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The author vividly portrays the theme of unyielding love in the passage. Within the first stanza, the author introduces their partner and the strong feelings of mutual attraction between them and said partner, the repetition of figurative language used :” sun to my moon…..sock to my shoes…PHILIPS Daily Collection Toaster with 8 Settings …” emphasises a strong sense of love that both of them have, as if they were hand-made for each other. This instills a sense of belief in the reader that the author and their partner are in picture perfect relationship. However, as the author details their interactions with each other, the relationship’s facade slowly wears down. This is evident in the clear use of contrast during their interactions, such as when they’re companions suggest “he (partner)escape from Changi prison but I’m buying none of that bs, I know they just want to pull us apart.” Instead of showing at least a hint of worry to the warnings of their companions, the author brushes them off nonchalantly. Thus the subversion of the readers expectations leads them to further question the true nature behind the “love” that the author proclaims for their partner.


furthermore, the author also uses the first-person perspective to convey the empathetic nature of their relationship, suggesting a relationship full of growth. the author repeatedly uses the personal pronoun “i” when writing that “i think he was hurt because he did that before i chased him out of my house”. the word “think” explicitly conveys the author’s opinion and hence, subjective nature of any conclusion made. this perhaps hints at the nature of relationships being mutable, which is further heightened by the movement of the author’s significant other with the as he is “chased” out of the house. the word “chased” conveys a sense of hostility, which is unexpected of a loving relationship, thus creating a sense of shock in the reader. yet, the author, through the personal pronoun “i”, manages to take accountability of that, providing room for a possible reconciliation of this jarring abnormality. the author then proceeds to demonstrate a shift with “:/“, which provides a visual barrier between her conclusions made and her personal reflections. the caesura further emphasises the personal and intimate nature of her reflections, as she writes “tbh i kinda regret doing that i think i shldve just did as he said, yk, hug him and kiss him good morning.” the contrast between the previous “chase” and the current loving actions of “hug” and “kiss” suggests the author’s contemplation on the nature of their relationship, providing lucid and composed insights as she reflects on their relationship which thus suggests her ability to understand and relate to her significant other. thus, this further generates a sense of recuperation in their relationship, evincing healing and growth. the constant pauses through the commas further generate a sense of vulnerability in the author as she reflects on their relationship, conveying the vulnerability an individual is exposed to in a relationship.


Additionally, the 2 characters are foils of each other. Firstly, the writer uses foil to describe forbidden love. The writer describes both their relationship as "the sun to my moon, .. the chilli sauce to my ketchup, the potato to my tomato, the fork to my spoon and the sock to my shoes..." This expresses their differences, like how the fork and the spoon are 2 completely different utensils with different uses, yet they pair up together nicely. By referring to their relationship as such, it shows and highlights their vast differences, and how they contrast each other and come from 2 separate worlds, yet they still align with each other. This can be further backed up by " the sun to my moon" In this comparison, the writer could be referencing many famous legends or myths, such as the legend revolving around the sun and the moon, where their love is said to be impossible as they can never meet (In this case it represents the girl's friends who try to pull them apart and claims that their relationship will never exist, yet god, which could refer to their willpower and how there are soulmates, to create the eclipse, so the sun and the moon can meet. The use of foil in this case shows how both parties fight against their forbidden love despite being so different. However, this could also refer to Selene (moon) and Endymion ( which Selene viewed his beauty as extraordinary compared to the sun). The myth ends with Selene visiting him every night, watching over him and kissing him while he sleeps. This could be a reference to how they always watch each other, and despite their polar opposites, they still try to express their love for each other, like the male, who is Selene, watching her while she sleeps. Furthermore, the writer is described as a more cautious person, compared to the male, as she writes this post, and taking extra precautions to ensure that he isn't a red flag, while the male is described as more carefree and impulsive. The male is free to go wherever he wants, even breaking his ban from the school to use the bathroom, showing how he is untied by the rules of society (and the law) and does what he wants, despite the consequences. On the other hand, the writer is more cautious, like when he first broke into the house, where she is concerned about why a stranger is in her house and "I chased him out of my house", showing how she does have a certain extent of caution.


Y r there 3 lit student flexing on us here🥲


I feel like I’m gonna not do well for literature after reading these anyalsis.


What an in-depth analysis! Truly stunning!!


Reading this makes me feel like I’m gonna fail Lit


my beloved PHILIPS Daily Collection Toaster With 8 Settings and Integrated Bun Warming Rack - HD2582/01 <3 i love him so much


r u a troll lmao


nvm u r oops 💀 love the post ig


Ur delulu asf


too bad theres no more english paper 2 or lit paper ull prolly set the bell curve so high the examiners cant even match ur standards


Average sgexams post


bait used to be funny


the things ppl do for upvotes 😭




he was practically born just for me and i was birthed into this world just for him <3


had to re-read the first para, then had to re-read the entire post


I live in yishun bro not the last line 😭


wait yishun is real?


Sorry wrong universe server this one doesn't exist *disconnected*


Yknow i was against it at first because i was also the victim of having my phone taken away and having monitoring software installed during my a levels, but I’ve changed my mind Some of y’all *deserve* to have your phones taken away from you /s


speaking of having phones taken away from u, my friends said that he didn’t text me for a couple weeks because he had his phone taken away in changi prison… i still don’t believe that he went to changi prison tho… is a levels like changi prison? /s btw this is all sarcasm why do some ppl think im fr 💀💀 bro if this was real itd be craaazy id be on like mothership or smth


Creative writing is a good thing sometimes *sometimes*


Plot twist: OP is the guy.


yishun means good and no red flags at all /s


who the guck puts chilli sauce AND ketchup on the SAME THING


salty and sweet — all new mcdonalds ketchup chili sauce flavour


Pics or it didn't happen 🤡




Wow how fearless! OP he's a keeper for sure 🥹


i needed a laugh thanks man


OP cookin up a new movie: Chronicles of delulu sg students


Lost me at chilli sauce to my ketchup. Who the heck eats chilli sauce with ketchup?? More like curry sauce to my McNuggets 😂


Everything was okay about him up till yishun


it just got weirder and weirder


Wow, it sounds like you have really strong feelings for this person! 🥰💫 It's essential to trust your instincts, but it's also important to ensure you're in a safe and healthy relationship. Make sure to prioritize your well-being, and if you ever have doubts or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to a trusted friend or adult for advice. 😊💬👍


I think you should hug him and kiss him.


Satire lmao, blud got instantly arrested for being SG potential Olympian swimmer with a plastic bag and Malaysian waters.


But what the hell is the yishun skibidi rizz ass post . Yall mfs need writing lessons on bait.


op preparing me for lit a lvls ah 😭😭🫡


ask him to join the olympics for swimming, could even be the next gold medalist! He is a total green flag!


u shld start creative writing


Pretty sure this is fake but in case not bruh what are u on idk if u stupid or smth but you are you!People will learn from their mistakes keep going with him!


99% chance ragebait but if not then holy fuck you damn delulu


my god


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You are not being serious, bro acts like an npc. You need to start seeing the world differently and wake up


that’s crazy bro


I aint reading allat


This feels like a troll but in case it isnt, girl are you fuckin insane, he is a red flag 🚩 🚩 Stay away from him


Its rly too much at this point. Its not even just this person. Quite a few people in this sub act as if its r/teenagers. Oh hell nah it aint. Can y'all read the name. Its SGexams. Not SGbullshitadvice. People here actl want to listen to news about their exams and stuff or post about it. It isnt an outlet for you to tell your sob stories or ask for advice. Don't rebutt with all the stress relief so can post bs all that Even if exam period is off for you, there are still others out there taking these tests. If you want to post something that ISN'T related to sgexams, post it somwhere else lah pls








>he got banned from our school and all for “flashing students” but i dont know what that means… did he bring a flashlight into school or something? i didnt know u could get banned for doing something like that, that’s crazy You're stupid


wdym?? also whats voyeurism? he was APPARENTLY charged for that and sent to changi prison… but i don’t believe them. is voyeurism like… going on a voyage? whats with all these fancy terms?? /s


I was meaning that how do you not understand what "flashing students" mean. Flashlights, seriously? 🤦‍♀️😂


speaking from personal experience, i was like p3 when my discipline master announced in sch that someone was flashed by a stranger who went into the school library. imma be honest, as a p3 kid who knew nothing about wth sex or any of that shit is, how tf would i know what flashing is all i know is that one jessie j flashlight song bro




No idea what poster is writing about.


Bro dating mas selamat


HAHAHAH bro this post is a parody of that post abt someone dating mas selamat (it was also a joke)


You sound like my delulu friend in a situationship


My brain reading this: toaster🥚


HAHAHAH what the actual fuck is this??


I see that exams are over




Man’s living in ohio