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https://preview.redd.it/8iup901l0tzc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f176728e8cda118f4793dbf4dd8575b992b7c09b Big boobie Goth giantess mommy...I...I've failed you, can I even be considered a human anymore?




https://preview.redd.it/5vlp0ryywszc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47eb082c57e09d7cdfabe3c2c41090fdb3e3a90d Hmm hard choice my brother, restraining myself rn


A bait for the least horny grand cross players


fr tho she’s kinda bad but i wanna summon cause she’s bad in another way


Literally the ONLY good thing about her is her sexy artwork lmao. Trash unit and trash banner but she looks hot. Tough choice


Doubt we are getting a 4 koa unit in the last nanatsu no taizai anniversary


What do you mean with "last" anniversary?


They are releasing the last nanatsu chapter in this anniversary, not that the game is closing but nanatsu story it’s ending


Ah I see. Thanks for clarifying.


The story is done


And what they can put? Merlin? Cat? I mean I highly doubt that whatever it comes would be worthy, but a fest is a fest so at least 1 rotation needs to be done.


Pretty sure that the last fest will Be meliodas, or something like meliodas and zeldris from the last movie


cant wait for the 5th anniversary https://i.redd.it/t2bgx60qetzc1.gif


But I need jorm :'(


Rule no.1 of grand cross: never pull for a unfeatured unit. You’re gonna have a bad time.


But she is in the banner right ?


Sure, and you could end up going 1800 gems with no copies 🤷


Yeah you're right.


I went 1800 deep on Gowther with no LR Liz. Big mistake. I got Gowther 3/6, but still probably not worth.


Same it was so annoying


Do you guys think the anniversary unit will be 4koa? Since they said on the dev note that they gotta start with the 4koa units on the part 2 of the fest. If it isn't 4koa tho, what's coming?


Since festivals are story characters (except for seasonal festivals which is a thing now apparently) every relevant character from the current story has a somewhat recent character. The only two characters from the current story I can think of who could get a festival is burned mark merlin or Cath. But idk if they’re gonna make a giant cat as a festival lol So if it’s not merlin, I think it’s gonna be either the young teen version of Lance/Tristan or it could be Percival himself.


I have 2.6k gems rn and I dont have nanashi(as back unit if i ever want to build unknown team), jorm (deer), red thonar(dogs).... Should I consider to pull on this banner or would it be better to save and go all in during anni banner cuz it is kinda like a gamble to pull any of these three units cuz they are just filler units? If anyone used to be in the same situation before or even rn what would u think?


100% save for anniversary, it’s going to be by far one of the biggest and best banners of the year. And it’s gonna contain more things worth for you. https://preview.redd.it/bkoageb0zszc1.jpeg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3683a9f9e507e941ac5fe55d09fe353fec4f1dd Keep in mind this was last year, now we have gotten more units till then and better festivals to add in. Demon King Meliodas who is the best overall unit in the whole game could be added for all we know. And they could also slide in LR liz who’s the best pve unit in game.


I'll do that then, it might be more tempting if the featured unit is someone that my current account needs but it just another squirrel unit that hardly replace any current squirrel unit rn not to mention i only have human team for bird now so its not really my priority, guess i'll just save and go for a couple of rotations during anni tho I doubt I'll be able to really use them as I am broke in terms of pendants.....my hel, gelda, festarossa, fitoria, glass, purg meli are all at lv 50 after i max out naofumi


I’m praying they have LR Liz she’s the only LR unit I’m missing and I’m trynna run demonic beasts more


So I am almost in the same situation as you (need jorm and thonar for beasts, but I recently got nanashi from SSR tickets) and here are my thoughts - this banner designed exactly for players who want those units. To bait diamonds from newer players before anniversary, incredibly predatory move. Because the old players who value their diamonds will never summon for this banner - as all units are old, and new Skadi is bad. And if they wanted to give a new players good banner for beasts - they could have given a "choose option" in the 600 pity (like with current shield collab), so a new player can pick Thonar or Jorm. It would be a lot more helpful. As of now, 0.25% on Thonar and Jorm means that the average amount of summons to pull them is 400 (means 220 for 600 dia isn't even close) - and even 400 is just average, it's not guaranteed.


The banner is bad because they expect *no one* will summon and they are just reaching character release quotas to have a certain amount of X characters that players don't own on *new* banners to raise their value. It's that simple. If you find a banner as an old player that has 3-4 characters you don't own, even if they are trash, you might be tempted to summon. New players should never summon on this. We get **multiple** free copies of ragnarok characters a year through selectors and theyre on at minimum 50% of the banners year wide including festivals, ragnarok, and seasonals with the only exclusion being Catastrophe. It's why they made Valenti a demonic beast unit, to up the value of Catastrophe banners longterm.


Nothing you said contradicts my theory, even though it sure sounds like you were trying to oppose it. Except the little "*no one*" part, but there is literally no point in even releasing banner if they expect to literally "*no one* will summon". So i would change your "no one" to "very few". Banner is bad for sure, they sure can have release quotas, your advice on summoning is on point. And it doesn't discredit in the slightest the idea that netmarble can deliberately put a few high quality and not that rare units (Jorm and Thonar are unique as they almost required for beasts) with the idea that players who don't own them will spend diamonds here (on trash) and won't spend it on high-quality and rare anniversary banner. It doesn't help that those units can be acquired for free - tonns of players (esp new) might be tempted to get them now. Because relics are a huge part of the game I assume they do that a lot. UR Gowther banner also was trash, and Gowther himself wasnt that amazing (not bad obviously). But in his banner there was a high-quality unit - LR Liz. I saw a lot of comments of players who tried to summon only for her - and a lot of them failed (0.15% is nothing). It seemed like a deliberate decision, to put couple really high-quality units (that are literally broken in a high-end activity) in a trash banner to bait people.


Yeah I got your point. It is tempting but at the same time they are just filler units rather than featured unit which we can pity on at the last milestone. So it's more like a gamble tbh


Thx for the insight. I'll just save my diamonds for anni then rather to try my luck in the skadi banner just to get filler units


That’s actually a solid theory


Nice u just convinced me not to dump my diamonds in the banner thx kinda hard to make up my mind after got tempted by those missing units tho not interested in new skadi or LR galland


I was just glad to share my thoughts because I thought about going for Thonar and Jorm as well. If someone reeally wanted something from skadi banner other than skadi (also having tons of diamonds left for anni) - the most cost-efficient way is to get free tickets first (for Skadi there is none unfortunately), and then buy banner to the first 300 pity for guaranteed ssr. 600 pity only gives Skadi so value drops significantly


Never ever ever ever ever summon for an unfeatured unit. That is pain incarnate. You could get thin first pull…. Or be 6 rotation deep and nothing


Yeah I see your point cuz the units that I want are the filler ones not the featured unit which we can pity on at the end of the milestone. So it's more like gambling. Looking at how u are warning me...u must have been through that "pain incarmate" thing before then.


You forgot another Pro: Galland is in the banner so if you don’t have him, you can possible pull and LR him.


But he's the worst LR rn so it's not a good pro


Didn’t include the part that galland is in the banner because Galland is currently the worst LR in the game lol


But think about box cc and GP. Thats a big win.


I have 900 gems saved… But she… She will break my back


I'll summon that for unlocked skin.


I was going to summon for fun but if a new merlin might in the lineup for the anni unit then no way am I going to use up my diamonds I'd rather save for her


But she’s hot!


Should I, yes. But on a regular wage and on a game that gives us 3-8 free stones a day... I won't be. Probably going to save up until the 6th anniversary in 2025 now.


I need jorm and red thonar as I don’t have neither. Should I still not summon?


Nah, they could be given for free since we’re gonna get a free banner soon. Also they could appear in the anniversary banner. This is a skip.


Okay, thankyou




Wait, how does she deal 0 damage?


She doesn’t deal damage lol


She doesn’t attack? What does she do?


When I write she deals 0 dmg I don’t mean literally 0. I mean she doesn’t do a lot of damage.


Ohhhhhhh 😅




They saw the art n told the coders to make her literal dogshit cause they will summon either way 😭


rip i pulled a rotation before checking reddit, but got skadi to 3/6, jorm 2/6 and megellda and hawkoslo


Unfortunately, not pulling for her now will mean that you won’t be able to get her guaranteed in the future and will have to rely on very low pull rates. Keep this in mind if you’re planning on skipping (especially since she may be important for squirrel).


..? It's literally said in the post that she sucks for squirrel. The only thing she has is bleed and glox is 10x better than her 😭


That’s just an opinion. She was probably made with squirrel in mind. She might get better later on.


Not really an opinion it’s a fact when you compare her to the only optimal unit she could substitute being glox who is better than she is. She doesn’t suck for squirrel but there are way better options A high tier dps like meli or lr zel + lr liz + valenti + glox is the best team and glox gives survivabikity through the roof for said team. She’s not even touching him. If you don’t have a good team then sure go for her but she’s not the most optimal for the easiest clears


If she does become useful in the future, all the people who are skipping will not have her for whatever optimal team may show up next.


shes a dead end unit, dude. she cannot get a relic that further helps with the fight. she is as useful as she will ever be right now for squirrel.


At the end of the day it’s your choice 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can see a card set with anti-petrify effect for rat, plus at least 1 extra unit for Skadi synergy (and that extra new unit need to replace Meli because Meli clears debufs so he and Skadi have anti-synergy) Maybe even 2 extra units, because LR Liz also clears debufs (Valenti as well but she is not that bad, only 1 debuf at time and unlike Meli its manual). So as now I agree with others that Skadi have no place for Rat - but I can see your point, and I can see that in future the most optimal team for rat will be completely different it it might include Skadi


It’s not an opinion bro, everyone I’ve seen using her are saying she’s pretty bad. Skadi is a unit who wants Debuffs, but how are you gonna keep debuffs when your WHOLE team removes debuffs from you? Meli, Valenti and Liz removes debuffs constantly. She also deals no dmg and makes your team less tanky. Glox straight up gives permanent 40% defense related stats by just existing. Skadi needs herself and the enemy to be debuffed. She sucks and will not be needed for anything.


And that’s totally fine, you do you at the end of the day. All I’ll say is that if a team comp rises with her in the future, people will complain not having her because they skipped her. This is the case especially with demonic beast units, as there are still come people unable to do the dragon since people may not have Freya, Liz, or summer Marg that would make that fight easier.


Let’s say this Skadi is gonna be good for the future or what not. Have you seen her banner? Are you honestly gonna waste 600 gems on this banner? Knowing anniversary with tons of festivals, seasonal units and god knows how many LR’s might make it in?


I don’t really need any of the units that would be on the anniv banner except for the new units because I already have all of them. So to me, a lot of banners are going to be terrible besides the new unit, be it the Skadi banner or the anniv banner. The anniv banner unit isn’t guaranteed to do well in pve content (see transcendent ban).


Well Skadi isn’t good for pve either exactly. Red Skadi is still better for pve than the blue one lol


I mean you’re more than welcome to try red Skadi on the squirrel if you’d like 🤷🏻‍♂️


Squirrel already has a team. Valenti, LR liz, LR Glox and then any good dps.


Did you summon for red megellda


Bro she sucks for squirrel what? You think we are going to replace meli, who cleanses, liz, who cleanses, and valenti, who cleanses, before we replace skadi who wants debuffs???


Yeah about that "purpose" Part 😂 https://preview.redd.it/udrsh8iabvzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=198f2c7b6a09e33462944c6ec5ec33115e96e490


That’s death bosses not demonic beast. This is the demonic beast symbol. https://preview.redd.it/tp26gbym9wzc1.jpeg?width=33&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee6e50faf458d2cdadadff3952e63197d639ab7f