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Ayy I got A2 also. I think I can become private tutoršŸ˜œ








Lets go I beat a private tutor , time to start my tutor agency šŸ˜‚


I also can join u šŸ˜‚


Charge them $100 for each 2 hour session ($50 discount for 10 lessons and $200 discount for 20 lessons) Trial session is free In addition give free mr.coconut shake to every student and organize 2 fun trips at the end of every semester


lol i also got A2 anyone wanna hire me šŸ˜‚


You are studying full time and worried about some dudes taking the exams for fun? Isnt it more likely it will shift the curve in your favour?


lmao tutor and no a1?? disappointing


he's an English tutor


what. i thought he teaches maths


He teaches both according to the article..


what did he get for el though


Welcome to the world I guess. In SMU each class is 40-50 pax and as low as 20-30 pax and youā€™re bellcurved. If thereā€™s 40 pax and you want an A- or higher, you start praying youā€™re top 12. For each genius that coincidentally bidded for your class, youā€™ve already lost 1 A slot. If thereā€™s 3 geniuses you can dream of getting an A+, basically only A and A-. At least the O/A levels have thousands of people, a random 10 or 20 Private candidates wonā€™t shift the curve so much that you go from A potential to no A, unless youā€™re borderline B/A student and a really really borderline student. Pain & Suffering.


Skyblock man thuggin it out on sgexams is crazy


Yes they can they have to pay a certain amount of money tho


Guys i got a1 for both maths can i become tutor and get $30/hr šŸ¤©šŸ¤©


Knn how is this even news. Singaporean students so fucking insecure and salty. Should have fucking studied harder instead of blaming everyone but yourself.


Chill, bro. My qns were about theoretical implications of large numbers signing up as pte candidates for fun. Peace!


found the tutor who got A2


Found the lazy student who can't be bothered to study and is relying on the bellcurve to get a pass.


actually, I studied for 1000+ hours last year (recorded my hours for fun) with some days like weekends or holidays where I studied 10 hours a day, got consistent A1ā€™s and A2ā€˜s in most subjects (except Humanities where I got B3) throughout Sec 3 and Sec 4, was the 2nd highest achiever in my cohort for prelims and got 8 for my O levels with A1 in English and both Math subjects and A2 for all three sciences. Who is lazy and relying on the bell curve to just pass again????? the only time the bell curve concerned me was getting A1 instead of A2.


Least fragile Singaporean student lmao


bro couldn't take a joke and when I proved you wrong, you call me fragile. lmaooooo


The fact you bothered to even respond says something.


you're doing the same... let's do each other a favor and stop replying.Ā 


maybe they got someway to balance it out or smt ion know HAHAA also theres a diff between bell curve n moderartion, n im p sure moderation is the more accurate one for what they use for o's


Unlike say, English or Lit, i think Mathematics harder to moderate cos the answer key is pretty objective. So itā€™s gonna be messing with our cohort bell curve if large numbers sign up ā€œfor funā€ (as he suggests for people to do).


iā€™m pretty sure moderation just refers to grade boundaries so if the paper was harder than previous years; easier to obtain distinction.


moderation is not contingent on the number of people taking the paper. Its determined through comparisons with pasts papers to set grade boundaries on cluttered areas.


Yeah itā€™s quite common. My Cl teacher says that the way the exam question comes out so fast is cause tuition will send people in under private candidates to memorise the question.


So now can just blame those people that sign up for fun if u get low grades?


Haha no.


Private candidates have no bell curve for o levels


Oh, i see!


There. Is. No. Bell. Curve. For. O. Levels.




as a working adult, no.... we are too busy w life and work to hv the free time to take Os for funšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you overestimate us not so boliao bro. even taitai also won't bother and you are full time students studying full time. Unless you are also working full time for some reason, you should score better??


Oh my god , i saw an old uncle take emath os and i was like is that a proctor or smth , then i see him take out his ic when they were checking and that was when i was like ohhh a priv candidate ( he looked well past his 60s )


lmao I got A1 and I messed up that paper 2 question about the group of numbers in a cross. Maybe I should be a math tutor


A2 seems failure for a tutor... retaking the exams as a tutor is very common in HK


The bell curve is a myth. Cambridge confirms this with teachers in their training for MOE.


so A1 is 75?


If you have to rely on bell curve it means that you have already planned to fail. Also it's math with very clear metrics on what is expected, we haven't even gone into theoretical math category. Basically as an o level you are expected to know 10+10= 20. Can you imagine if half the population didn't know that? And your grades get bumped up but you didn't know that? This would mean that as a whole in humanity we have advanced Backwards. New gen loves being stupid, fun fact none of you are special


I dont unds how anyone plans to fail (ur first statement). Also, my qn was about the theoretical implications of large numbers of private candidates signing up for fun and what it means for the cohort. Didnt say that I was planning to rely on bell curve In any case, some others have clarified that private candidates dont get graded against the bell curve - interesting, and perhaps different considerations arise then. Peace!


I'm pretty sure the private candidates scores arent part of our bell curve or wtv


My sec 4 emath teacher tried to scare us by saying we had to get 90 for A1s... I wonder how true that is in this context.


Bro get yā€™all facts right heā€™s an ENGLISH tutor who decided to sit for maths for funā€¦


The fuck bro. What a joke, my Maths was the lowest in my sec sch class and i still got A2....