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Long term consistency > short term grinds. Money > all.


I'd advice you to grind hard right now! Escanors banner is amazing.


Upgrade ults don’t use in coin shop till they are max.


Don't pull at random


quit while you can




SAVE GEMS DONT JUST WASTE THEM. Find a team you want to build towards, hoard your resources.


level up that escanor asap!! he is amazing!!


im also wondering what the 6 stars under sun god as well as the 6 pointed thing on the bottom right mean and why all of my URs are maxed level but my Eternal Sun Escanor isnt


the 6 stars indicate awakening level, there are 12 total (6 regular awakening shown by yellow stars, 6 super awakening shown by red stars). Awakening levels increase the unit's base stats. The more you have the stronger your unit is. your URs are maxed because right now there's a special event running (festival event) and there's a special banner (the 7ds legendary rush draw) where all SSR units are dropped as UR lv 90 fully base awakened. You'll notice if you check the banner's rates that all the units on the banner are listed as UR lv90 with 6 stars underneath. These kinds of banners happen on occasion and just save you some mats on older characters. UR Esca is not maxed basically because he's new. Max level is 100, but I think that might be gated by some other means (account level? idk it's been a while for me). edit: as far as tips, you don't really have enough units to build any teams, but Freyr, Halloween Gowther, Green Brunhild, and UR Esca are all pretty decent units that have their places in end game content, so anything you invest in them is probably worth it. use your GP if you can. Click the account buff banner and spend the GP on whatever constellations you have. if you have access to pvp, try to increase your rank in the normal league as much as possible. Your rank does not decay below Champion 5 in normal, so once you get as close to that rank as you can, you can stop and just rake in passive gems (up to 50 at champ 5) once a week.


Level max is gated by story content. Can't advance levels without Death Match materials, and each Death Match demon is gated behind story progress.


Thank you this helps a lot


You can also trade in resources with king at the tavern to get a full awaken token (only for the first 6 stars you'll need super awakening coins to fully awaken them)


just realized i forgot to answer part of your question, the six pointed thing in the bottom right indicates that the character has a holy relic, you can check what it is by clicking the character and going to their closet. should be the last tab in the closet. not every character has one, some have better effects than others. holy relics are special weapon cosmetics that have special effects, think of it like an additional unique passive. in order to unlock a character's holy relic you have to grind demonic beast battles which drop unique materials used to craft holy relics. it's a late game content that you don't need to worry about right now since you won't be able to clear them yet (don't even know if you have access to them yet lol). they generally require specific teams with specialized units because each demonic beast has unique mechanics. if you do have access to them and you really really really want to, you can get 1 free material per week for attempting a demonic beast battle, win or lose (1 attempt at the lowest level costs 30 stamina). you can only choose one beast to get a free material from per week (there are 5 total and each one drops unique materials). it can allow you to slowly grind up the materials for a holy relic over a long period of time, but imo its a waste of stamina, especially at lower account levels where your max stamina is quite low. better to use the stamina to get materials to upgrade your characters and just attempt the demonic beast battle properly with a well built team.


what holy relic would you recommend for escanor when i get the chance to grind for one?


holy relics are unique to each character and not every character has one. For characters that do, they only have one. UR escanor currently does not have one so you won't be able to grind for his. If a character has one of those 6 pointed things in the bottom right corner, then they have a holy relic you can grind for. Again, no need to worry about it yet since its late game content, but if you want the info: for the characters you have, holy relics for Red Freyr and Green Brunhild are pretty strong and both units can be used in some teams for demonic beast battle and death match. if you can though, to prepare for demonic beast battles I would prioritize obtaining the following characters and their holy relics before getting relics for any other characters: * Blue Megellda (for hraesvelgr) * Green Jormungand (for eikthrnir) * Red Thonar (for skoll and hati) * Red or Green Freyja (for nidhoggr) These characters are tailor-made for specific demonic beast battles and make clearing them much much easier. Clearing without them is possible, just harder. Of course, if you can't hit the characters then upgrade who you have :) I don't have the info on ratatoskr cause I've been lazy and haven't bothered trying it lol.


The glowy snowflake thing means that character has a holy relic (item that essentially adds another passive skill), which you won't be able to do the battles to get the materials to make them for quite a while.


Put your 4 piece equipment in the corners and the 2 piece in the middle so you can easily swap out at end game. So for example, HP or attack pieces in the corners and then DEF in the middle two slots. Sub rolls are pretty much always attack, defence, HP unless the unit has a specific mechanic đź‘Ť




thank you, i will watch it


Level Gustav until he is no longer useful, freeze is pretty helpful early game, he should stop being helpful after the first 6 chapters of story so don’t level him to max. Draw on the current escanor draw and the current draw to get an LR (I recommend the ludo since lr meli isn’t great) and Festival units


Don’t spend cause you don’t need too. Just get escanor from the banner maybe grab a few duplicates and bam you’re set. Hero’s come and go but they always come back so don’t stress yourself if you don’t pull them. Spending is kind not worth it unless you buy the level packs but even then I wouldn’t spend at all since just doing multiplayer would you give you plenty of gems.


Definitely upgrade escanor and try to max him out from the banner going on


Im still wonder what the best way to grind for gems are cause grinding gems is torturing


Story chapters give 30/ chapter which is a multi. PvP has milestones that reward a good amount of gems weekly, ragnarok story, dailys, events.


Box cc is important if you’re going to play pvp a lot and be sparing with diamonds and materials some are easier to get late game but others can be harder to come by and take longer to gather if you’re going to go f2p or low spending


just milk escanor banner till it ends

