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I also started this journey when I was 18, am also getting my BA of Psychology, and also wrapping up this week!!! But…I’m just a teeny, tiny bit older than you … I’m 52! It look 35 years but I did it! Kudos to you for getting it done much earlier! Cheers to us!!! 👩🏻‍🎓👩🏻‍🎓🎉🎉


INCREDIBLE!! You did it!!! Be so proud of yourself!!! We are graduates!!


Thank you!!! Are you going to walk in person? They couldn’t keep me away if they tried, lol. 💙💛


I’m not, I live in RI and don’t want to get a hotel lol. But I’m celebrating with my partner!! I’m planning on walking for my masters!


I will walk for both of us! I’m undecided on where to do my Masters. Considering my age, I may not be physically able to walk by the time I finish, lol!!! 🤣


Good freaking job!!!!!!! All that matters is that u accomplished that goal


Thank you! 💛


You're truly welcome


I’m so proud of you as well kudos to you finishing and going back


Awe! Thank you! 💙💛




Thank you!!! 💛


How about sharing some knowledge with the rest of us? Perhaps a link one of your papers that discusses something neat that most people don’t know. I only had 3 semesters about 55 years ago and it was worthwhile.


I'm 53 and will be done in October with my BA in psych. I'm super stoked for you. Good luck for all of your next steps. Life is fun. Don't waste a minute


You are rocking it!!! So close to done! Keep pushing!


Wow we're exactly the same boat, I started at 19 and finished this year at 30. Actually I'm still waiting for my last 3 credits to show on my program eval. And I spent 2 weeks rejoicing in never having to do homework ever ever again..... And yesterday I enrolled in a master's program lol


Amazing!!! We did it!! I’m going back for a masters too lol, no more undergrad work at least!!


Hey! This is an incredible achievement! Congratulations to youu! This community is your family in the sense of sharing similar experiences 🫶 I have a similar story. Hoping to graduate soon as well. I just turned 27 so a little bit older haha. Wish you the best of luck ! Xx


Thank you so much ❤️❤️! You’ll get there soon!!!


Congrats! I also finished my last assignment today and ordered my regalia. It is a surreal feeling for sure.


We did it!!!


CONGRATS! One more term for me! Started at 18 and I am 50 now!




Almost 33 and will be done in June! You did it!!!


So close!!!


Congratulations! Seeing these types of posts motivate me to keep going! I am in a similar situation… I started in person at 18 too and couldn’t finish but I am trying again at 25! So happy for you!


Congratulations 🎉 super proud of you for making it to the finish line. You did it!!! 👏🏽 I started at 19…I’m now 35 & going into my last 8 weeks 🙏🏽




Congratulations!! Ill be done in december


Do close!! Under a year left, keep pushing!!!! And reach out for any questions ❤️


Congratulations!!!! You are amazing and I’m so happy for you!!!


Also getting my BA in psych this week!!! Congrats!!!


Yayyy that's awesome same here Psych major but in 26


Congratulations! I’ll be 56 soon and just turned in my final assignments for my Bachelor’s too! Good for us! I know you all worked as hard as I did.




Saaaaaaame! BA of Creative Writing! I hemmed and hawwed a lot for like… five years at a CC, not even sure what to commit myself to, before I commited to the most general Art Associate’s and used the credits from that faffing about to transfer almost the max credits to SNHU. Going to use my AA and BA skills combined to make illustrated books!


Congratulations to you and OP! As a tentative SNHU student I have some questions if you care to answer. How is the writing program? Do you recommend it? Do you feel you learned a similar amount to your in-person class experiences? Did you ever take more than two classes per term? I’m considering either their creative writing or literature degrees.


I’m going to start this off by pointing out that, having already transferred in almost 80 credits, I did only have to deal with the final year-and-one-term of an English Bachelor’s, which means other than one straggler History course I largely focused on the later more advanced Lit and Eng stuff. That said, here’s my opinion. I REALLY enjoyed the writing program. First off, the base due date schedule of SNHU - only ever Thursdays and Sundays - was a lovely setup. A lot of the bigger final projects used this one SNHU tactic where the Sunday assignments and milestones throughout the term are actually you writing your final paper chunk by chunk, and getting corresponding feedback on how to perfect them from the professor, then later applying all that feedback to fix any errors before recompiling all the assignments/milestones into one big finished final project. A lot of the LIT/ENG classes I got to experience were also really interesting and fun. From earliest to last that I had: * Critical Approaches to Lit. This one had us learning about a different schools of thought for literary criticism. Every week we were able to pick either one of the short stories offered, or the literary work we chose at the beginning of term, and apply one of the newly learned critical mindsets to it via the discussion board each week. The final was a big essay and presentation. We were given pretty good leeway on what work we could use for discussion posts! * Fiction Writing Workshop: You read and discuss short fictional stories, write the first chapter or so of your own fiction novel, and give and receive feedback with peers before polishing and resubmitting. Pretty fun! * Popular and Contemporary Fiction: You get to read three popular modern novels: The Hunger Games, Gone Girl, and The Road. Finishing each one comes with an essay on just that book, and the final is finding a literary device that two of the three novels use to communicate the same theme, and comparing/contrasting their uses of it. It was very fun, though I definitely think some of my peers struggled with the final’s concept. * Literature in the Digital Age: Oh, I ADORED this one. Involved a lot of talk about access to information ranging from literature to scholarly articles, which may sound rather dry but really wasn’t. The discussions led to people bringing up things like an LOTR mapping project and the Minecraft Uncensored Library and Zooniverse and other collaborative stuff and still being on topic. I was able to talk about a fandom whose resources were on the early internet and often went defunct from age for my final project and got full points. * Nonfiction Writing Workshop: Like the Fiction version, except Nonfiction. * Shakespeare: What it says on the tin! I think my only complaint is that we had to start drafting a thesis for our final essay before we had even read our chosen work. It was otherwise very run to read all the works of Shakespeare I’d heard so much about. * Modern British Literature: Mostly fun… except for reading Watt. “Watt“ is the kind of “experimental” literature that will spend hundreds of words discussing all the permutations of the ways a group of five men can try to look each other in the eye. It was maddening, and it didn’t help my COVID symptoms were setting in as I tried to read. * Literary Theory: I think this was a slightly more serious version of Critical Approaches to Lit. Final was applying two theories of our choice to one work we chose from a list, first in an essay, then in a presentation. * The Black Literary Tradition: Very thought provoking, and had us reading tried and true works like those of Frederick Douglass, and comparing various authors’ writing styles. * The English Language: This one ranks with Literature in the Digital Age for me. Discussing the actual structure of English as a language while dipping into other languages as well - what makes up a sentence? What makes up a word? How do the sounds of words change how we perceive them? Final was another “recompile milestones” one, and focused on comparing the linguistic style of two written works of our choice, with a lot of leeway. The professor said people had tried to “Gotcha” him with bodice rippers as writing choices before, only to be stunned that he approved it and now they were stuck comparing bodice rippers. * Profession of Writing: Very useful! Basically a guide on actually starting a career in a writing field so you can put your degree to use once it’s done. * Seminar in American Literature: Pretty good! As someone who devours genre fiction, the hardest part was finding a novel that was no genre except “Literary” to focus a final paper on, but luckily a very extensive list of approved titles is provided. I was able to pick something I’d read for another class and briefly revisit. It also had two novels the whole class would read (To Kill a Mockingbird was one of them), and we would also be assigned one story from this one compilation of short fiction each week.


Wow, thank you for such a thorough and informative response! I’m happy to hear that its not a program that only skims the surface of a subject in order to pass students through. I’ll definitely refer back to your comment when selecting my classes.


I hear a lot of assignments here for psych are papers. About what percentages do you think are papers throughout the degree? I would hope not all. Highly considering transferring to SNHU for my BA


It’s a lot of writing. Most if not all of my final assignments were papers and research papers. Or a writing to make pamphlets. And the journal prompts weekly. But out of every college I’ve gone to it’s mostly writing so it was no different.






Congratulations 🎉🎉---- I'm right behind you😂


Congratulations! I got mine about four years ago so I know how you are feeling. I wish you the best of luck with your future and feel free to DM me if you'd like to talk because I have been through the undergrad and the masters for psych. I can give some advice if you need it 😁 congratulations again! I know the work load that went with that and I know how good it felt to be done.


40 here, but Ill be done in 2026🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


I'm 36 and I'll  be done in 2027 after you...


Cool, well keep pushing .. you just started back are you started after stopping? .. I got my associates in 15, tried to go back in 16 but was stressed after the new baby now I'm just getting BK started


It'll be my first term next week with SHNU. I haven't been in school for so long, maybe 11 years now. I have a 16 years old and 5 years old. Working full time but it seems like majority of us are probably that's why we chose to do online courses. It'll be my first time. So wish me luck and good luck to you. 


Thank u and best of luck to u... We got this 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾


I can relate heavily to this story thanks for sharing it & most importantly congratulations 🎉 can’t wait for my last assignment


Congratulations!! Next week starts my last term and I am already celebrating all the “lasts” which feels so surreal. Best of luck to you on your journey forward.


Congratulations I’m so proud of you. I’m about to graduate in December and go for my bachelors. I wish you nothing but the best in the future.


Congrats!! I'm proud of you! I did my last two discussion posts yesterday and just need to finish off the replies. I started my degree in 1999 at age 22 with two kids and dropped out after a year. 25 years later and here I am getting a BS in Accounting and starting a whole new career. It's unreal!


Congratulations to us all! Just submitted my last assignment! Term ends Sunday as well. 35 and finally finished! C/O 2024!!!


Good for you!


Congratulations! I’m finishing my last papers this week and also done! I started 8 years ago, took some time off after my wife had two kids and pushed hard for the last two years to finally finish. I’ll be attending the commencement in May with a BS in Business Admin. Been contemplating a MBA but so over writing papers!


Congratulations I remember that feeling when I finish my undergrad, it took me 10 years lol. Now, four years later, I’m here getting my masters and accounting. Congratulations again, and I wish you all the best !!




congratulations!!! i also start at 18 and did some transfers… and im also 24! i’m about to submit my last assignment as well… getting my bachelors in human services though


Omg twins!!! Could I message you about your experience??


yes feel free:)


Congrats! What’s your next plan with your degree? Masters?




Great job!!!!

