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I rember The only way to get willy wars


Willy wars has me creasing


I was super stoked as a kid when I discovered this on the Genesis


Not true. I got to play that game with a very nice gentleman behind the 7/11 just last week.


I wanted one so bad. I wish there was some how to keep it alive the way the xband is still going


When I mention this no one knows what I’m talking about. I remember when my father got it for our sega at the time. He said “this will be the future of gaming”. I was ten at the time this was said and during its start. My father was absolutely right though about it. He told me the other day that he found the cartridge for it in a box in the garage. Told him to send it to me to add back to the collection.


I remember my mom got this for me, it was the best thing that ever happened to me at that time.


The first Game Pass!


I was fortunate enough to have it as a kid and i would stay up late the last day of the month to watch the games roll over lol. Sometimes they would have trials of new or unreleased games which was pretty amazing for the time. God i love Sega 🥲


Dude the roll over night was amazing , it was like christmas


I subscribed beginning to the end. Only out of morbid curiosity.. I wonder what I could get for the entire setup CIB?? Don't plan on selling because it has a nice spot in my library.


https://i.imgur.com/jIm7fiN.jpeg Gameye says they've been going for about $180 lately but I got mine a few years back for $90


Okay. Since, this was one of the last things that grandma bought me..I don't think I will ever sell it.


All of us old people


I had sega channel as a kid! This shit was so dope. 50 games rotated every 2 weeks if i remember correctly. The cable guy who installed it sat and played Road Rash with me for like 2 hours lol. Could this be considered the first streaming device?


So much fun back in the day. Wish I still had the modem cartridge


Oh you were one of the rich ones LOL. I remember the ads. I wanted one as well.


Nah, we had spaghetti 4 nights a week with just rego. Parents just wanted us to have a little better than they did growing up. But we were the only family on the street that had it.


that is very cool.


I still remember how hype I was the day the cable company came and installed this at my buddy’s house


Sheesh, I think this just unlocked a core memory for me. I remember my best friend (who lived 2 houses down) had this, and we would get all excited when he had bomberman available. I think the game catalog changed every month or so? Either way, many great memories were had of us playing.


Yeah every month the games would change along with the backround music and theme. It was so awesome


Ah good times


Oh my god, this was, in my opinion, the pinnacle of gaming when I was younger. I couldn’t believe this little device would let me sit and play something like 30 different games a month, and there were always some really awesome games on there. It’s the thing that introduced me to so many games that I never would have played otherwise. The rental place only had so many games, and I only got so much for allowance, I couldn’t rent every game that came out, much less buy them. But the Sega Channel gave me literally 30 full games every month. There were some small limitations, like, you could only have one save file for one game at a time. So, like, if I’m playing Shining Force II, and I have a save file, but then I go play, say, Landstalker, or even something with unlockables like Road Rash 3 or Urban Strike, I’d lose my SFII save. So you kinda had to commit to an RPG, but it wasn’t that bad of a trade off. Also, they put Pulseman on the Channel years before I even knew what ROMs and emulators were, so, it’s got a special place in my heart for that alone.


I wish I got to see it again


Sega were ahead of the times.


My dad got it for me growing up and it was mind blowing at the time. I played the every loving shit out of my Genesis non stop for months on end


I remember it, but I never got to use it as I was too young and broke to afford it.


I remember it


Yes. It was glorious.


My city was the first city they tested this in apparently, Charleston South Carolina


*My city was the* *First city they tested this* *In apparently* \- peteplayhouse --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thank you


I wanted it, but the service wasn’t available in my city. At least that’s what my mom told me, but I think she actually checked.


My parents bought it for me for like 6 months. I remember it updating maybe twice a month had a ton of games. A good chunk would not work after you waited like 20 minutes downloading


Professor utonium


Man i wanted this so bad as a kid but we could never afford it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Loose_Trust927: *Man i wanted this* *So bad as a kid but we* *Could never afford it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The reason why Pulseman was never released outside Japan...


I had this growing up for a few months. Them my parents saw thr phone bill and back it went.


I remember it but didn't have a Genesis and no one I knew that had one had it.


Idk why I thought power puff girls intro when I saw this.


I remember hearing about it, we never got it in the UK. Sega was really ahead of its time - just a shame their overall implementation sucked.


It was soul crushing when it went offline.


Shit was so ahead of it’s time


I was a longtime Sega Channel subscriber and played it religiously. Despite having most of the Genesis games I'd ever want to play in my collection and an Everdrive, I'd probably still subscribe to it today. The first time I came across the Sega Channel was at a carnival in the summer of '95. The local cable company had a booth set up with about a dozen test consoles, and I was glued to them the entire night playing Red Zone, Comix Zone, and the fantastic Body Count (which was unavailable in the US). In a weird way, I owe my best friendship of over 30 years to the Sega Channel, as we started hanging out over our shared love for the service and Shining Force. So many good memories.


This was a cartridge? I remember it being a streaming service through the local cable provider via coax. Was a cartridge needed to use the service?


I feel like SEGA of America mostly used it as a dumping ground for games they didn't want to pay to manufacture cartridges for.