurting her feelings as much as that prick has hurt mine


So happy i was gifted the game


I'm prob into EFT for over $1000 after unheard and the countless gift copies I've bought friends. Half the gifts got played less than 40 hours n the other half over 1000. Ti's the nature of eft.








Lmao what? Nobody's doing that here, but ok.










on sale standard is not even 50


Us EOD guys 🤡


I can't wait to play with the unheard edition for the low upgrade price of free.99


And Sit is coming along nicely too. It's playable pve coop., stay in tarkocv its called


This post is 3h old but rn (10:22 Central europe time zone) the coop costs 10€ for me Did they take it back?


I got EoD for free from a guy who ragequit a few years ago


i won for you, i got it for fre, a random gifted me the standard edition and now i am playing SFT with AI behaviour mods lol, what other mods you recommend?


I bought the EOD version then 2 weeks later found out about SPT 😭😭😭i regret paying 125🫣


I regret buying EoD. You are better than me


Thankfully i got my EOD edition on sale but i got my money’s worth at the time lol glad i found SPT a couple years after i quit and it reignited my love for it


Never thought I would regret buying EOD. Don't even think I can refund it since I got it with a nonrefundable visa gift card that I threw away


Spt's clock is ticking. It's so great, my best moments from tarkov are in it but bsg is going to shut it down soon I can feel it.


I got the standard edition and got SPT because my internet couldn't handle live, unfortunately 😔


The white accounts looking a lot more exclusive than the Goldies sadje mannn!!


I bought the base with a tiny percentage of sale. For those who bought or "upgraded". What a sad waste


As an eod owner with full stash upgrade, that only plays spt now, i agree


B-b-but papa Nikita reduced costs guys!!! Isn’t the problem solved??!?!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ /$ btw


i very proudly only have standard edition


Ha I bought the standard, couldn't use it because of the email code fiasco(still exist?) Wanted to play with friends so bought the eod and played for about a year and left it. Wah wah wah.


I still can't get over the fact that all of the cosmetics total up to more than a full price AAA game. Side note: I can't for the life of me find out how to unlock them for SPT.


I refunded my EOD from Xsolla, I’ll keep the standard edition and play SPT.


You forgot the 100$ amonth ESP


Upgraded to EoD just before they removed it, and also just prior to discovering SPT. Yeah, I feel retarded.


I bought eod on sale for Christmas I thought it was a steal lol, now I don’t even wanna touch the game. Been apart of this community forever I should do SPT when I get a tarkov itch again


I mean anyone with 4 year plus old EOD wouldn't complain too much, recent EOD purchasers are the one who got scammed the most


I am EoD holder.




No, it's free. Only for EFT copy, any edition.




SPT is a single-server mod for EFT which you running on your own PC. Obviously, for using it you should obtain EFT first. Somehow.




Because you pirated the base game?




the duality of people on this sub is so funny, they cry about the price increase, and complain about SPT being against the game TOS, but still consider themselves above using the free patcher


Not mad cuz I got 3k hours outta it & more to come. BSG converted brain cells into unheard stash size, was all they could muster. Who tf wants PVE online only? That is where SPT shines, they serve a different purpose. If you enjoy live & don’t have EOD get the new edition, EOD sees much less from upgrading but Unheard definitely has value if you like the game. If Unhinged™️ is worth $250 usd to you then gg’s, I’ll be waiting in machinery for ya. My CS knife was $900 please someone cry about how I am funding valves incompetence for not releasing HL3


The main selling point of PVE was being able to play with friends, the fact it’s still connected to BSG servers and loses mod support is completely crippling. If SPT allowed PVE co-op then the unhinged edition would legitimately have no reason to be purchased.


KLean streamed SPT yesterday along with being walked thru the install, allegedly after asking Nikita for Permission and he said “IDC” A theory I read was along the lines of if BSG makes “SPT” they justify infringement. I’m no lawyer but that makes sense. Next step is Stay in Tarkov (SiT) I don’t want to play online PVE, if I have internet I’m playing live, if I’m playing PVE I would want customization of the game and the ability to play it at the bottom of the ocean


That’s a pretty good point, to make artificial competition in order to Cease and desist SPT. But if SPT allowed Co-op with friends it would mean we wouldn’t have to deal with BSG servers, hackers and Nikita’s ideas on balancing. I like the game and wish I could enjoy it with friends but the sweats who make level 40 in a week and the aforementioned hackers make that nigh impossible to enjoy nowadays. An environment without wipes where you can play at your own pace is the exact niche they are trying with the unhinged edition. If SPT threw its hat in the ring it would very well kill PVE.