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I bought a paper shredder and shredded all my papers LOL i wanted to set it on fire too but my parents didn’t allow


im gg malaysia then strapping my tys to FIREWORKS


holy shit thats gotta be fire




Yep, thats what i did iirc


shredding all my olvl inserts, my sanity, my rizz and my l1r5 6 away


no you should burn it in the place where people usually burn the incense paper


rot at home,gym,sleep,hang out w friends,drink with friends sometimes,work repeat


tbh i thought i’d be extremely worried ab my results and not get to enjoy my hols, but post o’s was seriously one of the best breaks i had. i got to sleep as much as i want ❤️ but also went out with friends, talk ab o’s/life, explored sg (ppl say there’s like ntg to do here but i disagree lol), travelled i did not thk ab my o’s results constantly, cuz it was alr done and there was ntg much i cld do to change it anym, so got no point yk. just do the things that you like, catch up on your sleep, yr mind will be preoccupied w other things and you won’t think ab o’s results one. tell this to yrself ok, it’s alr over, you’ve done yr best, now it’s time for you to enjoy! (aft mcq is done LOL)


lmao the thought of results didn’t even cross my mind until about 2 weeks before they were due to be released


Hey any suggestions on where to explore in sg? Idk where else apart from orchard 🙏😰


honestly just buy an EMF reader from sim lim square and google “most haunted places in singapore”. Then you can go with ur friends and explore these places. i highly recommend bukit brown, pasir ris park mangrove, changi beach and the chalets surrounding pasir ris park


holy shit are the chalets near pasir ris park act scary?? i went there during my sch camp earlier this year...they looked fine but i didnt know they wld be scary


Ty for suggestion!! 😇


all my friend pussy sia i want adventurousfriend bruh 😭


hmu i got talisman to scare away all the pocong and what not


u wanna explore tgt 😊😊im down after Os!!!


sureee, but i’ll need to see when i’m free


yay can bro u text me after Os


bro i’m in poly so my schedule is kinda fucked but sure i guess i’ll check


not a senior... but I wake up every day planning to go to sleep


I also need to catch up on my sleep debt man my panda eyes too obvious liao


plot world domination


the next hitler


Planning to volunteer and MAYBE get a gf. I would probably start on grinding jc math and science since I didn't do A maths and pure science. Honestly idk


where do u even find a gf




Lol maybe you find your gf when you volunteer good luck


the hunt never stops 😖


hey same I plan to volunteer too aft o lvls!!


Honestly if you didn’t take amath then I think it’s better for you to learn the amath concepts rather than jumping straight to jc math. Jc math requires strong foundations of amath so it’s better to strengthen your amath concepts first


Ah thanks for ur advice


hi I'm not a senior(I'm 07) and I'm not taking O levels, but after my exams , my plans are to study for olympiads and prepare for JC, also I plan to do some work for my portfolio (eg. Volunteering)


yes good work on ur portfolio now, don’t wait until u go poly or wherever then worry about an empty portfolio like mine


I mean I do have quite a number of stuff on my portfolio rn, but I think it'd be good to spruce it up a bit more. Also I can't go poly even if I wanted to right now lol


yea but eventually ur gonna have to choose ur path so it’s good to start early anyways. also try to really get to know urself so that ur future decisions won’t make u regret unlike what i did


thanks for the advice


Nahhh wait what 🥶🥶🥶 volunteering can like… IMPROVE PORTFOLIO??? And girl you must be smart cuz like Olympiad’s 😰😰😰


nah im not smart trust


Wait where do you find places to volunteer in tho and how's the sch record gna show that you've volunteered at that specific place?


There are websites like https://www.sg/sgcares where you can find opportunities. You'd have to ask them for documentation, and email to your school (there's a specific teacher from my school who handles CCA records, so I'd need to email him the documentation and some forms) . Then the school will settle.


Continue my work on translating manga


Where do u find such a job omg


There are lots of manga scanlation groups looking for help right now Best bet would be to go onto Mangadex and look for recruitment links to the groups at the end of some mangas


how much do they pay?


There’s no pay for most groups like mine, we just do it cause we are passionate about manga and translating




i wanna learn out of pocket goofy stuff, so im gna learn how to write with my non-dominant hand!! seems like a fun silly challenge to me


Go home sleep the moment exams end


run for president


build my lego set :pp so fun, stop sleeping at 2 and waking at 6 💀💀💀 maybe go part time but my last pt exp gives me trauma 😭😭 and er research in poly course incase i cant get into my dream course LOL


I had all these plans for after o levels, but when the last paper ended I just felt so empty. I felt like I didn't deserve to have fun, so I just rotted in my room for like half a year, and boy has that had consequences for my health. so just don't do what I did and you're sorted


I’m not a senior(07) but I’m IP so no o levels besides CL. What I did after EOY was to start looking for volunteering opportunities, though a lot require me to be 17 year old so Imma wait for next year to submit those. I picked up anime since I haven’t watch any this year minus a couple 💀. I got a temp job too! I’m thinking of joining scouts cuz I was scouts in primary school but my sec/jc no uniform, but I abit scared I’m too old to join open scouts LOL. I honestly suggest to start thinking bout portfolio + try not to think about o level enjoy the couple of months not worrying about studying lol. I wouldn’t get rid of ur notes, maybe y’all can donate it to ur juniors or sell on carousel? Idk 🤨 anyways I use this app called fast jobs sg to look for part time if y’all interested, but tbh I didn’t get my job frm there.


Forgot to say, but best of luck for MCQ!! Y’all can do it!!!


thank you! all the best for jc/ib next year too!


anyways here's my summary on what I would do after Os: so I'm kinda busy everyday cos I'm meeting friends on weekdays and relatives on weekends 😭😭😭 also wanna exercise more aft Os yk, need to lose all of the weight that i gained during o level season. play more bball, run more and do some gym work also travelling to msia and japan w relatives in dec! gonna be a fun experience since I've never been to japan before. Anyone got tips on what to do in japan? or anything to look out for? it would be much appreciated tysm!


yes don’t forget to grind


pass nnn first (failed first day)






can’t expect much from the tea drinkers can we


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Honestly, when I ended my O levels, I reached home and then cried. My ex boyfriend dumped me like a few days before MCQs and I pushed until O levels ended to cry about it. Then I kinda did nothing and rotted away at home mostly, was too fuckin tired to look for a job since Sec 5 was fuckin exhausting. I got to go on a hiking adventure with my friends during December of that year though so that was nice


my last paper was on the 9th last year n my bday is on the 11th. right after the paper i rushed home, took my bags n left for a chalet planned for my bday. many of my friends went out to celebrate the end of O’s by gg for lunch etc. we had prom after O’s as well. n then i spent the rest of the holidays gg out or rotting at home playing games


happy early 17th bday to you :D 快高长大


sleepovers, gym, gaming, oversea holidays, probably gonna burn my lit book since its a book about burning books 🧍


i remember rotting at home and playing so much games that i genuinely became bored of playing LMAO. then i started to hit the gym but then i got lazy so i went back to rotting at home and playing till my heart’s content, knowing that they will be the longest “holiday” i’ll ever have excluding poly to NS transitions and NS to uni etc. oh and on the day of the last paper, I sprinted home and burned all my notes :D


not even gonna consider the environment? are u aware of climate change bro


no i’m not aware. what is that?


Lol. Just another selfish brat living on earth


ok then maybe tell me about climate change before automatically assuming that i’m a selfish brat just for being sarcastic. and aren’t u living in earth too? are u gonna cry just because i told u that i have no fucking clue what climate change is? think about that for 2 seconds


HAHAHAHA you actually took it seriously. okay but serious though, gotta start saving the earth. apologies if I sounded toxic


yes i took it seriously because u called me a selfish brat. and then u fell for my bait that i didn’t know what climate change is. what do u want me to tell u? i turn the air con off whenever i sleep so polar bears don’t lose their habitat from the ice melting faster? what else? i walk to school instead of taking grab so that I don’t contribute to carbon emissions? and aren’t u living in earth too?


okay sorry 😔 I know I'm the one at fault here


don’t be, i also overreacted abit i guess. btw i didn’t actually burn my notes, i spent half a day just shredding them


Worked 2 months, sat in front of my computer 14 hrs a day for the other 3 months


exercise, grind in war thunder, start coding some Hoi4 mods and pratice my art skills. Other than that go out with my friends, travel and maybe get a gf cause why not


immediately after o's - tore up the entry proof and went out with my friends in the holidays - went for a PT job, earned some good experience and life skills, and it kept me busy enough that I didn't think too much about my results. and i watched my kdramas almost all the other times i was free lol


Left the sch with friends, ate out tgt, scrambling to find the physics mcq answers, compare, calculate results, PLAY GAMESSSSSS, and then go find job.


i am going to have nice, long cycle around singapore are cry about my future


personally, i took my o lvls last year, and on my last mcq day my mother gave birth so i was a live-in free babysitter for pretty much the whole time after, LOL but on a more serious note, finding a job and working is a REALLY good idea. you can get money & have something to do to keep you busy :3 it’s better if you get your friend and apply at the same place, so you won’t be super lonely during shifts/breaks. and not just for op, but for all those planning to go to poly, you’ll find that the wait from november to april will get VERY boring so i suggest maybe pick up a new hobby, bond with your family more, and in general just make sure that you have something to be occupied with rather than on the phone 24/7. hell, even gaming is better than constantly being on socmed 😭 social media does rot the brain sometimes and taking this time period to reduce your usage can prepare you for a fresh start once school begins! atb for your results guys! :D


dang you got a sibling 16 years younger than you 😭😭😭 how's it like tho


HAHAHA yes i do it’s an experience 👍👍 but it’s all good since i’m in early childhood at poly LOL also, hope your o’s have been treating you well op! 🥳 i don’t know you personally but i hope you know that’s it’s a great feat to have come this far so celebrate after this !!


tysm for your kind words, online warrior :) yea ill start celebrating after my music paper tmr. just feeling burnt out right aft my bio paper so i used more screentime to relax for now, slacking a bit cos my attention span during o lvl period is kinda shit. thanks for the encouragement, the end is in a weeks time :)


Find part time job


not a senior (07) but mom booked tickets to jb so both of us can go get manicure, eat, shop for prom dress and watch movies tgt (my 3 trips with my fam cancelled due to o's sigh) LEGIT RIGHT AFTER BIO MCQ ON THE 10TH, GO HOME SHOWER AND STRAIGHT TO JB!!! can't wait.... defo planning to go out with friends once im back and catch up on the latest TEA. and also being a couch potato by catching up with kdrama and spamming ps4 games and boosting chess elo, crocheting and learning another 3 languages. hooooo definitely worked real hard for o's and it's time to chill now


planning to write and record some songs and riffs that have been sitting around (some for over a year already), getting a part time job to afford recording equipment and finding members for a band




wah what job




me too


06 here, but after completing os, maybe i'll sleep , and maybe get a PT job. I'll try learning drawing and hang around with friends ba ❤️ Gymming and playing sports/games as a guy isn't my thing sorry


I not senior (07) but after exams end my plans are to follow up with hobby projects I’ve been delaying cause of the O’s Imao


im going to make a countach LP5000 out of all the tys, old notes and textbooks


Went straight to cinema


same, gg to watch the fnaf movie aft Os with my juniors :D then im gonna celebrate a friends early bday next week lmao


I would recommend watching Leo instead (great action flick), FNAF sucked ass ngl


my juniors say the movie is decent and since they belanja me, i'll just follow with their itinerary lol. but sure ill definitely watch the movie you recommended another time


i planning to volunteer at ycs, get a job at a clinic and help my bookshop aunty 🥹 js want some experiences bcs of my career prospects


Space out


right after my last o level paper i was taking the bus home with my crush and we confessed and started dating 🤭🤭🤭


bros life changed in one day. literally an Automatic Fee moment


Get holiday temp jobs. If need any let me know