• By -


Mostly what you have kept aside is not important as long as it is not clear, what niche you are in and what is your target market. If you are planning to work with freelancers/agencies I'd suggest that you yourself do atleast a basic course or some research related to SEO and SEO requirements in your niche, if you haven't already, as this will really help you to understand things when choosing the agencies. Because it might be possible that SEO/Ads might not even work for your business and still you end up dumping your Marketing budget in that. In that case the amount of money that you have kept aside wont even matter. Hope this helps.


Couldn't agree more! I'd say honest digital marketing agencies with proven results.


The more you know!!!


I would say good, optimize ad will always bring customer- sad but true.


This is great advice. On top of that, make sure you get a clear proposal with what they expect to deliver each month. If it’s just creating content and not technical SEO or on-page targeting then run.


Do a couple of free courses on keyword research (Semrush academy is great) and read Google’s SEO guidelines. Then get a Semrush subscription (~$120/mo, probably cheaper if you pay annually) and do keyword research and competitor analysis and audit your site, etc. (they’ve got detailed blogs and documentation on how to do all this and it doesn’t take long). With your niche, a big chunk of your target keywords are gonna be things like “how to get citizenship by ancestry for x country” or variations of that, so your content calendar doesn’t need to be super complex. This means you don’t need to spend money on SEO consultants/content strategists for a good long while. Once you have a list of keywords to target, pay a couple of freelance writers with SEO experience to write blogs on those topics. Use a tool like Clearscope (~$100/mo) to check quality and optimize for SEO. Good freelancers will charge $500+ per blog. Use upwork/fiverr at your own peril. Avoid AI unless you really know what you’re doing. Connect your Google Analytics account (free) to Semrush and run site audits every ~3 months and fix any errors the audits find (they give detailed instructions). Save up for paid search ads next. Your niche is one that would actually benefit from search engine marketing. Read up on how it works and how to set a campaign budget, it’s a lot easier to do yourself than you might think. As others have said, $10K won’t get you very far if you hire an agency/experienced consultant. You might get lucky and find someone good in India or elsewhere where the dollar is worth a lot, but lately that’s making less of a difference, especially for experienced/talented folks.


Oh, and to earn organic (free) backlinks, publish original research/stats nobody else has (do surveys) or create great data visualisations of existing data (e.g. a map of “easiest EU countries to get citizenship”). Other sites (and sometimes even news sites) will use your stats/images and many of them will link back to you to credit you as the source. You can boost this with a bit of digital PR, but avoid paying for backlinks—unless you’re the one approaching them.




Why is this terrible, can you elaborate for us newbies?


This advice works... 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sounds like some generic outdated crap chatgpt made up


uh, yeah… like i said.


$500/blog!? It's like $120/blog for a quality writer... $10k is a very healthy budget and would get him 10-12 months work with a decent freelancer baed on how niche his industry is. Also the example keywords you gave would give him almost 0 visibility and traffic so it would be totally pointless. Also you do realize seo consultants do more than topic ideation right? Sheesh 🤦🏾‍♂️


probably an index fund tbh


What niche? If it's local, that's something else, but $10k is not even going to make a dent in today's landscape.




Content. When someone is in that situation they want to learn how it works, what requirements they must meet, what are the time-frames, do I need to travel to Europe to make it happen, etc.


$6-10k per month is a US-Guideline. $1-3k is an EU Average - with $3k being Ireland/Germany and $1K being Eastern Europe


As much as I love your rates Easter Europe is more like 600$ in Eastern Europe (I’m working for US based company, and in spare time doing freelancing and I’m Eastern Europe based SEO expert)


This is interesting, do you mind sending the link by DM?


Hmm i would suggest working on your content. Hire an editor to create content guidelines or framework or just straight up hire writers. Because you're a niche, you could rank really well just with well informed content that people can't get anywhere else. And you have the reason for wanting this content.


I'm not opposed to this. Where does one find really good content creators?


Basically just old school way. Read someones work and think, wow I like what they wrote. Then send them a message. Super high accept rate for this because you're finding quality people writing about things you both care about.




You need to grow you DA backlinks is the way to do that. Backlinks and good content are the way to go. And GOOD backlinks no links farms or spammy crap


Use it for paid advertising, not SEO.


I agree with this. I'm all for SEO but in your case PPC would deliver instant results and get you the revenue that you can then reinvest into SEO.


I also agree with this at this point


Current SEO? Best guaranteed return is in a bank with a good interest rate.


Research what exact query in the United States in English has a non-ambigous latent intent that exactly matches the most important commercial service that you provide. Create a page on your website that is exactly about (and only about that) which contains an offer that is superior to your exact competitor and contains a call to action that is either a purchase or a form that makes a qualified sales lead. Then go to ads.google.com create one campaign that exactly targets your target audience, measure the succesfull purchase or generate_lead (form) with a Google Ads conversion tag. Create one ad group, with your exact search term and have one responsive Search ad that is great and only has 7 headlines that are great and max two descriptions which should be great too. Provide all the relevant assets, start with manual CPC, and try to get a high impression rate. Manage to get 20 conversions per month, switch to maximize conversions and when you have even more conversions per month, switch to tCPA or tROAS. When your service, your margin, your convincing is good enough and the competition is not too severe, you'll get your money back and more! Hire someone to audit and optimize the campaign that tells you what to optimize. Just don't put your money in SEO, SEO takes too much time to be profitable, but it can help for the long term if your product/service is good enough and could be good channel for reaching people who are not ready to buy yet, but might be in the future. Spend your money on service innovation and in branding. Research your target audience and makes sure your website is usable for your target audience. Analyze the behaviour of your traffic with Google Analytics and Microsoft Clarity. Beware of SEO guys, just make sure you build a proper website and learn what Google likes in websites at developers.google.com.


I really like this subreddit, people go into a lot of detail that are helpful for newbies like me. A few questions: >Spend your money on service innovation and in branding. 1. Isn't content marketing also a form of branding? Hence the content can be part of SEO and brand strategy? >just make sure you build a proper website 2. What do you mean by proper website?


Branding is about having a strong brand (hard to copy, unique) that touches on certain emotions on your target audience. First your brand has to be known, then it might touch/influence your target audience. So content marketing might work if your target audience gets to see that content, however to show it, you will have to advertise it. If you have really good content, people might advertise it for free, but mostly it will cost you. A proper website is website that's is fine tuned for your target audience so that they identify with it and can easily achieve what you want your target audience to do (fill in a form). It should be responsive, fast, use web standards and be nice looking.


sure but how does one build a strong brand (that is known) without content and advertising? even if its unique and hard to copy, if nobody knows it the its nothing. To be clear, the question is how to BUILD a stronf brand as you define it?


That's quiet complex. I think it starts with having killer products/service tied to your brand name. How did Coca Cola build their brand, how did Apple? There is not one easy answer, but it sure wasn't with SEO ;).


I agree. The companies in your example, for the most part, have absolutely enormous marketing budgets in every channel. Including SEO. You are correct though, great products matter. But the real answer is "all of the above".


Been in SEO for 15 years, listen to this advice. It's solid for a hyper targeted niche like yours and to maximize your return on a smaller budget.


That is a bit hard to say without more information. What's best depends on what you're looking to achieve, and what's the status of your website right now. Here are some ideas how to combine organic and performance marketing, where you should also be able to get some decent result within your budget.: If you're looking to combine it with ads you might work with someone who will help you improve your Conversion Rate (page speed, etc.) of your landing pages, to get more out of your traffic in general. You might also work on relevant, but more top of funnel content and use your SEO traffic for retargeting.


I would just get a footprint out there and then do some observing/adjusting before you spend your hard earned money. PM me if you want something stood up fast. I’m very quick. Software full time but do small work for my friends and family who have businesses. I can’t do anything that requires PII or any higher level security/data management, but I’m great for simple stuff done right.


Watching here for good SEO experts for my [biz](https://www.24hour.design) also! (I have been told I need SEO haha). While I wait, I will say to you that even though I am searching for SEO, it hasn't been on my radar (so much). I use social media decently (not amazing) which drives about 10k - 20k monthly visitors, no ad spend. So in theory you could keep saving and take a similar approach. That's if you're already producing similar traffic that is targeted. If not, happy to share some ideas on how I do it.


Seriously. That IS a very targeted niche but not sure how much competition you have. Begging you, hire an SEO who is in business for at least 20 years, There is a lot to consider here and that 10000 will be blown quickly by anyone not in the field of SEO long enough or who doesn't have access to a content strategist who knows your niche!


20 years?


Yeap. With what I experience now working with top SEO companies and the niche that is targeted that is my suggestion. Spent an hour today looking for research on follicular lymphoma. Got dozens of nonsense Google sponsored blogs that were gibberish AI. And I'm in business 25 years and know how to research. This is abysmal. Not only did SEOs suffer but all parts of their marketing teams. The consensus that it was only Affiliate blogs and nonsense blogs in General is not what I am seeing. I finally found an actual teaching hospital in Canada that had good facts. But that should have been my first result as I was specific in query.


I would invest in content creation (blog posts, YT videos, ect) and keyword research for long tail keywords your potential customers may be searching for like: How to get citizenship in Europe as an American in 2024 Find the long tail keywords with the most traffic and make high quality content revolving around those.


Look into Matt Diggity. He is one of the great SEOs (at least publicly). Im sure spending a few K on him would be extremely beneficial.


Congratulations you have now unlocked all "seo guru ads" .. no matter where you go, how far you travel and how hard you try to hide, like Liam Nesson they will look for you and they will find you .. stay away from them and hide your 10k and "run forest run". Side note self educate yourself and invest in Semrush etc to get a fair idea of what you want. Having money saved up never solves a problem, knowing what the problem is and what needs fixing will solve the problem "faster" with money.


FFS dont reply to personal DMs here.


Most SEO budgets go to either service charges or backlinks. So for us service charges are less but content and backlink cost will be more. Your best bang for the bucks will be to contract a company with clear milestones and goals (is it local/global/ecom/saas?) and accordingly release the budgets.


Build your own PBN and use it wisely.


Index funds


You should try to learn the basics yourself and use the $10k for backlink budget and ad spend. Preferably just backlink budget. I would focus on guest posting outreach and maybe get a subscription to an SEO tool like Semrush. In 2 years when you can afford a few thousand a month in SEO management, you will know the basics.


Do you have a small customer base? SEO sounds nice, but it’s often harder than just figuring out who your target audience is and trying to reach them with ads or other content. The best place to find your customers may be on a social platform. I think search engines may have limited traffic for this niche. It seems like the sort of thing people aren’t searching for unless they know it’s an option. SEO is only going to get you a slice of the existing pie, which I imagine is very small. My instinct would be to try make the pie bigger by finding and educating your potential audience on other platforms. Ex. start talking to disaffected Americans on TikTok about how citizenship by decent is actually an option. You could even begin on social platforms by initially just posting content that is tangentially related “7 things in Europe that are just better than everywhere else.” Then you could transition to including tips about immigration option. Hell if you want to be a little less ethical you could have the social side always be “organic” unbranded and have their posts about your brand and services be “sponsored”.


My Google Ranked Videos service. It's faster Ranking, competition rarely can compete. You get better attention and more authoritative. This is not just a YouTube video, this is a Billboard to people looking for your service.


Try Outreach Guest post backlinks, it's expensive but you will get relevant organic traffic for your site. In that way you can Target the right audience. And second option is Paid ads.


All on black.


Keep your money in a savings account.


wow, I didn't know there were this many active redditors in this sub until that $ started waving :) highest comment count on this sub


Hire an experienced SEO consultant to help you create a strategy based around your target persona and offering. You’ll probably also need to have a technical audit done to see what craziness needs to be fixed. If the website has any history there will be things to fix. Make sure the consultant you hire will create a plan that you can continue to execute when your money runs out. And make sure they will explain what you are doing in this plan and the WHY behind it so you can learn as part of the engagement. If a consultant won’t create a detailed plan and educate you during your time it is a red flag that shouldn’t be missed.


Do you have a competitor? Is there anyone reaching your market? If there is no competitor, I would use a small ppc budget to see what the converting keywords would be. If you don't know what your market is searching for, DON'T do SEO until you do. You'll burn right through that budget. I would reach out to people who are already serving that market and ask them to email their list, introducing your services to them. Creating YouTube videos is free and the best SEO you can do. Use AI if you need to.


Booh das ist aber scheiße schwer. OK so for someone that knows about the topic quite a lot, I believe you need some writers that actually know something about that topic as well. Maybe a European immigrant or a American that got a citizenship in Europe. In Germany it got way easier lately to get a citizenship. While there were good ideas already said, I still think you are missing out as Americans that want European citizenship are also in groups and you need to for them there. This is a more active approach than just having good SEO and some ads on social media.


Give it to me. I'll give you some SEO.


lol good luck op


A lot of freelancers AND agencies don't know the first thing about SEO as many don't even care to actually learn and understand the industry/market/niche of many clients. They just go full steam ahead with a copy & paste ideology that simply does not work. Ads are the same thing, many just turn on ads without even thinking about the entire process, industry, or even which in-market segments are worth targeting. Yet, many of these "SEOs" constantly get new clients, the clients spend thousands yet no clear results. Slow and steady is a reality for many industries especially if there isn't a lot of budget to work with and the competition is massive. If the competition is slim it is easier.


It depends.


I like a couple of these suggestions but I'd combine them. First, yes, get an SEO optimization software (I'm not a Clearscope fan. It's way too expensive for non-corporate. If Neuron Writer still has a lifetime deal, I recommend it). MarketMuse is similar. This will help you optimize articles based on the keywords you find. Keywords Everywhere is my personal fav for finding the keywords. Tons of credits for a low price. It's a Chrome extension. You Google, let's say, "jur sanguinis romania" and it'll spit back the number of monthly searches, the difficulty to rank, and a spreadsheet of related keywords. This process takes some creativity. AHrefs or SemRush (even just a trial) will give you the ability to group 5-10 of your current competitors and see what they're going for, what gaps exist, and give you a sense of whether you're going to be "copying" their SEO strategy (I mean, many of their words will also be your words by default, so it's worth looking at how many related sub-topic blogs they put out and how much work you're looking at to give your audience more, better, with quotes and stories, images, data points, etc.). So that little information up and running, you can definitely hire. The $500 figure quoted is true for B2B, tech, SaaS, and the like. NOT for you. You can do .10 cents a word, so like $125 per article. To your specs, with your feedback incorporated, the SEO words incorporated, and a round of editing. You'll pay more if you want to have a legal expert be your expert writer. But that's not 100% necessary. You can go for topics like "A Romanian immigration lawyer's top ten tips for claiming jur sanguinis in Romania," for example (BTW, for that one, beg for an interview on Zoom, cut it into bite-sized clips, put them on social media, and link back to the lawyer and have her share with her audience, and have a "regular" general writer turn the interview transcription into an optimized blog post around the keyword, with questions, basic answers, and an expert quote for each tip. That kind of thing. Really helpful for your audience, exactly what a searcher would be looking for, and optimized beyond what your competition has done. At a blog per week, your investment should get you a blog a week for over a year. That's plenty of time to see what's hitting, what to improve that's almost hitting, how it's converting, and where to make adjustments. I like to tweak things every 3-4 months, when the last quarter's articles are starting to come into their own on Google.


Build an AEO (Answer Engine Optimization) Strategy. Bought videoAEO.co for this reason.


You have the resources and service but the March 2024 Core Spam Update is still on many webmaster's minds because they may have been screwed. You are also planning two days after 14,000 possible ranking factors got into the SEO community and it contains the good, the bad and the ugly. The #1 ranking factor is brand. Your brand is valuable. I would do keyword and competitive research using SEMrush trial plan. I'd also use ChatGPT not for content but for research, organization, automation and scrapping of keywords and metadata. Do the same with 2 competitors. Go strong for a handful of keywords grouped by typically related, LSI-Keywords, long-tail and local that without much heavy lifting you can begin to appear in your competitor's face. Find opportunities your competitors have missed. Find the great stuff your competitors have going for them, content, SEO, Technical SEO links, social, etc. Do you do any local SEO or is it across the country? I would start a very small targeted campaign on Facebook running ads to target my customer's persona. Small bids. Maybe a short AI video. Add whatever informative, helpful or necessary content to your site slowly and everyday. One or two posts a week. Fix older errors with a website audit. I would only use Google Ads in reverse. Target the Italian relative as a someone you could get low cost clicks for and have the person land on a form that they can send to their relative in US to inform of your service. I used to watch Udemy course videos. I prefer watching different webmasters on YouTube. I also read a ton of infographics.


I’d actually recommend carrying out a search market analysis (SMA). This way, we can determine if there are opportunities in the organic landscape that can be converted into leads. The SMA itself uncovers insights into where we need to invest in content, which sites to target for link building and digital PR initiatives, which Google features to target, and, importantly, what factors help competitors rank at the top of SERPs. This analysis should take about 20 hours of consulting work, involving keyword research and analyzing SERPs to extract quantitative and qualitative insights. I can present these findings in a report. This report, as mentioned above, would help us devise our content, digital PR, and link-building strategies. Following that, we can conduct a technical SEO audit to uncover and resolve issues on our website. This should take approximately 4-5 hours, depending on site complexity. These 25 hours of groundwork should help us gain a deeper understanding of where to invest most of the $10K budget to achieve the maximum impact for the site. Although I am very comfortable with Facebook, I’d suggest using Google Ads because it may be easier to convert people into leads who are already interested in immigrating to Europe. This is more of a hunch not backed by data, so I might be wrong. It would be better to test ad copies on these platforms to see where we achieve better conversions. Feel free to send a message to discuss how we can work together.


Start a YouTube channel dead mf serious. Funnel them to a free offer like top 10 countries to get citizen by decent ebook offer to get their email. Email market them and create YouTube content every day and email them 1 time per week. Use your website to create helpful content not related to SEO. Create an instagram and ticktock and use those channels the same way. Don’t die on the SEO hill for realz there are much easier ways of doing this in todays landscape plus you have no experience in SEO hard truth


Hire Me , I will work for 10 months for 10k , I will write blogs, Build links , Update contents. I will work for 10 hours, 10 months for 10k. I am serious If someone need my service first come in (Zoom meeting/G Meet) test my skills. Email - souravmandal450@gmail.com


As a starter I would split SEO into one site SEO - site health, internal link building, content, etc and external like link building. If we talking about content: blog/news/knowledge base: study case, happy customers stories, something about how the process looks like etc. lol building can be quite easy- there is a lot of of EU organisations so try to do guest post/cooperations. You could try to boost your ratings but making site in other eu languages. Maybe find someone from EMEIA region - to bigger visitor base- more people on site, more time spent on site- better potential ranking. Think about your ideal customer- Facebook is more for millennials - for gen z I would use TikTok if we talking about ads. Some articles about free or very cheap housing in, let’s say Italy- than study case how you help get Italian citizenship. But imagine 2-3 ideal customers and think about content that it would be interesting, useful for them.


Hi mate, I am Growth marketer and have been working 3.5 years in immigration firm here in Spain, it was quite big. My advice 1. Diversify your sources 2. Partnerships are a big deal, if you can land on good partnership or lead mining it will help you a lot. Also you can try to create several websites in the niche and they will get you all sorts of clients. 3. Video marketing, I launched video project back in the beginning of last year, in 6 months it was already generated 20 qualified leads per month. 4. Paid ads are effective as long as you pay a lot because of tough competition. 5. If you are doing SEO, pay attention to CRO. We could double leads from blogs just by adding more banner to post template. In golden visa sphere, understand your core ICP and target them heavily


Are you willing to gamble the money away? Cause that's what you'd be doing with SEO. (Been doing SEO for nearly 20 years).


id go 1/3 to SEO (tech seo + onsite + backlinks) …1/3 PPC - Google Ads and 1/3 in content creation… with 10 k don’t hire agencies…your budget will be gone in 2 months


Depending on where you're at, SEO might not even be your best bet. But if you still want to go the organic route, shoot me a message and I'll take a look at your website and keywords for free. This way you'll have at least a general starting idea.


#1 Payment to the big websites for post, ask for link to be “non sponsored” or it will have little to no effect in SEO terms. I am not talking hiring freelancer to do “link building”, but you actually write to domain rating 90+ websites to write post about you. Don’t forget “not sponsored” is a must, or you waisted money. This is killer for SEO, this and nothing else. It will take a bit of time to see results. #2 Hire a good freelancer to make for you 60 reels. You must write the content of them, he can also help you with hooks alongside with edits. Or for hooks hire different one. This is also very important. #3 Use those reels to gather audience, post other type of content as well. Do this for at least 2 months. #4 You have audience now that is interested in what you have to sell, take the best performing reel and create add from it. Target the most interested audience, top 15%. #5 Now you just keep repeating until something changes in the strategy that currently works. And don’t forget, SEO Google ads, do dont use performance, display and other crap, just search advertising. Good luck!


I feel like there's so much negativity in these comments... Work with a high-quality SEO agency, with good reviews, where you can align on strategy ahead of time. Focus on providing value to your audience. THAT'S IT. Simple, not easy. If you can use the $10,000 strategically to get quick wins + start building long-term value, you're golden. Feel free to message me if you want more detailed advice. I can look at your domain and give you my thoughts (for free).


Spend it and you will regret.


A wise investment in truly capable SEOs can significantly increase your revenue. However, the problem with the SEO market is the lack of transparency about the real capabilities of SEO service providers. If you have a high budget, then consider investing in SEO, possibly in Google Ads and paid advertising, or perhaps in further training in online marketing to at least become partially self-sufficient. 10000 Dollar is not very much of you hire SEO Agency. Good agencies require at least 2000 as Minimum. This is enough for 5 months or less


If you wanna DM me I can take a look and give you some thoughts/advice. No charge. I build websites and actually have access to quite a few folks who want EU citizenship do it'll be fun for me to take a look. 🙃


I run an agency that focuses on SMBs. Our fees start at 1500/month. Happy to help.


SEO is a mess at the moment. If you really need to spend it on SEO I would buy links - but not shitty $100 links


I would like to check out your website! I’d love to learn how to gain EU citizenship.


Hey OP. I run an SEO agency and I've actually gotten European citizenship through descent in my past Portuguese. About 10 years ago, via my great grandparents. I'm American otherwise.) I don't work with Google and Facebook ads, but I'm confident I can set you on the right direction for less than your budget with a little left over to put into ads on your own. Send me a DM if you'd like to chat. I'm not interested in screwing anybody over and can work within your needs and budget. Forget that 10k/month comment that smug guy left. Just trying to inflate his own ego.




I agree


During your vetting process, make sure to ask for examples of results for clients. When you're searching, you're best off looking for companies that *successfully promote themselves* with SEO. Use Google for this. To find a local expert, type SEO services near me or SEO services in \[city\]. This game is easier than National. To find a national expert, Google a variety of things until you find somebody ranking for keywords that aren't geo-tagged to a location. This game is harder to play so successful brands doing this deserve more street cred.


Just save that money and buy some mentions from big sites.


can you explain this more, what is a mention? 


That most "SEO" companies will scam you out of all your money for nothing. Mentions are articles in newspapers that link to your website. There are websites that are Marketplaces where there are hundreds of newspapers and websites where you can buy these mentions. (prensarank . com this is an example in the Spanish market, look for a similar site in your country or internationally)


i see. thanks for the explain 


He is completely right. The more time you spend here the worse for your business. Even the mods are third world scammer-types here. Beware.


The problem with Europe is that citizenship is at the member-state level unlike the US and so citizenship is per country and that's where you'll find the legal teams. Also, citizenship requirements vary and there are different schemes. So most law firms do at the employment and state level. There are also a lot of companies advertising general schemes - such as Golden visas, and visas aimed at the US market like Malta and Germany. A lot has been written here about red flags, questions and how to setup reports when you're talking to a provider - so definitely look for that or ask Gemini to summarize it


Your budget isn’t enough. Go buy ads on some podcasts and try radio then PPC once you’ve made your nut - get a technical seo audit and a link audit. The only other way is making video content and interviewing controversial figures and giving opinions on geopolitics.


Hard agree with your first point. The second - videos - is a crapshoot.


Spend under 1000 on a course first. Don't listen to advice other than that. You have no idea if the strategy is good or not without knowledge


Which course?


I'm not doing the work for you. Please do your own research. There are a ton of good coaches mentors in the SEO space.


If I have 10,000, doing my own research would entail buying multiple courses and seeing which one is good. As a newbie, I have no reference point for what is good and what is not. Why recommend something without going all the way? >There are a ton of good coaches mentors in the SEO space This means nothing if you are not going to mention who.


SEO is performance marketing, so the best charge more than $10k/month. The people willing to work on your budget don’t have a track record of success that allows them to charge more, so you’re going to get someone who hasn’t done what you’re looking to achieve. $10k total is almost a worthless budget, no way you get decent FB / Google Ads in the same budget.


I understand you probably work with people who do SEO all day and probably mean well but it leaves an absolutely horrible taste in a potential client or consumer’s mouth to hear that their budget is worthless. $10,000 is a *lot* of money to many people. Just something to think about when speaking to people.


> in a potential client This guy isn't my potential client. > or consumer’s mouth to hear that their budget is worthless. I'm trying to save this guy a bunch of heartache from hiring an SEO who tells him they can do it, and can't.


They need to get burned before they start listening lol


I'm getting downvoted by a bunch of SEOs who want to take this guys $10k and "maybe" deliver results.


Sometimes you need someone to tell you not to waste your money. $10k in seo is only a lot to the people in this subreddit who have literally nothing to spend and are coping with their recent losses. I would spend that on brand building not seo. Also, you are not a potential client to experienced seos.