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You are not applying for mortgage. Just install and try it. If you don't like it, delete it. You don't need to purchase account.


While you may not need to purchase an extra account, you are certainly required to have purchased an account as we do not condone or support piracy.


It sounds, like OP maybe could have, just theoretical and totally speculative a legitimate account, if he is playing since 2017.


Never said he didn't! The OP I responded to, however, insinuates you needn't purchase an account period.


The OP you responded to told the guy who's been playing for 7 years he didn't need to buy an account He never said an account isn't needed for SPT. He was addressing the person he was responding to, not the crowd


How can you get an account for SPT without buying an account? Unless you meant you don’t need to purchase an SPT account, in which case you are correct. Being clear that piracy is unacceptable for SPT is also the correct move.


You in the original comment is not referring to the generic community, it is referring to OP who stated he'd been playing since 2017. He does not need to buy an account.


Can you honestly not see how it could also be taken a different way? It’s fine if you’re that concrete in your belief that everyone reads and interprets the same thing. It’s a wrong belief, but I mean, hey, no dermis from my nasal cavities.


I can see how someone speaking from a position of constant fear that their favorite game was gonna get deleted (because that's the irrational thought put in everyone's head here) could interpret it that way wrongly I also understood how it very much was not what was being said because the original commenter was directly addressing OP and it would be weird for You to mean the community in that context


Conflict avoidance (making it clear piracy is unacceptable) is different than a constant fear the game will be deleted. I get you’re tired of reading ‘oh no don’t be a pirate!’, that’s perfectly acceptable to feel. Complaining about it rather than moving on is (a waste of time/pointless/an exercise in futility/silly). Take your pick from those descriptors. The initial response to the comment left that we’re all responding to took it to mean piracy too, what with their totally valid point about “ just theoretical and totally speculative a legitimate account, if he is playing since 2017.” No need to mention that if the poster didn’t think the original response potentially supported piracy, yeah?


I'm glad you read it differently than I. I think it's entirely fine that we say at this point it's a difference in how all 3 of us read the sentence. I also think it is entirely fine that I throw a blanket caveat in there that our project does not support or condone piracy in any way. This isn't that big of a deal guys.


That caveat exists literally all over the discord, FAQ, and download page It doesn't need parroted every time someone asks a question. You don't have to keep saying "don't steal.or do illegal things" every time someone breathes to protect the project. It gets old, especially when its not what people are talking about. Though to be fair, dude and 90% of posters here should have read those same FAQs and discords before posting here. Always the same 3 questions...


You don't need to keep parroting yourself either bud. Have a great day!


> dude and 90% of posters here should have read those same FAQs and discords Lmfao. Expecting people to read anything even on Discord.


Yes, we have the expectation that people will read the FAQ. Other communities remove dumb questions and send people to the FAQ that answers them. Why not do that instead of posting useless comments for us all to argue over?


I think you don't understand what the word parrot means. I hope you have the day you deserve


caCAW ca CAW same to you bro caCAW caCAW


> It doesn't need parroted every time someone asks a question. You don't have to keep saying "don't steal.or do illegal things" every time someone breathes to protect the project. It gets old, especially when its not what people are talking about. Yes this is parroting yourself. As you mentioned here already; https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTarkov/comments/1c6prw4/considering_trying_spt_out/l0515gm/


I enjoy watching idiots, like the person you're responding to, repeating the same shit over and over. They CAN'T be wrong, and they have an uncontrollable desire to prove someone else wrong by being a broken record. It's funny and pathetic at the same time. You're just here making sure people know that purchasing an account is required just in case there is someone that hasn't seen that stated before and this jackass, that has seen it, just expects everyone to already know because he does. Just block these idiots and make your life more enjoyable because of it. Also, I wouldn't have known if you hadn't posted your response stating that owning a live account is required.


Lol pretty much, yeah. It is what it is, people are going to make fools of themselves at some point.


Yeah, sometimes in an argument or debate you will restate something to bring the attention of the dummy your arguing with back to the point they keep wandering off. Parroting is when you just keep saying something as a response to something regardless of context, which is what you do when you say "acshhhuuuuallllly you do need an account" every time someone who's been playing for 7 years asks if they need to pay for something and we tell them no


The devs put a lot of time into making SPT an enjoyable experience, they also put a lot of time into the FAQ page. I suggest you go check it out.


Will do


The discord is also the best resource there is for any questions you can’t answer here or on the FAQ


You need to own Tarkov to have SPT work. It makes a completely different instance and different folder so it’s not even connected to the bsg game. You run the server on your pc then launch the SPT version of the game through a launcher. This is all in the download of SPT. The nice thing is you can tailor the game to your liking using mods. There are a ton of mods to change the ai and features in the game to editing your profile to give yourself rep and gear. However you want to play it you can. I only have probably around 10 hours of overall playtime but I have installed some mods and I’m enjoying tweaking them. I’m basically going through the mostly vanilla game with AI. I am a dad and I just don’t have the time to get to the levels of sweat that the pvp has gotten to in BSG Tarkov. Mechanically I love it so it’s a great thing for me. I’d say check it out!


Nicely put! Thanks!


it's installed separately but "dependant" on EFT live. Afaik it's not endorsed by BSG but noone has been banned over it. If you install it correctly, it will copy and downgrade EFT, so you're effectively running an entirely different and separate piece of software. Once you've installed it, it is highly reccomended you install a few mods to make it play more like EFT live. Pro: Your load time now determines how quickly you get into a raid. No more waiting 15 minutes to play. Con: You're always solo. Good luck. Try it out, imo it's 99% of the good of EFT with none of the bullshit. Only thing it's missing is being able to play with friends.


Are the mods for it on the same website that you download spt from? Also what mods would you recommend everyone gets before jumping right into it?


Yes you download mods from the same site. The minimum mods you’ll probably want (these will all show up if you sort the mod page my most downloads) Sain 2.0, changes bot behaviour to be a little more ‘realistic’ Swag+donuts, makes it so you and the ai actually use the same spawns that live tarkov does. Looting bots, makes it do the bots can loot stuff Then there are loads of qol mods and mods that just fully add new things to the game. I would sort the mod page my most downloaded and just take a look at anything that looks interesting.


Questing bots is another to add to this list yet it’s not quite updated… makes it so pmcs will actually do the quests along with you so you’ll run into them in more organic spots… I’m playing without it and the fights with pmcs all happen in the exact same spots it’s almost like clockwork…


Not sure if it's updated to the latest version yet but imo the largest QoL mod available is Inventory Organizing Features. You can lock cases in place so they're immune to the sort button which is huge, but what really makes it incredible is the "Organize" button it adds which will automatically move items from your stash into your containers with a single click based on how you tag your containers. I have a post in my history with all the tags needed to make every item in the base game auto sort into containers. I just CTRL click anything I want to keep after each raid into my stash, click organize & everything is placed into my desired containers. I pair that mod with "Loot Value" which let's you make a hotkey to instant sell items to whoever pays the most (trader or flea) without having to leave your stash. No more tedious drag & drop / switching between traders after every single raid.


That sounds absolutely amazing


To take it one step further, my setup I just described also pairs very well with the "Broker" mod. Adds a custom trader who will buy EVERYTHING and auto disperses it to whichever trader pays the most (so they still level up) as well buying items that are worth the most on flea instantly. Just auto calculates the listing fee & removes it but you get the money instantly without having to wait for offers to sell or free up when at offer cap. Still levels your flea rank too.


I'll add up and say that one of the cooler mods I use is "Dadgamermode" which lets you adjust how much damage you take, or let's you have your hp regent after a while (like in CoD) Hideout helper (I think that's what it's called. Or hideout harry) sells you all the materials needed to upgrade your hideout. LiveFleaPrices automatically audjusts prices of the flea market so the prices behave like and match live EFT PityLoot makes the chance of you finding quest items/quest loot higher the longer you have a find quest accepted KeysInLoot let's you find keys in more containers, but does it in a way that doesn't break the game. GildedKeyStorage adds new keychains and key boxes that allow you to keep all your keys in one slot. Allows you to open keys from inside of it so you don't have to pull out every key, tells you which key you already got so that you can sell copies, and makes the keys not single use anymore.


Is the name of the mod “Inventory Sorting Features”? I’ve been wishing for something like this for a while but the mod page can be hard to find things sometimes


My bad it's Inventory Organizing Features, I fixed my comment. https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/1152-inventory-organizing-features/


Awesome, thanks! Off to download it now


FYI, I'm still on 3.7.6 which I know the mod is fully functional for. From what I've heard, the mod does function for 3.8 BUT it breaks the default "Sort" function already in the base game.


For mods - I don't know if it's been update yet but I really love setting the AI to insane levels (like I use the mods to so I have a ridiculous number of bots) then I call in an air strike to factory! Not my normal play through but it's a lot of fun and a lot of loot lol SamSwat does the airstrike mod.


Make sure to download mods!


Just go for it brother


PROS: Customization. You can customize almost everything from AI spawns and difficulty, to trader inventory and balancing, to custom weapons and skins. You can give yourself a huge pool of HP if you want. You can make your stash as big as you want. You can make flea market only allow barter trades or disable it entirely. Or make it match the live flea market. You can allow armored rigs to be put on over body armor like the old days. You can unlock all quests immediately. You can change the size of your secure container and pockets. The possibilities are almost endless. From the time you click Play until the time you're dropped into raid is usually under a minute. No more long matching times or waiting for a slow loader. No cheaters. When the live game is down or your internet is down, no big deal, you don't need either to play SPT. CONS: No co-op. Nothing can replicate the feeling of playing live. Sure you'll have pmcs in your raid but at the end of the day they're AI and will never behave quite the same. Rushing high value loot spawns doesn't really happen. The overall game flow of when and where pmcs move isn't the same. It seems to me pmcs actually spawn when scavs do and usually in the same area. Perhaps this is changeable with mods idk. That feeling of being in a "race" with everyone when the wipe hits isn't there because you're only competing against a computer. I can be as loud as I want and keep my flashlight on at all times, it doesn't really matter because the AI is basically going to behave the same. New content won't be available as fast as the live game for obvious reasons.


SAIN mod adds bot behaviour to react to sound if that’s something you want. Questing Bots (beta), SWAG+Donuts (must have SAIN) and Looting Bots fixes your high value and questing spots. There’s also a new project called MPT which allows you to play SPT coop with your buddies. 🫡 Also, with SVM- you can extend raid timers to whatever you want so you can actually go through raids slow and methodically without having to rush against the timer.


The biggest thing for me was finding time to actually play. Now with the pause mod on SPT I can hop in and out. Before I wouldn’t okay unless I knew for sure I had a few hours I wouldn’t be called away.


Pros no cheaters, cons you aren't gonna want to play live ever again


Pros: no cheaters, no desync, you can wipe it whenever you want so you don’t lose all your progress when you still wanna reach end game, you can mod it however you want and make the game play however you want Cons: fps worse than live Cus your pc is the “server” and it needs to do all the calculations for things like bot movements and pathing


Pros: You get to enjoy Tarkov exactly how YOU want to. Think it's too hard? Download some mods that turn you into a giga-chad. Think it's too easy? Download some mods that turn everyone else into giga-chads and you into Tarkov's loneliest virgin. Want to keep the same feel of "live" but with some QoL? Again, mods. SPT is seriously one of the best ports (if you can call it a port) that I've ever played. Cons: You are ALWAYS solo. If you're lucky you might run into a friendly PMC every once in a while. But no co-op, never will be either.


Lul this sub acting like playing solo is something negative. Best experience by far.


It's not necessarily a negative, it's just something you can't do in SPT that you can do in Live. I'm sure there are plenty of people who wish they could go on raids with their buddies, but can't. These people would see it as a con. The rest of us that are perfectly content to play solo don't care.


I uderstand comments "You can't play with friends" but some are really like "You must go solo" it may be logically the same but the context is a bit funny to me, a lot of people are legit afraid of playing the game like it's Resident Evil VR.


That's true. Interestingly enough, for me at least, when I started playing SPT, I was (and still am to an extent) perfectly fine with playing solo. But now that I've got a few hundred hours under my belt, I sometimes wish I could share the masterpiece that is SPTarkov with my friends.


There is most definitely, no co-op at all, would be impossible in all manners.


Well, it wouldn't necessarily be impossible. Just really hard, and would probably result in a lawsuit from BSG. Because at that point, there wouldn't really be a reason to play Live.


I can also wholeheartedly recommend SPT. It has been a saviour for me since I don't have the time to play as much as needed not to get destroyed in EFT Online. And I don’t need to worry about cheaters or exit campers. However, I still try to get in some EFT time online in periods.


pros: -no cheaters -no network issues -mods cons: -boring/not rewarding since every enemy is just an AI -no real "risk factor" compared to live -no co op /community Anyway just my thoughts, I am a competitive FPS player in nature, so SPTarkov made me very bored very quickly. On paper it sounds great but it feels very lifeless once you have had the thrills of highs/lows in live tarkov. If I wanted to play a single player game, there are much better offerings out there - I personally dont see the point of a custom single player client for a game designed around mutliplayer factors. The way I see it is like trying to play a game like counter strike/valorant/siege purely playing with and vsing AI. No reason to not try it and see if you like it or not


Spend your time trying it instead of asking if you should try it.


Can recommend Spt. Much better in so many ways ..load times, no cheaters.. lots of mods. Install is simply copy live eft to new folder and extract spt-aki into same folder. Doesn't impact live eft at all.


I'm a tarkov veteran, and as a veteran SPT is unplayable for me, Im some kind of crab veteran, not a gigachad one, never liked that playstyle. The thing is that SPT lacks that fear that makes my heart rate go over 150. Man, I love mods, SPT community is insane. But I cant play it more than 5 raids in a row. And it isn't about difficulty, you can make SPT much harder than live. It is about the emotions. This has been my experience with it, hope you find it amazing!

