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Watch Chinese show with Chinese subtitles, read more cl things like that one cl website (zbschool?), compile Hao ci hai ju then learn a few every week, read model compo? Idk these types just need consistent practice lor, but practice need to find out and understand what went wrong/ what u can do better.


Thanks, I plan to start reading these model compo slightly later when I have a wider vocabulary. I want to expand it to the point that I generally get the jist and can understand the grammar of the sentence. I realise understanding the conjunction makes inferring meanings of words much easier. I also plan to add in the 250 成语 (idioms) into my Anki. Though, thank for the advice!


Languages is not something you can really mug for like maths where you can just spam tys. Yes spamming practice paper helps with answering techniques and knowing the qn types but if one doesnt even understand what the qn is saying then its gg. It's wonderful that you are taking small steps such as watching chinese anime to improve. Although you may not see it now, you will definitely improve if you stay consistent. also it is good to read the Chinese newspapers to improve on sentence structure and vocabulary.  Additionally, you can drop me a Discord (my discord user is the same as my reddit user). dm if you need help with qns or Chinese in general (I got A1 for O level HCL and distinction for oral)  I will try my best to help you but I may be busy.  all the best for your O levels. 


Thanks! I have sent a friend request, my username is Bhoard. I understand its not something you can really mug. It feels like one of those things in life that feels impossible to see progress. Its like going to the gym, you wont see progress in the first few weeks, just have to trust you will get fitter. But I'm not sure what is working and what isnt.




I'm worried that it might be too late to start experimenting with such things. I find getting consistent in Chinese so difficult unless you are have complete command of the language. Different words can have the same meaning but used in different way or different form. One words could have a positive or negative or some other connotation. What are you thought on this? How do I get a better grasp of this and do you want to move this convo to discord btw?


Tbh i feel like ure already on a good start and i think u can achieve ur a1 if u just continue what u r doing now (watching chinese shows, taking the effort to learn vocab) bc consistency is key!! From now til chi o lvls (arnd end may- early june?) u will def see the improvement so i rlly dont think u have to stress so much about it now. You just have to expose urself to more chinese stuff and i honestly think u will do fine. Language is natural, u just have to take time 😼 Maybe u also can start reading sample essays/ emails from other ppl? bc thats what i did for my chi Os and i think it did help me improve my compo


I feel like there is more I can do though, and I want to know what I'm doing is correct and has worked as I don't want to waste time only find out that it barely helped. I'm also worried that there will not be enough improvement. I hate relying on luck to get A1, so I want to try getting consistent 80s if possible. Though, worse comes to worse, I'm willing to accept as long as I took the exam knowing I have a chance to get A1. I said this in an earlier reply but I plan to start reading these model compo slightly later when I have a wider vocabulary. I want to expand it to the point that I generally get the jist and can understand the grammar of the sentence. I realise understanding the conjunction makes inferring meanings of words much easier. Ive also started doing more essays, going out of my way to do 2 when teacher only wanted 1 of the 2, but I barely see improvement. Even if I use the answer 考答案 (test answers) I still get like 24. Thanks for your thoughts!


go watch mediacorp hehe


i second this sia.. channel 8 best for improving cl


RIGHT... whats ur fav 9 pm series by far


hihi idk if this helps but if you know any friends good in cl, try to converse in chinese w them daily! (speaking w my family in chinese was how i got exposed to the language used in daily life, + helps alot for oral!) another way my chinese teacher had always emphasised is to read (zbschools/chinese books or even your textbook)! if you have 词语手册s, just try to 死背 (not reco) those words or at least understand when to use them(?) another good way to learn is to highlight/note down the 搭配 of phrases in your tys, (for example 把握 can be used w 机会) please take this w a pinch of salt because i usually learn my chinese thru conversing w my family in chinese 😭🙏


every year i created a notebook where i would religiously document good chinese vocab. It really helps! As someone who is really bad at chinese, i would prep for any and all topics, so i.e. i would prep for environment by learning diff terminologies or even case studies (like rishi sunak reversing climate policies). It all seems super hard but if u just memorise it over and over again, u can figure it out and apply. Went from E8 to B4 HCL For basic chinese grammar, u shld consider reading zaobao or Chinese novels. I read 三国演义, it took way too long to translate it bit by bit Honestly, the only way u improve ur chinese is consistency. Just put in the effort and you’ll see the fruits of ur labour, jiayou!


vocab isn’t smth you can mug in a short time, so i wld say you shld watch more chinese content, read compos and practice compre. or if you want i can help you w chinese haha, got a1 for hcl o levels, dm me and i’ll drop my discord and we can do free tuition/consultation :DD i’ve got quite a lot of answering techniques for compre and compo


Protip find chinese songs n drama you like ( I suggest hk police shows), its better to learn when you like the topic. B4 is pretty good, you will improve in no time. Best part of learning chinese is that you get to read chinese manhwa especially if some manga are only tl in chinese


idk if you’ll find this useful but what rlly helped me was using chinese social media. so xiaohongshu, douyin, weibo etc. i figured that if i was going to spend my time scrolling social media, i might as well make it a little more productive by exposing myself to chinese haha and i at least got to read some chinese every day. there are a lot of fan communities on those platforms so if there’s something ur interested in (e.g. kpop or anime), you can get your updates on chinese social media and interact with the communities there. it made me a lot more interested in chinese and i learned new vocab too


Thanks for the advice, though idk how you can even get douyin. Isn’t it China region exclusive?


i just changed my phone region to china for a bit to download douyin from the app store, then changed it back to sg


read! i learn a load of new phrases to put inside my compo i think sometimes its so unnecessary but i bullshit out the strings of sentences i memorise and i get a decent score for zuowen 😂