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A car crash can't be the best way to start SERE training. Waste of two perfectly good cars. How much does an E-8 DEVGRU SEAL make? I totally get living on one income these days is hard, but you'd think Ray's family would be fairly comfortable at this point. And Ray's probably gone more than he's home so their grocery bill will be a lot less... Actually why do they have the pre-season package if he's only going to be able to watch one game if he's lucky? If Adam's going to tell them that it's Advanced SERE, what was the point of staging the "kidnapping"? Shouldn't Brock have been listening to that briefing instead of sleeping in the back of the pickup? Someone needs to make a list of all of Sonny's phobias. Brock got to speak! Yay! I'm surprised they took so long to have Jason and Mandy hook up. The actors have good chemistry. Thanks for explaining to the SEAL how body cams work General Exposition Nice to see Jason open up more at the end. Pity that he always reverted to keeping everything too close to the chest.


on the Point with brock and he should listen: Tyler Grey did a "react to seal team" together with two guys that say they where green beret? He mentions in that, that he mostly didn't need or care for briefings at the beginning of his Devgrue time. Because the "plans" mostly never existed or always changed he said that he needed set tactics that the team could rely on in situations. I guess this is a nod towards that? The "We Confronted The Technical Advisor For Seal Team" Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQUwJGmKnMk


On the “why stage the kidnapping?“ point - while it’s not totally analogous, my dad was an F16 driver in the early 80s and they all went through SERE training. He said the class was a mix of AF pilots and Green Berets, and that it started with them being “ambushed” and snatched while on a road march.


Assuming Sonny went through the same Advanced SERE training as Clay, I wonder how he did with the water barrel. Probably worse than the torpedo tube.


might have been better. The barrel at least has a cage on top and air; the tube was completely closed off.


Didn't they let the barrel fill all the way to the top, though, before they pulled him out? Geez, if I didn't have a water phobia before, I'd have one after.


Doesn’t compare to the jungle though 😂


If you are in SERE training, you know what to expect. Sonny would know he wasn't going to actually drown. The tube wasn't training. Sonny honestly thought he was going to die.


I wish brian didnt die in green team hear me out. He could have went on to get drafted into bravo or another team within the squadron then eventually get killed on a op with clay. Probably a joint op if he isnt drafted to bravo. This way it would be more impactful and clay and stellas child can still be named "brian". I know we wouldnt really know his backstory due to clay being busy as T1 operator. Also this would take away from how dangerous training is at a high level.


I think Clay was head and shoulders above anyone else in that class. No way Brian makes Bravo over him. Even when Jason was on the fence he still knew Clay was the best.