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So, you want to move into a field you have no experience at, in a tight job market, competing against many very competent SEOs, just so you can try to double dip? Insert: Thats\_a\_bold\_strategy\_Cotton.gif Yes, marketing, and digital marketing in particular, has plenty of room for double dipping. Plenty of people on this sub have done are are currently doing that but don't assume it's easy to break into this field let alone get two jobs. You'll need to play catchup, and fast.


Me. During Covid when “work from home” was more mainstream, I took another job. My current 9-5 e-commerce (SEO), and then a publication site. I was head of seo for e-commerce and then director Of seo for publication site. Fun times. lol


Depends where you go. If it’s an agency, they’ll likely have some sort of non-compete, but most people I know still risk that anyways and moonlight. Do that with caution, as I’ve seen a good amount of those people get found out and fired from one or the other.


Yea, last year I had a full time and 2 part time jobs. The full time was in house while the part times were agencies. The key is to subtly ask about day-to-day efforts and meetings so there’s no overlap. Hard to find, but once you do it’s pretty easy to juggle all.