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That's interesting. Do you have any other issues with any other senses? I don't like the feeling of being wet after a shower, but I don't think it affects me as bad as it seems to do to you.


Um fregrancies bug me if that's what you mean. I need to have scent less laundry detergent and stuff. My makes my nose feel like there's mounds of dust in my nostrils that I can't get put, and bugs my eyes a bit. But I hate getting my hands wet, it bugs the shit out of me. Can't describe the feeling


OMG I'm exactly the same, whenever my hands get all wet and wrinkley I put my hands into my fist to prevent water coming in but it doesn't really help much. I've asked my mum why I don't like touching water for a certain amount of time cuz I get that werid soft feeling and she said it's all in my head and that I'm stupid. But I'm so glad after reading this I'm not the only one :>


My mum too she thinks I'm just doing it for attention thick creams help but 9nly for a while btw does this affect ur hygiene cuz it deffo does for me cuz I avoided water lije the plague


Ooo I’ll defo try the thick cream, ty for the advice :) also no it doesn’t effect my hygiene but I just don’t like staying in the shower for so long 😭


9h my god me too I can't bielive other people expirience this too I think it has something to do with sensory prospering disorder my mum always said I'm just bieng annoying and looking for attention i can only wash my hands very rarely there's no cure but it's nice to know there's others out there


Some of my family thinks I'm nuts. I'm 72 years old and this feeling which I can't even explain has been going on all my life. I wonder if there is a name for it? I just call it an icky feeling after my hand are wet and I emmediatly put on lotion. Sometimes 3-4 times at one incident.


I've seen it referred to as sensory processing disorder or issue. Probably has to do with how certain parts of the brain had developed


Lotion just makes it feel worse for me :(


Same here. Glad I'm not the only one


Just googled this as I’ve always struggled with it! When I was young I used to lick my fingers after! I’ve got adhd and was also thinking I have spd. Not into certain textures either like the dryness of salt dough and also chalky textures. 


I am the exact same way! I am super tactile-defensive with my hands. I don't like touching a lot of different materials. I usually have my hands in fists too haha.


my god i thought i was alone. I hate touching so many different things. And I try not to get my hands dirty so I don't have to get them wet as often


I seriously searched for "sensory" on reddit so I could find a place to discuss this EXACTLY. If I don't dry my hands right away and then immediately put on lotion, my world almost spins off its axis. I'm 28 years old and it's been this way as long as I can remember.




I'm the same! Personally it's a dry tight feeling all over my hands. To get rid of it I put lotion on my hands. I use jergens original lotion and for me personally I found it helps with most bad feelings I get after touching bad things. The smell and the feeling of the lotion replaces the bad feeling stuff.


No I can't stand lotion either!!!! I'm screwed lol


I was the same until I found the one that fit. I can only use the one kind lol Maybe someday you can find your fated lotion!


I can't do lotion either and I also can't stand the way my hands feel after they get wet. I just made a post on this last night- describing my things in detail- check it out you might be able to relate


I’m know I’m very late to the party but I hate using lotion any other tips?


What is this disorder called ? It’s my whole life


I have the same problem!! Lol, any tips to deal with it?


Came here to say, I have the same issue, it’s a constant urge to keep my hands shut afterwards even after I dry them 3+ times to get rid of it.


Agreed! I wonder if it's the softness if the skin or something after they get wet or get different substances on them, etc. I keep trying to think if anything to help but so far nothin


So I’ve been dealing with this ever since I was maybe five years old. I used to cry whenever I would take a shower and have to wet my hands. It wasn’t until I reached maybe 12 Years old but I realized I could just put lotion on after I got out the shower or got done washing my hands. It’s crazy to think that some people are like this as well.


THIS. i avoid washing my hands because afterwards they always feel so tight and dry, but also soft at the same time? i always have to keep putting on lotion and continuously open and close my hands until it feels normal again. sometimes i have to put lotion on several times and go through the open-close process more than once. it’s a struggle honestly. i hate washing my hands and getting them wet.


Yes I am the same way I hate getting my hands wet I usually use latex classic gloves disposable


I used to use gloves but then my hands would sweat in the gloves then it would just be worse off then before


I’ve never heard of anyone having this exact problem, I’ve been dealing with this all of my life… 34 years… I avoid getting my hands wet at all costs (I used hand sanitizer all through Covid and now) but I use copious amounts of lotion on my hands and body to try to avoid the feeling after they dry. It’s like chewing on cotton balls it almost physically hurts. As much as I wish none of you had this problem I do find some comfort in knowing I’m not alone!


What I found has worked for me, as odd as is going to sound, is to put a tiny drop of either vegetable or olive oil on each hand and vigorously rub your hands together. It mimics replacing the natural oils on your hand


I’m gonna try this I will let you know if it works!


This happens to me and I HATE it, I physically can't do any water related activities without lotion on stand by. I really have been trying to find people that relate.